Showing posts with label stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stars. Show all posts


Ancient Luxury Yacht Found On Mars Surface In NASA Photo, Sept 4, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 4, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 969
Source photo:

How strange it must be to think of find a boat on Mars, and yet, here it is right before us. Its the perfect side view of a typical luxury yacht that one might see in the Florida Keys.

This ancient boat looks long since abandoned, but its body remains the same, unchanged through time. Also did you notice that the area that the boat is on has not rocks around it, but only sandy floor. I believe that this area was once a large lake area, and this was one of their water craft. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Cloaked In Cloud Caught In Santos City Philippines. July 10, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 10, 2018
Location of sighting: General Santos, Philippines 

This awesome UFO was hiding above a cloud during sunset and for a few minutes the cloaked craft was visible to the naked eye. Such beautiful colors and notice the round disk edge of the craft. This looks to be at least 500 meters across. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Unfortunately, I had only one phone at hand, the "good" HD Camera is currently defective. The colors were actually much more intense ...


Moon size UFO recorded by NASA near Earths sun, July 31, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 31, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths sun, SOHO images

Here is a moon size UFO near our sun this week. The UFO has several long arms, which makes me think this is a space station that wanders our solar system. Currently its near our sun because its trying to use some rare particles that the sun produces to power its craft and devices. Found in the SOHO NASA images, this UFO is just one of many per day that visit our sun. Some UFOs are many times bigger than this, yet go unreported, would the public react if they knew that not only were we not alone in our solar system, but UFOs bigger than earth itself commonly passed by our planet? The public would panic, suicide rates would skyrocket, alien religions like Scientology would become powerhouses in the religious sectors, anti alien groups would form and arm themselves. And what effect would this have on financial and judicial systems of the world? There would be chaos! Therefore the governments of the world remain silent. 
Scott C. Waring


Curiosity Rover Finds Face Of Old Man On Mars Hill Side, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol 1521 Taken this week
Camera: Remote Micro Imager
Source NASA photo:

The Curiosity Rover was looking around and taking photos with the micro camera, which is suppose to see small objects, but instead the the camera was focused on a distance hillside. It was pointed directly at a face of an old man. As you can see, he has a beard and mustache, sideburns and a helmet on.  For the detail to be this good and for it to be that big, he must have had significant power in this culture. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Germany Reports That Red Baron Shot Down UFO On 81st Mission! Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of event: 1917-1918
Location of event: French battle lines
News source:

Its possible that the Red Barons two front machine guns could have damaged not the UFO, but the airier antenna on the top center of the craft. Not all craft have this antenna, but Area 51 UFO nuclear engineer Bob Lazar said it controls steering of the craft. If this antenna was hit by the Baron, then yes, a UFO would lose control and be forced to land to make repairs. 
Scott C. Waring

German News states: 
He was already a living legend: ace Baron Manfred von Richthofen, also known as the "Red Baron" - because of its bright red painted aircraft. He is 80 victories as the best fighter of the First World War.

Was UFO his 81st launch?
But perhaps it was even 81 kills, as now the BILD newspaper speculates citing statements from a fellow aviators Richthofen. This would be the "Red Baron" the world's first aviators ever, the something is ever succeeded.

The assertion is Nigel Watson in his book "The UFO's of the First World War" (in German: "UFOs in World War I") on. Richthofen's Mate Peter Waitz Rick makes it such statements - he claims to have accompanied Richthofen on this patrol.

Large silver and disc-shaped object
As the morning broke up two in the spring when the weather from their airfield on a reconnaissance flight, said to have discovered von Richthofen a large silver disc-shaped object that was also lit in orange.

Without long to torches took von Richthofen chase - and shot the UFO from heaven. Two aliens should be then fled into a forest, writes the Bild newspaper.

With the history of Comrade von Richthofen's probably gone so late to the public because he did not know that it could have acted as an alien craft.


Moon Viewed From Taiwan Telescope, UFO Sighting News.

Moon through my telescope now in Taiwan sky. Taken on my iphone 3GS.

-- Posted from my iPhone 3GS