Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts


UFO & Sentinels in Stunning Photographs over Cinisello Balsamo - Italy 2011

Above photo I added more exposure to see more detail.

Date of sighting: September 2011
Location of sighting: Cinisello Balsamo, Italy

Yohanan Diaz presents 11 photographs of Antonio Urzi who managed to capture in Cinisello Balsamo in Italy last September 19, 2011.


Italian paraglider catches UFOs on camera while he is in mid air, Oct 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 6, 2011
Location of sighting: Italy

A paraglider was taking photos while gliding down off of a mountain. A few of the photos had anomalies in them. 


UFO passes in front of the moon at Rome, Italy, Sept 6, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 6, 2011
Location of sighting: Rome, Italy

Eyewitness states: "While watching the moon, a UFO appeared static at the beginning. Then it started to move very slowly. It passed the moon in slow motion. The sighting lasted ten minutes."


UFO Sighting over Milan, Italy of orbs during day time, August 15, 2011 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: (three days) 10, 13, 15, of August 2011
Location of sighting: Cinisello Balsamo, Milan, Italy

The person who made this video only speaks Italian so their description was only that added to the video when made. Good capture of several orbs during daytime.


UFO caught leaving from mouth of volcano, Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy Aug 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2011
Location of sighting: Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy

Although some will call this a smoke ring, I on the other hand call it a UFO. Ancient aliens once made entrances to their bases underground at the tops of volcanos, because few humans would ever bother going there. Some incredible footage from Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy. Watch as a massive smoke ring forms from the volcanoes steam. Many people have reported seeing UFOs entering and exiting volcanos. For instance the ECETI ranch has nightly sightings with mass spectators that go to see them appear.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting over Italy of flashing orbs moving over city, August 8, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: August 8, 2011
Location of sighting: Ladispoli, Italy

(Translated from Italian)
Eyewitness states:
"And here is the last in the series of videos I shot over the skies of Ladispoli.This is the subject of a loner after the formation of five and then three similar objects, that the evening of 8 August 2011, have passed over our heads. With this watch, we are at 4 in the last two months. The first sighting was unusual, because the object, after being directed to the southwest to the airport of Fiumicino, suddenly stopped and began a vertical descent, shortly after disappearing in the distance, behind a building. However, since they are now frequenting the cadenced, I'll try to get a telescope mount for the camera, hoping to capture something that is more than just a little light faded in the distance. PS: For the usual issue of privacy, the voices have been disguised."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


Famed Italy UFOlogist records another UFO over Italy town, July 31, 2011, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: July 30-31, 2011
Location of sighting: Cinisello Balsamo, Italy

Now this is a unique sighting, why you ask? Because it was by a famous UFOlogist of Cinisello Balsamo, Italy. His name is Antonio Urzi and he has recorded many UFOs around the world an gets some of the most clear sightings ever recorded. In Italy he is a bit famous and has been on a few UFO sighting TV shows. Check out what he captured this week.

Antonio Urzi and his friend Simona, from Milan, Italy, have been living an absolutely unique experience. Metallic ships, spheres of light and flotillas fly just over their heads. Antonio has filmed all kinds of UFOs from a small window in his apartment.
Check out these two videos made by Antonio Urzi.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting over Sanremo, Italy of fast moving glowing red orb in blue sky, day shot video, July 18, 2011.

Date of sighting: July 18, 2011 at 21:15
Location of sighting: Sanremo, Italy

At the first few seconds of the video you can see that there is Italian town and the camera is looking at the ocean behind it. The small glowing orb moves around from place to place. The eyewitness said that the orb would disappear and then reappear at another location. It is logical that most UFO sighting would happen over the ocean areas since the ocean covers 75% of Earth. Also since UFOs can travel in space, it would be just as easy but slower to travel in water making the chances of an ocean floor alien base very high.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


Entire Island In Sicily Travels Into The Future While They Sleep Every Day! UFO Sighting News.

Entire Island In Sicily Travels Into The Future While They Sleep Every Day! UFO Sighting News.

