Showing posts with label disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disclosure. Show all posts


Alien Structures Found On Google Moon Map, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Google Coordinates: 21°29'22.62"N 146°54'37.89"E

Here are a few new structures that you may not have seen. I can see the detail in them and have never seen these two above before. The right angles, and shape of the structure is very unique. There are a lot of structures in this area, about 50+ but this is a good video below of a few of them.

I wonder how many structures that NASA has managed to take control of and salvage for their own military use? I remember UK hacker Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA computers and found documents stating that NASA hand a hand in off world world ships and soldiers. I will put the video below of him saying it. 
Scott C. Waring


Helicopter follows and waits patiently for UFO to leave the area In Palm Springs, Feb 4, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

 These are two examples of real UFO sightings at Palm Springs, but not the one from this report.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2017
Location of sighting: Palm Springs, California, USA
Source: MUFON #81924

Wow, I read this report and I really wish I was in Palm Springs to see it. This guy saw a helicopter hunting a red orb UFO that had landed on the mountain top. Of course the helicopter can only watch and wait for the aliens to get the message to leave. I included two photos above of past UFO sightings in Palm Springs, because the report didn't come with one. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
In my front yard checking my security camera. We have the Palm Springs mountain directly across from our home and often look up at it when the moon is out because of the glow from the moon on the snow I enjoy. What I saw first was a helicopter flying around the top of the mountain by the arial tramway.(we have request reports of missing hikers on the mountain)and when I saw the helicopter shining a spot light on the mountain,I though they were looking for someone,and went inside and got my wife to outside and take a look. I was in the Marine Corp with a helo squardren as a medic and got to see quite a few different styles of helicopter so I knew what I was looking at, especially after I heard the rotors of the helicopter and the search light. I then went inside and got my field telescope to see what was going on. The helicopter seem very focused on the one particular area but did fly around to different spots. The area they focused on when I zoomed in on the area I saw a large red sphere that remained on. The helicopter never shined the light directly on the object but behind and to the right side of it. I assumed it was a team of people maybe rescue crews looking for others? I made a comment to my wife about how skilled this pilot must have been,I had an outstanding view of the helicopter even at 7 pm in the evening and because it really isn't that far from our home.the pilot remained absolutely still in midair over the object for very long periods of time without moving at all,completely stationary.and that was on the side of the mountain about 10,100 feet up, 400 feet from the very top of the mountain by the tram itself. My wife had a few looks of it too and we still were wondering what on earth was going on up there. I made a few comments as time was going by like how very strange this all was,was this a downed plane? I brought the tripod and telescope closer to end of the property in my front yard to get even closer look and to my absolute astonishment as I was looking at the helicopter shining the spotlight again,this sphere changed different colors first white then light blue then red again and paused changing colors. With my wife right beside me and as I was looking through the scope the red sphere changed shape, flattened like a pancake and from the exact spot it was on flew straight to the right due north with the helicopter observing it,it traveled about a quarter of a mile then stopped changed direction and traveled due south and disappeared out of view. It wasn't flying fast at all more like a controlled glide.It observed flat from the side but as I was able to keep it in view with the telescope I could clearly see 3 lights, 2 brilliant red (like rubies) the front and rear and a smaller white on the side, the object appeared see through and triangular in shape and when observing it,it had a dreamlike quality to it, it was exceptionally beautiful to look at and it never made a sound.As I'm writing this seeing how it happened less than 2 hours ago I'm absolutely amazed at what I saw,my wife got to view this object and the helicopter also but didn't see the object change color or shape as I witnessed. I have mixed feeling,shock comes to mind,I never thought in a million years that the red object that we were observing would actually take flight and fly away. We lost sight of it as it went behind the lower edge of the mountain going south with the helicopter still flying around the top of the mountain by the Tram. I wonder now, we're they looking for occupants on the side of the mountain? I will submitted a drawing if asked. An added noted note: Palm Springs Tramway is a very popular attraction during the winter months here. When we were observing the helicopter flying around and then seeing the red sphere the tramway that runs every fifteen minutes with a trolling going up and coming down the mountain,not one cable car came up or down the mountain,chances are for the length of time we were looking we would have seen one of the cable cars or both. Also during the entire event through the telescope we saw different (teams?) of people with high powered flashlights trying to get over to where the helicopter was shining the spot light by this object but with the recent snow fall from storms weren't having much luck,or so it seemed. Thank you


Mars Building In Shape of Sarcophagus Found, Feb 2, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Photos Source:

I found a few interesting artifacts in this Mars photo. First there is a building in the shape of a sarcophagus, probably a monument of some sort or temple. 

