
Ancient Alien Culture Uncovered During Animas River disaster In Colorado, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2016
Location of discovery: Animas river, Colorado, USA
News source: http://www.mercurynews.com/nation-world/ci_28621087/animas-river-disaster-epa-chief-takes-responsibility-colorado

I saw this photo a dozen times on different news sites, and I found it unique, not because of the water, but the photo itself seems perfect, minus the river of toxic sludge. 

In the center of the photo was some rocks that are not so unusual for the area, but these were special. I noticed that there are some faces on those rocks, and aliens create these due to a cultural obligation. This mean that there is an alien underground base somewhere nearby. 

If you look closely you will see a long human-like face and the right side of a non human species. The detail is extremely good and the features are all there. You can easily see ears, nostril area, eye sockets and teeth, checks, jaw, forehead and much more. The non human one has ears. 

Even aliens have to respect their cultural values, one of which is to create these faces of their ancestors. 

Scott C. Waring -BA Elementary Ed, MS Counseling Ed. 

Alien Technology Discovered On Mars by Spirit Rover in 13 photos! UFO Sighting News.

Wormhole Opens Up Above Canberra, Australia On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Canberra, Australia
News source: http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/was-this-ball-of-light-over-canberra-a-ufo/news-story/cf4cf198c09ecac93a0294f5bac89e51

This is not a natural phenomenon, but is the end point of a wormhole. The flash of the wormhole is the moment that a ship enters or exists the hole, which is also just a second before it closes. There is no transportation faster than that. Australia is known to have a lot of UFOs witnessed in its outback, so its no surprise that aliens are using wormhole technology to traverse the universe.
Scott C. Waring

UFO Caught During Sunset Over Ontario, Canada On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2016
Location of sighting: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

As I have said before, if you want to see a UFO, watch a sunset, but will you believe it when you see it? Here we see a rare catch of a UFO during the sunset. It was cloaked, but the sun is below it now, which makes it impossible for it to stay invisible. For the cloak to work, the light source has to be on the opposite side of the person viewing it. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Linda from Sudbury, Ontario Canada caught on tape a massive unidentified flying object that stood still in the sky at first she thought that it was a cloud and then she saw that it was something else.


UFO Over Hassdalen Being Ignored By Government, Dec 31, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Hessdalen, Norway
Source cam: http://www.hessdalen.org/station/stream2.shtml

This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 on live cam. UFOs have been seen over Hessdalen for the last few decades, so much so that some people put up live cams just to watch them. The world government knows about the alien craft here, but honestly, what could they do about it? With an underground base in this location and aliens coming and going when and how they want. How can prehistoric tech possible threaten them? It can't and they do what they want. They probably have had this underground base for tens of thousands of years. We think the Earth as our own, owned by humans, but in reality, we are new on this planet, but aliens have been here for eons. The were here before us, and will be here after us. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
Hessdalen is a very remote area in Norway with a long history of ufo sightings. I noticed slight flashing so started recording. Too frequent for lightning, so maybe fireworks I thought, being the New Year. Then I thought this field normally has sheep in it so cannot be fireworks, scare the livestock etc..

The orb was a huge surprise. It's speed over the terrain appears very rapid and it disappears into thin air toward flashing light in the top right of picture frame.

Two UFOs Caught Over Thailand As Man Takes Selfie, Jan 2, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Phitsanulok, Thailand
News source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/01/04/watch-as-russian-space-junk-surprises-a-man-trying-out-his-selfie-stick/?ref=yfp

In this selfie, the eyewitness accidentally caught not one, but two UFOs. One racing across the sky. The other holding its position. New says its Russian debris, but there is no way governments in Asia would take this laying down. Meteors don't hover in place as we see here, nor does space junk. 

