Showing posts with label NSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSA. Show all posts


UFO Reveals Itself During Sunset In Germany On Halloween! Oct 31, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 31, 2014
Location of sighting: Monchengladbach, Germany

This is a UFO that was caught during sunset. As I have said before, a UFO cloak becomes most vulnerable during sunset, due to the fact the sunlight is a major part of the cloak. What I mean is that light bends around the ship from behind and moves 180 degrees around the ship on all sides (person is below the ship is in the center, the sun is in the sky).
However if the sun is setting then one side of the ship has to over compensate...meaning to bend light 180+90 degrees more! This is not possible if the shield is to work fully. Thus, the UFO becomes visible for a few minutes. 

Do not believe the disinformation about the term "sundog." That term was created by NSA skeptics to spread disinformation and to confuse the public. This is a UFO. You have my word on it. SCW


UFO Near Space Station Caught On Live Cam Oct 2, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2, 2014
Location of sighting: Space Station in Earths Orbit
This glowing UFO was near the space station monitoring their activities when it was caught on live cam. The UFO starts out small which tells me it was very far away, but then grew in size coming extremely close to the space station. When NASA noticed it they switched the camera to blue screen, which is a common practice when a UFO is seen. This blue screen confirms that NASA did see the UFO and wanted to prevent the public from seeing it. Awesome catch by Streetcap1 of Youtube. SCW


Giant UFO Passes In Front Of Super Moon, July 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This is an interesting catch of the super moon seen this week. A black circle moves silently across the moon. This guy has amazingly powerful equipment that is catching this UFO. It doesn't look to be flying over the surface of the moon, but to be passing between the moon and the Earth. 

Check out an old video of an Italian astronomer who caught a similar UFO moving across the moons surface back in April 29, 2007. These two videos have caught the same UFO! SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Here is a fantastic capture of a UFO with a magnetic halo transiting the moon on the night of the super moon. I have filmed many of these objects but this is the largest to date.


Updated: Eight UFOs Fall In China After Russian Rocket Gets Hit By UFO, May 16, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 16, 2014
Location of discovery: Heilongjiang Province, China
News source 1:三個ufo-墜落黑龍江引議論-093725769.html
News source 2:
News source 3:
News source 4:
News source 5:
News source 6:

Updated on May 18, 2014: I added 5 more photos and news changed the UFO number. They now say 8 UFOs fell over China, 5 more than they reported on 1st day. 

Hey everyone, this just hit China news a few hours ago. Three UFOs fell from the sky to land in two different provinces in China. People got a few photos, but then China Government people appeared really fast and stop them and made all the people leave. This looks like part of the UFO that hit the Russian Rocket just hours earlier. I told you in the report earlier it looks like an orb UFO hit the rocket, but they found three of them! They are in the hands of the Chinese now. O_o  Check out the video at bottom of this post. SCW

Taiwan Yahoo News states: (translated from Chinese)
Three UFOs crashed in Heilongjiang cited arguments
( CNA Taipei 16 (Xinhua) ) CPC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee Propaganda Department confirmed Yian, that three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) fell from the sky today,  and has plunged into Yian and Baiquan municipal territory under Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province.

WASHINGTON reported,  according to the Committee Propaganda Department Yian noted Yian SHUANGYANG Meng Chang Village villagers heard this morning a huge piercing sound, after that some villagers witnessed a large fireball crossing the sky,  falling within the farmers home vegetable garden.

Subsequently, the villagers photographed the UFO. According to photos, such as a round metal UFO peripheral package has jagged circle edges, and looked like a monks hat or cap on in Mongolia.
Reports as of now,  Baiquan Qiqihar,  Heilongjiang Province, also found that two UFOs crashed together,  shaped like the first object. At the place that they fell, the UFOs have been blocked by authorities. Relevant personnel came to the scene, measuring and researching it.

