
Alien Face Seen Over Volcano In Mexico, Where Base Is Located, Nov 5, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 5, 2016
Location of discovery: Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
Source photo: http://webcamsdemexico.net/popocatepetl1/2016-11-05/1032.jpg

While searching cams for UFOs, I found this giant face above a volcano. Clouds can easily be manipulated by powerful alien thoughts. Here we see the face of a person that an alien was thinking about...maybe worried about for it to be so detailed above the volcano. This is not randomness, this is the deep thought of an alien in the base 4km below this volcano. We have observed and recorded hundreds of UFOs coming from the mouth of this volcano. This face only compounds that evidence. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

UFO Over Clouds In Italy Looks Pearlescent, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Lombardy, Italy

This pearlescent UFO was seen last week and looks like a giant disk, complete with a beautiful dome on its top. Sunset is one of the most common times to see a UFO, when the ships cloak becomes vulnerable. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Tim Gabriele We share these images where they were allegedly captured in the skies of Lecco, Lombardy, Italy, on 2 November 2016 by Giuseppe Filipponi.


Woman In Dress Found On Mars In Curiosity Rover @NASA Photo, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 5, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01509/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_531465218EDR_F0591260NCAM00353M_.JPG

I found something unusual...wait, that sums up the thousands of things I have already found in the past. 

I found a figure, carved in the ground or roof of a structure. Its very crude, but I believe thats due to the fact of time, erosion and possibly a war that may have caused Mars to be this way. 

This is the find of the century, because of many things like it being a figure, a woman in a dress, two arms and two legs, one head. This is one of the few carvings I have found on Mars that depict a human-like species. I have found hundreds, but never looking human, and her dress is raised up in the front, and longer in the back, much like the ladies of use to wear back in the 1700s here on Earth. 

Something confusing is her chest, it has the breasts one above the other, unlike women on earth who have them side by side. No, I was not looking for this. It just stood out so much it was obvious what it was. It took a whole 3-5 seconds of looking at the photo to see it. 
Scott C. Waring

Silver Surfer Like UFO Spotted In Sky Over Major City In Turkey, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Turkey
Original Video: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/TAtH3g7hp_s/?spm=a2h0k.8191414.0.0

These kids were riding in a car and suddenly saw a silver human like figure moving over the tree tops. They called it the Silver Surfer...a Marvel comic book first published in the 1968. I see the resemblance for sure, but I believe its a lightning bolt shaped alien drone...a probe to scan and then be retrieved by a larger ship later. For those who still don't know who the Silver Surfer is, I will include a video of an amazing costume from Halloween one guy had...video at bottom of post. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitnesses state:
It was a shocking moment when a superhero silver surfer in a Marvel comic book appeared in the middle of a major city. The mysterious object was two car driving Ai Erkan? Alec and Halil? Kagera found that when it is traveling in the north-west of Turkey's fourth largest city Bursa over.

This Day In UFO History: Travis Walton Gets Abducted By Aliens In Arizona, Nov 5, 1975, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 5, 1975
Location of sighting: Central Arizona, USA
Source: Coral Lorenzen, APRO

This is the anniversary of one of the most publicized and most amazing evidence backed sightings to date. I am amazed that Travis still lectures about it every year and he even has a book at his website that he will personally sign for you if you wish it. Click to to see Travis's UFO site. 
Scott C. Waring

Report states: 
On November 5, 1975, six young woodcutters, along with their employer, were working in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, engaged in a tree-thinning contract for the U. S. Forest Service. The forest is located in east central Arizona, and the work area is fifteen miles from Heber. 

The story begins at approximately 6:10 P.M., when the men were heading home in a seven-man crew-cab truck. Traveling along a bull-dozed trail, one of the men sighted a gold-colored glow through the thickets. As they rounded a right-hand turn, they saw the source of the glow - a structural object hovering approximately fifteen feet above a clearing and a scant ninety feet or so from the viewers. 

Travis Walton, twenty-two, was sitting on the right- hand passenger side of the front seat. When he saw the object, he called to Mike Rogers, the driver and boss of the crew, to stop. Hardly waiting for the truck to come to a complete halt, Walton jumped out and, at a fast walk, approached a woodpile (stacked by the thinners) to get a closer look. As his fellow employees called for him to be careful and come back, he stood and looked at the object, which was at a 60-degree elevation from his position. It had the shape of two "pie pans" or shallow bowls placed rim to rim. A "beeping" sound was heard by all. 

Walton stepped back a couple of paces, intending to vacate the vicinity of the craft when his friends were startled to see a blue-green beam shoot out from the bottom of the craft, striking Walton in the upper area of his body, lifting him from the ground with his arms out stretched, and flinging him back to the ground. 

Thinking he and the others were in danger, Rogers restarted the truck and left the area. A quarter of a mile away, he stopped and the six men looked back. They saw a light rise from the ground and streak into the north east, originating in the area where they had left Travis. Thinking it was the object, Rogers turned the truck around and drove back to the clearing. 

For fifteen minutes the men searched for Walton, covering the near area and calling, but to no avail. Rogers then decided to drive to Heber, the nearest town, and report Walton's disappearance to the sheriff. On the way, they debated what they should tell, doubting that the truth would be believed, but, unable to come up with an acceptable explanation, they told what they had experienced. 

On November 10, the six men were given polygraph tests which established that they had not harmed Walton (it had been implied that they had done away with Travis and hidden his remains, despite the fact that Rogers was his best friend of many years standing) and that they had, actually, seen a UFO. 