Then there is the boat below. Its easy to see its detail and its easy to see its hollow inside, which gives it the boat like appearance. There is also a seat on the far right of it so someone could sit down on it.

There were many other things in this photo, a few of them are below for you to inspect. Mostly fragments of an ancient civilization long gone. 
Scott C. Waring


Mystery Boom Causes Panic In San Diego, California On Jan 24th 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Sound: Jan 2017
Location of Sound: San Diego, California, USA
News source:

Strange sound are being heard around the world and there are no apparent explanations. In San Diego, another large earth quake shaking boom caused thousands of residents to panic and worry about a bomb having exploded. However no bombs exploded and the true source of the loud sound is still unknown. 

Many UFO researchers like myself do believe that UFOs entering and exiting wormholes in Earths atmosphere causes such sounds. Also when an underground alien base is being expanded, such sounds are created. Remember the alien base in the shape of an oval disk found off the coast of Malibu, California? (Click here to view old post)  It could be the cause. Have you heard these in your area. They are happening around the world. 
Scott C. Waring


Silver Disk Seen Over Sutherland Springs, Texas During Day, Jan 21, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 21, 2017 
Location of sighting: Sutherland Springs, Texas, USA
News source: MUFON #81691

Here is a cool sighting just in today. A thick silver disk was moving over Texas when a guy noticed it and snapped four photos before the UFO shot off. You will notice some dark rectangles on the UFO, those are windows. Its very rare to get such a sweet shot of a UFO during daylight hours. Because of this, we can clearly make out the windows as well as its metallic shell. The UFO also has a rigged look to it instead of a smooth even look. 

Now, this reminds me of the Stephenville UFO incident that took place back in January 8, 2008. It happened just 140 miles from this new sighting at Sutherland Springs. It too was metallic but it was a rectangle craft that was 300 meters long and seen by hundreds including the local sherif, but the UFO then continued making a bee line to Presidents Bush ranch near Crawford...after that the gov says the UFO was off radar, but we all know radar will cover the Bush ranch. All this happened not far from this new sighting. I believe they are connected. But is it a secret USAF project making these part alien part human craft or is it truly 100% alien? 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Witness was loading PVC pipe into the back of his pick-up parked at the diesel pump at the VP gas station / convenience store on Hwy 87 in Sutherland Springs. Witness was facing southeast when he first saw the object to the southeast. It's silver reflective color caught his attention (mid day, bright sunlight). It was hovering approximately 450 feet southeast of witness's position, about 300-400 off the ground, to the right / SE of Hwy 87. Witness had no idea what it could be so he continued to watch it. He describes the object as a silver disc about 8 - 10 feet in diameter. Did not see any other markings or shapes (ie dome, lights, etc). From it's hovering position it made an "erratic" sudden move to the right (south)then ascended somewhat, tilted and began moving off toward the northeast, crossing Hwy 87. Witness took out is cell phone and took four photos as the object flew off toward the north. Witness describes the motion of the object as it was flying off as an extended arc, similar to skeet being launched on a gun range. 

Witness remained in has position behind his truck throughout the sighting. He did not hear, smell or sense anything else from the object. The sighting lasted approximately 45 seconds from when it was first noticed until it flew out of sight. Witness states that later in the day, he felt some anxiety, but does not think this was related to this sighting. 

UFO Mysteriously Appears In The Skies Northeast Of Antioquia, Colombia On Jan 20, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 20, 2017
Location of sighting: Segovia, Colombia

Here is a great UFO report from and we were lucky enough to get hold of a copy of the original video from UFO researcher Andries Riphagen of Youtube. When you see something like this in the sky you have to wonder where it came from, but I am glad that the local residents say that they will keep and eye out for its return. We may be getting more footage in the coming months of this UFO from a new angle. I believe the cycles within circles are due to the energy pulse or flow of the energy around the UFO causing this effect. As the eyewitnesses said, it only had the waves in photos, but not with the naked eye. 
Scott C. Waring

