
Face and Support Beam On Earths Moon In Chang'e Rover Photo, Feb 5, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 5, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/data/change3/pcam/png/PCAML-C-016_SCI_N_20140113191616_0008_A_2C.png

e is an intriguing photo from Chang'e rover. There is a face near two other objects. The face is long and standing upright against a rock. Near it is a long rectangular support beam, that appears as if it supported a roof long ago. To the left of this face is another face on a triangular carved rock. Now the question is, how did these faces get on the moon if there is no atmosphere? They are sitting upright with forehead up and chin pointing down, so...this is another mystery. 
Scott C. Waring