Date of sighting: Sept 26, 2015
Location of sighting: Panama City beach, Florida, USA
This looks very similar to the two red UFOs seen over Vero Beach that I reported on Sept 26, 2015. I will put that video below for you to compare. It looks like there is an underwater base around the Florida coast line. Although the beaches are far apart, there are a lot of similarities.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
UFO PANAMA CITY BEACH 9/26/2015. I would love to have this analysed because this was truly the weirdest thing l ever encountered. It was a very cloudy night. No stars. No noise. Towards the end it started disappearing and reappearing. What l can't see on this video, is when it really disappeared, purple light beamed from the clouds above it. I have still pics of it that l took before filming. The light emitted from it changed colors and was brighter than a regular light. The light resembled lasers or neon, however it was so bright, it seemed unreal. It was less than a mile away...l was on the 17th floor of an ocean front condo balcony. You can hear the people on the beach reacting to it...Let me know what you think. I have not believed in in aliens.