Showing posts with label treasure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treasure. Show all posts


Artists of long ago incorporate their UFO Sightings & Abductions into their paintings, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Art is like the earliest forms of photography, recording the true history of mankind all the way back the those paintings on cave ceilings and walls. When an artists and a regular person stand side by side and observe a UFO sighting, many irregularities will come from their reports. The regular person will give one or two details, but the artist with his discriminating eye for beauty will describe twenty or more important details that the other person easily overlooked. So, looking at the paintings of historical artist is extremely important. 

I'm not saying an artist born in the 1300s or 1400s was transported to the birth of Jesus to witness and then paint it. What I am saying is that these artists had a more personal experience, one where they themselves witnessed a UFO or were abducted by aliens, and being unable to speak of it, instead they hid their experience in the painting, hoping that future generations may understand it better than his own towns people 600+ years ago who might label them as the town fool. Look in the above photo, you see something that doesn't belong there, an old man and looking upward at a UFO. He painted his personal experience into the important religious painting to preserve it forever. Many artists in the world used secret messages in their paintings.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Over Arizona Causes Reflection Of Itself On Clouds Above, Arizona, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 6, 2016
Location of sighting: Arizona, USA

This UFO was noticed when the sun lit it up and caused a disk reflection above it on the clouds. Only a metal reflective surface could do this, and as you see, the dark area of the cloud is the actual UFO. The lighter parts are the thin cloud as the sun shines through it. Even cloaked in a cloud, this is clearly a UFO. Below is the negative colors, making the UFO stand out from all its surroundings. Its metallic surface is a different material than anything in the sky or the ground. 
Scott C. Waring


Angel UFO Appears over Brooklyn, NY Church, But Lets Dig Deeper. Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 2017
Location of sighting: Brooklyn, New York, USA

I see this a lot, a reflection off a window is not seen by the person filming, but is caught by the camera, because the digital eye is near perfect and misses less. It happens most often in airplanes where the interior is dark and the LEDs are turned on, or from a tall building where the lights behind the person actually reflect off the inside of the window and get caught on camera. This is a valuable lesson from UFO Planet of Youtube, and great presentation so that people can avoid this mistake in the future. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
"This was taken from a bus that was moving very slowly during a tour of Brooklyn, NY. I did not have my flash on my iPhone when I took the photos. Also, I only took a photo of this because I knew what the building was but was not mentioned by the tour guide so there would probably not be others taking photos." 

"I saw the light after the fact when I was looking at my photos. If anyone has the knowledge to judge if this is a reflection, I would welcome that. I took many photos from the bus that day and that particular image did not appear in any of others."



UFO Disguised As Plane Over St. Helens, England On Dec 30, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 30, 2016
Location of sighting: St. Helens, Merseyside, England

This is an odd sighting of a UFO over a small town in England yesterday. A UFO that is disguised as a plane using plane lights is a common technique for UFOs to escape detection at night. Nice catch by Kelly Latham of Youtube. 

Eyewitness states: 
Weird UFO seen in St. Helens that ain't no plane!!


Electrostatic Plasma Ball like Entity Over Redland, Florida On Dec 29, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 29, 2016
Location of sighting:  Redland, Florida, USA

This magnificent UFO footage was recorded both in infrared and normal video. Infrared cameras are awesome. They let us see a spectrum of light that our eyes are not capable of seeing. All UFO can be seen with an infrared camera, regardless if they are cloaked or not. The IR sees right through the shield, just like IR can see through black ink spilled on a book and still allow us to read every letter below the black ink. IR is famous for cutting through the clouds, for cutting through even dark water and seeing whats below. It is the ultimate tool of UFO researchers, from which, there is no escape for the UFO. Click here to view the newest IR cameras for sale. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight many small objects in the atmosphere are also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave(radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more effective than scanning the sky in visible light. From video footage the "best" that we can show is the anomalous character of a given manifestation, to get clear ideas of the nature or origen of Anomalies further comprehensive research is needed that video alone can't provide. But Anomalies manifestations are a "local" phenomena and local phenomena usually have local explanations or causes. Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night showing with that clearly their anomalous nature. 

Key steps for systematically observing anomalies:
1- Infrared spotting. Using an optical magnification in the 20x range.
2- The use of very high optical magnification able to resolve distant object details, in the 150x optical magnification range.
3- Direct signaling to the anomalies spotted. Anomalies will change behaviour and body geometry in response to "smart" signals.


Knights Templar Face Found On Mars Near NASA Rover, Dec 23, 2016, PHOTOS, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 23, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Here is a Knight Templar face I found in a Mars photo. It clearly has on a chainmail hood and the man is in his late 40s to early 50s. The beard and mustache of the man really give him character, just like the Knight Templar in the movie Indiana Jones. 

Here are some faces I found when I was looking for structures. The faces seem to be structure themselves. Not just carved into rock, but more so had been sculpted by some kind of hard black substance that many have been mixed like a clay, then made on the side of their homes. These large black objects look like rocks, but that is not logical, because why would so many artistic faces and designs be in these objects...for no reason? No, there is always a reason. So, the most logical is that they were housing structures of some sort. Check out the faces of these tiny alien species, who made their faces big for us to see. Such a tiny species was probably genetically created, but allowed its freedom once the experiment was over...just like humanity.
Scott C. Waring

Below photo has two faces on it. Can you find them?
 Remember, these species are tiny, just a few cm tall, but they made these large faces that are 1-3 feet on their homes. 
 Below is a house structure with open ceiling. 


