Showing posts with label crash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crash. Show all posts


UFO Seen Landed On Side Of Road In Small Town In Kansas, Feb 2, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2, 2017
Location of sighting: Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
Source: MUFON #82017

Here is an interesting report that also seems to have something to do with the UFO on a semi trailer being transported at midnight to Area 51. This person saw a disk on the side of the road with legs on it. It may be possible that this disk was retrieved by the USAF and taken to the top secret Air Force Base. Sadly we don't have better photos of the the disk. I believe the person taking the photos was either embarrassed to be seen taking photos or was feeling frightened by it. This was along the road in Pittsburg, Kansas last week and does look the same size as the UFO disk being transported on trailer. Click here to view last weeks report videos.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
On feb 2, 2017, i was heading east bound on highway 400 in pittsburg, ks. As i was going around the corner, i noticed on my left, parked on side road running parralel to highway 400, what appeared to be a ufo being transported on back of flatbed of semi. To the left of the parked semi, was a highway patrolman parked right next to semi facing highway 400. Around the object, on the ground were orange cones as if it was a construction site. I then turned around and headed west bound to get anotger view just to see if what i thought i seen was true. It appeared to be perfect disc shape and appeared to be so big in size that it was hanging on side of flatbed. I then turned around once again heading east bound again but this time took pictures. This was approximately at 1130 hours cst. I then went to work trying to process what i had just seen. At approximately 2200 hours, i came back the same way to see if the objectbwas still there. It was, however this time it is dark and tge semi lights were on as if they were about to leave. Also, now there are 2 highway patrolman and there was also a bright flashing light right on side of the object. To someone who has not seen this in daytime, will not be able to see at night because the light was so bright, it made it impossible to see the object at night as if they were hiding something. I started to investigate what i seen and there has been only 2 other reports of this incident. 1 report is supposedly a video from a year ago. Since there were only one legit reporting, they are saying this could be a hoax. It is not. I seen it. Which is why i am sending this. I would like to please know more about this incident if any other reports were made. Attached photos will include 4 photos taken heading eastbound. All photos are sent as they were taken. You will need to zoom in. 


190 Meter Crashed UFO Found On Mars, May Still Fly If Retrieved! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo:

Here is a crashed UFO in the shape of heart, and its got a control bridge on its top center domed area. You can see a long black window going across it, which is proof its the bridge of the ship. The long and turned landing tracks left behind from the craft show that the ship crash landed as gently as it could. This means the ship still flies, but would need a lot of repair to make it safe, something the US, Russia and China would all love to get their hands on. The craft is about 190 meters across since the photo does have a size chart on it. 

This was brought to my attention by UFOvni2012 of Youtube. Awesome channel with all real discoveries. 
Scott C. Waring


KGB Files Reveal Russia UFO crash and recovery of 1968, Alien Autopsy (original video) UFO Sighting News.

Date of UFO crash: March 1969
Location of UFO crash: Yekaterinburg, USSR

This is the Secret KGB UFO Files, The Russian Crash of 1969. Its real, 100% and I can find no flaws in it. Its an old film bought on the blackmarket for 10K US and some how leaked to the public. I see why. The video shows both an alien craft, and a blueish green alien body that was recovered. This is enough to cause panic across the planet if the news ever got hold of it. You ask, are aliens real? But its probably the same questions they ask about us. I can vouch for this evidence at being real. You have my word on it. 

This leads to another thing...the continuing of the Apollo missions...covertly. NASA pretended to end the missions after Apollo 17, but they continued past 20. Russia was part of it. The NASA symbol has both flags in a cooperation displayed in the Apollo 20 videos. Apollo 20 took place about 1974-1975. Just 4-5 years after the UFO crash in the USSR. 

I remember talking to Willam Rutledge (astronaut on Apollo 20) on Youtube messages, and he said there was a cigar UFO and a triangle UFO in Deporte crater on our moon. They explored both. I had doubts, but I was the first person to ever find the ship in Deporte crater and report it to the public. William was very excited and didn't expect such a photo existed, but he liked it when I told him about it. He must have been about 77 when we spoke, but...may not be with us anymore and stopped talking to anyone after his Youtube account was hacked by the US government. 
Scott C. Waring

Report states:
The details of a Russian Crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body. 

