
Two UFO Orbs At Sunrise In England, Jan 13, 2012 VIDEO news.

Date of sighting: January 13, 2012
Location of sighting: England

Eyewitness states: "We saw two UFO's heading west as the sun was rising at 7:30 am. These two bright white large UFOs were hovering for us…haha so nice."


UFO Over Panorama City, California Also Seen Over New Zealand Same Day, Jan 19, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Panorama City, California, USA

Now this UFO in the video below looks just like the one in Christchurch, New Zealand today except this sighting was in the daytime and thousands of miles away. The similarities are uncanny. Please tell us what you think in comments below.

UFO That Looks Like Asteroid Over Christchurch, New Zealand, Jan 19, 2012 VIDEO. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Prebbleton, Christchurch, New Zealand

The eyewitness said she filmed this starting at 11 pm. This is freaking amazing. This object resembles an asteroid or small moon similar to the moon Phobos. The object is clearly rotating as you can see if you pause and start it in places. This is one very odd looking UFO. At 5:40 it actually looks like its not rotating but instead rocking back and forth. Wow!


A Motive For The USA to Shoot Down Russian Phobos Satellite (Mars Mission)...to hide the existence of aliens.

Soviet Probe Take Photo of UFO Before Satellite Is Destroyed, March 25, 1989.

In March 25, 1989 – Purportedly the above-top-secret infrared photo taken from the Soviet Phobos II probe, showing an object approaching the Martian moonlet. Estimates say the UFO was approximately 15.5 miles long.” [UFO mag, vol 7, n 1, 1992]

The Soviets had already packed “a very powerful laser” to be fired at the Martian moonlet Phobos. “All went well”, UFO mag’s Don Ecker wrote, until March 25, 1989. “Something” turned the Soviet probe into a spinner and the unmanned craft then disappeared.
“According to Zechariah Sitchin in his book Genesis Revisited, the rumor going around was that the Soviet space craft had encountered a huge ‘UFO’ while in Mars orbit. In his book, Sitchin included a photo that the Russians released, which showed a large ellipse shadow reflected off Mars. Sitchin claims that the few photos Phobos sent back prior disappearing were never released by the Russians, and that they treated the entire matter as ‘above top secret’.”

Cloud Orb Caught In Daytime In Argentina Jan 18, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Argentina

The first thing I noticed about this Argentina video is that the persons camera has trouble staying in focus. This happens a lot when looking for cloud orbs. Its best to put the camera in manual focus and that way the clouds and the UFO orbs will stay in focus most the time. I say this because I just learned to do this with my Canon yesterday when I was orb hunting and nope...no orbs seen. This is a good video close up of the orb, but needs a bit of manual focusing. SCW

UFO Fleet Over Harlem, New York On Jan 12, 2012 - VIDEO. Same As Taiwan, Brasil, Arizona !!!

Date of sighting: January 12, 2012
Location of sighting: Harlem, New York, USA

This fleet of orbs was seen over New York this week and was recorded by many eyewitnesses. I will load a few of the videos below. The fact that so many videos of the incident exist rules out CGI. These glowing orbs have been seen around the world. Have a look below. 

"I actually saw this near Taipei 101 (Taiwan) on New Years minute but they were too far away to show up on my phone camera. They look the same to me, and I watched them (recording), there were about 20-30 and they disappeared after 3 minutes. I recorded me hitting two of them with my green laser...2 seconds after each hit...the UFO flashed a white light...very odd. Sadly...the UFOs were to far away to make out in the video. They are making their way around the world, last week this fleet was over Arizona and Brazil.SCW"

In below video, look in the far background lower area. Ignore the streetlight reflection, there are a fleet of glowing orbs in the far background...easier to see in FULL SCREEN MODE.


Glowing UFO orb over New Aiyansh, British Colombia, Canada- VIDEO Jan 2012.

Screenshot of UFO taken at FULL SCREEN MODE and I enhanced the light only.

Date of sighting: Friday the 13th, January 2012
Location of sighting: New Aiyansh, British Colombia, Canada

A driver in British Columbia had his driving cam on when a giant glowing orb flew over the road and then right before it disappeared, it stopped moving. Usually if its a meteorite, there is a glowing tail behind it and the object have smaller parts of it break off, but not here. This object just turns itself off and right before that happens the front of the UFO morphs revealing a flat front surface. Something you don't see with meteorites. Local BC news reported may calls about people seeing this glowing object in the sky that night and the news calls it a meteorite, but there is no way that's a meteorite. Look at the enhanced photos above.

Fleet of UFOs seen over Maricopa County, Arizona on Jan 14, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Maricopa County, Arizona

Watch as these glowing orbs are seen over Arizona a few days ago. They stop glowing and then light up again and move silently. If you are in Arizona and have seen these UFOs please let us know in the comments below. 

Sydney, Australia Orbs Near Clouds, Daytime video Jan 16, 2012.

Date of sighting: January 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia

An infrared lens was used in the day as this was done, can allow you to see UFOs that are normally cloaked to the human eye. Using this or infrared cameras will allow you to see them. Most of the time circular orbs or diamond orbs are seen, but sometimes you see other unusual shapes. Also it is possible to see these white orbs with a normal camera if your zoom is 30X or better and you most focus near the sun, but not at the sun. I did this last summer and it works. I caught a few white orbs moving fast.


UFO Fleet Over France, Jan 16, 2012, PHOTOS.

Date of sighting: January 16, 2012
Location of sighting: France

Look at these amazing photos taken in France this week when there was a foggy day. In the photos you can see not one but four long cigar shaped UFOs hovering over the neighborhood roofs. Some say that the fog is used as a cover so that the UFOs can scan the inhabitants on the ground without causing panic. 

Source: http://ovnislayrac.blogspot.com/