Date of time disturbance: June 10, 2011
Location of time disturbance: town of Catania, Sicily

Upon researching this I saw that it was posted in several forums and alternative news blogs, this is the only video I was able to find of it from an actual news source 0.0 Also note: Sicily is only very close to Geneva…home of the CERN collider.

Imagine waking up an all your watches and alarm clocks are 15 minutes ahead of where they are suppose to be. Well this happened for more than a week every day and no one knows why, but a rash of UFO sightings in the area is beginning to shed light on the truth.

"Sicilians are not normally renowned for their punctuality but something strange is afoot that's making them turn up early for work.

Hundreds of digital clocks on the island are running more than 15 minutes fast and no-one is quite sure why. The phenomenon has left people scratching their heads for weeks and several theories have been put forward involving aliens, poltergeists, volcanic activity on Mount Etna and solar explosions. Armageddonists are pointing to further proof of the imminent end of the world.

The town of Catania lies at the heart of the mystery and two young locals have set up a facebook page calling for those affected to come forward. One of them, Francesco Nicosia, told French online magazine Rue89 "I realised something was wrong when I started getting to work earlier. After some investigation I noticed that I wasn't the only one who was on time, which is quite rare here in Sicily."

This isn't the first time the island has experienced strange goings on linked to electronic devices: several years ago electronic equipment started spontaneously catching fire across the rural countryside, reports Rue89.

Sicily is the same place that this video below was shot of an alien found dead in April of 2011. Is there an underwater base below the island of Sicily?

☯ Admit it, sometimes it's easier to say you don't care, than to explain all the reasons why you do. Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” ☯


UFO Sighting of glowing orb over UFO cloud on island of Calgliari, Italy, June 8, 2011, photos.

Date of sighting: June 8, 2011
Location of sighting: Island of Calgliari, Italy

While watching the live internet cam I noticed a UFO cloud floating past. Above this UFO cloud was a glowing orb. The orb was pinkish in color and floated above the cloud as it moved past the cam. The orb was moving. It was not a reflection of the sun, but the sun may have caused the cloaked alien craft to become visible.

I say this often, if you want to witness a UFO sighting, watch the sunsets every evening. Most UFO sightings that I report happen during or around sunset. This is because the sun is in a different angle and the cloak on the UFO actually bends light around it to fool you into thinking its not there, however at sunset the sun is at an angle that the shield was not designed for and thus when the light is bent 180 degees, it then must travel another 90 degrees to fool the people on the ground. This causes it to become visible for 30 seconds to several minutes before the shield adjusts and corrects itself. 70% of UFO sightings are seen during sunset.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” ☯


UFO sighting at Caltanisetta, Italy at beach in day time of metal disk, June 2, 2011. UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness: Robert
Location of sighting: Tyrrhenian Sea, Torvaianica, Italy
Date of sighting: June 02, 2011 at 12:42 noon

I would like to thank Robert for sending this amazing photo to us at UFO Sighting Daily. He sent me a 20 MB size photo so the detail was really good. In the sky near the clouds was a few disks that were moving from left to right toward the beach from the water.

I (SCW) believe that this is not many UFOs but a single UFO moving at fantastic speeds. The most faded image of it being on the left side tells me it came from the left because the farthest right image is the most clear. I am a bit in awe over this photo. The UFO has a reflection from the sunlight indicating it was made of metal. Also the most clear one seems to have a cockpit in the center where a glass-like dome appears. Very amazing photos, again thank you Robert of Caltanisetta, Italy for sending them into us. I (SCW) did increase the contrast on the close up to better view the craft.

Click on photo to enlarge.

"I was sitting on the beach and I look over and noticed a wierd line/dots in the cloud formation. Then I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture and left it at that. When I got to the hotel where I am staying I went through my pictures and saw that that one had dots in the cloud so I zoomed in on the dots. I To my surprise."

Source: email UFO report to UFO Sightings Daily.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, Dragons of Asgard, West's Time Machine, George's Pond at all on-line bookstores. ☯


Entrance to alien base at Rocca Pia, Italy discovered as two aliens met with Italians, UFO Sighting News.

