
UFO Seen Over Lincoln, Nebraska On Sept 10, 2013, UFO Sightings News.

Date of sighting: Sept 10, 2013
Location of sighing: Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Source: MUFON.com 
Report: #50802

Eyewitness states: 
The sky was in constant motion so I was taking pictures of the clouds rolling in. There were spots of showers coming down in the distance and bolts of lightening and then to the East it was clear blue sky. I was on my patio in my back yard under the patio roof. I took 10 -15 pictures in about 15 - 20 minutes. I was trying to catch a picture of the lightening so I was trying different settings on my camera. When I started to rain I went in, and did not look at he pictures until the next day. 

That was when I noticed the one picture with the space ship looking disc in the sky. 2 of them where identical and the third was like it was behind a cloud and was not as distinct and the other 2. I thought how did I not see them when I took the picture yet they are plain as night and day in the picture. Everyone I have showed the picture to believes the same thing, that they were space ships from another planet. My theory is they were not visible to the naked eye and for some reason were picked up by the camera lens. I am going to send you some of the other pictures I took too so you can see how amazing the sky looked that evening. 


UFO Appears Over Factory On Hill In Tijuana, Mexico-OVNI Se esfuma Desaparece 10/09/2013 , UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 10, 2013
Location of sighting: Tijuana, Mexico

In this video the person is recording a dark UFO over a factory or changing coal to energy... on a hill. The UFO above is unique. Is dark and seems to be as big as the factory itself. It looks like it has the front pointing to the right and the back pointing to the left. I say that because the back slopes up and the front is long and slopes down. It looks a lot like the Star Gate Universe craft from the TV show, but I don't see any manipulation in this video. Very cool. SCW


Giant UFO Over Sydney, Australia Shoots Through Clouds And Cloaks, Sept 10, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 10, 2013
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia

This was taken by Lazlo in Australia yesterday. I have nothing but respect for this man. He works hard almost every day scanning the skies with infrared and normal camcorders and it pays off. He finds some serious UFOs. Take this video for example. He follows the UFO, but its not making a contrail..so its not a jet. 

Then the UFO stops near a cloud and decides to cloak itself, because they have telepathic sensors on their ship which alerts them to having been noticed by humans. This sensor can also transmit when they wish, as once stated by actor Dan Aykroyd, that he was woken up early hours, as if being called to come outside, but went back to sleep. Then the next morning on the news they said a bright glowing UFO was having over his neighbourhood, with many people getting "feelings" that they should walk outside. SCW

Wormhole or UFO Near Ours Sun on Sept 12, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2013
Location of sighting: Near Earths Sun
Source: ipad app. Name: SOHO (official NASA/SOHO app)

I was checking out my iPad app of the sun and came across this disk like object near it. Tied to the object is a glowing white beam like an umbilical cord from it to the sun. 

Now I know although it might be possible for aliens to make a sun size ship...I would not see the reason for wasting such time of them making it. So perhaps only the black circle part is the ship. 

Of course theres another option, it could be that the suns energy is being used to open up a portal to another location in the universe...a black hole of sorts, but under intelligent control, a wormhole. So tell my your thoughts on this one. Its really big whatever it is. SCW


UFOs Seen Over Holy Place Of Rishikesh, India On April 20, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 20, 2013 but reported on Aug 31, 2013
Location of sighting: Rishikesh, India

There are three major things I notice in the video. 

1st off these UFO or entities are very similar to the the UFO Sighting over Nortre Dame when lighting strikes caused the stadium to be evacuated, (UFO Sightings Daily was on CNBC with that sighting, but video was deleted. Part of video here.) That was Sept 2011, very similar UFOs, but I believe these to be entities that cause lighting when there are too many of them in one area. 

2nd, these don't move like orbs or craft as much as they move like living creatures. Thus I call them entities. 

3rd, one of the entities appears from an area of the mountain side. This entity first has a small burst of light, then a big burst (pause, start video at 5.36-38 at HD, full screen settings and see.) This shows us that this sacred site is that way for a reason. These angel like entities have been seen before thus they locals bible or stories changed around them. 

4th, this location on the mountain shows us the approximate location of a hidden entrance, mind you, there must by many because we also see these entities appear around the top of the mountain. Go to this place where the arrow points to pray or talk to them or what have you. They will hear you. SCW

Eyewitness states:
Me and my friends went for a trip to Rishikesh to view Lakshman Jhula aka Lakshman Bridge, and to do river rafting over Ganges/ Ganga, and i made couple of video from My Galaxy s2 Mobile, and when i came home i transferred the data the my PC, and forgot about it, as i was not aware about a shock which i actually got after 4 months, while going through backups.

While watching this video, I noticed some strange "cigars shape UFO's".

