
Two Faces On Moon, Male And Female Making One Face, Proof Of Intelligent Life, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2020
Location of discovery: Earths moon

This face sculpture actually is artistic, it has two faces side by side, one larger male (left side) and one smaller female (right side). Two halves of each person to show that together, they complete one another. Both artistic and poetic. 

I believe it will be very hard for most people to see the two faces, but they should be able to see the larger male side of the face. If you tilt the photo to the right 90 degrees, it makes it much easier to see both faces. 

Scott C. Waring

Two Faces on the Moon: Male and Female Making One Face - Proof of Intelligent Life

In May 2020, UFO researcher Scott C. Waring made a remarkable discovery on the surface of the Moon. Analyzing a NASA photo (A17 Geophone Rock), Waring identified what appears to be an artistic sculpture featuring two faces side by side – a larger male face on the left and a smaller female face on the right. Together, these faces merge to form a single, unified visage, symbolizing the idea that two halves complete one another. This discovery, if verified, could have profound implications for our understanding of extraterrestrial life and the history of intelligent beings beyond Earth.

The Discovery

The intriguing face sculpture was found in a NASA photo from the Apollo 17 mission, which captured various geological features of the Moon’s surface. The specific image, known as the A17 Geophone Rock, showcases a rock formation that, upon closer examination, reveals two distinct faces.

  1. Details of the Faces:

    • Larger Male Face: The left side of the rock formation features a larger face with well-defined masculine features. This side is easier to discern and provides the initial visual cue that draws the observer’s attention.
    • Smaller Female Face: The right side of the formation reveals a smaller, more delicate face with feminine characteristics. When the photo is tilted 90 degrees to the right, this face becomes more apparent, merging with the male face to create a complete image.
  2. Artistic and Poetic Symbolism: The merging of the two faces into one symbolizes unity and completeness, a theme that resonates deeply with human culture and art. This poetic representation suggests that whoever created this sculpture had a sophisticated understanding of symbolism and aesthetics.

  3. Geological Considerations: While natural erosion and geological processes can create interesting shapes, the symmetry and detail of the faces suggest intentional design rather than random formation. This raises the possibility that intelligent beings with artistic sensibilities once inhabited or visited the Moon.

Analyzing the NASA Photo

  1. Image Enhancement: To fully appreciate the faces, the image needs to be enhanced by adjusting the brightness and contrast. This process brings out the details of the rock formation, making the facial features more pronounced.

  2. Viewing Angles: Tilting the photo 90 degrees to the right is crucial for observing the smaller female face. This angle provides a new perspective that reveals the intricacies of the sculpture, emphasizing the connection between the two faces.

  3. Geological Context: Understanding the geological context of the rock formation helps differentiate between natural formations and potential artificial structures. The location and composition of the rock suggest it is part of the lunar surface's ancient landscape, which could have been modified by intelligent beings.

Implications for Humanity

If Waring's interpretation of the lunar rock formation is correct, the discovery has profound implications for humanity. Here are several key areas where this finding could impact our understanding and future endeavors:

  1. Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life: The existence of such an artistic sculpture on the Moon would be strong evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. This would challenge the current scientific consensus that humans are the only intelligent beings in the solar system and possibly the universe.

  2. Historical Significance: Discovering intelligent life forms that once visited or inhabited the Moon would rewrite the history of our solar system. It would suggest that civilizations with advanced capabilities existed long before humans and had the technological means to travel and leave their mark on other celestial bodies.

  3. Cultural and Philosophical Impact: The faces’ symbolic representation of unity and completeness resonates with human culture, suggesting a shared understanding of these concepts across civilizations. This discovery could lead to a deeper philosophical reflection on the nature of life, art, and the connections between different intelligent species.

  4. Scientific Research and Exploration: This finding would likely prompt increased interest and funding for lunar exploration. Future missions could focus on investigating other potential artificial structures on the Moon, collecting samples, and conducting detailed analyses to understand the origins and creators of such formations.

  5. Technological Advancements: Understanding how these sculptures were created could provide insights into the technology and materials used by these intelligent beings. This knowledge could lead to advancements in our own technology, particularly in areas related to space travel, construction, and materials science.

The Broader Context of Extraterrestrial Structures

The discovery of the two faces on the Moon is part of a larger pattern of reported extraterrestrial structures across our solar system. Here are some notable examples:

  1. The Face on Mars: Discovered in the Cydonia region by the Viking 1 orbiter in 1976, the face on Mars has sparked debate and speculation for decades. Some scientists attribute it to natural erosion, while others believe it could be an ancient monument created by an intelligent species.

  2. Structures on the Moon: Various anomalies have been reported on the Moon, including pyramidal shapes, domes, and other geometric formations. These findings often correlate with theories about ancient lunar civilizations and alien bases.