This news immediately became a hot topic in website "Mainland Friends."  Friends saw the photo that this is possibly an alien probe, satellite or space debris; Some people joked that it was " Which country is spying on neighboring China?" There are people that said this is space junk; also people believe that this is a Russian rocket launch failure that happened this morning.

However, in the end these three UFOs are still under official investigation. (Which means the China govt has sealed these files and UFOs away-SCW).


Updated: Structures Discovered On Moons Surface In Google Earth Map, March 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Updated on March 13, 2014: Many people are asking for the coordinates on Google Moon Map. I will put a screenshot of them below, or copy and past this into Google moon search box,  3°53'18.47"S   17°34'20.73"W SCW

Date of discovery: March 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Method: Google Earth map (free to download)

Okay, guys this is amazing to say the least. These are some of the white ceramic-like structures I have told you about many times. Look at the first screenshot I post and you will see these are massive structures. You can see they are 3 dimensional objects on the surface of the moon. I have seen them before, but not made from the white material, instead they were black metallic. Also notice the sharp ridges (photo below) protruding from the structures...that is evidence these are 100% real alien structures since I have found those sharp ridges on thousand of other structures. 
What looks like crosses is really massive ships made from this white material. The are portable, movable and oddly placed. However some are different in shape. SCW

Eyewitness states:
After many hours of reviewing Apollo 14 I started scanning the area around it, and then I found the truth as to what they were looking for as what I have found is the smoking gun evidence of why Apollo 14 was sent to this region absolute proof of life on the moon.

This Day In UFO History: UFO Seen Close Up At Maslin Beach, Australia On March 10, 1993, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 10, 1993
Location of sighting: Maslin Beach, Australia

Source: Claus Svahn, UFO Sweden
[go to original source]
The 1993 Maslin Beach photo case

When Eric Thomason in Maslin Beach, Australia, looked out across the ocean, he saw - to his great surprise - how an object rose from the waves and started flying towards him. When the object came nearer, Eric took out his camera and started taking photographs.
- "I could feel water dripping from the craft", he tells UFO-Aktuellt.

By Clas Svahn
Translation by Stefan Isaksson

The photographs are quite sensational, and there are really just two alternatives: either Eric Thomason's photographs are the most astounding so far, or it's just a simple hoax.

Eric Thomason, 69, is a senior citizen living in Maslin Beach in southern Australia. Not far from his house is an old abandoned mine, Maslin Old Quarry, where he sometimes takes his dog for a walk.

In March 1993, Eric decided to try to document the old mine using his son's camera, a Kodak S50 with a Fuji 100 ASA-film. Despite having never owned a camera of his own and having virtually no experiencing photographing, Eric set off in order to try to capture the beautiful colors of the open-cast mine from as many angles as possible. And, s photo contest in the magazine "Southern Times-Messenger" about the best image of a sunrise over land also helped him in his decision. He thought he would be able to capture the sunrise on film from Ochre Point, a cliff 60 meters high from where hang-gliders used to take off - but the sun was hidden behind a dense layer of clouds.

The Sun was Hidden

Wednesday, March 10, didn't appear to be much better. It was a cool morning, only 14 degrees Celsius, and a stubborn wind came from the west. From the top of the grassy cliff, Eric was forced to accept that there wasn't going to be a sunrise that morning either. A persistent layer of clouds blocked out the sun, and the time was 06:00 AM when Eric instead turned to face the ocean to the west.

- "It was then that I saw a movement on the surface on the water, and something looking like the tower on an atomic submarine emerged, Eric tells UFO-Sweden. When the object rose from the water I was able to see how three legs were pointing out from the hull. I was also able to see how it was spinning, and how the three legs were pulled in."

Before the legs were pulled in, Eric managed to take his first photograph of the object, and he estimates the distance to the object at the time being about 400 meters. It then dawned on him how exposed his position was. Standing on top of the Ochre Point with the sun right behind him made him an easy target to spot for a possible crew.