The event itself, according to the files, occurred in the state of Sverdlovsky, which was formerly Yekatrinburg of the USSR. The crash story follows a familiar pattern normally associated with this type of report. The fiery crash of an unknown object occurred in March 1969. The site was secured by the Russian military, and one dead alien was found in the wreckage. The remains of the craft and alien were brought to a secure location, and the alien body was autopsied. Both still and moving pictures were taken of the craft, its retrieval, and the alien autopsy. The autopsy shows only an alien torso and arm. From the size of the body parts, the alien would have been an extremely small being. 

The TNT special features Roger Moore, veteran actor and former James Bond, who discusses other UFO events, along with interviews with UFO experts, CIA agents, and other film. Probably the most notable footage is from MIG gun cameras of confrontations with UFOs. There have been only a few still frames of this footage in America, and I have not been able as of this writing, 11-01-2002, to obtain the videos. The show itself is mediocre, and its only redeeming quality is the presentation of the UFO crash story. Supposedly, the crash story was validated by secret KGB documents. 

The footage at the crash site does seem to be authentic at least on several points. The truck in the film is a circa 1950 model ZIS151, which has not been used by the military for quite some time, and the truck would have been difficult to find to stage a hoax with. Other elements of the film do not exhibit any obvious signs of a hoax, as to the movement of the soldiers, the timing of the film as to shadows, and the UFO itself. 

There are also several documents shown to verify the event itself, and an eyewitness to the event who swears that the recovery mission did occur. The footage of the autopsy film shows personnel without caps and gowns, which seemed odd to me at first, but after some research I found that this was commonplace for that era in Russia. 
The furnishings in the room are acceptable, and in Russia have probably not changed much today. Three men in their 20's and 30's are performing the procedure, and one woman is taking notes. The note taker is identified as KGB stenographer O. A. Pshonikina. The alien's torso and arm are lying together on the table as the autopsy is performed, and there are documents shown to support the autopsy. 

Although the USA-Russia relationship is much improved over a few years ago, it still lacks. Any information received is subject to translation, and often times there are problems with interpretation. It is sad there is not more cooperation between the two countries. The case of the 1969 retrieval and autopsy are difficult to assess. Until more information is uncovered, it will remain unsubstantiated. 


Alien Ship Found On Moon In Lovelace Crater, Google Moon Map, May 11, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 11, 2016
Location of discovery: Lovelace crater, Earths moon
Google moon coordinates:  82° 3'33.88"N  111°18'19.93"W

This UFO in Lovelace crater was found by a Emerson Caruana of Youtube. He looks like a kid in elementary school, but his curiosity about the unknown has led him to find a UFO parked on Mars. 

The young man made a video the best he know how, recording his discovery with his cell phone. I have to admire him for doing this. Lots of kids are too busy playing games, but not him. He is in search for alien life. Thats unique. 

Scott C. Waring


UFO Falling From The Sky Crashing In Yellowstone Park, April 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Yellowstone park, USA

Here is a cool sighting of a UFO burning up and crashing somewhere in Yellowstone park two days ago. This is a big park that covers 3,500 square miles of wilderness, so finding this crashed UFO will be hard, but not impossible. I hope someone finds it. 

It could of course be a large meteor about the size of a motorcycle, but the fact it fell in Yellowstone park...a wilderness thats has a very low human population makes me think it chose to crash here. If it is a meteor, a meteorite that big will make you rich for life...easily worth hundreds of thousands, but if its part of Mars or the moon, it will make you an instant millionaire. Hmmm...a good day to got to the park?
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
My friend Shawn from Yellowstone saw this huge unidentified crashing object early this morning not to far from the supervolcano very wild sighting.


Mummified Alien Discovered in Russia, Body Being Studied, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 1996
Location of discovery: Kyshtym, Russia

