
UFO Sighting of four glowing orbs with Nightvision in Murrysville, PA Nov 1, 2010, see video.

Date of sighting: November 1, 2010
Location of sighting: Murrysville, Pennsylvania, USA

Bright Gold/Yellow/Orange glowing Orbs/spheres that sometimes look like they're going to EXPLODE & hover for long periods of time or fly around like they don't have anywhere to go...

Earlier I searched all around at the usual higher observation spots around Murrysville--nothing seen. Decided to try the high farm field before turning in (haven't been there for a long time). Only there about 10 minutes when I spotted them through the trees over one of the same areas shown in my September 21, 2010 video with map. They're over heavily-wooded area by Duff Park in Murrysville or ridge line in between me & park--hard to tell distance sometimes since they can change their size.

What is the attraction with that area, I don't know.
Maybe the old coal strip mines, old farm, some ponds, natural gas wells & pipelines, heavy woods & animals nearby, like horses and sheep... Also high radon gas in area--maybe they like it?
Why they stopped coming here so frequently after being here loads of times over-and-over again, I don't know either.

It's VERY hard to capture in color the intense bright explosion-type light effects given off these things -- night vision equipment shows it the best.
To see it in person is most convincing--I assure you.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ***

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