
Cool Alien Buildings In Crater On Moon, May Be Habitable Today, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 9, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths moon, Dionysius crater
NASA Source: http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/443

I found a lot of alien structures, some are buildings and others appear to be landed ships. The structures are all silver metallic objects with shiny white reflective windows. These buildings are very old, but out in the vacuum of space structures can remain intact for millions of years. 

I imagine that one of these structures would easily be taken over by a group of human traveling to the moon and would make a great starting point for someone like Jeff Bezos space exploration program Blue Origins. The structure are right there, ripe for the taking, and waiting for new occupants and with the alien tech inside they should have power for hundreds of years. Can you see it? Blue Origins Space City at Dionysius crater becoming the next vacation resort. 
Scott C. Waring


Two Triangle UFOs Seen On Live Camera At Space Station, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 12, 2019
Location of sighting: Space Station

This is one of the most extraordinary UFOs I have ever seen at the space station. Youtube user Tom Brown caught something on the space station live cam that is mind blowing. Two triangle UFOs move upward and within view of the camera, at that point the UFOs realise that they have been seen and move away, vanishing into the darkness of space. The camera also notices the UFOs and tries to move away from that location. UFOs often move in pairs, I have seen orbs in pairs move like this, but never triangle UFOs and never this close with such amazing detail. And we see each one is a different color, one red larger craft and one smaller grey-brown craft. These are 100% alien craft watching over the space station. 
Scott Waring-Taiwan


Two Alien Ships Found On Comet 67P In NASA Archive, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 8, 2019
Location of discovery: Comet 67P
Source photo:  https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=6633

I was looking over some Comet 67P photos at the JPL site and found this one to have two interesting structures. I colored the objects yellow to make them easier to see. The round object looks like its a spaceship that landed in that location. The cube like structure may also be ship that landed long ago. The objects have an interesting design and are probably not something that most people expect alien ships to look like. This is the singing comet. The comet that has been sending a message 24 hours a day for the last three decades. The message may be coming from one of these ships. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

What Blocked Out The Sun? And NASA Didn't Talk About It Because It Was Caused By A UFO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 8, 2019 07:07 to 07:13
Location of sighting: Earths Sun and SOHO satellite\
Source: https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/

Something big just blocked out the sun today and no one even seemed to notice it. I found these images on a SDO NASA site that observes the sun through different filters and I put them to together so you can see them in real time as it happened. The reason nobody noticed is that it wasn't visible on Earth, but was actually only visible from the location of the SOHO NASA satellite. So, the real question I have is, did a UFO pass between the satellite and the sun causing this? Whatever it was it was huge! I have reported earth size UFOs near the sun a lot over the last month found in SOHO sun images, so it really has me concerned? What is NASA not telling us? Why didn't they talk about this with the public? This is crazy important astronomy news and yet nothing from NASA? If they don't want to talk about it, you can bet that its something that would frighten the pubic. 

This may be astronomy history being made, the first ever eclipse recorded off world. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Ancient Building Found On Mars With Open Door! Undeniable Proof Of Intelligent Life! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 8, 2019 
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 981
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/210478

I found this doorway into the back of a structure on Mars today in a gigipan photo. The structure looks like it has been created from the materials on Mars, sort of a clay like substance made by hand. Instead of bricks, they used globs of clay. The entrance is huge on the back of the structure and can easily be seen since it has been painted white or coated white with some substance. The top is triangular like most houses have on Earth. The structure is also perfectly placed so that it is balanced to the environment and not tilted, even though its on a hillside. The hill gives the structure a great view of the horizon. This structure is about 2 meters tall, but I believe that we only see about 5% or less, the other 95% will be below the ground to keep the home cool. 
Scott C. Waring 


The Woman Figure On Mars, Also Has A Man And Child Nearby, UFO Sighting News.

Source 1 photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA10216 
Source 2 photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA10214

Nine years ago I reported a whole lot of alien artefacts in one photo, including a woman, man and child statues on a hillside. Then NASA deleted one of the photos, but I found a similar, yet darker photo a few years later. 

The statue of a woman has a highly detailed green robe, which you can see the folds within it. She has long hair down to the shoulders  a thiner waste and here arm is also covered with here robe sleeve up to the wrist area, where the color of her hand turns to pinkish. Her figure is undoubtedly that of a human-like female. The man laying down in front of her also has a green outfit on. He has a bald hairless head that is pink. The little child in front of them is less obvious to the untrained eye. He is sitting down, legs forward and arms behind himself. 