Alien Figure Standing On Surface Of Mars Pointing At Rover! Dec 17, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 16, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This is an alien figure on a hillside overlooking the rover. Its actually holding up its arm, pointing at the rover. The head, chest and arm are all exposed, and there is a triangle area at its feet, which makes it look like a toga. The figure looks like its alive and not a statue. 

There were a lot of other odd structure everywhere, but mostly I found a lot of different faces of species that I didn't know existed. For instance, did you know there was a Mantis species (5th photo below) on Mars? Some extraordinary faces that give us an in-depth look at who they were. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Over Liverpool, UK Causes Excitement That Aliens Are Visiting The Area, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Liverpool, UK
News source:

These two dark UFOs are moving back and forth from each other and as they do, a jet is seen in the sky above them, possible investigating the UFOs if they were seen on radar. These look more like alien drones that explore, record and take samples. 
Scott C. Waring

Daily Mail UK News states:
A pair of UFOs were spotted in UK skies over the weekend with no explanation as to what they were.

The two blue shapes were seen flying ‘in tandem’ on Saturday afternoon in Halewood, near Liverpool.

After hovering in the air for around 30 seconds, the objects suddenly blur and vanish from the screen, with the camera moving around to try to spot them, only to focus on a plane. (More at source)

👽 Glowing Alien Orb Appears And Disappears In Just 3 Seconds On NASA Space Cam, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News 👽

Date of sighting: Nov 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Near Sun

This is just crazy. This this planet is gigantic like our sun, but if you watch it carefully, its rotation is incredibly fast, unlike our sun. Which means this is not our sun or a reflection of it. This is another object. 

Brought to my attention by Streetcap1 of Youtube, this is crazy cool, and yet bewildering at the same time.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is very close to the satellite taking the videos, so this is probably just 100 meters across about. It is either a energy ship...not solid at all, or an alien entity orb. Remember the alien entity over Dome of Rock? It was about 15-20 meters across and pure white light. Thats what we see here, but ITS LOOKING RIGHT AT THE SATELLITE!!!  Notice the giant face yet? Two eyes, a nose, mouth, chin? Yeah...its a live and its eternal because its in energy form. I call this an alien...others might call it an angel, demon or god. It doesn't matter. Its alive! In the video, the face slowly rotates as if its turning to look at the NASA satellite. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
I have never seen a Planet appear and disappear before. For NASA to pretend it's the Sun is just nuts. The Sun's CME's are still visible at the left of the picture even when this object appears. Also the ufo fleet is on one frame just prior to all this happening. Streetcap1.



Alien Coin Found On Mars Has Two Different Heads, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source photo 1:
NASA source photo 2:
NASA source photo 3:
Chance of being a real coin: 90%
Now this is interesting. Paranormal Crucible of Youtube has reported finding some coin like objects on Mars. I have to admit, one of these photos is very convincing. It may be a coin, medallion or broach. The object does have a face on it, however it is not a single's a double face. There are two faces of two species on the front. One species looks semi human on the right side. The left face looks nothing like a human, but I have seen it before. The most significant discovery here is the fact that these two species put their historical figures on this coin together as a symbol of their bond of friendship. SCW

Paranormal Crucible of Youtube states:
Yet another extraordinary archeological discovery, has been caught by the mars spirit rover. The incredible image's, appear to show three possible coins or medallions, which were unearthed by the rovers Rock Abrasion Tool, while excavating a pit on the Martian surface. The discovery of these coins, proves beyond question, that mars did indeed have an advanced civilisation, dating back thousands of years, long before earth's history was born.

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Baltic Sea UFO Released On Video By Captain Of Ship, Nov 27, 2012.

Date of discovery: June 16, 2011
Date of video release: November 27, 2012

This is an update on the Baltic Sea UFO. The captain of the ship that discovered the UFO released the first moving video of the UFO on radar. Most the time electronics on the ship shut down for some unknown reason, whenever it was over the UFO, so recording it was a constant struggle for him, but this video is much appreciated. SCW

Also he posted another video Nov 3, but it does not allow embeding so I will put the link below. In it he explains this video and states that the object is, "Most likely constructed and it has been there for a very long time. This is for real, even though its very hard to believe that." 


Ocean Explorer Team Who Finds UFO At Bottom of Ocean Speaks About the find, UFO Sighting News.

Swedish treasure hunters on the 18th of june 2011 found a gigantic circle on the bottom of the baltic sea between Finland and Sweden.

The circle which was found on 87 meters depth was estimated to be 60metres in diameter. And was followed by a 300 meter long 'sliding track', as if the object would have travelled over the seabed before it stopped.

Peter Lindberg, one of the treasure hunters of 'Ocean Explorers' said the following; "You see a lot of strange things in this profession, but under my 17-18 years working as a professional 'wreckage hunt' I have never ever seen anything like this. The Shape, the totally unique and completely round circle makes this found totally unique!"

Overall he sounds like he does not want to investigate it further. I am not sure why he does not want to go after it. Alien technology would be priceless to any government anywhere.