Not only do UFOs make contrails, they can contain the contrails to an extremely large width and distance, allowing other UFOs to travel within these contrail tunnels. That is what I saw with my own eyes from my own UFO sighting back in 1990 over Rapid City, SD. But back then, the tunnels were big enough for a 747 to vanish into. With four tunnels side by side starting over my parking lot. 

News states:
Charnchai Jardpimai spotted something hurtling across the sky while he was filming himself with a selfie stick on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2016. He spun around to view what he thought was a meteor streaking through the sky above Phitsanulok province in Thailand.

The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand said that the object was most likely debris from a Russian rocket launch in early December, and not a meteor falling to Earth. Parts of the rocket were predicted to land on the same day Jardpimai captured his video.


Large Bone Found On Mars Near Rover Jan 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 This is the natural color of the ground on Mars, NASA has put the photo into a false color to make it look red to confuse the public. 

Date of discovery: January 3, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars 
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00995/mcam/0995ML0044050010404935E01_DXXX.jpg

This bone was found by Martian Archeology of Youtube. Its an extraordinary find and near it are a lot of half melted artifacts. One of the artifacts looks like 70% of a bow, it even has the handle area and the knob to hold the string on. Near it is another object. An ancient axe is also laying down on its flat side. The axe looks to be one piece with a small end and large end, with a wide handle area. 
Scott C. Waring

Hillary Clinton Promises To Look Into The Existence Of UFOs If She Becomes US President, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: January 2016
Location of interview: North Conway, New Hampshire, USA
News source: http://www.conwaydailysun.com/newsx/local-news/123978-clinton-promises-to-investigate-ufos

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn't know it yet, but she does not have the power to release such information. CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did JFK. Yes, just a week before his death JFK wrote a memo to CIA to release all pertinent info to NASA, but...somehow he was killed before it ever happened. I was 1st to publish this document in my book UFO Sightings 2006-2009. 

JFK wrote the memo to CIA on Nov 12, 1963, then on Nov 22, 1963 he was killed by the CIA. Thats how US politics work. Hillary will be to scared of the CIA to release such information, or she needs to reassign all heads of CIA to make sure they are on her team.
Scott C. Waring

News states:
CONWAY — Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave UFO enthusiasts a reason to cheer at the close of her recent editorial board meeting with The Conway Daily Sun. IMG 0264 Reporter Daymond Steer asks Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her stance on UFOs when she visited the Sun on Tuesday. (MARGARET McKENZIE PHOTO) During the meeting, the former first lady, former senator from New York and secretary of state answered serious questions about foreign policy and the economy, and at the end, she chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited. She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic. "Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it," said Clinton with enthusiasm. Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs. Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn't be surprised if Earth is visited by aliens since so many planets out there may support life. "I just hope it's not like 'Independence Day,'" said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders. When asked about her husband's nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton responded: "I think we may have been (visited already). We don't know for sure." Clinton also said she would like to look into Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada that has long been rumored to contain aliens. At first, she called it Area 54 and then corrected herself. But Bill Clinton told Kimmel that he had already looked into Area 51. He said everyone who works there has to stop about an hour away to put on special clothing. Clinton said Area 51 is where stealth technology is made. "There are no aliens there," said Bill Clinton, adding at the anniversary of the supposed Roswell, N.M., crash in 1947, he released all the documents he could on the subject because he knew there would be popular demand. Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them. Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. She said he enjoys a sci-fi show on the FX network. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama. "He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out," said Clinton. "One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51."


Glowing UFO Caught Flying Around Volcano On Christmas Day, Dec 25, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 25, 2015
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico
Source cam: http://www.cenapred.unam.mx/popo/UltimaImagenVolcanI.html

This glowing UFO was caught on the volcano live cam on Christmas day. The UFO is very similar to other past videos of a glowing object actually entering the mouth of the volcano. I've been looking at this live cam over the last 3 years and have caught dozens of UFOs around this volcano. The UFO activity and the Aztec stories about the gods of Popocatepetl, both indicate that there is an alien base 5km below the volcano. 