Inexplicata states:
Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía Residents of Segovia and Remedios were bewildered around 9 o'clock in the evening by a phenomenon looking like a static red fireball in the middle of the dark sky. This region of Northeastern Antioquía is rich not only in gold, but also in stories of witchcraft and sorcerers, so local residents would find nothing odd in having a "supernatural" force making itself visible. Yen Milea Bran, who took photos and made cellphone recordings like many others, said that her family and neighbors took to the streets - in the La Cruzada district in Remedios - to see a sort of "very bright star" that hung in the heavens for some three minutes before disappearing,. "It looked like a very large, shining star, lighting everything around it. But when recorded with the cellphone, it wasn't captured the way one's eyes perceived it. It looked like a fireball and in some images it displayed hypnotic circles," added the young woman. Many hypotheses have been put forth about the phenomenon, which had never been seen in the skies of northeastern Antioquía. "Many say it could be a UFO. Others say it could be a portal to another world. Others say it is surely a sign that the end is near and that we should repent, and others say that it has something to do with astronomy, that a star had surely exploded into a fireball," Yen Milenia explained. The images have already been inspected in the Planetarium of Antioquía’s capital city, and have yet to ascertain its true nature. Angela Perez, the astronomical coordinator, noted that the possibilities range from unidentified flying objects, to an optic phenomenon with the lens or a fire balloon. "Objects that cannot be identified are UFOs. However, the term is generally associated with spaceships and other things, but this cannot be said to be the answer until any other possibility has been discarded. Let's say that given the image's brightness, it could be one of those little balloons that get sent aloft with a candle inside," Pérez explained. The fact of the matter is that some residents intend to be vigilant these days to see if the mysterious phenomenon stages a return. [Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]


Guardians of the Galaxy Groot Found On Mars In NASA Photo! Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 24, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found Groot from Galaxy of the Guardians today in a Mars photo. The facial feature are almost identical to the Groot we all know and love in the movie. Was I looking for him...oh, hell no. I was looking for alien artifacts, but clearly this is a construction made by aliens.

Some people would not call this art or even artistic in any manner, but then again, we see art in museums and studios that make us shake our heads and wonder why there is a price tag of hundreds of thousands of dollars on it, then a fe minutes later we see a sold sticker on it. There are alway those with negativity in their lives, who try to talk you out of the truth in front of you. We all need to open our minds to new possibilities that sit right in front of us. I see Groot. 
Scott C. Waring

Glowing UFO Orb Over Marlborough, New Zealand On Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 19, 2017
Location of sighting: Marlborough, New Zealand 
News source:

This was in the news in New Zealand this morning and is causing a lot of excitement. The boy saw a UFO appear from nowhere, because it decloaked in front of him. It wanted to be seen by him. So was the boys watching the UFO or was the UFO watching the boy?
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A Blenheim teenager has captured a mysterious glowing object in the night sky on camera - and thinks he may have spotted a UFO. Josh Marshall, 16, took a video on his phone of the spinning, disc-like object on Wednesday night. It "sort of just appeared" in the sky when Josh was at his friend's house about 9.20pm."I'm not sure what it is but it's not a plane, it's not a star, and not a satellite," Josh said. "I've got no idea what else it could be," the Marlborough Boys' College student said. Josh watched it along with his friend's family until about 10pm, when clouds came over and covered it. "It was quite cool to watch." The object did not really move, but the stars seemed to move around it, Josh said. The object appears to get smaller and brighter before the video ends. It was interesting there was a lightning storm the same night, after he spotted the UFO, and he wondered if the two were connected. Marshall said he spotted the UFO northwest of his friend's house in Blenheim, and thought it was out over the Springlands suburb. (More at source).


UFO Appears From Bottom OF Cloud Over Mexico, Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2017
Location of sighting: Michoacan, Mexico
News source:

Yesterday in Mexico a large cloud was forming when suddenly a round disk was seen appearing pushing through its bottom layer. The disk was of a different color than the cloud itself and looked smooth and rounded. Some people ask me, why would a UFO want to make a cloud to hide it? Because it can really rock the world of those people who are on the edge already or a little unstable or especially sensitive. They don't want to be the cause of someone getting hurt down here. They just want a close look and want you to think...they are not there, its just a coincidence that such a cloud exists. It keeps people calm. 