  3. Artifacts on Asteroids: In addition to structures on planets and moons, researchers have identified potential artificial objects on asteroids. For instance, the discovery of a large, square structure on asteroid Eros suggests the presence of intelligent life in the asteroid belt.

  4. Underwater Anomalies: On Earth, several large, geometric structures have been identified on the ocean floor. Some researchers believe these could be remnants of ancient civilizations with advanced technology, possibly of extraterrestrial origin.

The Role of Faces in Human Culture

Throughout history, faces have held significant cultural, religious, and social importance across civilizations. Here are some examples of the symbolic power of faces in human culture:

  1. Ancient Civilizations:

    • Egyptian Statues and Masks: Ancient Egyptians created detailed statues and masks to honor their gods and pharaohs. The Great Sphinx of Giza, with its human face, is one of the most iconic symbols of ancient Egypt.
    • Mesoamerican Sculptures: Civilizations like the Maya and Aztec crafted intricate stone heads and masks representing deities and rulers. These sculptures were often placed in significant locations, such as temples and pyramids.
  2. Medieval and Renaissance Art: During the medieval and Renaissance periods, artists focused on creating lifelike portraits of important figures, emphasizing facial features to convey emotion, status, and identity. Religious iconography also prominently featured faces of saints and deities.

  3. Modern Symbolism: In contemporary culture, faces continue to be powerful symbols. From political posters to digital emojis, facial representations are used to communicate messages, express emotions, and build identities.

  4. Psychological Significance: The human brain is wired to recognize faces, a phenomenon known as pareidolia. This ability helps in social interactions and emotional recognition, explaining why people often perceive faces in inanimate objects and natural formations.

Investigating the Lunar Faces

To further validate the discovery of the faces on the Moon, several investigative steps can be taken:

  1. Advanced Imaging Techniques: Using high-resolution imaging technology, researchers can capture detailed views of the rock formation from multiple angles. This would help confirm the presence of the faces and provide more information about their structure.

  2. 3D Modeling and Analysis: Creating 3D models of the rock formation allows for a comprehensive analysis of its features. By examining the models, scientists can determine whether the faces are a result of natural processes or artificial design.

  3. Geological Surveys: Conducting geological surveys of the area surrounding the rock formation can provide insights into its composition and origins. Understanding the geological context helps differentiate between natural and artificial structures.

  4. Robotic Missions: Sending a robotic probe to the site could yield invaluable data. The probe could capture high-resolution images, conduct surface analysis, and possibly take samples for further study.

  5. Collaboration and Peer Review: Engaging the scientific community in the investigation ensures a rigorous and unbiased analysis. Collaboration between researchers from different fields, including geology, astronomy, and anthropology, can provide a holistic understanding of the discovery.

Public Engagement and Awareness

Raising public awareness about the discovery of the lunar faces is crucial for fostering interest and support for further research. Here are some strategies for engaging the public:

  1. Educational Outreach: Creating educational programs and materials about the discovery can help inform the public about its significance. Schools, museums, and science centers can play a key role in disseminating this information.

  2. Media Coverage: Leveraging media platforms to share the story of the lunar faces can reach a wide audience. Articles, documentaries, and news segments can highlight the discovery and its implications for humanity.

  3. Citizen Science: Encouraging public participation in the investigation through citizen science initiatives can generate additional data and insights. Amateur astronomers and enthusiasts can contribute to the search for similar structures on the Moon and other celestial bodies.

  4. Interactive Platforms: Developing interactive platforms, such as websites and mobile apps, allows the public to explore the lunar faces and related discoveries. These platforms can provide detailed information, images, and interactive features to engage users.


The discovery of two faces on the Moon, representing a male and female figure, is a significant finding that could provide evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. This artistic and poetic sculpture, revealed through careful analysis of NASA photos, challenges our understanding of the Moon’s history and the potential for ancient civilizations beyond Earth.

The implications of this discovery are profound, spanning scientific research, technological advancements, cultural reflection, and philosophical inquiry. As we continue to explore the cosmos, findings like the lunar faces remind us of the vast and mysterious universe we inhabit and the possibility that we are not alone.

Through collaborative efforts, advanced imaging techniques, and rigorous scientific investigation, we can further validate and understand the origins of these lunar faces. Public engagement and awareness will be crucial in fostering support for ongoing research and exploration. The discovery of the faces on the Moon serves as a testament to human curiosity and our relentless pursuit of knowledge.

As we gaze up at the night sky, let this discovery inspire us to look beyond the familiar and embrace the wonders that lie hidden in the cosmos. The journey to uncover the secrets of the Moon and other celestial bodies is just beginning, and with each step, we move closer to understanding our place in the universe.