
UFO Flying Near Moon And Orb Near Jet Contrails, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit and moon.
Eyewitness states:
The objects in this clip were shot during daytime filming of the moon. I was panning the scope to track chemplanes as I saw them and that was how I filmed the second object in this clip. The first object may be one of those white orbs I film near chemtrails but it is hard to know for sure. Also, if you wish to follow my articles on the Examiner.com click the links below to my articles and subscribe to the author.



Rainbow UFO In Apollo 12 Mission Photos, Dec 29, 2014, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 29, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moons orbit
Person who found it: Streetcap1 of Youtube

This beautiful and bewildering looking UFO was found by Streetcap1. He found it in a NASA photo and the object was flying high over the surface of the moon. The photo is from the Apollo 12 mission and in the photo you can also see the shadows of two astronauts turned toward the UFO watching it. 

UFO Orb Watching UFO Researcher In Melbourne, Australia On Dec 26, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 26, 2014
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

Its a strange thing about orbs. They often sense you before you can notice that they are there. I had a similar experience once with an orb that snuck up behind the camera and me...4 meters away. Very odd when it happens, but confirms that they are intelligent. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
You can jump to 2:27 seconds for the very low 'object' - I felt like I was being watched. New and old footage in this video.


Alien Egyptian Artifacts Discovered In Jerusalem, Kept Secret By Rockefeller Museum, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: Dec 2014
Location of artefacts: Jerusalem
Paranormal Crucible site: http://theparanormalcrucible.blogspot.co.uk

Paranormal Crucible states: 
Remarkable ancient relics have been discovered, that could totally rewrite Egyptian history. The artifacts, which were discovered in a former home of Sir William Petrie in Jerusalem, were allegedly taken by representatives of the Rockefeller Museum, shortly after the discovery became known.


Crop Circle In Texxcoco, Mexico On Dec 25, 2014 Locals Say Great Light Came Down, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 25, 2014
Location of discovery: Texcoco, Mexico
Source: http://deanfunestoday.com/aparecieron-extranas-figuras-en-un-campo-de-cultivo/
Source 2: http://rt.com/news/218063-mexico-ufo-crop-video/

News states:
About 200 people arrived at kilometer 23 of the federal Texcoco-Dairy route in Mexico, where eight strange asymmetrical shapes were formed in 500 meters of farmland. Neighbors attribute these figures to a work of "beyond". The police was present at the crime scene from 7 in the morning, as well as elements of the Department of Public Safety. However, no one could determine how these strange figures formed.  Some neighbors say that "a great light in the sky was" despite being cloudy and rainy Christmas Eve, but did little case. But then, in the morning, seeing the eight figures began to relate the lights with this phenomenon. Property owners asked the curious removed because they are damaging barley input for brewing. According to the owners, is common in planting figures with the wind forming. But not so convinced the curious.

Coffin On Mars In Rover Photo, NASA Source Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00064/mcam/0064MR0285001000E1_DXXX.jpg

I found this coffin last week, but was so over  burdened with 12-13 hour days that I never got to it. Glad to see there are others who caught it for us. This stone object looks like a coffin. Coffins are made to stand the test of time, but this one is made from a stone like substance. What would it take to get NASA to turn the rover around and examine the contents of this box? It looks to be about one meter across and a foot and a half wide and high. Lots of alien species are short, including a species of greys. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
My buddy Kjell send this over to me and said "Sure would love to know whats buried in that coffin." This little box sure does look like a modern coffin concrete liner. As well as the stonework on the back part of the hill that looks like stairs or some left over stonework from some old civilizations constructions. I am sure it has been found by plenty of anomaly hunters by now!


Cigar Shaped UFO Seen Over Hawaii, Caught On Live Cam, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2014
Location of sighting: Mauna Kea, Hawaii

This live cam is really interesting and has caught a lot of UFOs over the years. I have reported UFOs on it several years ago and this current sighting is absolutely fantastic. This is a long cigar shaped UFO. Very similar in shape to the UFO seen entering the mouth of a volcano near Mexico city. Live cams are extremely useful tools of the UFO hunter. thousands of free live cams out there, you are sure to find one sooner or later. SCW