I don't know how many times I have said this...aliens don't have to be our height. They can be as small as insects. Humans one day with have the ability to clone humans...tiny humans to be used soldiers to infiltrate places normally off bounds. However if some of these soidiers escapes, they will create a growing population...a new civilization of amazing beings. Mars itself is loaded with evidence of tiny aliens smaller than this, about 3cm, others as tall as this one and others 3-5 meters. seems...doesn't care if we believe its possible or not.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Despite an acute lack of details, this is one of the most interesting cases involving alien bodies. The story begins in 1996, when Russian police officers found the body of a miniature creature in the town of Kyshtym, in the Chelyabinsk region.Due to its small size and unearthly appearance, media outlets soon began calling it the Kyshtym alien. The local medical examiner who autopsied the body determined it was neither human nor animal. He believed it was a previously undiscovered life form. Dr. Stanoslav Samoshkin was in charge of the morbid anatomy department at the local hospital when authorities brought the alien body for analysis. After a thorough examination, he concluded: “THE CREATURE WAS NOT BY ANY MEANS A HUMAN BEING. THE HUMAN SKULL CONSISTS OF SIX BONES. THE SKULL OF THAT CREATURE WAS MADE UP OF 4 BONES. THERE WERE OTHER DIFFERENCES IN THE SKELETON STRUCTURE. THOSE ANOMALIES DIDN’T LOOK LIKE ANY CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS KNOWN TO DATE.” Measuring nearly 10 inches in length, the mummified body had an enlarged and misshapen head. Its large eye sockets occupied most of its face. When it was alive, the Kystym alien must have looked quite different from us humans. Interestingly enough, it closely resembles Ata, another enigmatic mummified body discovered in the Atacama Desert in 2003. International media dubbed it the ‘Uralian Alien’ and the world was hungry for details. Stories soon began popping up. One of them mentioned the tiny alien had been found while still alive by Tamara Prosvirina, an old and barely literate woman. In August of 1996, Prosvirina heard a voice in her head telling her to go to the local cemetery, where she found the small alien inside a tomb. She took it home, baptized it Aleshenka and wanted to raise it as her son. Unfortunately, the alien died when Prosvirina fell ill and was hospitalized for a few weeks.This isn’t the only story about how the body was found. Other sources say Aleshenka had been found in the possession of Vladimir Nurtdinov, a local man suspected of stealing electrical wire. When his home was raided, he unwillingly gave police officers the small mummy wrapped in red cloth but never said where he got it. Even if its origins were unknown, the Kyshtym alien was a fascinating discovery. Ufologist and paranormal researcher Vadim Chernobrov flew in from Moscow to examine the body and concluded it was ‘sensational.’ Preliminary genetic analysis showed that it was definitely not human: “NO GENE SAMPLES AVAILABLE AT THE LABORATORY MATCH THE GENE,” CHERNOBROV SAID DURING A CONFERENCE ON ALIEN LIFE. “THE EXPERTS IN DNA RESEARCH HAVEN’T COME ACROSS ANY CREATURES WITH SUCH AN ELONGATED DNA MOLECULE.” 

It would be great if an independent laboratory could verify Chernobrov’s claims but such a venture is unfortunately impossible. Amidst the commotion caused by the discovery, the mummified alien body vanished without a trace. A somewhat sketchy investigation concluded that somebody must have simply stolen the body from the hospital morgue where it was being kept. Over the years, many attempts to recover Aleshenka have been made. A Japanese TV show even offered a reward of $200,000 for information regarding the alien mummy’s whereabouts but was largely unsuccessful. But the story doesn’t end here. A series of strange accidents led to the idea that that the alien body was cursed. Sources claim that shortly after Moscow researchers started investigating the case, Tamara Prosvirina was fatally struck by a car. 

Chernobrov himself inexplicably became paralyzed from the waist down while researching this strange creature. His disease rapidly progressed and was soon dead. Another victim of the curse of the Kyshtym alien was academician Mark Milkhiker who fell ill while conducting his own investigation into this strange case. He suffered a fatal heart attack after returning to Moscow. Tracing and verifying the validity of these claims is difficult and would only prove they are embellishments later added to the story. But the fact of the matter is twenty years ago, somebody found the mummified remains of a creature from another world. If it were to turn up today, ufologists would have a field day.


Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne visits UFO Crash Site Roswell, New Mexico On Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of visit: November 13, 2015
Location of visit: Roswell, New Mexico, USA
News source:

Ozzy Osbourne was seen around Roswell this week doing some personal research towards making a History Channel show. Sounds cool. The more celebrities that get involved in seeking disclosure, the better. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
ROSWELL, N.M.(KRQE) – A very famous visitor has one New Mexico city buzzing. Rock and roll and reality TV star Ozzy Osbourne has been spotted around Roswell the past few days. He’s even letting the locals snap pictures with him. Osbourne was at the International UFO Museum Thursday because he’s doing a shoot with his son jack for the history channel. There are not a lot of details, but the word is that it has something to do with the Roswell UFO incident, but that hasn’t stopped Roswell residents from getting word of the celebrity’s visit to town. “Not a lot of famous people come to Roswell, of course, but you know when they do it’s a nice little town for famous people to come and enjoy,” Jeremy Palma, Roswell resident. “It’s pretty awesome for someone to come here to this little town and have some appreciation for it, you know the aliens,” said Ernesto Peralta, Roswell resident. People have been spotting Ozzy around town, some claiming they saw him at Wal-Mart. He stopped by Chili’s last night and snapped a picture with the locals. The photo been spreading across social media in Roswell. Although he’s been staying pretty low key, he certainly has some fans around town who are hoping to meet the former Black Sabbath front man. “Hopefully we get his autograph,” said Petra Gonzales, Roswell resident. “He ought to give a concert and play some music out here ya know,” said Larry Flores, who is a big Ozzy fan. It’s unclear how long Osbourne will be here in town or when this history channel project will air.


Crashed UFO Witnessed In Day Over Thailand On Sept 6, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 6, 2015
Location of sighting: Thailand

Guys, this video hit 1,894,718 views in just two days! Thats cool!

This is a UFO because we can see that as it gets closer, it is slowing down. Also right before it hits the ground, it begins to flame up. That large flame it a shield going up to help slow it down and protect it at the same time. This could be a crashed UFO near this city. 

In Sept 27, 2013 a similiar UFO crashed in Mexico. Many people assumed it was a meteor, but when they went to recover the object, they found it and a charred body near it. There was no ship, just a shared rock like space suit and his charged rock-like body inside. (Click here to view that.)
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was driving to work at 8:41 meteor was heading from Split to separate Phongphet Lai (outgoing) cameras photograph vehicles not fit all. (Shared credit interfere with).


NASA Probe MRO Spots UFO Crash Site On Mars, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source:

The NASA probe MRO took photos this week of this crash site on Mars. At first it looks like a meteor impact, but a meteor would explode and disintegrate with that kind of hit and speed. This object is a crashed UFO. A disk that was damaged and the pilots barely had what it takes to land this craft. As a matter of fact, the passengers and pilots may still be on board, killed from the impact, although the craft seems to have mostly survived.

The long burnt marks along the Mars surface shows the object tried to come in at a horizontal position, like an intelligently made craft. Excellent discovery. I'm sure this object will one day give humans a lot of alien tech when salvaged. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Creature Walks Across Mars At Landing Site Of Opportunity Rover, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2010-2012
Location of discovery: Sols 58-60, Mars
Source Photo:

I reported this a few years ago, but came across it today and thought I would share it with you. This is a Mars creature moving across the surface near the landing spot of the Opportunity Rover. The animal looks a lot like a shrimp and in all other photos of the landing site, the animal is gone. Life was already found long ago. NASA just left the public in the dark. 
Scott C. Waring

NASA states:
This image from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's panoramic camera shows one octant of a larger panoramic image which has not yet been fully processed. The full panorama, dubbed "Lion King" was obtained on sols 58 and 60 of the mission as the rover was perched at the lip of Eagle Crater, majestically looking down into its former home. It is the largest panorama yet obtained by either rover. The octant, which faces directly into the crater, shows features as small as a few millimeters across in the field near the rover arm, to features a few meters across or larger on the horizon.


Roswell Alien Body Negative Found In Old Box, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Was At Unveiling In Mexico, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of unveiling: May 6, 2015
Location of unveiling: National Auditorium in Mexico City
News Source:

Slidebox Media on Youtube released a trailer about this alien slide they found (1st video below). I have to admit, its got me curious about it. The slide shows less detail than I would like, but we can see its basic shape of its skull, and its ribs.The object looks about a meter or less and is claimed to be an alien that died in the Roswell, New Mexico crash. If you have doubts about its authenticity...know that Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was there at the unveiling and he holds the world record for the longest moon walk at 9 hours. He was the 6th man to walk on the moon and he is taking part in this. He would not risk his reputation for a fraud. Did you know Edgar Mitchell was chosen by NASA because of his telepathic abilities? Yeah...most never knew about it. The funny thing is that back in the 1960s, their spacesuit only held 7 hours plus a half hour of back up air. So...I believe Edgar was in an alien structure that had its own air supply where he could use his telepathic abilities to communicate with the aliens. Aliens like the grey and a few others cannot speak, but use telepathic images to communicate. What I am saying is...when they brought him in the room...all doubts about this alien left out the front door. Its real and this has serious implications. Below is a screenshot from NASA of air in spacesuit. SCW

News states:
UFO hunters are preparing to unveil a series of photographs depicting an "alien" who crashed to Earth during the famous Roswell incident.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut who was the sixth person to land on the moon, and a team of extraterrestrial investigators will appear at the 10,000 seater National Auditorium in Mexico City tomorrow to reveal the "Roswell Slides".

