Please helps us by donating to UFO Sightings Daily computer fund so that we can get updated and get rid of our old 7 year computer please. My old computer is fighting me all the way, but I do my best being just one person, one guy, running this site, but it gets hard. I really need your help. A dollar or five dollars would really help get us closer to our goal. Please help.
Scott C. Waring
Goal: To raise money for a computer for this site.
Some of you have responded when you found out I was using ads to fund parts of my site (UFO Reports Section has monthly fees I pay) and to get a new computer. Many readers told me to get a donate button, which they don't allow outside of USA, but I found that at indiegogo they do allow it. So if you wish to help me, any donation you could make would be wonderful. If not, thats cool too. I understand times are tight right now.
Scott C. Waring