Showing posts with label object. Show all posts
Showing posts with label object. Show all posts


Black Spaceship Seen Over Fairview, Texas, Photos, March 31, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 31, 2020
Location of sighting: Fairview, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #107397

This UFO was reported to MUFON today. A black craft flew over a persons car as he was waiting for the stop light. He took two photos of clouds and in one of them caught a dark UFO. The UFO must have been traveling very fast, because he didn't notice it. But many UFO researchers believe that UFOs are all around us on this planet, but they jump from location to location fast, traveling so fast the human eye cannot see them, but the camera lens can. Looks like alien visitors in Texas. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
The UFO was in my picture of the sky. I took 2 pictures of the clouds seconds apart. Clouds looked odd. In the first picture the UFO is clear. 2nd photo snapped immediately after does not show it. Time stamped 5:41pm on both pictures. It looks like a black millenial falcon. I did not notice it in the picture until I posted it on Instagram. It's definitely not something on windshield or camera lens. It would have been on both.


Alien Buildings Found On Moon In Chinese Lunar Photos! Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

These structures were found on Earths moon in some of the Chinese Chang'e 3 Lander photo. There are definite structures in the far background that have hard right angles and metallic glimmers, which proves to me that the Chinese now know about the existence of aliens on Earths moon. Found by Streetcap1 of Youtube, these structures have a lot of similarities to buildings made by human beings, however these structures are rare, most alien structures have a more fungus look to them. These are hardest to find. Excellent find by Streetcap1. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Pyramid 2.5 Miles Tall On Planet Mercury In NASA Mission Photo! Dec 22, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 22, 2017
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
Coordinates: LAT: -39.62 to -26.26 ° LON: 156.18 to 172.92 ° RES: 564 mpp INC: 68.78 ° EMA: 28.86 ° PHA: 41.35 °
Source Photo:

Today I found a giant pyramid in a crater on Planet Mercury. Its about 2.5 miles wide by 2.5  miles tall. Since this is a Mariner 10 mission photo from 1973, its less likely to be edited using a smoothing program or cover up program than todays modern photos taken by NASA. However, thats not always the case. I have seen indexes like this, reported alien structures and NASA used my posts about it to edit their photos. Click here for to see one such post.  I have even seen an entire Apollo that was run through a soothing program to blur out any detail. NASA lies, thats all there is too it. Its up to us to bring the truth to the public. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Prank In New York City Startles People In Surprise Locations, Dec 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

This funny video of aliens startling people is made to celebrate the coming of an all new ten episode series of the fabulous TV series THE X-FILES.

The episode really makes you think. How would you react to an actual alien when you meet it for the first time, and how and where would that encounter take place? Well, a few aliens that look like us do intermingle with us, some to profit, some to help humanity advance in technology, but they look like us, so we would never notice them. However in this video, we get the chance to see what a surprise meeting might be like, in a moment when you least expect it. It funny, but the peoples reactions are real, simulating a real life scenario. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Cylinder UFO Seen In Orion Nebula Through Telescope, Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2017
Location of UFO: Orion Nebula

This UFO was captured on camera by a person in North Carolina using an eight inch telescope. This is actually the second time he has captured this UFO. A few weeks ago he also caught it. You probably are wondering why such a boring design for a spacecraft? Watch this informative video by SecureTeam10 of Youtube and tell us what you think below. 
Scott C. Waring

Glowing Lights Over Famous Mount Adams, Washington On Live Cam, Dec 17, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 17, 2017
Location of sighting: Mount Adams, Washington, USA

Streetcap1 witnessed this amazing sighting of a long glowing UFO over Mount Adams, Washington.  The location of the sighting is very close to the famous ECETI ranch, which is famous for its UFO sightings daily. This sighting looks almost like the notorious Phoenix Lights incident from 1997. Check out his video and tell us what you think. 
Scott C. Waring


Infrared UFO Video Released By US Navy Tracking Alien Craft, Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: Dec 2017
Source: CBS This Morning News

Now this is old footage from US Navy pilots using a self guided infrared camera. This footage is IR which can see outside of the human eye spectrum of light. IR cameras can cut through most cloaked ships so that we see them. That is why the video is this color. Back in WWI and WWII they called these UFOs Foo Fighters. Today, we call them alien craft, or UFOs. This info one of the many files in a secret dept that investigated UFOs in 2012, using black budget money. 

So, if you want real footage of a UFO, and you feel there have been ones above you before, but clocked from view...then get an infrared camera...from which...there is no escape. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Newly released video captured by U.S. Navy pilots offers an inside look at a secretive government program that investigated unidentified flying objects. The Defense Department says it ended the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program in 2012 over funding issues. Tony Dokoupil shows us two UFO encounters captured on camera.


