Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts


I found myself on Wikileaks today about a UFO at the Space Station, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Wikileaks doc:

It looks like I'm on somebody's list in the government. I know Fox news mentioned me in an interview with Charles Bolton NASA director a few years back, but this one is odd. I'm on Wikileaks...a site that discloses secret documents and data of the US government so that the public can learn about it. 

Its about  a UFO article I wrote for Before Its News site a few years back, and the email is addressed to a US gov spy news site that pretends to gather world news info for the public, but really gathers it for the US government intel. I know this because this news site is in a lot of documents in Wikileaks...including to Hillary Clinton. 

So...big brother is watching. Lets hope those poor saps are learning from all this UFO and alien intel they are gathering, so it will make the change from within the government. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Orbs Buzz Around Yellowstone Park Hot Springs, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 12, 2016
Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, Wyoming 

Here we have several glowing orbs moving about over Yellowstone and this is the same area as Old Faithful, which could of course attract alien tourists as well as humans. Why wouldn't aliens be interested in the Earths natural wonders? The movement is proof its not Venus or a hot air balloon. If you knew the truth about the abundance of alien ships, craft and species around us every day, it would blow your mind. The best way to hide from us, is to hide in plain sight. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Full of flying anomalies in this overnight timelapse with stops.


Donald Trump Face Found On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, Is He An Alien? UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2010, Opportunity rover
Source NASA Photo:

I have found Trumps face on Mars in an Opportunity rover photo. The face, nose and hair looked so much like Trumps that I had to share it with you. The photo below has his face super imposed upon the rock so that you can see the incredible detail. Is this a symbol of an alien in the Mars culture that had power and that cause the people of this planet to feel empowered, enough to make his face permanently in the scenery. Is this a sign that Trump is an alien, or decided from the aliens on Mars? Possibly. He does seem to have a magical power in his voice that causes mass hysteria and loyalty. 

There was a case long ago in Rocca Pia, Italy where aliens met with humans there for several decades (click here to read). They called themselves the W56, and said there was another group called the CTR. The CTR was said to exploit the human race for financial gains. I am wonder if Trump is a member of the CTR. 
Scott C. Waring 新北市新莊區幸福路, 台灣



UFO spotted at Blur gig in Hyde Park, London, England On June 20, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 20, 2015
Location of sighting: London, England
News Source:

News states:
A strange UFO was spotted at the Blur concert in Hyde Park as the band performed their classic hit Parklife.
In the footage, which was shot on the mobile phone of concert-goer Diarmund Nagle, two mysterious bright, white lights are seen shooting across the sky just to the right side of the stage just as the band launch into the chorus.

The lights hover in the sky for a very brief moment before they suddenly disappear into thin air, just as quickly as they came.

Other festival attendees are seen holding their arms towards the sky as they dance and sing to the band's music - with most of them seeming to be unaware of the 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' UFO light show.

And even Diarmund was oblivious to the mysterious objects at the time, having simply pulled his phone out to record the band singing their famous hit.

The footage was recorded as the band performed a 23-song set in London on June 20.


UFO Shoots Past Orion Nebula As Astronomer Records It, Jan 10, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 10, 2015
Location of sighting: Near Orion Nebula

Its fantastic that an astronomer caught this UFO. Most astronomers will not acknowledge the existence of life beyond our earth. This person was in Jakarta, Indonesia when he recorded this video. The UFO is coming from the Orion Nebula, so I hope other astronomers will take note and keep an eye open for more activity. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
This video from DSLR capture Orion Nebula.
Resolution photos 4K or crop to 4K

But one dot look different, all star moving down, but one light move up. Really dont know, this UFO, Space Junk, Komet, SpaceX or ISS. Moving from west to east at the equator

Information from Spotstation.Nasa.Gov only give information ISS below
"No sightings at this location for this period.
(Saturday Jan 10, 2015 through Saturday Jan 24, 2015)"

This foto about 30 frames.
Time 11 Januari 2015, 00:32 AM (GMT+7) - Location Jakarta - Indonesia

Position camera Fix on tripod - 90 deg. Vertical
With Nikon Stock Lens and 30 seconds exposure. Not show Orion Nebula

With Tamron 70-300mm, Zoom max 300mm (450mm with APS-C sensor). One object look like Orion Nebula appear. But one dot moving very different from stars.
I am take about 9 times (batch) x 30 photos, with different setting, angle and zoom

Startrail photo

After the first batch photos using Lightroom. Only first batch 30 photos and get one moving object plus one meteor. 8 batch photos look normal.