- "I had heard of people being abducted by UFOs, so I climbed down a slope nearby. From there I could see how the light-grey object came flying somewhat south of me, and came to a halt over the mine. At that very moment I spotted yet another object, north of the first one. That's when I snapped my second picture, but since the light from the sunrise was straight into my view-finder I moved a little to the left."

While taking photographs from his hideout five meters below the top of the cliff, the new object moved towards the larger one, came to a halt, and then continued upwards, into a deepening in the larger object.

- "I could see three lights on the exterior of the larger object and how it shone around the opening. Shortly after I'd taken the fourth and last photograph the larger object rose straight up and disappeared over me. When that happened, I could feel water dripping from the craft down on me."

In a report form to the Australian UFO-group Australian Flying Saucer Research Society, Eric estimates the size of the object to be 40 meters, and the distance (when he first saw it rise from the ocean) to be 2 kilometres. While talking to him on the phone, Eric tells me how it never got closer to him than 400 metres.

When the incident was over, Eric returned home. However, despite his amazing encounter he decided to remain quiet about it, even to his wife. He first wanted to have the film developed in order to find out if there indeed were any photographs of it. But he was not in a hurry. Before he handed in the film for development he made sure to use up the entire film. And not until May, 1994, when he had watched a UFO show on TV, did he bring forward the photographs.

- "At first he didn't tell me anything since I wasn't feeling well at the time, and later he believed that the photographs weren't going to show anything", Mrs. Thomason says when UFO-Sweden talks to her. "But after he had had the film developed he showed them to me. I'm certain it's a spaceship. Eric is not the lying type, and I believe him."

Quick Stroll

Still, there are several details in his story that are worth pondering. Eric Thomason set his alarm clock to 05:45 in order to catch the sunrise, which took place around 06:00. During these 15 minutes, Mr. Thomason had time to get out of bed, put on several layers of warm clothing, bring his camera, fetch the dog at the back of the house, walk to Ochre Point (which according to Mrs. Thomason takes 5 minutes), climb the 60 meters tall cliff, wait for the failed sunrise, and then walk on to another site close by in order to look out over the ocean. At 06:00 sharp he took his first photograph of the object. The bright blue sky on the first photograph suggests the images were taken later in the day.

In a letter, Eric describes what happened when the photographs were returned from the photo lab: "When the film had been developed I noticed yet another object on the first photograph, which I hadn't seen during the incident itself. A black dot in the distance, halfway between the object and the edge of the photograph, which might have been an airplane several kilometres away, or the smaller object on its way to intercept with the larger one."

Cheap Camera

According to Eric, the negatives were analyzed by Kodak in Adelaide, but he doesn't know anything about the results.
- The negatives were sent in by Mark Tarrot, a "UFO-fanatic". He knows what the results were.

The camera Eric used was a cheap Kodak S50, purchased in a department store for 40 USD. The S50 uses normal 35 mm film, and has never been available on the Swedish market. Its focus is set, and cannot be changed. There are, on the whole, no buttons to push except the shutter release. Cameras of this type are always set on infinitude, and have a large depth of field. And here's where an uncertainty becomes apparent. If you look at the first photograph the object, which supposedly is 400 metres away, is in focus while the horizon is fuzzy. As a matter of fact, both the object and the horizon should be in focus.
That aside, the images agree with Eric's story, and during our entire conversation he answers all my questions correct, even when I try to trap him.

Mr. Thomason's photographs have caused a lot of attention worldwide, and have even ended up in an American UFO almanac.
- "There have been so many people calling, that I'm now starting to get sick of it", Eric says while mentioning how he is very critical to other UFO photographs. "But I've begun looking for them in the evenings while out walking the dog. I know there are UFOs from different planets in the universe. But so far I've only seen meteorites."

Finally I ask Erik Thomason the most important question of them all: Are the photographs really genuine? Do they really depict the object you said emerged from the ocean?
- "Yes, absolutely, he says briefly and adds, OK?" 


