
Mysterious UFO Lights Caught On Camera Over Mountain in Tucson, Arizona On July 2015, -video- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Catalina Mountains, Tucson, Arizona, USA
News Source: http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/594055/Alien-visit-Lights-caught-night-cam-over-mountains-can-t-explain-UFO-expert

This is a great sighting and I'm so glad he got so much footage of it. The glowing UFOs were probably coming and going from the nearby mountain range. Its a hard to get place and good location for an underground base. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states: 
STRANGE images of "odd lights" in the skies above a remote mountain range have left experts stumped - after they appeared hundreds of miles away from any human activity. Two men using night-vision cameras captured the bizarre sight at the base of the Catalina Mountains in Tucson, Arizona, in the US this month. Amid claims they reveal a UFO and an alien visitation, the duo's images are now being looked at by paranormal researchers. Tom Sanger and Gene Coleman were using separate pieces of camera equipment when they took the unexplained footage. They described their sighting to researcher Alejandro Rojas, editor of Open Minds magazine and former spokesman of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Mr Rojas explained how Mr Coleman's video showed "one giant light", because the strange illuminations were "too intense" for his camera to separate. Nr Coleman had a Pulsar black and white night-vision camera while Mr Sanger was using Luna Optics colour night vision camera, which is capable of capturing footage at up to 20X magnification - but at that range focus can be lost. Mr Rojas added of Mr Sanger's footage: "Due to 'tinkering' with his camera, sometimes the lights seemed to be one big light, but he says they were actually three lights, as can be seen in most of the video." He said Mr Coleman's video showed "one giant light", because the illuminations were "too intense" for his camera to separate. He added: "But the men say there were three lights. Mr Sanger, who said they were filming at the Sabino Canyon car park at around 8.50pm when the lights appeared and hovered statically, also described a second event that involved "five white lights in a row with various flashes and lights showing up here and there". He added that they heard no sound and that the lights appeared above radio towers. The pair returned during daylight to investigate if any static lights could have been responsible, while they also looked at a map to estimate the probable direction of the lights.