Resolution Photo RAW 4928x2772 pixel
Original photo


Glowing UFO As Bright As The Sun Over Brazil, Jan 4, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Porto Alegre, Brazil

This bright UFO was caught during sunset in Brazil this week. The object light up and glowed as bright as the sun itself. This was caught near the coast so it was probably heading to a alien base below the ocean. Its much easier to hide a base below the ocean floor than below a country. SCW


UFO Flying Near Moon And Orb Near Jet Contrails, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit and moon.
Eyewitness states:
The objects in this clip were shot during daytime filming of the moon. I was panning the scope to track chemplanes as I saw them and that was how I filmed the second object in this clip. The first object may be one of those white orbs I film near chemtrails but it is hard to know for sure. Also, if you wish to follow my articles on the click the links below to my articles and subscribe to the author.


Alien Egyptian Artifacts Discovered In Jerusalem, Kept Secret By Rockefeller Museum, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: Dec 2014
Location of artefacts: Jerusalem
Paranormal Crucible site:

Paranormal Crucible states: 
Remarkable ancient relics have been discovered, that could totally rewrite Egyptian history. The artifacts, which were discovered in a former home of Sir William Petrie in Jerusalem, were allegedly taken by representatives of the Rockefeller Museum, shortly after the discovery became known.


UFO Ober Manchester, England On Nov 17, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of 1st sighting: November 17, 2014
Location of sighting: Manchester, England

Tercermilanio News States: 
On November 17, 2014 in Manchester, England John Hindley 35 observed a strange saucer-shaped object flew over the Pennines a mountainous formation in southern Scotland and northern England, analyse the images and compared this case with a photograph taken at the zoo Animaya in Merida, the December 4, 2014, where you can see an object of the same characteristics.


Red UFO Over Charlottetown, Canada On Nov 17, 2014, UFO Sighting News -Photos-

Date of sighting: November 17, 2014
Location of sighting: Charlottetown, Canada
Canada News Source:

This UFO we seen in a secluded area of Canada last week. The can't be a meteor, because its is perfectly round and red. Its holding together and not falling apart as it moves. It could be space junk, but space junk would be torn apart on reentry, this is one solid orb. SCW

News states: 
When Blanche Ward of Charlottetown stepped outside her door on Monday afternoon, she spotted something unusual: there were two small trails of smoke slowly flying high across the sky.

Ward immediately rushed back into her house and grabbed her camera. When she zoomed in and took her shot, she saw a small red dot with the two lines of smoke trailing behind.

She says the object remained in the sky for one or two minutes before dropping below the horizon and out of view.
It is presently unconfirmed what the object was. Ward immediately suspected that it was a meteorite or a piece of space debris. It is a strong possibility that the object was the peak of the Leonids Meteor Shower which peaked on November 17 – the day of Ward’s sighting.

On the other hand, if it was a piece of space debris, Ward does not believe it would have landed anywhere near Charlottetown given its apparent altitude.

She has spoken with other locals in Charlottetown, none of whom actually spotted the object.


Two Videos Record UFO In Phoenix, Arizona On Nov 7, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 7, 2014
Location of sighting: Squaw Peek Mt, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Wow, we have two videos from Phoenix of this UFO. Several helicopters surround a UFO over Granada Park and they stay there for over 25 minutes during and after sunset. One helicopter gets really close, then moves away to a safer distance. Its not strange a team of helicopters were there so fast. Those helicopters came from Luke AFB, about 27 miles from Squaw Peek. Phoenix might be uploading more videos soon, because residents have been on the look out for UFOs ever since the Phoenix lights incident. I will keep you updated. SCW

Below is Luke AFB in left circle and Squaw Peak in right. 

Eyewitness states:
This cellphone footage was recorded at Granada Park in Phoenix Arizona. I went to the park with my daughter around sunset on Friday November 7th 2014. It was then that i heard multiple helicopters in the sky above. When i looked up I saw the helicopters but below them I also saw a bright circular disk shaped flying saucer hovering over the mountain directly in front of me. It hovered over Squaw Peak Mountain for several minutes and then the object started changing color and shape. It then started to make its way to the ground and lands somewhere between Squaw Peak Mountain and the houses in front of me. I stopped recording and decided to leave the park to see if I could drive to the site where the object landed. I started walking towards my car and when I turned back around the U.F.O. was back up in the air. This is the footage you see when it is darker outside. The U.F.O. was a light grey color and had bright lights that glowed in a strange way. The hovering craft made no sound. I know this because after filming when i was driving away from the park, the flying saucer flew over me and it didn't make any noise. I watched this flying saucer at the park for about 25 minutes until I had to leave. I caught 3 separate clips of footage on my cell phone that i have combined onto this video. If you have any questions just leave them for me in a comment below. Please LIKE and SHARE this video. I had to upload the clips sideways because if i turned them upright it cut off some of the footage. Also, I was moving my camera around a lot in the video because i was trying to keep a close eye on my daughter playing behind me while filming at the same time.


