Date of sighting: May 28, 2016
Hey guys, I was checking out the newest Curiosity rover photos on the NASA site and found four of them with the shadow of an astronaut in space suit that appears to be fixing the rover.
This is not the first time an astronaut has been seen in a Curiosity rover photo, but actually the second. A few years ago a reader found a shadow of an astronaut, and on Twitter NASA refused to respond to the many inquires about it.
The photo was seen for over 45 minutes as it was fixing the rover. This just goes to show the public that the rover is being maintained by humans on Mars and that there are other spacecraft kept secret from the public that can carry a peers to Mars in just a few minutes.
Oh, and I got a Taiwanese friend who works at NASA right now. He said a few years ago that he saw a blue/green wheel space craft that hovers like a wheel turning and can carry an astronaut at about 1/20th the speed of light. Thats fast. That would get you to the moon in about 30 seconds.
Scott C. Waring
NASA source 1:
NASA source 2:
NASA source 3:
NASA source 4:
Photo 1 Time: 05:29:44 UTC Front HazCam Right B Camera
Photo 2 Time: 05:29: 44 UTC Front HazCam Left B Camera
Photo 3 Time: 06:17:39 UTC Front HazCam Right B
Photo 4 Time: 06:17:39 UTC Front Hazcam Left B
Human Shadow Seen On Mars In Rover Photo, NASA Source! Jan 2015, UFO Sighting News.
1st Photo
2nd Photo
3rd Photo
4th Photo