Meet Kenio. Through some analysys on the photo it was established that this "fellow" is over 2.4 meter tall...

oh, I forgot...he is an alien of the W56 group, also known as Akrij.

Entrance to alien base at Rocca Pia, Italy discovered as two aliens met with Italians, UFO Sighting News. Aliens give message of HOPE, FRIENDSHIP and LOVE.

It had been kept secret for half a century, but only just recently came to light after the death of one the men involved (Bruno Sammaciccia had asked for it to be kept secret until after his death).

In Pescara, during the 50s to 70s, a group of extraterrestrials had contacted a number of unsuspecting people directly. This project was called 'Amicizia.' These men would be brought to their (etheric) 'bases' located on earth and apparently on board the UFOs.

The people involved were of high social and cultural status, among them was the notable Console Alberto Perego. This is a collection of testimonials from them, which also shows excellent quality footage and photography of the phenomena, as well as apparent 'messages' (of love and goodwill) given to us from these beings.

This may just be coincidence, but Robert "Bob" Lazar, a scientist who worked on a flying saucer in Area S4 had once stated that the USAF gave him reading info about aliens and in the documents it stated there was 56 space faring species of aliens known. That could explain why the aliens in Italy called themselves W56. However…the meaning of the W has continued to elude me. (Scott C. Waring)


The story of “Friendship” -or simply “the story”, as we always called it- is a true one. It involved a group of Italian and non-Italian people for many years, between 1956 and 1990. Some of these people, including myself, are still alive. We had direct, face-to-face meetings with the Friends (also called W56), who are extraterrestrials coming both from planets in our own Galaxy (at a distance of one hundred thousand light years) and from other Galaxies. Here on the Earth they reached the maximum number of two hundred, living inside underground and undersea bases, some of them along the Adriatic coast, at a depth of about 20 km/12 miles. The first, “historical” base was located under the area of Ascoli Piceno, a small town in central Italy.

The Friends are our elder brothers. They are human. Indeed, in comparison it’s we terrestrials who are less than human. They are much more human than we are, and that is why they do not show themselves. They are “too” human… For us it is easy to flatter them, but envying them is even easier, due to their perfect humaneness…

The Friends are not the only extraterrestrials who have come to the Earth. Individuals from various other populations are among us, because the Earth is a very particular planet inside the economy of this part of the Universe. The aim of the Friends’ presence is not to study us (they know us quite well, better than we do ourselves!), but to help us. In fact, the Friends are unhappy about the very high level of hate, violence and injustice on the Earth, and about the anti-humanistic trend of our science and technology. Being able to see our thoughts and feelings, the Friends see what we hide behind our masks, words and smiles…

Compared with all the other populations visiting the Earth, the Friends have a quite peculiar and precious characteristic to offer us: they have a very special and close connection with the subtle levels that regulate the destiny of the Earth and with what they call the Soul of the Universe, beyond the physical or phenomenal level. Thus, the Friends have a sort of general control over everything that occurs, but they are only allowed to intervene under particular conditions. Everything happens as in an extremely elaborate chess game, with rules that I cannot even touch upon here.

UREDDA -in one of the Friends’ languages- is the energy that is produced by the Love between people, particularly between the Friends and our group, following a pact between them and us and the many events that brought us together.

UREDDA is a kind of energy, but the Friends are not the worshippers of Energy, as other populations are. The Friends follow Love, which is also the source of good energies such as UREDDA, but is itself beyond any energy. 

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”

Santa Cesarea, Italy UFO Sighting of transparent diamond craft over water, May 17, 2011, photos.

Date of sighting: May 17, 2011
Location of sighting: Santa Cesarea, Italy

While watching the live cam of Santa Cesarea I noticed this white light over the water again. I have seen this last year, but this is the first time since then that I have seen it. It is a transparent diamond shape UFO that sits just over the water, almost touching it with its bottom point.

Day shot.

Don't take my word for it, if its back it will be there for a few day like last time, so I will include the live cam link below.

