Showing posts with label united nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label united nations. Show all posts


Alien Stealth Buildings On Neptunes Moon Triton, April 20, 2018, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of discovery: April 20, 2018
Location of discovery: Triton moon of Neptune

Today I want to show you one of the three types of alien structures most commonly found on every moon and planet in our solar system. 

This alien base is on a moon of Neptune called Triton. Very few photos of this moon exist, so having something this close is just mind blowing. The black structures look to be stealth-like non reflective material, so that radar cannot detect them. I have found structures on every planet and moon in our solar system. This is a great example of the black structures I often talk about. The other two are the white ceramic structures and the grey (about 90% smaller than the black or white structures, but often tied to them with black tunnels) metallic buildings with right angles. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Disk UFO Near Space Station Spits Out Orb On Live Space Station Cam, April 13, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April Friday the 13th, 2018
Location of sighting: Space station
Source URL:

This UFO appeared on live cam and spit out an orb that quickly came closer to the space station. As the orb left the main ship, it was visible. However its systems seem to become activated after it left, because it soon cloaked. 

Aliens are not giving up on us, the public. They will continue to send small messages to us all at different locations around the world. When you see a UFO, its probably because they wanted you to see them, so take photos or video and share it, because they would like the public to be aware of them. Its the governments of the world that refuse to let the public know of the existence of aliens. 

If you follow the link, then in that recorded ISS video go to the 2:44 mark, the UFO will be visible, then it disappears and the screen becomes green. 
Scott C. Waring


Fifth Element Alien Face Found On Mars Near Spirit Rover, PHOTOS !!! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol 1344, Spirit rover, MER
I actually was looking for a turtle like creature I found in another photo near this photo set, but stumbled on this old face I reported last month, but this time its in a different photo and a different angle. Kind of cool, open mouth in defiance, looks a lot like the tall grey alien from the movie The Fifth Element. Compare in photo above. There are other faces in this main photo, about 15, but only this one is in such high detail that most readers could make it out. Yes, the biggest rock object in the main photo is a face...yeah, yeah, I know, but most people just wont see them, so I focus on what they are capable of seeing. Sometimes a photo requires a person who is new to focus for 10-30 minutes, before the person can see it, others may take literally days, but it will come. first Mars panoramic...I looked at it for a week and a half...because there was so much there...Click here to view that photo.
This is one cool ass alien that really does look like the one in the movie Fifth element, which makes me many aliens have leaked information into Hollywood movies and TV shows for us humans to see? I would wager hundreds of movies, thousands of shows. 
Scott C. Waring


15km entrance to alien base found on Earths moon, Oct 29, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 29, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths moon, another's hemisphere

I found an entrance to an underground base. It looks like ships fly int and out and inside is a large docking bay area. The entrance is huge, about 10-15km across, which would fit any navy ship on the ocean today. The base is camouflaged to look like its environment and the base itself is below the surface. A blur section was placed over the entrance and over another building on purpose by NASA in order to hide them from the public, but never fear, I am on it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Ancient Bottle Found On Mars In Rover Photo, Oct 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 26, 2017
Location of sighting: Mars, sol 1852, Spirit, MER
NASA Source url:

I found a bottle like object on Mars in Spirit rovers Sol 1852 set of photos. The bottle or container has a wide bottom and a narrow opening at the top as you see in the photos above. 

Below is sculpture of an alien in some kind of uniform or ceremonial outfit sitting on a flat rock. I also found a crocodile creature, probably a statue of some sort or a prettified animal. I am surprised that NASA still has not come out and announced that it found ancient intelligent life on Mars. I am however impressed that Trump may release the JFK files, because if he does, then this gives all of us hope that he may also forcibly release all UFO files, but this must include all files of US government interaction with alien species. Often people don't seem to know that the US has been in contact with alien since the late 1950s, and even allowed the Tall Whites race to occupy the old firing range area of Nellis AFB. Its time to not just release the truth, but for Trump to bring in some of the black ops guys who have been in charge alien interactions so that the public can learn more from the White House. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

BELOW, This is a dark structure that looks to be a pipe inside a pipe. 

 BELOW, is a crocodile statue, you can easily see the nose tip and two eye bulges and even one of its eye balls. Although crude compared to humans art, I have seen art by humans that seems to emulate junk more than the animals or humans they said it was suppose to be. This crocodile...compared to that crap abstract human art, is genius. 