Cube Returns To Earths Sun With Fleet Of Orbs, March 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 3, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

A lot of people assume these videos are fake...and that is 100% wrong. They are real. I can confirm it myself and have many time over. These UFO are massive in scale. As a matter of fact, I am looking at the cube UFO right now using my iPhone app called SOHO Viewer and yes...its there! I will take a screenshot and post it below. The cube can be found labeled LASCO C2 on 2014/03/03 23:24. This video below was made by Myunhauzen74 of Youtube and he...never...lies about these UFOs. There is nothing to lie about...because they are there! If you call him a lier, then you are calling me a lier and should not be on this site at all. I don't take such accusations lightly. These UFOs were first announced to the world back in early 2012 by Russian scientists who stated that there were UFOs as big as our moon and Earth itself shooting around at high speeds and often making sudden right turns without slowing down. Now NASA photos do confirm there are anomalies that are orbiting our sun. One of them is a cube...but today the cube is accompanied by a fleet of orbs. SCW
screenshot above taken directly from official NASA app today on my iPhone 5s. 

Video is best in FULL SCREEN MODE with HD settings. 

UFO near volcano Popocatepetl , Puebla Huejotzingo On March 1, 2014 in HD, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1, 2014
Location of sighting: Puebla, Mexico

Eyewitness states: 
An extraordinary UFO crosses near the Popocatepetl volcano, with unusual features, as shown in the video, we visited the town of Huejotzingo to visit relatives and we have a spectacular view of Don Goyo, who let us enjoy a panorama and spectacular day in various parts of the view , and on the night of March 1st we continue to use our surveillance cameras and the yukon ranger. We caught an object flying at low altitude, which is the show our family we were accompanying that day and were surprised the object cruising very low and with a characteristic shape that identifies it. It is remarkable evidence from a place where people continuously observe UFOs near and going to the volcano. The lights are of unknown origin moving around inside the crater or around the villages near Popocatepetl. This is further evidence of UFOs at Popocatepetl volcano.


Leaked document confirms report linking Edward Snowden to UFOs, Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2014
Source: Edward Snowden documents

Examiner States: 
In a stunning development published on February 24, 2014, the Intercept has released three UFO images as part of a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation from what it describes as the Edward Snowden archives of secret files allegedly stolen from the NSA. Publication of "The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations" now offers independent third-party evidence linking the self-styled surveillance program whistleblower to UFOs in support of claims that first appeared in an internationally syndicated news article released over seven months earlier. (Click Here to read more at source).


Huge Mystery Object Caught Next To Jupiter Feb 2014 HD video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2014
Location of sighting: Near Jupiter
Camera: Nikon D7000

News states: 
Incredible object caught near Jupiter, which seems to have a core shaped like the number "8". The four frames (gif) indicates it has a flight path, this rules out lens flare in my opinion. Whatever this object is, its huge in scale, and its heading our way, so further sightings of this mysterious object should be forthcoming. What could it be? Alien Mothership, Extraterrestrial Biosphere, or something else? As always you decide.


Edward Snowden Has Top Secret Documents About US Working With Aliens In Gov Areas Says Iran, UFO Sighting News.

Date of newscast: January 2014
Subject of newscast: Edward Snowden VS ties to ET

Iran may have some inside information from its in formatives in China and Russia, because they currently believe that Edward Snowden had top secret information about the US and Alien alliance making the US a world power. Iran states: "incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy." I have to admit, I didn't know Iran was so advanced in their thinking. Yes, the US has been working with aliens all the way back to the 1950s when Val Valient Thor visited President Eisenhower in the pentagon. Yes...they even have photos and eyewitnesses to that event. Looks like countries around the world are wising up about how the US has become so powerful. If those countries also begin attempting communication with aliens using experimental methods, America might not be a world power for long. SCW


