
Diamond Shaped UFO Moving In Sky Over San Fernando Valley, California On March 30, 2013. MAIL IN REPORT TO USD.

Date of sighting: March 30, 2013
Location of sighting: North San Fernando Valley, California, USA
Eyewitness states: 
Just after 6:30 this morning, March 30 2013 I went to the usual spot  
(North San Fernando Valley, facing south/southeast towards Burbank and  
downtown L.A.) from where I watch the sunrise whenever I can. With that  
said, I have been there many times and have seen many interesting things,  
but nothing quite like this.  I started recording video on my iPhone 3S  
because I had read/heard many times recently (mainly from posts on UFO  
Daily) about the ability of digital cameras to see what the naked eye can  
not.  At first, I filmed a quick, less than 30 video and decided to get  
out of the car in order to obtain a better view.  However, before I  
exited, I noticed the thumbnail of the video after it had saved.  In the  
center of the screen was a light-blue rectangular object.  I immediately  
started the camera to record again, hoping that what I was seeing wasn't a  
glitch or glare or fragment of something floating around in the air.   
After another minute or so, I noticed that I couldn't see the object with  
my own eyes, but could easily see it on the phone's screen.  Then while  
narrating what I was seeing, the object quickly fades out and disappears!   
I have attached the original video, and I assure anyone who may question  
it's validity that it is 100% real and unaltered.  After-all, I'm sending  
this report in less than 2 hours after witnessing the event.  Peace and  
love to all and many thanks to you Scott for your relentless pursuit of  
the truth.  All will be revealed very soon...(as if any of us needed  
confirmation from our "fearless leaders")

Email Report: Bright Glowing Orb Over Wigan Park, England On April 4, 2013.

Date of sighting: April 4, 2013
Location of sighting: Wigan Park, Engand

Eyewitness states: 
"My fiance and I were using sky map last night to find out which stars were viable last night when we noticed a very strange light in the sky so I grabbed my mobile to record it it was there for about 15 minutes all together before I started recording then just disappeared."

UFO Mail In Report From Reader: Doorway Opens Up During Sunset Photos, New Mexico!

Date of sighting: 2007
Location of sighting: Socorro, New Mexico, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"Year 2007, location Socorro county New Mexico. Hello my name is (name taken out) and recently I had been talking with my uncle about UFOs when he mentioned he had capture some sort of portal or gate on a picture while driving in Socorro county a few years ago. My aunt was taking pictures of the sun set while driving home too Bayard New Mexico and she capture multiple photos on the sun set with her digital camera. When she was going through them she and my uncle saw a big gate in one picture, but the previous and after picture taken a few seconds before didn't show the portal. It wasn't visible to the human eye but some how was capture in a camera photo, it might of been a millisecond or a blink of a eye moment that it wasn't visible. They were unable to explain it and never revealed it to any family members till I brought it up with the disclosure happening in Washington at the end of the month. They wanted to participate and help so they gave me this picture on a memory. The camera has than broken and the picture is only in a USB and hdd.  Here it is, I was mind blown and speechless by this, truly something else. And my family are almost computer illiterate so I believe this picture has not been touched or photoshopped in any way." 

"The Science Behind UFOs" – Stanton Friedman Debunks Skeptic Phil Plait & Astronomy Magazine in Open Letter!

Letter By Stanton Friedman UFO Researcher & Scientist
April 11, 2013

As a scientist who has been studying the UFO evidence since 1958, I must commend ASTRONOMY for publishing such a splendid example of the intellectual bankruptcy of the pseudoscience of anti-ufology ,namely Phil Plait’s “The Science Behind UFOs” (May 2013). He avoids all the science! There are 5 large scale scientific studies. None are mentioned. There are at least 12 PhD Theses about UFOs. None are mentioned. There are numerous radar visual accounts. None are mentioned. There are more than 5000 Physical Trace Cases collected by Ted Phillips from 95 countries. None are mentioned. There are a number of well investigated UFO abduction cases investigated by Professionals such as Psychiatrist Dr. John Mack of Harvard. None are mentioned.