I remember a report from the W56 Friendship case at Rocca Pia Italy, where some people were becoming friends with the aliens in the base below the castle there. One of the aliens said that they could never harm another living thing. To do so would be against all they believe and stand for (this only represents views of W56, not all aliens). That they would rather self destruct than harm a single human being. Its odd, but we certainly can't judge multiple alien species based on our culture, also compounded by the fact that humans have a small IQ and aliens have an astronomically high IQ. Level of intelligence changes the perceptual field...the way each individual views the world around them.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
HUETAMO.- At approximately 06:30 in the morning of this Saturday a strange meteorological phenomenon was visualized in several municipalities of the state of Michoacán, mainly in the hill of Tejerias, pertaining to the municipality of Huetamo. It is a spot with swirling figure and in the lower part a red light, which was appreciated in the sky, and was seen in several municipalities of Michoacan territory. People observed for more than an hour this phenomenon, which had never been seen.


Campers see a light that moved and changed shapes over Argentina On Dec 31, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 31, 2016
Location of sighting: El Chocon, Argentina
News source:

This UFO is made of energy, and has been seen around the world, but most notedly over the mountains of Colorado and was once seen by tens of thousands of people over the holiest place on Earth...dome of rock. They can change shape, and in our ancient history, these UFOs have been called angels when they appeared before people, because they can take any form, but when they do, they usually have a glowing aura around them. The holy place of Dome of Rock...has a story about an angle that ascended into heaven at that very place...just like the glowing UFO in the video below from Argentina. Angel or can be both at the same time. 
Scott C. Waring. 

News states:
A family camping at El Chocón on the evening of Saturday, December 31 (2016) claims having seen a UFO floating over the lake. The video they recorded shows a round light that moves and changes shape. Dario Carrizo, one of the people at the site, said that his wife and a friend recorded a light in the sky for 25 minutes. It moved quickly and changed sizes. They believe it was an unidentified flying object. "We spent the evening in a rough campground beyond the dam. That's where we saw the light, and it caught our attention, as it was very bright and moved all the time. It was quite striking," Carrizo explained. He further added that the cellphone shows a spinning object, but this detail cannon be made out clearly on YouTube. He ended by saying that it was a "lovely sight" for the adults, but no so much for the children, who "refused to go to sleep alone."


Mayan-Like Face Near Jesus Found On Mars In NASA Photos, Jan 5, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 5, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found some more ancient ruins from the tiny alien race that lived in this area of Mars. In the photos above, you can see some sculptures. They are very reminiscent of ancient mayan carving. The photos above has two sculptures in it. One is a bird face with a matching upsidedown bird face below it...mirroring it. Then just below the bird faces there is the more Mayan face. The face has rigid lines. The Jesus-like face below is difficult to see. It looks similar to the Shroud of Turin. Its clear that a very primitive civilization lived in this area of Mars long ago, but its still unclear how thousands of archeologists around the world could not take a moment away from their books to spend a few minutes looking at such discoveries. These discoveries should change the entire way we see ourselves as humans. So many opportunities in human history that aliens could have and probably did influence. 
Scott C. Waring


UFOs Reported Over the Mexico Highway, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 2016
Location of sighting:  Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
News source:

Here is an encounters with a UFO along a highway in Mexico this month. I really liked the detailed reports and something that really stands out is that the UFO so easily matched speed with the vehicle. This is something we see a lot in UFO reports, especially UFOs caught on live cam at the space station. No matter how fast or how slow, these craft are highly maneuverable and can easily match speed in seconds. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
With two new UFO sighting reports along the Mérida-Tixkokob Highway, this stretch of road is becoming known due to sightings of this sort. Localities such as Ticul and the Muna and Homún roads are also UFO hotspots.

Reports came from employees working on the construction of a highway exit toward Tixkokob: "We were heading home in late December was it was getting dark. My co-work grabbed his motorcycle and we took off toward Tipéxhual. We had progressed a few kilometers past the Villas de Oriente checkpoint when a sort of UFO or spaceship with a powerful blue light crossed right in front of us, at an altitude of some 20 meters. It was so close that there was no way we could be mistaken. My companion even pulled over to look at it more closely. In fact, it made no noise whatsoever," explained one worker.

It is worth noting that although no further information was forthcoming in this regard, a worker had seen a similar object only a few days ago, just one kilometer before reaching this community.

"We're certain that it was a UFO. The time was around nine o'clock at night. The light was very bright, like a sort of sphere, making erratic moves. It suddenly took off, vanishing at high speed. I think it went upward," he concluded.

A few years ago, Carlos Benitez Novelo, a vendor who customarily covers the Tixkokob route and encircling municipalities, informed Enigmas of the following case: "I let my house in Merida very early to start my collections in Tixho. I normally travel along the road that leads straight to that town, but on one instance I became distracted and went straight to Tipéxhual. Since it's the same distance, I didn't see a problem with it, and kept going. Within a few minutes after leaving Tipéxhual, going over the train tracks, I witnessed an object flying at low altitude, perhaps five meters. It was a black circular object, shaped like a spacecraft and metallic-looking, since the sunlight caused to have a slight glow. I slowed down but didn't stop, and then suddenly realize that it was matching my speed. I was very startled, it occurred in a matter of seconds, and then out the corner of my eye, I saw it take off and vanish into the sky. That's when I pulled over to calm down and see where it had gone off to, but I didn't see it again.

Such stories have become commonplace in recent years. All agree on the UFO's characteristics: it flies at high speed and a short distance from the road. However, the reason behind these sightings is unknown.


35km Alien Structure Found On Moon In Crater, Dec 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Henry Freres Crater, Earths Moon
Google Moon Coordinates:  23°22'8.11"S 58°43'56.97"W

The moon is a fascinating place, so when I get a chance, I like to go over detailed maps of it. As you can see, in there is a massive structure inside Henry Freres crater. The crater is 42km across. The structure covers 80% of that area. Very strange shape for sure, but you can easily make out that there are structures there. 

Something really odd is that there is a glowing light source from inside the crater. Maybe a reflective globe structure of some sort. You can put the coordinates in Google Moon and confirm it for yourself. Its there. 
Scott C. Waring


Are you or somebody you know an Indigo? A person with hidden powers. Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Here is something I though important, yet is not discussed much here. Indigo children...those born with special abilities, powers that were given to them from alien overseers who help, without the individuals knowledge of it happening. Here is a list below that will help you find out if you or someone you know is an Indigo. There are everywhere, even here in Taiwan. I knew one for years, before she revealed to me that she sees ghosts daily walking about. Kind hearted person who was a teacher. Most of us have met one at one point or other, but they often hide their special abilities when in public places.
Scott C. Waring

1. May be strong willed independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parents

2. Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience

3. Traditional Parenting and discipline strategies don’t appear effective  with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome.

4. Energeticly, Indigos are vibrating at a much higher frequencey so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)

5. Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balanced

6. Are creative right brain thinkers, but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brain school system

7. Often Indigos are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused.

8. Indigos are very intuitive, and may see hear or know things that seem unexplainable.

9. Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities, since their system is more finely tuned.

10. When their needs are not met, these children seem self centered and demanding, although this is not their true nature.

11. These children have incredible gifts and potential, but they may be shut down when not properly nurtured and accepted

CNN states: Whether they are called the "Disciple Generation" by Christians, or "Indigo Kids" by New Age followers, or Millenials by demographers children born after 1978 are said to be different. They are empathetic, curious, strong-willed, independent, and often perceived by friends and family as being weird. They possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose and also exhibit a strong inclination towards spiritual matters from early childhood. These children have also been described as having a strong feeling of entitlement. These children have a high intelligence quotient, an inherent intuitive ability, and a resistance to authority. Indigo children function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of authority, being conceptually smarter than their teachers. They are non-responsive to authoritarian, guilt/fear/manipulation based discipline. Many of these children labeled or diagnosed as having ADHD. They are avoiding or leaving the modern Church model in droves as they find deep spirituality in the gifts God has given them.


Giant UFOs Near Earths Moon Reinforce Hollow Moon Theory, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 9-29-2015 reported this week
Location of sighting: Brazil
News Source: MUFON #80045

This could be more evidence to the hollow moon theory. So many UFOs have been seen around the moon, yet we don't see a lot of structures on the surface, so there must be a large cavity within. 

Hollow Moon Theory: The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5. What does this mean?

In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated,
"If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."
Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon's reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity."

MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,
"the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow."
In Carl Sagan's treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was in my residence watching the lunar eclipse. I decided to take some pictures, because my son is interested in the subject and he slept because of the schedule. The objects were not visible to the naked eye, and I fixed the camera on a tripod not to move the camera. only the next day I went to see the pictures on the computer, when I found strange white spots around and near the moon. I follow and am interested in UFO phenomena, but thought well before sending the photos.