
Face In Clouds Watching! Texas, USA 1-26-2021, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 26, 2021
Location of sighting: East Texas, USA

Here is a face caught by a young woman driving along East Texas last week. The face has an incredible detail to it and its facing downward toward the car on the road. As if it were deliberately looking at the eyewitness. The detail of the face really stands out...it has two eyes, a nose, a mustache, a beard. Strange one...It looks deliberate and meaningful, not a coincidence at all. It almost looks like the sacred Shroud of Turin with the Jesus face in it, but the hair on the face in the cloud is very different. I am left speechless. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states:
I took the video on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 around 6:15 P.M My fiance and I were driving to our friends house in East Texas, not far from our own home. I was of course doing something on my phone when my fiance said "Hey, look up".... & as soon as I did, I automatically seen it. There was a face clear as day in the clouds or cloud.... I was in total shock as to what I was seeing before me. It was shocking, creeping wow moment. It even seem to have eyes inside as if it was watching us. I seen videos of this anomaly but never experienced one. I've always been a believer of anything paranormal or unusual unexplained happenings but this set it in stone for me.