Dr Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project Talks About Aliens, UFOs And And Earths Future, Jan 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: January 2014
Person in interview: Dr Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project
Source: Russia Today News 

For those that don't know him Dr Steven Greer is the found of the CSETI group and the Disclosure Project. The Disclosure Project has video record movement officials, military personnel, scientists, nuclear missile guards and much more about their personal sightings. Understand these are people with high standings in the community and often with a high academic education.  I have a lot of respect for Dr Greer and the work that he is doing. He really tries hard to make the world aware of the existence of aliens. A monumental job for sure, but it only takes one person...with dedication and passion for the area to change the world forever. He may be that person. SCW


CIA Finally Acknowledges the Existence of Area 51, UFO Sighting News.

U.S. Confirms Area 51 Existence. The government shed some light on an age-old mystery on Thursday, releasing documents that included the location and first official government acknowledgment of the secretive Area 51 facility, a staple of conspiracy theories about alien life and futuristic government technology.

The National Security Archive at George Washington University got their hands on the report, eight years after filing a Freedom of Information Act request. The document gives previously classified information on the development of the U-2, a spy plane that was revolutionary in 1955, when a CIA agent signed a contract with Lockheed Martin to begin producing the aircraft.

Experts had learned through previously disclosed reports that Groom Lake, Nev., which later became known as Area 51, was home base for the experimental flight program. But the less-redacted "Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: The U-2 and Oxcart Programs" report provides new information on the enigmatic site, including a map showing its location.


Green UFO Disk Near Space Station In STS-88 Mission Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: STS 88, November 1988 
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit. 

This photo was taken back in 1988 during the space shuttle STS-88 mission. The primary task of this mission was to place the cornerstone of the space station into orbit...the birth of the ISS. It makes sense that aliens might want to see this. The original is really big, so take a look, but you will have to add brightness to it. SCW


UFO Orb Caught Close Up Near Space Station In NASA Photo At Space Station, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit at International Space Station
Date of photo: 

These photos were taken during the STS-122 mission back in February of 2008. This is an alien orb and similar orbs have been seen around the shuttle Atlantis before and broadcasted on live CNN around the world a few years ago. Notice the mist around this orb. If this was the moon it would be in total focus like the Earth, but you need to click on the large photo to see this fact. 

On Sept 20, 2006 the world had a treat...CNN announced live that the Shuttle Atlantis would be delayed for its landing due to a UFO following it...Unidentified Flying Object, which does not necessarily mean alien object. When CNN showed the live feed from the shuttle...the world saw not one, but 5-7 grey metallic orbs floating around behind and around the shuttle. I will put the video below for those who have never seen it before. SCW

To view the orbs fast...jump to 4:30 of video below.


Huge Angel UFO near the Sun July 24, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 24, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This fantastic UFO was caught using the NASA/SOHO sun camera and if you take this photo and flip it over then you have the angel like UFO we saw a few months back. Its very similar in shape and size. Also there is debris or distortion above it which means that is the back end which has the propulsion system for the craft. So the craft in the photo above is moving downward, the lower part of the craft is the front of it. SCW


Giant Winged UFO Passes Past Earths Sun In SOHO/NASA Photo On July 11, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This giant winged mothership was caught on NASA/SOHO images this week and proves once and for all that aliens do exist and they are flying through our very own solar system! If this UFO is near the sun...then we can assume it is 4-5 times that of Earths size, however I believe it to be closer and caught in between making it about 5-7 km across from wing tip to wing tip. Look at the prefect dimensions of this ship. It's balance and shape mimic our own craft and that of a bird. We here are not looking for the answer of the aliens exist? We have already proved they do through thousands of NASA, SOHO, JAXA, ESA photos. What we want to do is greet them in person. Amazing catch by "Streetcap1" of Youtube, and please check out his other videos. Streetcap1 is credited for advancing UFOlogy a lot with his amazing NASA discoveries. SCW