
Seattle Tunnel Drill Is Being Blocked By A Massive Object That Some Call An Ancient Object, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 16-17, 2013
Location of discovery: Seattle, Washington, USA

Big Birtha...Seattles newest tunnel digger has hit a something so hard it could destroy an 80 million dollar piece of machinery. Some believe it may be something buried long ago by some ancient civilisation that we knew nothing about. 

Its also possible that this massive drill accidentally hid the side walls of one of the many alien bases on this planet. Impossible? Phil Schneider who use to work for the US military at making underground bases 3-4 miles below the surface has actually seen this happened first hand and it turned out very bad for all. Phil is not a lier and I would bet my life on this man...even dedicated a book to him I wrote, Dragons of Asgard. He is a good guy that you can trust him. SCW


  1. Well Bertha, meet Bobby and he's bigger than you.

  2. I can not tell you what the crop circles me but it is in this


  3. If I tell you what the crop circles say they will kill me, so read it for yourself;

  4. Phil is dead. big conspiracy on it. His body was found with piano wire wrapped around his neck, and they are calling it a suicide. But Phil was diagnosed with cancer during this so called "underground alien fire fight" which he was the only survivor of, and didnt have long to live any. So he went on tour about the Disclosure Project and saying that he was apart of multiple government base projects. I cant remember where his body was found, either in a hotel room, or at his home of residence, but it is strange that he would put himself out there like he had just to end it himself, with a piano wire above anything else. Shady stuff.

  5. I go through this site and I feel very conflicted. A part of me feels like everything I've come to know about the world is a lie. The other way I feel is that this is all just crazy propaganda to cover up a darker, man made secret.

    However I decided to search what was blocking Bertha and the result also made me feel two different ways.


  6. It wasn't piano wire, it was cathader tubing, but yeah, it was Very suspicious. Initially they said he died of a stroke, until his wife, who knew what he did/what happened in Dulce, insisted on an autopsy. That was when the tubing was found wrapped around Phil's neck and so cause of death was then changed to "suicide".......by self strangulation.....with cathader tubing. I don't know about that.

  7. It wasn't piano wire, it was cathader tubing. But yeah it was Very suspicious. The original cause of death was listed as a stroke until his wife insisted on an autopsy. That's when cathader tubing was found wrapped around Phil's neck and the cause of death was changed to suicide by self strangulation.....with cathader tubing. I mean, come on right.


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