Close Encounters UFO Pays Surprise Visit To The NASA Space Station On Live Cam, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 12, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station
Source: Streetcap1 of Youtube

This remarkable catch of giant UFO right beside the space station was caught by a Youtube this week. As he said, it does look like its from the sci-fi movie Close Encounters. Streetcap1 is an honourable man and all footage is always 100% real from him. We have both checked the ISS cams a lot over the last 5 years. This...however is freaking amazing! If that doesn't say greetings to the astronauts on the ISS, then I don't know what does. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
I went back and recorded almost the entire sequence from today's earlier video, then set it to music. It looks a bit like the spacecraft from the movie ' Close Encounters of the Third Kind.'


Unexpected Birth Has This Lady Thinking That She May Be An Alien Hybrid, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Aliens are all around us. On every moon and planet in our solar system, in Earths orbit and skies, and even on our planet. This woman dives into the subject and explains how her life has been impacted by the visits of aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
French talking. 6'3" with blonde-hair and green eyes. Lisa has dependably felt like she is "distinctive." More remarkable than her striking nearness is the way that Lisa trusts she might be what numerous in UFO hovers allude to as a human-cross breed. Half breeds are frequently characterized as the offspring of abductees who have been subjected to contact with outsiders where ladies have been impregnated. The outcome is the introduction of an outsider human cross breed with outsider attributes in these crossover kids that lay lethargic. It is the human qualities that are more dynamic. However something else is seen and these human half and halves feel like they don't completely have a place on Earth. All things considered, the eyes of these human half and halves are regularly profoundly convincing. When they take a gander at you, it feels as though they achieve profound into your spirit. Deep down, they every now and again report longs for flying and out-of-body encounters that regularly carry them into space where contact with their ET starting points are seen. Cross breeds additionally report that they are exceptionally instinctive. They sense, feel and apparently discuss clairvoyantly, with their patrimonial clairvoyant aptitudes tuning into read the contemplations of people without saying a word to them. These qualities and the sky is the limit from there, characterize Lisa's encounters. Having a secretive birth and numerous UFO-related encounters for the duration of her life, Lisa shares only a couple of her high abnormality perceptions translated into English through UFO Researcher, Luigi Vendittelli from Montreal, Canada. "I have an explanation behind being here and it is somewhat not quite the same as other individuals however I feel there are many individuals like this. There is something to be finished. We have to change things and it's an overwhelming weight to have." Lisa says as she herself tries to get a handle on the riddle of what she feels inside.


White Creature On Mars, Seen Then Disappears In Front Of Rover, July 4, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 4, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1385, Navcam Left B

As I was going though this weeks Black and White NASA Curiosity Rover photos, I found a glowing object that really shouldn't be there. Its dark and this object is glowing like it makes its own energy. We can clearly make out many right angles so it does look like its a constructed object.

This area had two photos of it, one with the white object, one without it. One was taken by the Navcam Left B camera. The other Navcam Right B camera.Both were taken at 06:38:20, so perhaps this white object hid quickly in those rocks. This could be a white rabbit creature, like the one I reported back in 2012. (Click here to view the white rabbit).

If the rover investigated it, all close up photos were not posted. There is only one photo of this object and it was so bright that I am confident that NASA scientists noticed. 


Trilobite Creature Found On Mars, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 19, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

While looking at Mars photos I found an usual creature sitting on a rock. Its actually standing a little higher than the rock as you can see from the shadow it casts. The creature looks like a trilobite. This object does not look like a fossil, but an actual living creature. Its shiny shell and divided indentions provide us with a lot of information with its body shape. Take a look at the trilobite photos from Earth and the photo of the trilobite-like creature on Mars. Do you see any similarities. 

The location is at the far right center of the photo. You will see it right away. It stands out well. SCW


Hand Of God Discovered By NASA's X-ray Observatory-Photo!, Jan 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2014
Location of discovery: pulsar, called PSR B1509-58
Source: NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory

This discovery made by Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a a pulsar that has formed a unique and amazing hand. NASA calls it the Hand of God. One astronomer Hongjun stated, "We don't know if the hand shape is an optical illusion." But he did not it does have fingers a wrist and looks like a hand grabbing an object. 

Sure a pulsar made it, but the question I am posing is...was it created on purpose by an alien race? Its a great way to leave your species mark on the universe and let other species know that not only does your species exist, but that you were in that area first and have dibs. SCW


UFO Caught On Video Shooting Near Nose Of Passenger Jet, England May 2013. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 4, 2013
Location of sighting: England

Eyewitness states:
At 7.40pm on the 5/4/13...An amazed plane spotter records the moment a glowing UFO comes within feet of an oncoming airliner on landing, this caught UFODI attention, due to the size of the object to the airliner, the object was around 15-25ft wide and 10ft in height. The recorder didnt even recognise it at that time, only after observing the footage he saw it, he discribes looking at his radar system which distracted him. Its an amazing unexpected catch.


Strange Object Discovered On Mars By Rover, Oct 2012, VIDEO.

Date of discovery: October 2012
Location of discovery: Mars

Eyewitness states: 
Found this Unidentified Object while searching Mars PHotographs. This set of photos is from NASA Opportunity Navigation Camera SOL 115. Some other websites are reporting that there is wood in the photos. I noticed that the white glowing dot appears in three different photos with three different camera angles. Its as if whatever the camera was photographing was being blinded by a possible reflection or some sort of strange object. I zoomed in and it seemed even stranger because the reflection changes. See for yourself here is the link . Proof of life on Mars? 


UFO Over Bedford, England on July 14, 2012 VIDEO.

Location of Sighting: Bedford, England
Date of Sighting:  July 14, 2012
Time: 21:23
Witness Name: Simon
Witness Statement: 
Shot from:
MK40 1EQ (google maps it)
If you head north up the street on streetview you can see the tree on the right hand corner I was fighting to get a view past.
I saw this object approaching from the west a long way off. I thought it was the local police helicopter at first because there was a bright pinprick of light visible towards the bottom of the craft. The light was red in colour.
I was paying particular attention because I was wondering how near the 'helicopter' would come before I heard its rotors. Once its proximity was close enough to me make me realise the object wasn't making any sound I ran to get my phone to try and video it.
As for the light, imagine the effect of landing lights on a commerial aircraft. You can see them a long way off as they come in to land; by the time I had retrieved my phone to try and video capture it, the object was already side on to me so the light isn't visible in the footage. There were no flashing globes that you would see on a commercial aircraft.
It flew at the speed, height and distance that one would normally see a helicopter fly, perhaps a bit higher altitude.
Its movement was very steady, it didn't jump around the sky, just proceeded its way casually towards wherever it was going. It approached from the west, and as it passed the location I started filming it started to head north east. I ran to keep up with it but it disappeared behind the buildings on the other side of the road.
Hard to tell the what the dimensions were, but it was clearly huge. Judging by how normal aircraft look at that altitude, it must have been at least 20m across.
I would be happy to discuss this experience with anyone who is interested.


Unusual UFO Seen During Day Over Sydney, Australia June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia 

Eyewitness states: 
Very shiny cigar shaped UFO over Sydney, Australia June 2 2012
This was hovering over the street for 5 minutes and was witnessed by 4 others while they were on vacation.


NASA Is Monitoring of a UFO near the Sun for May 22, 2012.

Above Shows Pyramid UFO In Orbit. May 22, 2012. Credit SOHO/NASA

Date of sighting: May 22, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun

This is another video revealing that UFOs do orbit our sun and yet after hundreds, nay, thousands of similar videos are currently on Youtube, NASA/SOHO still refuse to comment on what these objects could be. When someone asked you a question, typically you give them an answer. When hundreds of thousands of people ask you a question, you sure as hell better have an answer! Get with the program NASA, we own you, or did you forget you are a public program? SCW


Red UFO Over Magdalena, New Mexico On May 3, 2012, Video News.

Date of sighting: May 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Magdalena, New Mexico

This orange disk was seen last week over Magdalena. Often orange UFOs are mistaken for Chinese lanterns, but as you can see with the zoomed in shot, this thing is huge!!! The person who took this shot has a great camera with a great zoom on it. I wish more UFO hunters had such a camera. 


Dark UFO Caught In Front Of Sun, April 30, 2012, UFO Sighting Video News.

Date of sighting: April 30, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun

Watch as a giant UFO sits in front of the sun and is accidentally captured on video. 


UFO Fragment Falls On Siberia, Russia on March 2012, Video News.

Date of discovery: March 20, 2012
Location of discovery: Siberia

Russian space experts are seeking to solve the mystery of 'a UFO fragment' which crashed close to a remote village in Siberia. The 'silver U-shaped device' weighs 200 kilos, has does not appear to be a rocket or a missile - or a remnant of earthly space technology. 'The object found is not related to space technology. A final conclusion can be made after a detailed study of the object by experts,' said the Russian space agency Roscosmos. Locals insist the metallic object - resembling a large shiny rubbish bin - fell from the skies. The object is six feet long and is at least partially made of titanium steel. Head of Department for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations of the Kuibyshevski, Valery Vasiliev, said part of the fragment was made of ultra strong titanium. Finder Sergey Bobrov undertook in an official statement that he would keep the UFO safe, but locals reported that 'police came during the night and secretly removed it'. A local police spokesman confirmed the object was now under guard by the force on orders from unspecified authorities. 'You can see inside it, all is open, it's empty, no danger here. We were asked to take and store it. We brought it here. And now we are going to wait until they come to take it if they need it' said Sergei Sulein.