These photographs were reportedly snapped by a geologist using Kodachrome film and are said to show the remains of an alien found dead in New Mexico. (More at source).


Triangle UFO Found Crashed On Far Side Of Earths Moon, Jan 6, 2014, NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 6, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths moon, far side.
NASA Source photo:

This triangle ship was found in Ryder Crater, on the far side of the moon. The side never facing us. It was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube is on a constant watch for new evidence that will shed some light on the existence of aliens.

I have to say this does blow me away. Its detail and shape are clear indication that this was a triangular shaped craft. At the ends of the corners, the ends are turned upward which shows that this was a craft that flew both in space and in atmospheres of planets. Also the top center is raised up,  like a lot of UFOs seen in the past. I wonder who will get to this alien tech first, US, Russia or China? The tech inside must be the stuff of dreams. Great find Streetcap1, keep up the great work. SCW


Glowing Entities Following Russian Trains, July 26, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 26, 2014
Location of sighting: Russia

The person that posted the video merely states; "what is it-UFO?!" Look closely at these glowing entities as they pursue and observe the train. There are three recorded instances that were posted on a Russian site and all of them have been placed into this single video. Such glowing entities have been seen following aircraft, over military bases and nuclear plants. This is what WWII pilots call foo fighters. They  recording data for research purposes. SCW

News states:
The July 26, 2014 in the railway Novgorod, Russia the presence of a possible entity or being pursued by the light rail at high speed and does it right in the middle of the tracks caught.


Village Watchs As UFO Zig Zags Through Sky Then Lands On Hill, Vicuna, Chile, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of UFO crash: October 2013
Location of UFO crash: Vicuna, Chile

Inexplicata News states: 
Chile: Ufologists Weigh In On The Vicuña Object
By Claudio Rojas Araya

The case involving the strange object that fell on a hill in Vicuña is already being studied by ufologists. Cristián Riffo, one of the most respected in Chile, notes that the incident is reminiscent of the famous Paihuano UFO.

“For the time being, it’s a UFO,” Cristián Riffo says unequivocally, a journalist and one of the most experienced Chilean ufologists, regarding the strange sighting and crash of what remains, for the moment, an unidentified flying object, that is to say, a UFO. There are many people – not just one – in different parts of Vicuña who claim having seen an object zigzagging in the sky and losing altitude around 16:00 hours before crashing into a hilltop in Vicuña’s La Compañía sector. The researcher notes that the sighting is very interesting, because it meets characteristics such as the reports of several witnesses and some photos from people who tracked the trajectory of the fall and photographed the crash site, prompting the interest of the UFO research community at the national and even international level. “In terms of expectation, some researchers from Santiago have already begun to ask questions on the matter and look into the images. Unfortunately, the initial photographs are from very far away, but it is a case that deserves investigation. There is more than one witness and that is very interesting. There were people in Vicuña proper and others closer to the site,” Riffo points out.


Corporal Stationed in Peru Is Eyewitness of UFO Crash, UFO Sighting News.

Date of UFO Crash: April 1997
Location: Peru

Update: Although he mentions DOE, it may mean Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs, which was created by the UN.

Corporal Weygandt states that the DOE, Department of Energy was there on the scene immediately after him, taking control of the situation, with many men in black there. He was there just 15 minutes but because he had an up close look into the craft and the outer parts of the craft he was immediately arrested. The men dressed in black said they are on their own program and don't have to obey anyone, we just do what we want. Weygandt states, "yes there were life forms in the ship." He said he held the creatures hands, which only had four fingers. The men that were investigating the UFO in black cloths were with a team called, "Delta, Oscar, Echo."

I believe these aliens are inhabiting parts of the Peru area in underground bases, and have made an arrangement with the DOE to help cover up accidents. Evidence that aliens have been in Peru go back tens of thousands of year with the Nazdec lines, also a recent alien mummy was found (click here to view). I hope hackers investigate the DOE in could be very interesting. SCW

News states: 
Lance Corporal Weygandt was stationed in Peru when he was asked to report to a crash site of a mysterious aircraft shot down into a mountainside. He said it was unlike anything he had seen. After visiting the site, he was arrested and held in a cell for days.