On the night of November 10, at approximately midnight, a call came in to the Grant Neff residence (Mrs. Neff was Travis' sister and at the time the only Walton in Snowflake, Arizona, with a telephone). It was Travis, sounding confused and disoriented, saying he was at a phone booth in Heber and in terrible pain. Neff went to Mrs. Kellett's (Travis' mother) home, picked up Travis' brother Duane, who had come up from Phoenix when notified of his brother's disappearance, and drove at breakneck speed to Heber, where they found Travis slumped in a phone booth. He had a five-day growth of beard and appeared thin but was otherwise apparently all right. 

Within hours, Duane drove Travis to his home in Phoenix, intent on keeping him away from the horde of reporters, which had plagued the Walton family during Travis' disappearance, and to obtain medical treatment. 

For a short time, Duane Walton was frustrated by the representative of a local UFO group, who sent him to a pseudomedical hypnotist, but he was eventually contacted by the AERIAL PHENOMENA RESEARCH ORGANI ZATION (APRO), which called in a team of medical experts. 

Ultimately, Walton was given the Minnesota Multi Phase Personality Inventory (MMPI), Rorschach (commonly called Inkblot) Polygraph and Psychological Stress Evaluator tests, all of which established that he had told the truth as he knew it. All of these tests were conducted and interpreted by experts. 

Unfortunately, Walton only recalls an hour or two of his five-day absence. He claims to have awoke on a table in a room which he first assumed was a hospital. The ceiling seemed low, there was an oval-shaped metallic-colored apparatus on his chest (his denim jacket and shirt were pulled up), and he was in considerable pain. The "air" in the room seemed oppressive, i.e., warm and damp. It took a few minutes to get his wits about him, and when he became fully aware of his surroundings, he realized he was in no ordinary hospital. Around the "table" on which he reclined were three strange creatures-strange, because they were less than five feet tall, very pale, with large, domed heads, large eyes, small nose, mouth, and ears, and their bodies, encased in tannish orange, seamless jumpsuits, and were very thin. 

Upon seeing them, Walton struggled to his feet, and when they approached him with their fingernail-less hands outstretched, he grabbed a rodlike object from an adjacent table and prepared to defend himself. After flailing about with the instrument for a moment or two, Walton was surprised to see the trio file out of the door and turn to the right. 

After the creatures left, Walton also exited the room, turning left. Following a curved corridor, looking for a way out, he found a circular room with a chair (which was too small for him but nevertheless he sat in it) with a "screen" on each arm. He touched a lever and the "stars" on the "ceiling" above seemed to move, so he moved the lever back to its original position and decided against further experimentation. 

Shortly, a "man," approximately six feet tall, with brown hair and strange golden-brown eyes, appeared at the door which Travis had entered. He beckoned to Travis, and Travis went to him, babbling question after question, none of which were answered. The "man" said nothing, took Travis by the arm, led him out into the corridor or hall, to the right, then stopped, whereupon a section of the wall opened. He had not touched anything. They walked into a small room, the door behind them closed, and seconds later a door opened in front of them. They then went down an incline (apparently out of the enclosure Walton had been in) where Walton found him self in a large enclosure resembling a quarter of a cylinder. There were three or four oval-shaped metallic objects parked there (the same apparent metallic substance as everything else he had seen). He was led by the "man" (who was clad in a blue "jumpsuit" with a clear "helmet") through the enclosure, to another door into a room where there were three other human-appearing individuals-two men and a woman. They resembled the first, except that, although they wore the same clothing, they were without helmets. 

They gestured to him to get upon a table. He resisted, but they eventually succeeded in their efforts and Travis reclined; an apparatus resembling an oxygen mask with a black ball attached was placed over his face and he lost consciousness. 

Travis awoke about midnight about a quarter mile west of Heber, Arizona. He was lying on his stomach and raised up to watch the curved, metallic hull of an aircraft taking off straight up, reflecting the yellow stripe of the dividing line of the highway below. 

What did Travis Walton see? What did he experience? Tests indicate that he has related his experience truthfully. His book The Walton Experience (1978) will tend to illuminate the reader and enable him to make his own judgment. 


Alien Technology Found Just 2 Meters From Curiosity Rover @NASA photo, Nov 4, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 4, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1508, Left B Navcam
Source photo 1: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01508/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_531365680EDR_D0590732TRAV00514M_.JPG
Source photo 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01508/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_531365727EDR_D0590738TRAV00514M_.JPG

I found this mechanical object a few minutes ago. This is a Curiosity Rover photo from Nov 2, 2016. The photo clearly shows a mechanical object sticking out of a notch that was made to hold it. This, no matter what it is, is technology of an alien race. 

The photo itself is very tiny. Only 36kb...so I enlarged it to make it 535kb. This allows me to see its true detail...and this is why NASA has been constantly uploading photos that are too tiny to view, because they hold the secrets to the universe in them.

The secret that we are not alone in this universe, that there are other species out there that have risen, fallen, and a few that still survive. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Shoots Over Car In Ireland On Oct 2106, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Oct 8, 2016
Location of sighting:  Ireland
Source: MUFON #79266

Here is a really fast UFO that move low over a car. It was caught on the car cam and in slow motion its shape looks impossible, and yet, its there. Its a shape that I have not seen before.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Real captured UFO Aliens spacecraft by my car CCTV camera during travel. film was not converted and this is a truth copy, only slow motion will be seen as well as closer pictures from the film.