
Watching Live UFO Sighting NOW at LAX Cam, Jan 9 2012.

Date of sighting: January 9, 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Hi guys, I am currently recording the screenshots of the LAX live cam (for 45 min) that are have a mass of glowing orbs moving around again. I recorded this over a year ago and am happy to see them return. Note if you are curious have a look at the link below. This is a cam that takes photos every few minutes, not live video. Also NOTE...you have to renew the page every minute yourself, the cam won't do it for you, lazy cam.

I will post a video of all the screenshots put together so you can see in 2 hours, because I have a call to teach. They are not airplanes or helicopters because there are no landing red lights but only white lights that I think are only visible to the digital cam. Also aircraft towers would not line up jets so close, ruling out aircraft. It looks like they are leaving because the number of UFOs dropped to just 1 or 0 per photo. Check it out, maybe you will catch some. SCW
Update: Since I made the UFO report here, the sighting has stopped, LOL maybe they are a currently reading our site's news. Sorry I could not report it while it was happening but the time between the photos differ of 1-4 min so I didn't want to miss a single one. Will post more photos and a video of it in few hours. If you see more, please leave ur report in the comments below. SCW

Live cam at: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?

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