This one came very close to the local population this time. It curious about them. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Head With Antenna Found In Mars NASA Photo, Jan 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/multimedia/interactives/billionpixel/index.cfm?image=PIA16918&view=pano

I thought I would look over the billon pixel photo of Mars again to see if I can find something new. I found a very large face looking upwards to the sky. The face does resemble humans a little, and is primitively sculpted. Like our culture at this moment in time is overly fixated on cell phones, theirs were fixated on faces. Its easy to make out the eye, nose, ear and forehead. The mouth slit goes up and down not across like humans. Also, the most amazing part is...the antenna on its forehead. I have seen tens of thousands of faces, but never one with an antenna sticking up.
Scott C. Waring


UFO Comes Close To The Space Station On Live Internet Cam! Jan 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS

Here is a UFO found by Streetcap1 of Youtube when watching the live Internet ISS cam. Its a great close up of a UFO. This is one hell of a way to start out the new year with a big bang! Nice one Streetcap1

I can tell from its coloration matching that of the space station that this is a solid object, not a flare. Unless parts of the space station are floating off by accident, then this is a confirmed UFO from a government live web cam. 100% proof that aliens exist, and disclosure will come from We The People, not the government. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
Not quite sure what this is as it seems quite static. If it's flare then it has an interesting shape. First time I've seen an object quite like this near the space station. Streetcap1.

58 Found On Earths Moon And Mars, Dec 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Found on both on Ear*ths moon and Mars!!!

Date of discovery: Dec 28, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates Mars:   1°29'8.27"N   23° 0'11.92"W
Moon: ?

This #58 is there, and is easy to make out. I have only confirmed the Mars coordinates, so maybe if you get the moon coordinates please tell us in comments. The coordinates are slightly off, but I have all the confidence in the world about the person who found it. It was found by Sandra Elena Andrade of Youtube. 

I have found similar to this on Mars long ago. I found a #6 with a line above and below it. (Click here to view). I do believe this is the name of a group of alien species that work together in our solar system, but since then, two species may have had a falling out and now its called the W56. Roca Pia, Italy case mentioned a group calling themselves the W56. Also in Area S4 inside Area 51, they teach the USAF newbies that there are 56 space faring species known by the military. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
This amazing discovery by Marcelo Irazusta and his son James leads us to reflect on the possibility of the existence of intelligent signals. The number 58 existing on the Moon at the coordinate 43 ° 1'55.12 "S 9th 45'57.30" O is very similar, but smaller, the existing on Mars in the 1st coordinate 28'26.19 "N 23 ° 1'2.29 "O This coincidence is undeniable even for those who reject this type of discovery is saying pareidolia. Pictures by Google Mars and Google Moon. Everyone can see and draw their own conclusions 

Este increíble decubrimiento realizado por Marcelo Irazusta y su hijo Santiago nos lleva a reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de la existencia de señales inteligentes. El número 58 existente en la Luna en la coordenada 43° 1'55.12"S 9°45'57.30"O es muy similar, aunque de menor tamaño, al existente en el planeta Marte en la coordenada 1°28'26.19"N 23° 1'2.29"O Esta coincidencia es innegable aun para quienes rechazan este tipo de descubrimiento diciendo que se trata de pareidolia. Las imágenes son de Google Mars y de Google Moon. Todos pueden verla y sacar sus propias conclusiones


Winged UFO Found Near Sun In SOHO Archives, Video, UFO Sighting News.

This UFO Streetcap1 found is very similar to a spaceship in an game called Mass Effect. 

Date of sighting: January 13, 2015 08:00
Location of sighting: Between Earth and Sun
Source: http://soho.esac.esa.int//data/realtime/sps/lasco/c2/2015/01/20150113_0800_c2_1024.jpg

Streetcap1 was looking through some SOHO archives and found this three winged UFO in magnificent detail. The object has three arms and a tail, and maybe a fourth arm on the opposite side. For a spaceship, this one has a very unique and creative design. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
Pretty hard to dismiss this one people. Here we have an object that looks entirely built by some super duper race that seems to be way ahead of us poor humans. The camera is one million miles away out in space monitoring our sun. This object appears close to the SOHO Satellite and is quite a complicated design.

UFO Over Dubai During Sunset On Dec 31, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Dubai, Arib Emirates 
Source: MUFON #73488

If you want to catch a photo of a UFO, watch a dozen sunsets and I promise you will notice something unusual in at least one of them. Sunset is the most common moment in the day to catch a UFO due to their cloaking becoming vulnerable to the angle of the setting sun. Look at the two graphs below that I made to better understand. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was driving to work, when an object appeared in the sky. It was approximately 6:42 AM. I looked at my clock. I always enjoy watching the sunrise in the morning over the sands and look at the sky often. I thought the object was a blimp or a helicopter at first. The object didn't move. I pulled into the parking lot at my office. I looked up in the sky and it was still there. I looked closer and could not determine the craft. I worked as a civilian contractor for the Air Force for 12 years and am familiar with all types of air craft. I noticed this object did not have lights. There seemed to be an aura sounding it. It looked like a rectangle at first. Then it started to resemble a donut. It was really indescribable. I was in a state of amazement and awe. Then I though I should take some pictures. So, I pulled out my phone and started taking pictures. I accidentally took a couple of videos too. I observed the object and took photos for 20 minutes. My first photo was at 0646 HRS and my last photo was at 0706 HRS. Then all of a sudden the object disappeared. I wish that I had a real camera to record the event.

Glowing Disk Over Phoenix, Aliens Working With USAF, Arizona On Dec 29, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON #73480

The persons assumptions about this being a secret craft from Luck Air Force Base may be right on. The base is in Phoenix and is known for UFOs to frequently be seen along its mountains, often with a jet escort, which could mean its a USAF craft, or it could be an alien craft incoming that works at the base. The USAF have sectioned off some land within some of their bases in Arizona, Nevada area that is off limits to all military personnel. It keeps alien and humans from mixing. For instance, the aliens called the tall whites at Nellis AFB
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
From my driveway, looking northeast above South Mountain, I observed a flying object that did not look at all like a commercial airliner. It was 1-2 miles away, headed slowly northeast. The reddish-orange lights ran completely across the midsection, and pulsated. I quickly took pictures with my smartphone camera, and tried to get a video, but streetlight came on, which made video impossible. I was returning from the store and happened to look in the sky, and noticed immediately that this didn't look like a "normal" aircraft. My first thought was "not a normal plane, get a picture". Given the proximity to airforce bases and previous unidentified aircraft around Phoenix, I thought it might be some new experimental craft, or maybe one not of this planet. My feeling was "Hey, I'm really seeing this, and it isn't spooky or overly exciting -- this is a real craft of some type". No emotion swings, just logical realization that I'm seeing something outside my frame of reference. I lost sight of it when it was 5+ miles away, and was too small to see in the dark night sky.


Happy new years everyone! Thanks for an awesome 2015, Your caring and sharing has made this site what it is today.

Hey everyone, I just want to say thanks and happy new years. I hope you all have a good one ahead of you. UFO Sightings Daily got this far only because you care about the truth. Remember when I got you organized to email NASA to stop them from pulling down the live Internet cams from the space station? Well we succeed back then, and we have more successes together ahead of us. 

Today I open Yahoo news and saw an article about this site, when I found the claw last week in a Mars photo. They gave me a fantastic review and quoted me. They put it in the "science" section and not the "odd" section. World news is taking us seriously and seeing UFO research as a real science, but only because of you sharing on Facebook and Twitter, telling your friends and family. We are a good team, but I am nothing without you. Thank you so much for the best year ever. The future looks great for us all. Disclosure is on its way. 
Scott C. Waring