*Evidence Of UFOs and Contacts in Ancient Times.*
The following are some examples from the works of ancient writers, scrutinized for UFO references:

B.C. 498 Visitations "... Castor and Pollux were seen fighting in our army on horseback... Nor do we forget that when the Locrians defeated the people of Crotona in a battle on the banks of the river Sagra, it was known the same day at the Olympian Games. The voices of the Fauns have been heard and deities have appeared in forms so visible that they have compelled everyone who is not senseless or hardened to impiety to confess the presence of the Gods." - Cicero, Of the nature of the Gods, Book I, Ch. 2
B.C. 325: Visitations "There in the stillness of the night both consuls are said to have been visited by the same apparition, a man of greater than human stature, and more majestic, who declared that the commander of one side and the army of the other must be offered up to the Manes and to Mother Earth." - Livy, History, Book VIII, Ch. 11
B.C. 223: Bright Light, Three Moons "At Ariminium a bright light like the day blazed out at night; in many portions of Italy three moons became visible in the night time." - Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book I
B.C. 222: Three Moons "Also three moons have appeared at once, for instance, in the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius." - Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 32
B.C. 218: The Sky Is Filled "In Amiterno district in many places were seen the appearance of men in white garments from far away. The orb of the sun grew smaller. At Praeneste glowing lamps from heaven. At Arpi a shield in the sky. The moon contended with the sun and during the night two moons were seen. Phantom ships appeared in the sky." - Livy, History, Books XXI-XXII
B.C. 217: Fissure in the Sky "At Faleri the sky had seemed to be rent as it were with a great fissure and through the opening a bright light had shone." - Livy, History, Book XXII, Ch. 1
B.C. 214: Men and Altar "At Hadria an altar was seen in the sky and about it the forms of men in white clothes." - Julius Obsequens, Prodigiorum Libellus, Ch. 66
B.C. 163 : An Extra Sun "In the consulship of Tiberius Gracchus and Manius Juventus at Capua the sun was seen by night. At Formice two suns were seen by day. The sky was afire. In Cephallenia a trumpet seemed to sound from the sky. There was a rain of earth. A windstorm demolished houses and laid crops flat in the field. By night an apparent sun shone at Pisaurum." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch 114
B.C. 122: Three Suns, Three Moons "In Gaul three suns and three moons were seen." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114
B.C. 81: Gold Fireball "Near Spoletium a gold-colored fireball rolled down to the ground, increased in size; seemed to move off the ground toward the east and was big enough to blot out the sun." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114
B.C. 85: Burning Shield, Sparks "In the consulship of Lucius Valerius and Caius Marius a burning shield scattering sparks ran across the sky. " - Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 34
B.C. 66: From Spark to Torch "In the consulship of Gnaeus Octavius and Gaius Suetonius a spark was seen to fall from a star and increase in size as it approached the earth. After becoming as large as the moon it diffused a sort of cloudy daylight and then returning to the sky changed into a torch. This is the only record of its occurrence. It was seen by the proconsul Silenus and his suite. " - Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 35
B.C. 48: Thunderbolts, Visitations "Thunderbolts had fallen upon Pompey's camp. A fire had appeared in the air over Caesar's camp and had fallen upon Pompey's ... In Syria two young men announced the result of the battle (in Thessaly) and vanished." - Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book IV
B.C. 42: Night Light, Three Suns "In Rome light shone so brightly at nightfall that people got up to begin work as though day had dawned. At Murtino three suns were seen about the third hour of the day, which presently drew together in a single orb." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 130
B.C.?: Suns, Moons, Globes "How often has our Senate enjoined the decemvirs to consult the books of the Sibyl: For instance, when two suns had been seen or when three moons had appeared and when flames of fire were noticed in the sky; or on that other occasion when the sun was beheld in the night, when noises were heard in the sky, and the heaven itself seemed to burst open, and strange globes were remarked in it." - Cicero, On Divination, Book I, Ch. 43
A.D. 70: Chariots in the Sky "On the 2lst of May a demonic phantom of incredible size... For before sunset there appeared in the air over the whole country chariots and armed troops coursing through the clouds and surrounding the cities." - Josephus, Jewish War, Book CXI
A.D. 193: Three New Stars "Three stars ... suddenly came into view surrounding the sun, when Emperor Julianus in our presence was offering the Sacrifice of Entrance in front of the Senate House. These stars were so very distinct that the soldiers kept continually looking at them and pointing them out to another . . . " - Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book LXXIV
A.D. 217: Visitation "In Rome, moreover, a `Spirit' having the appearance of a man led an !@#$ up to the Capitol and afterwards to the palace seeking its master as he claimed and stating that Antoninus was dead and Jupiter was now Emperor. Upon being arrested for this and sent by Matermainus to Antoninus he said, `I go as you bid but I shall face not this emperor but another.' And when he reached Capua he vanished. " - Dio Cassius, Roman History
The above references are only a sampling of the evidence available. Consider just four writers: Julius Obsequens recorded 63 celestial phenomena; Livy, 30; Pliny, 26; Dio Cassius, 14; Cicero, 9.
Romans fervently believed that two strange horsemen, taller than normal men, alike in age, height and beauty, saved the day for Posthumus at Lake Regillus and, that same day, miraculously appeared in the Forum, announced the victory, and departed forever.
A contemporary historian described two shiny shields spitting fire around the rims, diving repeatedly at the columns of Alexander the Great in India, stamping horses and elephants, and then returning to the sky.
When we recall that Romulus was borne to heaven by a whirlwind while giving judgment on the Palatine Hill, that his successor Numa Pomilius, used magic weapons, that Livy, Pliny the Elder, and Julius Obsequens tell of mysterious voices, celestial trumpets, men in white garments hovering in airships, several suns and moons together, sudden new stars, and superhuman apparitions descending among men and then vanishing, we suddenly feel we are reading the wonders of the Bible.
Evidence exists; all we need to do is examine it.

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring or at YouTube and search "TaiwanSCW" to see my personal UFO dicovery videos.