Well situation was like this : I was relaxing in my hotel room with brother and friend, and then there was sudden thunderstorm sound started, it was strong, very strong, i ran out with my dslr and mobile to capture some shots, but I didn't know what i will capture in video, I wish i had an ultra fast video camera to get higher rate. Anyways but today i decided to publish it on my YouTube channel, and started editing it to make it slow motion 5 to 6x.... Which can be seen in the video.

I will upload the Actual Raw Video in day or two, as my bloody internet connection is a slow snail.

In the raw video, you can see the super strong strange winds, which atleast i had never seen or experienced before, it was so strong that we were not even able to stand....

Their were more then 6 to 8 UFO, i counted. But i can be wrong..

UFO And Orbs Seen Over Mexico Recorded By Journalist, Aug 21, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 21, 2013
Location of sighting: Matehuala, Mexico

In this video I noticed that these look like cloud orbs, which are unmanned drones that usually are dropped off by a larger manned craft to do recognisance before heading back to the main ship. As I looked around the video I noticed just that...a large disk-like cloud flying low and bold over the city. You have to always look at the detail. Everything is important when trying to make a case, and from what I see here, this is legit. SCW

Eyewitness states (translated from Spanish):
UFO Sighting in Matehuala, Mexico. Awesome video recorded by a journalist about Impartial Matehuala sighting luminous objects in the sky Matehuala August 21, 2013.


Black UFO Seen Over Field Of Cows In Queensland, Australia Sept 9, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 9, 2013
Location of sighting: Queensland, Australia
Source: MUFON 
Report: #50699

Person states: 
Daughters boyfriend spotted this while driving down from Nth Qld today. This was spotted while waiting at road works when driving south from far nth Queensland. It was hovering and then flew off at incredible speed with no sound. The original is still on the iPhone 4 and I have requested it to be mailed to me. 
Full photo below. 

UFO Over Melbourne, Australia Splits Into Two, Heads Different Directions, Sept 7, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 7, 2013
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

This person is using night vision to watch for UFOs in the night sky. Here we see a single UFO that is moving and then its suddenly turns into two UFOs. As the UFOs move away from one another, one of them signals to the other with a blinding flash, then this one moves off in a new direction. SCW

UFO Splits Into two over Melbourne , Australia 发布人 ufoblogger


Mars Rover Finds A UFO On Mars This Month, Sept 7, 2013, UFO Sighting News. Email Report.

Date of sighting: Sept 2013
Location of sighting: Mars
Date of photo: September 7, 2013

Really an incredible discovery. This one comes in our email from a reader who found it. Actually its so small most people would over look it, but I enlarged the photo 8X and this is what we got. The black parts of the ship seem to be windows. Notice the two humps and the lower black windshield like area? Sure its different than what you thing you would fly in a million years or so in Earths future, but really we have no idea what it will be like. I was very pleasantly surprised at this photo taken by Mars Curiosity Rover...that rarely happens. SCW

Glowing UFO Over Los Angeles, California On August of 2013, UFO Sighting News: Email Report.

Date of sighting: August 2013
Location of sighting: San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California, USA

Eyewitness states: 

4 UFOs seen over San Juan Capistrano, California on 25th August 2013

Date of sighting: August 25, 2013
Location of sighting: San Juan Capistrano, California, USA

Here is some good footage of four UFOs being tracked by what looks like a gen 2 night vision scope. Night vision and infrared cameras have been used a lot in recent years, because they allow you to see and record things invisible to the human eye. What I mean is, our eyes cannot see at night and our eyes cannot see infrared light (daytime). Infrared filters during the day also are becoming popular with UFO hunters. SCW


Shuttle Atlantis Photo With UFO Near It and ISS In NASA Archives, Sept 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: September 2, 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit At International Space Station
Mission: STS110-E-5912, or Shuttle Atlantis at ISS
NASA Link #1http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/station/assembly/html/s110e5912.html
Date of photo: April 17, 2002
NASA Photo #2: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/station/assembly/html/s110e5918.html

This is an amazing discovery this week. While the shuttle atlantis was flying in a circle around the space station to take video and get a full view of the station, a UFO was accidentally captured by the Shuttle Atlantis camera. This UFO is everything we have heard about...disk shaped, metallic and of course the traditional bulge int the lower middle. Click the link above to see actual photo. 