This woman on Mars, is literally the Mona Lisa of Mars. She is flawless in every way, and yet even this evidence is not enough to convince some. Its obvious to me that no photo, regardless of how clear or how close the evidence is...will every bring about disclosure. So the real question is....what will?
Scott C. Waring


Glowing UFOs Fly Over Huntington Beach, California May Be From Underwater Base, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 4, 2019
Location of sighting: Huntington Beach, California, USA
Source: MUFON #102536

Witnesses caught a fleet of bright objects over Huntington Beach two days ago. The objects were glowing orbs, but there was a single orb that seems to have been metallic and not glowing. The eyewitness said they noticed the objects as they began to rise higher and higher into the atmosphere and out of sight. Its very possible that these UFOs were exploring under the ocean off California and then decided to end their mission and return to its own planet or space station. There is a well known alien base off Malibu, California, these UFOs may have come from there. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Caught Following Deer On Animal Camera, July 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2019
Location of sighting: Alma Center, Wisconsin, USA
Source: MUFON #102537

A hunter caught a glowing orb on his animal camera two weeks ago. The orb is actually watching and following a deer! The deer is caught in only the last photo, but its obvious that the alien probe is following it. Also I notice the date on the camera seems to be different than the date on his MUFON report. I think he may have never set the date on the camera correctly. I've been guilty of such things myself many times. Don't like wasting time trying to figure some of those things out. He says the photos were taken July 17 last month. This camera is using infrared which sees well at night and also will see any cloaked object. Awesome catch, and proof that aliens are interested in literally every form of life on Earth. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
I have a series of 4 photos caught on my deer cam. I am a avid bow hunter and got these pictures when I checked my camera.


Ancient Civilisation Found On Mars, 100% Proof Exists! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of discovery: Mars
Date of discovery: Aug 4, 2019
Source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/217083

I found some ancient walls and a fallen monolith today in a gigs-an photo. The walls have a lot of perfect right angles and layered stones which sometimes are seen in nature, but most often seen in ancient structures here on earth. There was also giant arrow head like fallen statue with half of it covered in years of mars dirt. Finding one object suggests we have evidence, but finding three geometrically perfect shapes tells me this is 100% real...the site of an ancient civilisation.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO sighting was caught in Paris, France on Video. Today Stationed Off World, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of sighting: 2009
Location of sighting: Paris, France

This UFO Sighting apparently happened in 2009, before all the fakes were being made. It was sent to me back in 2009 by a military guy in France who wishes to remain anonymous. I held onto it for a year because frankly I was scared to post it on my site. Now imagine this craft and how all the bugs got ironed out of it today in 2019, ten years later. The USAF probably has a whole fleet of these, but in my opinion they have to be stationed on off world, because I don't believe it would be so easy to hide these things flying around. The USAF probably took over an abandoned city on the moon and use it as the newest top secret military base the USA has ever had. 

This UFO sighting was caught in Paris, France and some people believe this is part of the US gov Aurora Project. You decide. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's (code-named Astra) first operational flight was in the early 90s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. At least 3 of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The Aurora class craft is the most classified aerospace development program in existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-3B flying triangle is not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid 80s gathered from Apollo 18, 19 and 20 covert missions to the moon to salvage alien technology that NASA found. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Ancient Robot Leg Found In Newest Mars Curiosity Rover Photo, Will NASA Respond? UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 3, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2483
NASA Photo: https://marsmobile.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=2483MR0131930000504848C00_DXXX&s=2483

 When I was looking at the recent rover photo, I noticed something that at first looks like a foot and lower leg of a statue, but now I am confident it is actually the lower leg of an ancient robot. You can see the foot area with a lower tread and thick heal on it, the upper part of the boot like foot. The thing that convinces me about it being robot is that if you look at the leg attached to the shoe, you will see hing areas that a robot might have. Robot leg on Mars, NASA really needs to address these discoveries. 
Scott Waring-Taiwan

Alien City Found On Mars And NASA Wont Talk About It! Mind Blowing Video, UFO Sighting News.

Here is a Mars photo with a lot of structures in its lower left area. The structures have a lot of right angles and odd shapes. One structure has a huge circular black dome over it, another has a orb like pear on a tower. Its really something that just needs to be talked about, not with me so much, but with NASA. Why isn't NASA talking about these structures? Whats NASA working so hard on that they cant take five minutes to tell the public about the structures on Mars? 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan