
VIDEO: Mass UFO Sighting of 7-8 Glowing Orbs at Los Angeles, California Dec 6, 2010.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2010 20:44:00

Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

I was watching the live cam that was looking in opposite direction from LAX airport and I noticed these hovering glowing orbs over a freeway in LA. The first time I saw the cam it looked like a row of glowing orbs on a long wing, much like the famous Phoenix Lights UFO back in Arizona in 1996 which was seen by thousands of people.

After seeing this unusual craft, I scwbooks got onto Twitter and posted the info so others could confirm my sighting live. Several others did saying that they saw the UFOs on the live cam. I also posted it on Facebook while it was happening. I did this because confirmation of a sighting is most important. I also immediacy emailed UFO-Blogger.com for confirmation.

This is happing right over a LA freeway!! Now I don’t know if drivers could see this because this is a night cam, which can see beyond the spectrum of the human eye, but I sure hope someone else out there is recording it besides me!

I reported on a similar UFO sighting last month on the same cam and this is the exact same craft as before, but this time it is much closer that last time. Whatever it is, it is amazing.

Please check out this cam from time to time, since this is the second sighting of this UFO, but just in a slightly different and closer location this time.


Written by and sighting by Scott C. Waring, UFO researcher.

Dec 6, 2010 Mass UFO sighting over LA by SCW.

UFO OVER LAX Airport on Nov 12-13, 2010 by Scott C. Waring.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