
Two UFOs Over Mexican Pyramid Of The Sun, May 4, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Teotihucan, Mexico
Source: MUFON.com
Report #: 67065

This came to my attention when Youtube user Paranormal Crucible made the video below. I tried to make some close ups to get better detail. The larger UFO has a round window visible. In the second photo saw that the same object was very far away in the upper right corner. The eyewitness didn't see it, but it is there. I love the detail on the larger UFO. Gives us some idea about alien designs. SCW

Eyewitness states:
On a trip to Teotihucan in Mexico, I toke a photo of the pyramid of the sun. Later when I was reviewing my photo, I saw two objects above the pyramid. I didn't see or hear them at the time. My friend toke an almost identical photo approximately 10 seconds after I did and nothing is in her photo. 

The first photo I've submitted is mine. The second is my friends photo taken approximately 10 seconds after. In her photo you can see my head in the lower left corner because I was wearing a red and white bandana on my head. Also you can see tourist moving up the steps of the pyramid to show how much time passed between photos.


  1. they're looking to land as these were once landing platforms built by our ancestors for the purpose of the gods arriving and leaving for the heavens?

  2. Hey I took pictures I would like to share with you of an object that looks like a jet with no wings I seen it yesterday

    1. Cool, put it on my wall on Facebook at "Scott C. Waring." or UFO Sightings Daily so I can check it out.

  3. Very coool capture...might be Man made...but still a unique and rare shot indeed...!!!

  4. I don't have face book so I posted them on my Google plus account, let me know what your opinion is.


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