Santa Cesarea live cam at:

I also was at a nearby cam at Santa Cesarea last year that was only about 100 meters from the above cam. Check out the photo below. Its a screenshot from the cam. It is the best UFO (classic flying saucer) image I have ever seen on live cam. When I saw it it just sat there, never moving for several days then disappeared forever.

This UFO was parked near here for several nights, odd it's next to this famous hotel. Aliens on vacation?

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


UFO Cloud over small Italy Island on May 3, 2011, photos.

UFO Cloud over small Italy Island on May 3, 2011, photos.

Date of sighting: May 3, 2011
Location of sighting: Near Rome at Lazio, Italy

I watch live internet cams in search of UFO sightings and occasionally catch a UFO shaped cloud like I have here. I watched the cam for over 20 minutes but this UFO cloud remained in place, although it changed is shape slightly during that time.

Also I noticed the outline of a possible egg shape craft emerge from the top of the cloud and I took a screenshot to include below.

Why do I write about a UFO cloud, because they are not ordinary clouds. The Fort Belvoir, Virginia UFO incident on Sept of 1957 was when the US military photographed a UFO ring coming out of a cloud and going back in. This is when the US Gov stated in documents that Alien craft do hide in clouds. The photo is below from the US government archives.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” at online bookstores, or visit my Youtube UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯


UFO Sighting at Volcano in Italy with white orbs flying about, April 23, 2011, photos.

UFO Sighting at Volcano in Italy with white orbs flying about, April 23, 2011, photos.

Below photo the orb is in top center of photo. Plz click photo to enlarge it.

Location of sighting: Stromboli Volcano, Italy
Date of sighting: April 23, 2011

Below photo the orb is top center, plz click on photo to enlarge.

I was watching the live Internet cam of a volcano in Italy when I noticed the white orbs that appear and disappear around the mouth of the volcano. The live cam takes a new shot every 2-3 minutes but in each shot were orbs in different positions.

Below photo has several orbs, but you must click on photo to see them better plz.

Stromboli is a small island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, off the north coast of Sicily, containing one of the three active volcanoes in Italy. It is one of the eight Aeolian Islands, a volcanic arc north of Sicily. The island's population is between 400 and 850, perfect location for a hidden entrance to an underground alien base. Less people to witness the UFO orbs.

Below screenshot has several orbs, but clear orb in the far right, middle.

I will include the cam site below so you can take a look and see the orbs.〈=it

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯


Rome, Italy UFO Sighting on April 7, 2011, video.

Sighting location: Rome, Italy
Date of sighting: April 7, 2011

This is an extraordinary UFO sighting of a glowing disk like craft in the sky during sunset.

As I have said many times, most UFO sightings take place at sunset due to the suns angle and this causes their cloaked ships to become visible for between 30 seconds to about 10 minutes. Take a look at this fantastic video and judge for yourself. The time of the video in rome is 20:10, or 8:10 pm.

Note: When recording a UFO sighting that is very far away, try steadying yourself against a wall or tree to stop shaking of the video.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯


UFO Sighting over mountains in Italy on April 10, 2011, photos.

UFO Sighting over mountains in Italy on April 10, 2011, photos.

Location of sighting: Abruzzi, Italy
Date of sighting: April 10, 2011

While watching the live internet cams I noticed this cylinder shape UFO hovering in place on the right side of the screen. I watched the object for 30 minutes but for most of the time it just hovered in place.

Normal day photo below. No UFO.

The UFO was not a reflection or ray of light from the sun. As the sun changed positions the rays changed with it, however this cylinder UFO did not. It just stayed in place. About 30 minutes later the clouds passed over it and it was no longer visible.

Also noticed this orb.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯


UFO Sighting in Abruzzi, Italy of grey flying disc on March 16, 2011, photos.

UFO Sighting in Abruzzi, Italy of grey flying disc on March 16, 2011, photos.

I found this screenshot in the Italy live Cam on the Internet. The live cam has two older photos from earlier in the day and this is one of them. It is not something on the window or lens because all other screenshots do not have it and the current live came does not have this object.

UFO in bottom left corner, full photo below.

This craft is the classic disc shape that is so often seen around the world. The color of the craft seems to be due to its cloak reflecting the clouds around it.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