To see this UFO you really need to have the right photo altering programs. Mine is so-so, because I can't afford the fancy Adobe Photoshop that it looks like he used, but I can add light to the photo which I did and yes...the UFO is there, but focusing it may require some cool software.  SCW

5 Mile High Tower Found On Mars, August 19, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 19, 2013
Location of discovery: Near Terby Crater, Mars

At first I thought this tower on Mars was a lot of bull, but I used Google Mars and guess what...its there. The tower measures 5 miles tall and has a unique geometric design. No natural mountain like this could exist in this universe. This is artificially made. If you go to the location, you need to hit the button  that looks like a sunset at the top of the google map. This will let you adjust the darkness. Both screenshots you see here I took (Scott C. Waring), so yes, I confirmed this structure is there and does exist. Anyone could find this on Google Mars, even a child so don't go and tell me and others that its not there unless you dropped out of school in the 3rd grade or you work for the NSA! And yes, I get lots of comments from both. SCW

UFO Orb Returns To Our Sun This Week And Is There Right Now, Sept 7, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 5th and 7th of 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Now this UFO which is obviously cloaked so we cannot see or detect it was caught in NASA/SOHO photos this week. I checked today and believe it or not, its still there in the LASCO C3 dated 2013/09/07 09:18. That is the blue version of the SOHO photo. So this UFO has been there several days. This is the same UFO that was recorded flying to our sun last month and sucking out some kind of energy or substance...look at end of video to see this. Absolutely incredible in size, but I do believe it must be smaller than what it appears to be. Perhaps the giant UFO orb (Death star might be a good name), could be throwing a much larger shadow that can be detected even though it is cloaked. That is my belief. SCW

Two Different UFOs Caught At Space Station On Same Day, Sept 6, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 6, 2013
Location of sighting: ISS, Space Station, Earths Orbit

This UFO must be huge, because the space station itself is 109 meters across and 73 meters wide, and in comparison with the space station and the distance we can assume the smaller of the UFOs is about 5-10 meters and the longer UFO is about 20-25 meters.  Also note in the video that the astronaut asks about the interval between teh photos taken from the live cam on the ISS, as he hints at the UFO being there without actually saying so. SCW


Silver Disk Seen Over Philippines In Hi Res Photo! Aug 3, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 3, 2013
Location of sighting: Legazpi, Philippines 
Hi res photo: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2013/philippines080313large.jpg
Source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2013/philippines080313.html

On August 3, 2013, a resident of the big city of Legazpi (located in the province of Albay) in Philippines has took a picture of a mysterious and metallic U.F.O. The unidentified object was quite distant when it was snapped, but with a zoom we can see something of paranormal …

Eyewitness states: 
Hi, I'm (name removed) from Philippines. I'm just wondering if anyone from your team can investigate this picture that I took about 3 weeks ago.
I and my friend just passed by in this rice field near a volcano not too far away from our home.
I just now realized there was something out there in the sky that is really weird when I started browsing my photos from a holiday back in my homeland, the Philippines.
I took this picture using my iPhone 4s, so it's not really a high resolution, but attached is the raw file of this photo.”

UFO Recorded Over Rome, Italy On Sept 5, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 5, 2013
Location of sighting: Italy

Italy is famous for its UFO sightings so close you would think you could touch them. Especially back in the 1950s-1960s of the friendship group. Click here for more info. This new sighting fits in with their past patterns. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
"Bright object appeared September 5, 2013 time 1:00 am in the sky of Rome. since the object becomes smaller and releases other objects was no longer visible to the naked eye but only to night vision. 5x50 night vision bresser, Night Vision Sound off."

"Oggetto luminoso e' apparso il 5 settembre 2013 all'una di notte nel cielo di Roma.dal momento che l'oggetto diventa piu piccolo e rilascia altri oggetti non era piu visibile a occhio nudo ma solo col visore notturno. Night vision bresser 5x50 no audio."


Huge UFO Filmed By Two Cameras Over Melbourne, Australia On Sept 2, 2013.

Date of sighting: September 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

Eyewitness states: 
I recorded the ISS approx 20 minutes earlier as proof - (Will keep raw footage with 'time' start.) Note the 'corona' as opposed to the ISS? First camera is a Samsung SDC-435 - Second camera is a P8079HP 3 stage generation 1 night vision tube with a 50mm SLR lens. I watched this 'thing' visually and it just lit up the sky. This is the real deal Neil. Been doing this for about 5 years now, full time, never ever seen anything like this.  If 'anyone' can explain what is larger, slower than the ISS in orbit, please let me know?

Cube UFO Has Returned To Our Sun, Sept 3, 2013 NASA Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 3, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Method of photos: Taken by NASA/SOHO

The cube has returned! Yes thats right, the cube like UFO that we all know and love has finally returned. Its seen about once every 3 weeks and here it is again. It tries to keep its flat surface facing Earth so that it will not be noticed, but sometimes it accidentally lets itself be seen while revealing three sides! Great capture and I am very surprised that NASA still has not commented on the cube UFO. SCW


UFO Shapes Above Aberdeen Frighten The Locals, Scotland, Sept 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Aberdeen, Scotland 

A few days ago, the locals in Aberdeen got a big surprise. Several giant UFO shaped clouds passed over them. The detail was so remarkable that they were in awe at what they saw. Often science tries to explain these as lenticular clouds, but to UFO researchers they are cloaked UFOs that are hovering low to observe more easily. SCW

Source: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/article5112762.ece

UFO Sighting Over Washington DC, Capital Building On Sept 3, 2013.