Giant Structure Found On Mars, Nov 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 18, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source:
Chance of being real: 97%

This photo was taken by the Global Mars Surveyor mission. I was searching through some NASA photos and came across this one that shows a foundation in a square pattern. The lower left hand corner is still standing and has another smaller structure near it. This structure takes ups a whopping 20% of the entire photo! These walls (building actually) were just one large structure, but over millions of years in space, they get covered by cosmic dust particles and get buried. It would take millions of years for that to happen. This is an archaeologists dream come true. It doesn't get more intestine than studying a ancient culture on another world. SCW


Mysterious Moving Light Caught On Mars In 8 Photos! Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source:

Here we have a mysterious white orb moving around the surface of Mars. Its very similar in color and shape to the orbs seen in the old Apollo mission photos. It was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube and it is quite remarkable.   The orb was caught in not one, but eight different images. This object moves with intelligence. Don't take my word for it, click the NASA link above to see it for yourselves. 

The first video is of the new orb found. The second video is one I made back in 2011 of a white orb, much bigger following the Apollo craft. This orb was in about 45 images before it left. 


Video below I made back in 2011 of orb following Apollo. 

ESA Confirms Comet 67P Transmits A Radio Signals. Hear it on video! Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: Nov 2014
Comet name: Comet 67P
Announcement made by ESA
Source 1:
Source 2:

This is an exciting announcement folks. The ESA has announced this week that Comet 67P has been sending radio signals. In my opinion this is not a code. It is how a species of aliens communicate to one another without speaking. A form of telepathy put into primitive radio signals. Its the only way this species can communicate to us. This is their thoughts. They don't talk. They look like the 1 meter tall greys, but with a skin that has a tint of brown. Yeah, I have heard this sound before. Listen to the video below to hear the signal...the song as they call it. A repeated message.

Because this signal was put into radio transmissions, a very primitive technology to send messages with...the signal had to have been made for humanity. Getting a copy of the full message and then translating it should be of utter importance. Is it a message of greetings? Or is it a warning of whats to come? We the people of the world need to find out. SCW

The states:
The European Space Agency (ESA) today confirmed that it was receiving a mysterious signal from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In a post on its live streaming website, it described the signal as a “mystery song” and uploaded a recording with the caption: “Hear our comet sing.” The confirmation follows months of rumors that the Rosetta mission was originally sent to explore a radio signal from the comet first detected 20 years ago. The November 12 landing of the Rosetta mission’s Philae probe will be live streamed to the world. The ESA’s surprise announcement hints that the significance of the landing may go well beyond the historic first of humanity landing a probe on a comet. (Read much more at source).


Updated: Circle With Cross On Mars, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source:

Updated: Nov 12, 2014. I tried to use some programs to take the blur from the photo above. It worked about 50%, but still a lot there. The two examples are below. Sorry I couldn't get all the blur out. SCW

This photo contains a lot of fun things not to mention a massive object blurred out by NASA. I took some screenshots of the objects that were most interesting. One anomaly was a circle with a cross in it. This was a long stone-like pillar. I say stone-like, because I don't believe this substance is stone, but a special metal with built in tech. There is also a lot of figures. Most are carved or standing, but one glowing figure of a woman in a dress is nothing less than confusing. She is floating in mid air along the side of a stone like object. Unlike most the figures, this glowing woman looks alive. SCW 

Alien Craft Wing And Ancient Tech Found In New Mars Photo, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News. Video.

Date of discovery: November 9, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Description: MSL 778 MAST 100
Photo Source:

A reader here at UFO Sightings Daily left a comment about Gigapan NASA photos being worth looking over. I checked it out and my eyeballs almost popped out of my head. It was hard to believe that NASA allowed so much to get through without much filtering. Notice I said not much. This particular photos has hundreds of faces big and small all over, but more importantly I found a fragment of a alien craft. This photo and the others here were added in Oct-Nov of this year, so its a new index. Apparently NASA servers couldn't handle the size so they put them on Gigipan. I saw a few large head laying around. There were even three heads with helmets laying next to one another. Each being about 2 meters across or more. 
The above photo is normal color. Anomaly appears to be made of gold. 
Below is a long broken ships (drone) solid form to withstand massive barrage of fire. On day, DARPA will be making drones that are much stronger...meaning solid so they can not be destroyed so easily. 
 Can you see the face on the top of the rock in the photo below. It is just one of hundreds in this photo. I saw dozens of different alien species faces. 
 Below is very odd. A white wall was made in the crack of some ancient structure or craft. This white wall looks like it was made recently, indicating something small and alive lives within. 
Below is part of a spacecraft. 
Do you want to help the UFO community? Search the Gigipan index and use a screen recorder to record it. Then post them to Youtube with the words UFO Sighting in the title. We will find it. Oh...always...always include the URL so it can be confirmed by us. Thanks, SCW