Newest Alien Face Found On Mars By Spirit Rover, Sept 17, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 17, 2017
Location of sighting: Mars Sol 141, spirit rover, MER

I found an interesting alien face carved into the top of this rock. It has an open mouth, cat-like ears, and large eye sockets, but a small almost hard to recognise nose. I also don't know if you noticed it, but there is a white triangle in the shadow on the lower right of the rock. It must have some meaning. This is 100% evidence that aliens once existed on Mars. 

The US and world governments can hide the fact that aliens exist all they want, but they can't hide it from me. I have proven over 1,000X that aliens exist. This is just one straw on the hay pile of evidence that I present to you on this site. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien skull found on Mars in NASA photo with official link, Sept 14, 2017, photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 14, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 1344
NASA URL source:

This giant alien skull was just screaming out with its mouth wide open waiting to be found. It is huge, about 2X the size of a bowling ball. Its easy to make out the eye sockets, nose socket and open mouth, but did you notice the horn-like appendage on the top of one side of its head? It may have two horns, the other hidden on the other side. 

Also something that I find links this back to the RetiredAFB astronaut William Rutledge (yeah, I talked to him a decade ago on Youtube) who was on the Apollo 20 covert mission. He took film footage of a alien they found on the moon in an old ship. She was comatose and attached to the ship, so they cut her loose and took her back to the the video which I will include below, she has a third eye. As does this alien skull I found today.

There is also a medieval-like shield not far from the head, perhaps the shied the alien was holding before his head was cut off. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan



Streetcap1 Finds More Structures In Tycho Crater, Earths Moon, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 2017
Location of discovery: Tycho crater, earths moon
Source Photo:

These structures were found by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week. They are white ceramic structures...the ones I have talked about before on many occasions. They reflect light from their surface like they are shiny white ceramic, although of course they are actually an alien material, not ceramic. I added shadow to the above screenshots so you can see them better. NASA of course will continue to ignore all discoveries by the public, because their main goal is to keep the public in the dark about the existence of aliens. 
Scott C. Waring


Grenada Prime Ministers Warns United Nations That UFO Research Is Essential, Wikileaks, UFO Sighting News.

Email sent from: United Nations

Wikileaks has an email that states that the PM of Granada flatly states that UFOs exist and that the United Nations needs to do some serious research. All this makes me think that the tiny island of Granada must be having some serious UFO sightings for the Prime Minister of the country to step out and say it. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen Over Phoenix, Arizona Gets On Local TV News, Oct 2016, 2 Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
News source:

These UFOs are controlled by the Tall alien species given an allotment of land for an underground base behind the old shooting range of Nellis AFB.  What we are seeing, is several Tall White UFOs going out to meet another incoming UFO and safely escort it in, an important Tall Whites ship entering the base. Much like a military escort of sorts, since the Tall Whites will always be a bit concerned about the safety of their children when near humans...and US military has the armaments to cause them a significant threat. Tall Whites are overly protective of their youth, which are probably on the ship that was coming in. How protective, take a Klingon from Star Trek and amplify its anger by 5X and you got a protective parent Tall White Alien, 3 meters tall. Tall Whites are about 2 meters tall until age 400 years, which is the moment they are considered an adult. Also for its reaction speed is 3X the speed of a human. Info from Charles Hall, employed to work with the Tall Whites for 2 years. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
After a night like Tuesday night, a lot more people will be keeping their eye to the sky.

The internet exploded with pictures, videos and claims of a UFO sighting over the East Valley.

So what was it? A comet? Space junk? Airplanes? Give us your thoughts on our UFO poll.

"With the air traffic patterns in the Valley, what we see are a lot of stacked aircraft that are coming into Sky Harbor," said Dr. Sky, a TV personality and radio host of a talk show that's syndicated across the country and in Canada.

The topic of discussion on his show -- outer space and the universe.

"[Airplanes are] a possibility," he said, adding it doesn't look quite right.

"I'm 41 years old. I've seen a lot of things in the sky," said Christinna Herrmann. "This is nothing I've seen before."

So, was it a UFO?

"Anything that you, or people, saw that we call a UFO is simply accurate," said Dr. Sky, solely because we were not able to identify it.