Date of sighting: September 3, 2013
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA

While I was looking over a live cam I happened to come across a dark disk as soon as I turned it on. It was up for a few minutes and I tried to take a video, but later I found out my audio driver was messed up so there was no sound. The photo was gone in a few min and the next photo showed just empty sky. If you live in the Washington DC area and saw a UFO please let us know the details. Thanks, Scott C. Waring

UFO Captured Flying Through The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights By A Camera On The ISS! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery of sighting: Sept 2013
Location of sighting: Aurora Borealis
Photo taken from: International Space Station

Wow here is an amazing photo of a UFO flying through the Aurora Borealis. The UFO craft appears to be starting to or is using some type of cloaking devise. Here is the caption on the photo taken by NASA:

The Aurora Borealis, also known as "northern lights", is featured in this photograph taken by an Expedition 13 crew member on the International Space Station. 


UFO, multiple static spheres, daylight 08/24/13 3:16pm EST Miami, FL 33176.

Date of sighting: August 2013
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida

Eyewitness states:
According to video Filmer, "I modified the TV zoom lens 7-100mm YH13x7.5 and added motorized zooming, simply I used the iris driver motor to drive the zoom mechanism and it works, these lens were adapted to a modified security camera LG LCB5100 (internal cut-off IR filter removed) with a 850nm IR filter, the 850nm IR filter was placed not at the front of the lens but at the back, that is the setup at the beginning of this footage.

Then I was starting to test this setup from indoors, moving the zoom, playing with it and then I detected these static spheres, I counted at least four, the wind do not have any effect on them, they are NOT visible to the naked eye, I went outside and I tried very hard to see them but nothing, I even placed a 950nm filter on a Sony HD camcorder and set the night shot. but the Sony was unable to focus into anything.

These spheres were just below cloud level, I can say that because when testing the zoom they were visible only on some intermediate zoom level, below or above that level they were not visible.

This is very weird, you almost can say that they behave like surveillance drones, but are these drones ours?

These spheres were observed from 3:16pm until 3:49pm, some other unknown objects were observed too. I will be posting that later today."

If we extend the concept of "color" to the infrared spectrum then basically these spheres that are visible using a 850nm IR filter are visible because they have the "850nm" color and are fully transparent to visible light, if that is the case then nothing is negating that there are many more objects of that type or other type that have other IR "color" then these objects with a not "850nm" color will not be visible when using a 850nm filter, but they should be visible with a wider IR filter that will not filter out its "color". So I will start using wider IR filters that only cutoff the visible part of the spectrum. 

You can get these filters on Ebay HERE & HERE to place in front of the camera's CCD, I do not have any association with these vendors.

As I have said it before: there is nothing especial about my location, or any location in particular, I believe that it will be the same in ANY other place, this channel was started with that hypothesis in mind, sightings like this one are confirming that hypothesis. It is up to you to see it with your own eyes and/or your camera.

All footage is time stamped in real time, PC synchronized using Dimension 4, so you can assume that the time shown is VERY accurate.

Glowing UFO Over Derby, England On Sept 2, 2013.

Date of sighting: September 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Derby, England

UFO have cloaks...even DARPA has made some primitive cloaks capable of hiding tanks and buildings from a distance, so its just science. If a UFO is in the wide open area, it will try to cloak in a self made cloud if unable or unwilling to turn invisible. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
What I thought was a comet!! turns out to be even stranger!.....I think this is some type of vortex tube, created by a zero point energy craft........

Glowing UFOs Over Japan On Aug 30, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 30, 2013
Location of sighting: Japan

Eyewitness states (translated from Japanese):
I took a photo of a UFO that appeared in the Tokyo sky! August 30, with TOHOKUSHINSHA Todoroki broadcasting center roof in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward, this newspaper has successfully taken the photo of the UFO. On this day, recording "- that had (alien) guy retrospect emergency verification! Aliens invade Earth history -" the (9:00 broadcasting 14 afternoon CS family theater, October) was held in the same place, but it is happening not even hope UFO would appear on the scene, it had really happened. Asuka Akio cartoonist (63), Yamaguchi Satoshi Taro writer familiar with the occult familiar and (47), Yaoi Junichi of UFO producer (68), et al, "authority" of the road that is Zurari also appeared in this newspaper on the program was, but about one hour between 7:30 before the 6:30 pm before, UFO's have appeared in the hand. I publish this video east Obispo have taken. (UFO Sighting 2013.08.30)