
UFO Over Hollis, Oklahoma For Over An Hour! Nov 9, 2014, Three Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 9, 2014
Location of sighting: Hollis, Oklahoma, USA

I don't know how, but this sightings got past me and its stupendous. This is a UFO moving slowly while its creating its own cloud cover. They eyewitness in Hollis had time to empty his video, then refill his camera. This was up there a long time! And remember the 1957 UFO sighting at Fort Belvoir? The US soldier took still shots of a UFO ring drone before, during and after it was making its cloud cloak. Just like this UFO in Hollis. SCW

Eyewitness states:
I saw this bright object with a comet like tail N.. of Hollis, OK at 8:30am today and filmed it off and on for the next 1 1/2 hours as it moved slowly East.

Eyewitness states:
Video #2. I keep running out of room on my media card and having to go erase other videos to make room. It must have a cold center to make so much vapour.

Eyewitness states:
In this third video the object takes the shape of a half moon as it moves Eastward with the tail streaming away from it to the South. It must be very cold to leave such a vapor trail.

Eyewitness states: 
Almost an hour from first sighting, the object seems larger and has lost its tail as it moves into a more East-Southeasterly direction from Hollis, OK.