
Dark Triangle UFO Over Neighbourhood In Louisville, Kentucky Following Google Map Car, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2017
Location of sighting: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Source: MUFON #81433

This is a cool report, but was lacking the Google coordinates to confirm it. I luckily found the coordinates and yes, the triangle UFO is there. At the coordinates of 38° 6'23.28"N 85°51'20.04"W if you go into street view by dragging and dropping the orange person icon in this location, you will notice a dark UFO hanging over a white house. I look around the neighborhood on street view and found that the dark triangle was following the Google car for a little ways. The triangle was sometimes in front of the trees, meaning its size was only about 1 meter from corner to corner. It was probably cloaked, but the Google cameras digital eye caught it. Google has a program that blurs faces, license plates and apparently UFOs now. If you notice the blur over the window and the blur over the UFO appear to be made by the same cover up tool.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
My son was looking for his phone and realize it was on his bed, when he picked it up google satellite was some how pulled up on his phone, he was like what the heck .. so he started looking at what the satellite map was on.. he realized it was on our house, he was shocked to see a object hovering over our house.. the object appears to be triangle in shape and brown in color... he snapped shot from different angles ... I am not sure what this object is, it could be a leaf or something on the satellite lens... but looks to be a UFO.., would love for your team to look at pictures and let us know if this is a object on the lens or if a UFO was really over our house!
Below, notice the UFO is in front of the trees and is a perfect triangle. 

Alien Drone With Face Of Alien Watching Over Quebec, Canada On Jan 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Can you see the face watching? Above screenshot has only added light, below is normal. 
Date of sighting: January 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Quebec, Canada

This is a video of a UFO drone that was flying over Quebec this week. These drones hold still for long amounts of time, then suddenly darken, and light up in an entirely different location. As you can see and even the eyewitness saw, there is a very large face in the sphere at 2:07 into the video. I believe that this is because an alien is sitting on a ship or at an alien base, in a chair controlling this drone that allows them to feel, smell, even tough everything the drones comes in contact with as if it were their own body. The face is the aliens face, because the orb is like a two way window...where it could see out, and we can see in. 

I am not guessing at this, but gathered it from the data about such drones I learned about when studying a UFO and alien interaction case that took place in Tipoztian, Mexico back in the 1985 and 1992-3 years. The aliens described in detail these drones and even showed it to a human firsthand.
Eyewitness states: 
Bright balls watch us on the ground, watch the video and the photos. Attention to the photos, you will see faces and others. You can take breaks to see other unexplained images.

Artists of long ago incorporate their UFO Sightings & Abductions into their paintings, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Art is like the earliest forms of photography, recording the true history of mankind all the way back the those paintings on cave ceilings and walls. When an artists and a regular person stand side by side and observe a UFO sighting, many irregularities will come from their reports. The regular person will give one or two details, but the artist with his discriminating eye for beauty will describe twenty or more important details that the other person easily overlooked. So, looking at the paintings of historical artist is extremely important. 

I'm not saying an artist born in the 1300s or 1400s was transported to the birth of Jesus to witness and then paint it. What I am saying is that these artists had a more personal experience, one where they themselves witnessed a UFO or were abducted by aliens, and being unable to speak of it, instead they hid their experience in the painting, hoping that future generations may understand it better than his own towns people 600+ years ago who might label them as the town fool. Look in the above photo, you see something that doesn't belong there, an old man and looking upward at a UFO. He painted his personal experience into the important religious painting to preserve it forever. Many artists in the world used secret messages in their paintings.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Dyson Sphere Found Near Aquarius Constellation Using Google Sky Map, Jan 2017, PHOTOs, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 10, 2017
Location of discovery:  Near Aquarius
Google Sky Coordinates: 22h35m54.80s -4 25'27.22"

Looking through Google sky is a lot of fun. Its a bit slower that Google Mars or Moon to find an alien structure, but when you do, its well worth the effort. 

This is an alien megastructure...also known as a Dyson sphere. That is a megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its energy output. It makes sense, since the more technologically advanced a species grows, the more dependent on energy that species becomes.You can see the light of the sun...which is a green light shining through the gaps in one side of the sphere. These gaps may be unfinished areas, since it take millions of years to construct, or it could have been made that way so ships can travel easily in and out. You see, the inside of the Dyson sphere would have the the inside area that is 600 million times that we have on Earth. That is a lot of room for a lot of people. 

Sure it might take a long time to build such a large sphere, but if aliens constructed millions of robots, they could work 24/7 for a million years and probably finish it. They could even mine their own materials and construct their own materials. Then...the aliens just wait for the work to be finished, while they do something more important with their times.
Scott C. Waring

UFO Shoots Past Passenger Jet Over Mudgee, Australia On Jan 6, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Mudgee, Australia

This passenger jet had a really close flyby with a UFO in broad daylight over Australia this week. The UFO moves so fast that it almost makes the jet seem like its standing still. Aliens are always interested in the latest and greatest human technology. Aircraft often have this, so the drone UFOs will shoot by so fast the plane will not see them, and it will not be seen on radar. They scan the craft, the humans on board and the interesting tech it has...all in the span of a few seconds or less. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
The camera was using: CANON X A.25. Full H D camera.50 X optical zoom.


Ancient Face And Sarcophagus Found On Mars Near NASA Rover, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 9, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/194805
Update: added 2 photos of clam shaped structure.
I found this face with an unusual nose today. It has a lot of similarities to humans, but its nose looks more tube-like. I also found a funeral sarcophagus in the shape of a persons. It has similarities to ancient Egyptian sarcophaguses found. There were a lot of buildings, but I only show you the closest ones here, that way you can see the detail. Well...maybe I should show you a city in the mountains far in the distance. I will place that photo at the very bottom. You can also see the NASA rover just inches away from water on the surface of Mars, and still they don't discuss it much with the public. You would think that every small spring of water found on Mars would be on world news, but, you know NASA. They want to keep it quiet so Russia and China will not begin to compete with them to make colonies on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring

 Above and below is a 2 meter clam structure, building, as you see, something tore this open.