
Hollow Sun Theory, How Aliens Have Been Using The Interior Of Our Sun, Oct 2018, UFO Sighting News.

The Hollow Sun Theory. This is a theory that I created back in 2009 when I noticed UFOs going in and out of Earths sun in SOHO/NASA sun photos. The theory is also based upon a world famous alien encounter that lasted three decades in Rocca Pia, Italy, which gave me the idea of how aliens can and do use the interior of suns. The theory states that aliens send a large craft into the suns center. This device does not need to be huge, however the energy it uses is unknown, but can last forever. This device uses beams of focused power that shoot out in all directions at once...pushing. Imagine a tractor beam reversed. This actually is done fast with land and dirt for making underground bases so large that they have their own weather systems. Well aliens use this device for any place they want to create a city. Underwater, underground, under the surface of a burning star. When aliens decide to leave forever, all they have to do is push a button and the entire hollow area will close back in. Its that easy...for them and their tech...which is millions and sometimes billions of years ahead of our own. I learned all this was 100% possible from evidence I gathered researching the Rocca Pia, Italy Friendship case. You see, the aliens told witnesses that the base below Rocca Pia was 300x300km long and 150km high. So huge it sometimes rained inside. So creating a base or closing it up was a simple task for them. Just something to think about next time a UFO is reported near our sun in NASA/SOHO photos or when dark spots (exits) are reported in the news. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan