
Giant Gun Hauled Down Road Mystery Has Been Solved, May 2016, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 5, 2014, solved May 29, 2016
Location of sighting: unknown

This giant set of guns was heading down the street causing quite a ruckus for the onlookers behind the big rig truck. May people screamed the photos were fake, but it really was real. 

It really does look like some kind of DARPA or other back ops company made weapon, but fortunately the person had some viewers that got to the bottom of it this week and found that the weapons are actually from a Hollywood movie set. 

Its actually a pod from Transformers Age of Extinction (2014)  directed by Michael Bay. Very awesome and I will place a video down below that had it in the first 3 seconds of it. 

Can you imagine taking your kids to school in the morning behind this massive gun turret and trying to explain to your kid what it is? Yeah, between the laughing and the OMGs, that would be a kick. 
Scott C. Waring

Below is the original video from 2014.

Below is the Transformers scene it came from.

Giant Biological Entity Caught On NASA Sun Image, May 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 28, 2016, 09:06
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Found by: Streetcap1

This is an unusual three arm UFO near our sun yesterday. It was found by UFO researcher Streetcap1 of Youtube. The UFO does have three obvious arms, and we can see that the UFO is turning in a clockwise motion as it moves because those arms are turned to face counter clockwise, as if a strong force pushed them this way. I wonder if this one is a biological entity? 

Scott C. Waring


Human Male Face Found By Spirit Rover In NASA Photo, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighing News.

Date of discovery: April 27, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Spirit Rover, Sol 620
Person who found it: Luxor2012ufo of Youtube. 

Look at this face. It looks like a male with a widows peak hairline. He has big cheeks, a large ones and a big chin. His eyebrow ridge is very prominent. The wrinkles at the corner of his right eye. The scrunched thick upper ridge of his nose as if he has broken it a few times from fighting. This my friends, is the face of an alien species. A face that looks more like someones grandfather, than someone of another world. 

Keep an eye on Luxor2012ufo...he is an up and coming UFO researcher with lots of skill.
Scott C. Waring

Two Faces Found On Google Mars, More Surround It. May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Below is one aquatic looking face with elongated skull. 

Date of discovery: May 28, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Hellas Basin
Google coordinates:  39° 8'48.53"S 53°31'24.55"E

This is an extraordinary discovery. We see the faces of two aliens side by side which measure 45 meters from chin to top of head...or top of crown. The face on the right of the red circle is looks similar to us, but one on the left looks like a cat with open mouth about to bite the one on the right. Both only show 40-50% of their faces. It shows the relationship between the top aliens, but the real question is, are they of the same species or does this show a friendship between different species? These faces were found by Mars researcher Luxor2012ufo of Youtube. There are a lot of other faces very close to these, and this is a sign that there was once a massive alien community living in this area, above or below the ground. Also in the area are many broken faces...as if they were made so long ago, and were destroyed by erosion, earthquakes or something big. I see chins with lips, eyes and foreheads but most are less than 40% of the face remaining. 

Scott C. Waring

Green UFO Caught During Sunset Over Water Dam, Pennsylvania, May 16, 2016, UFO Sightings News.

Date of sighting: May 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Quemahoning Dam, Pennsylvania, USA 

This photo was sent yesterday by a reader here at UFO Sightings Daily. The person was at a famous camping area at Quemahoning Dam, PA. The person took a photo during sunset and caught a UFO by accident hovering over the water. UFOs as I have said before are most often seen during sunset, due to the sun sitting at a 90 degree angle to the person so cloaked craft become visible for a few minutes. This one probably was caught exiting or entering the water. An awesome UFO photo. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Quemahoning Dam. I took a pic of the sun going down and two days later I noticed a green dot in the pic. When I zoomed in on it, this is what was there. I never saw it while taking the pic.

Alien Cube Spacecraft Returns To Our Sun In NASA Solar Photos, May 28, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 28, 2016 at 03:30
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Camera: LASCO C3

I was looking at an some NASA and SOHO sun images when I found the cube again. As you can see, this cube has a lot of matrix or patterns on it that stand out. Its not a flat cube but something more like the Borg spacecraft in Star Trek. 

Also note that light is reflecting more from the right side than the other, which also is proof that it is there and its real.

The shape and design of a spacecraft matters very little, as long as it is useful and has propulsion. If aliens have a cube, then it will be hell for other aliens to try find its vulnerable area when attacking it. This cube space craft is real and is several miles across. Its actually close to the SOHO camera satellite and further away from the sun. So it appears bigger than it is. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Over Volcano In El Salvador Recorded By Government On 2013, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Chaparrastique, San Migual, El Salvador
News source: http://www.elsalvador.com/articulo/trends/avistamiento-ovni-volcan-chaparrastique-113885

This UFO video was released 3 years late, but it was recorded by the MARN, an area of the El Salvador government that that was held back at the time it took place, but for some unknown reason, given to the public yesterday. It looks like world governments know that disclosure is coming, so they better mentally prepare their people. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
A UFO in the Chaparrastique volcano? It would have happened during the eruption of the colossus, says expert. The video apparently captures the moment an unidentified flying object (UFO) flies over the top of the volcano Chaparrastique, while it is erupting, is circulating the web. You may be interested: 5 pictures of the eruption of San Miguel the video was taken by the monitoring station of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), it shows how this UFO prowls the sector and even stops for seconds and reappears above the crater. The sighting happened during the eruption the volcano in 2013 and the video was released today in the morning at Hola El Salvador.