So, was it aliens?

"Firmly I believe that we already know about alien visitation," Dr. Sky said, citing the Roswell incident from the 1940s. "We're going to continue to search for what [everyone] saw in the skies of Arizona."



White UFO Orb Over Marysville, Washington On September 10, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 10, 2016
Location of sighting: Marysville, Washington, USA
Source: MUFON #79072

These types of UFOs will mimic stars in the sky at night, but then after 10-30 minutes, they will move away. Thats what happened here, and they have been observed over all countries around the world, but usually not this early in the day. 

This particular orb seems to have been there to look at the contrail pollution, the jet trail is seen at the end of the video. We assume Earth has always been ours, but it may belong to a much older species and they may be constantly gathering data to assess the damage that humanity causes. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Wife and I were out back sitting in our yard. As I sat I just so happened to look up. The sky was blue and cloudless. As I looked up I saw what at first I thought might be a satelite but quickly realized it had lights of changing color and movement. I then thought it might be an approaching plane with its lights on. All this time my wife was also observing the object. I have video of it. We observed this for almost 15 minutes 10 of which the object did not move it's position in the sky...


Would Hillary Or Trump Actually Disclose The Truth About The Existence Of Aliens Among Us, Give Us Your Opinion, UFO Sighting News.

Hey everyone, I've heard a lot of people talking politics for the last few months, and with the US presidential election in just 11 days, I was wandering what your opinion is about Hillary or Trump winning and the possibility of either of them disclosing the existence of ETI extra terrestrial intelligence. Sound off on the comments below, I'm anxious to hear your opinions about both of them. Oh, and be kind to each other please, we all have a right to our own opinion. Thanks,
Scott C. Waring


Moon's North Pole: Possible Ancient Structure Dark Rectangular Shape, Telescope (Video 4K) Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, North Pole

This is a really nice close up of the moon using a telescope to see in 4k video. As you see, the person found a dark circular tower on the moons horizon. The edges of the moon are easiest to spot the buildings because of the angle of light, the viewer, and the structure itself. Amazing discovery by UFOvni2012 of Youtube. 100% proof that giant structures exist on Earths moon. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen At Space Station Glistening In The Sun, Oct 20, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 20, 2016
Location of sighting:  Earths Orbit, at ISS

This UFO was spotted by UFO researcher Streetcap1 of Youtube. The video shows a long armed UFO in the distance. As proof that the UFO is there, as the sun light comes around, the UFO begins to light up, but not before NASA goes to blue screen. I feel that the public is trusting NASA less and less when it comes to revealing life on other planets. Their true goal seems to be to gather important intelligence, and drip feed the public enough to satisfy their curiosity.
Scott C. Waring


I found myself on Wikileaks today about a UFO at the Space Station, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Wikileaks doc:

It looks like I'm on somebody's list in the government. I know Fox news mentioned me in an interview with Charles Bolton NASA director a few years back, but this one is odd. I'm on Wikileaks...a site that discloses secret documents and data of the US government so that the public can learn about it. 

Its about  a UFO article I wrote for Before Its News site a few years back, and the email is addressed to a US gov spy news site that pretends to gather world news info for the public, but really gathers it for the US government intel. I know this because this news site is in a lot of documents in Wikileaks...including to Hillary Clinton. 

So...big brother is watching. Lets hope those poor saps are learning from all this UFO and alien intel they are gathering, so it will make the change from within the government. 
Scott C. Waring


Mars NASA Rover Takes Close Up Photo Of Buildings On Hillside, June 23, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 23, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

 Bases on the moon...we all know they exist. Since starting this website six years ago, I have posted evidence after evidence of structures on other planets and moons. Mars seems to hold the publics fascination the most for some reason. 

I found a photo on the NASA site, but the original (click it above to view) is only 4kb in size. For those who don't understand digital sizes, this thing is so small that it could be a app icon on your cell phone. Fingernail I was wondering why? Why would they want to make such a small photo when all the other photos were 280+kb size? I took the photo and enlarged it and found that along the ridge of a hillside were dark structures with windows and doors. 

Now it all made sense to me. NASA had to release the photo to the public to say..."we didn't hide it, we released it to the public." This way they won't get caught for hiding evidence later. But we know that trick, and we are onto them. 

Scott C. Waring