The largest study is “Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14” done by engineers and scientists at Battelle Memorial Institute under contract to the USAF. It has over 200 tables, charts, graphs, maps, etc and deals with 3201 UFO sightings of which 21.5% were finally listed as UNKNOWNS, completely separate from the 9.3% listed as Insufficient Information. The better the quality of the sighting the more likely to be an UNKNOWN.A chi-square statistical analysis showed that the probability that the UNKNOWNS were just missed knowns was less than 1%.

The 247 page ”Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects: Hearings Before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives” ,July 29, 1968, provides testimony from 12 scientists , three of whom were astronomers. One was Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Astronomy Department at Northwestern University, and for more than 20 years consultant to the USAF Project Blue Book. His book “The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry” should be required reading and contains many intriguing sightings. The most comprehensive presentation was by Dr. James E. McDonald, Senior Physicist in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona. He covered 41 separate cases including sightings by astronomers such as Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of the planet Pluto, and multiple witness radar visual cases.

The University of Colorado’s “Scientific Report on UFOs “(The Condon Report) included information on 117 cases of which, according to a special UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 30% could not be identified..This book has the folllowing statement about the Trent Photo from McMinnville, Oregon, May 1950, noted by Plait. “This is one of the few UFO Reports in which all factors investigated, geometric, psychological, and physical appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk shaped, tens of meters in diameter and evidently artificial, flew within sight of two witnesses”.

The explanation given for the earlier Phoenix Lights as representing jets flying in formation is ridiculous. The object was huge, silent, flying slowly, blotting out the sky. It had no red and green lights. An important witness was Arizona governor, Fife Symington, a former air force officer and pilot. Plait acts as though all UFO sightings are just lights in the sky which are easily identified by somebody like him”A scientist, a Skeptic, a Hardnosed realist”. The facts indicate that this is totally untrue.
One possible explanation for Plait’s complete failure to deal with the science of UFOs is that, considering the date, it was written as an April Fool’s Day joke. If so, I apologize.

Source: http://www.theufochronicles.com/2013/04/stanton-friedman-lambastes-phil-plait.html


Giant Disc Shaped UFO Filmed Over The Moon. Just Like The NASA Tether Incident UFOs.

Date of sighting: March 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

How is this possible? Easy, this is an infrared camcorder looking at the moon. From the persons unsteady hands its clear that its a hand held device like a camcorder and many have 50-70 optical zooms plus unlimited digital zoom. An infrared camera was what filmed the UFOs around the STS-75 mission, THIS IS NOT A NORMAL CAMERA BUT ALTERED TO FULL SPECTRUM AND THEN A IR FILTER IS PUT OVER IT. Infrared lets you see things that are normally invisible to the naked eye.

This amazing UFO which was recorded in March by an unknown person looks similar to the UFOs seen during the shuttle STS-75 mission where they used a long tether and it either broke or was broken by these UFOs, but during the mission there wasn't one but hundreds of them! 

This UFO looks the same but what most people don't notice is the throbbing. The UFO throbs like a heart beating and the whole in its center changes size with each throb much like a jellyfish in the ocean. This UFO doesn't appear to be a alien craft but instead may be a live creature that lives and swims through space much like a whale swims through the ocean. Think about it and take a look at part 1 and 2 videos, then look at the old STS tether video. SCW

Saturn Moon Has Massive Death Star Ship Orbiting It In New NASA Cassini Photos!

Date of sighting: April 2013
Location of sighting: Orbiting Saturn
Photo Taken by: NASA Cassini spacecraft
Diameter: 500 km or 310 miles

While reading a Wired article about the Saturn moon Enceladus which is the 6th largest moon of Saturn. Now there is a large rocket like trail behind this moon. NASA is trying to say it is water shooting many miles into space, but honestly how much water can a tiny moon have? Clearly this is not water but a method of controlling the orbit of this massive ship while it moves around Saturn. If this were water, the moon would be spinning uncontrollably in orbit, but instead there is always one side of Enceladus is always pointed at Saturn, never budging from position. Also when I added light to the NASA photo we see that what once looked like a rocket-like plume now looks like a solid structure. Whatever it is, it is obviously made by extraterrestrials. SCW