Location of sighting: unknown
This giant set of guns was heading down the street causing quite a ruckus for the onlookers behind the big rig truck. May people screamed the photos were fake, but it really was real.
It really does look like some kind of DARPA or other back ops company made weapon, but fortunately the person had some viewers that got to the bottom of it this week and found that the weapons are actually from a Hollywood movie set.
Its actually a pod from Transformers Age of Extinction (2014) directed by Michael Bay. Very awesome and I will place a video down below that had it in the first 3 seconds of it.
Can you imagine taking your kids to school in the morning behind this massive gun turret and trying to explain to your kid what it is? Yeah, between the laughing and the OMGs, that would be a kick.
Scott C. Waring
Below is the original video from 2014.
Below is the Transformers scene it came from.