
Amazing UFO Caught By Apollo 15 Module, Feb 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/apollo/view?image_id=AS15-M-1525

This UFO was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube and shows an odd shaped UFO in viewing distance from the Apollo 15 mission module. Although some UFOs are disks or balls in shape, not all aliens have craft that lacks personality. This one for example shows a lot of uneven areas, which leads me to believe that it was a biomechanics ship. A living ship. SCW

UFO Lightings Over Phoenix, Arizona On Feb 2, 2015, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2, 2015
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

This looks a lot light the Phoenix Lights incident that occurred in March of 13, 1997. Also on Feb 3 similar lights were seen in other parts of Arizona as we said in this post. Hopefully there will be other videos coming in, but for now, we have the same UFO in two different parts of Arizona. SCW

Person states:
Video capture by three young men from Sunnyslope area while walking to a friend's house and they notice these light flickering over Phoenix, Arizona.


Updated: UFO At Construction Site In Lima, Peru On Feb 10, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: Feb 12, 2015, new photos in HD, new statement from eyewitness in Peru. 
Date of sighting: February 10, 2015
Location of sighting: Lima, Peru

This video came out of Peru this week and captured a UFO that is spinning over a construction site in Lima. The UFO seems to be observing the construction and probably is there to monitor, because sometime in the future, something important will happen at this location. Aliens always have reasons for being where they are. SCW

Peru News states: 
Peru: spectacular UFO sighting on the district of Miraflores (Lima)
I'd be curious to see the faces of those who ridicule the extraterrestrial reality, of those who claim that UFOs do not exist and that it is balls, balloons, drones, spy planes and ... even clouds. I wonder if after seeing this movie spattacolare carefully, can still not believe what the "extraterrestrial" flies in the skies around the world !!

The researcher and friend Emanuel Huza (Mexico) alerted us and sent a video to say the least spectacular, regarding the sighting of a UFO shaped like a disc, hovering in the skies of the district of Miraflores, one of the 43 districts of Peru belong politically to the province of Lima. The event took place in the morning (10.30) of February 10, 2015, during a beautiful day with blue skies and no clouds, when dozens of people working in a building in the center of Miraflores, have witnessed a UFO sighting.

An object of the discoid shape stationed property, above the housing, at a height of about 200-300 meters, then very low. A dozen people, came out on the terrace of the building to better observe the mysterious aircraft, which after having been stationed in the sky for a few minutes, began to move slowly towards the south of Miraflores. Mr. Eduardo Chavez Guerra is riusctio to film the UFO and publish video on his YouTube channel. Look !!


UFO On Suns Surface Feb 10, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 10, 2015
Time of sighting: 09:14:41
Source: http://helioviewer.org/?movieId=2wgX5
Updated: I finally got the next photo of the object and it was gone! The surroundings looked the same, but the UFO had vanished. (photo below).

While using the Helioviewer I found an object on the sun that looks like a tall ship. This UFO is about the length of the moon yet only half its thickness. There is an Earth photo in the lower left corner to compare. This is a ship. Its thinner in its center and thicker at its top and lower end. Its a perfect rectangle shape. To see the object for yourself, just go to the source link and type in the day and time in the screenshot above. This is what the Russian scientists said they saw many years ago, moon size UFOs that make sudden changes in direction and speed. SCW

UFO or Drone Over the Hydrolecric Plant, Argentina, Jan 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 25, 2015
Location of sighting: San Juan, Argentina
Source: www.sanjuan8.com 

Argentina: UFO or Drone Over the Hydrolecric Plant?
A group of workers on their way to the Ullum Hydrolectric Plant in San Juan, Argentina were startled by a strange presence in the sky. One of them reached for his camera and managed to photograph the alleged apparition. The witnesses claim the object was moving, yet suspended in mid-air. 


Hexagon UFO Matches Speed With Space Station, Feb 8, 2015, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Space Station, Earths orbit
NASA Live Cam: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/iss_ustream.html#.VNdqvItheX8

I was watching the live Internet Space Station cam when I caught a glimpse of a disk off to the left of the screen. This hexagon UFO appeared out of nowhere and then matched speeds with the space station. The UFO was semi transparent and the clouds below could be seen through it...but thats how cloaks work, bending light 180 degrees around objects. In the video I put together you will see a close up, a full view and then a inverted color view, which shows the most detail. If you look carefully at the inverted color video at the end, you will see this is not a donut, but a solid disk with a misty electrical field around it. The front and back line of the UFO is longer than than than lines on both sides. This shows us there is a front and back that is visible. All evidence points to it being an alien craft. SCW

Phoenix Lights Event Happens Again! UFO Lights Over Arizona Feb 3, 2015,-video- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 3, 2015
Location of sighting: Goodyear, Arizona, USA

These look similar to the UFO lights we saw over Arizona a few months ago in two similar instances, this is the third. The UFOs usually are seen in the day, so this is a rare event to witness them at night. They know their ships are visible, they know the public will see them...and yet they don't care. I like where their heads at. SCW

Eyewitness states:
I saw this ufo while driving. It was moving south over the Estrella Mountains. The lights were a fiery color. What is not visible in the video is the shape of the craft and the massive size of it. After it disappeared we continued to drive in the direction it was headed, eventually driving behind the mountain but saw nothing.