Date of sighting: May 19, 2016, but reported July 2016
Location of sighting: New York City, USA
Source: MUFON #77629
Here's an interesting UFO over the World Trade Center. This UFO is unusual because it seems to have two tails, and it has a rocket like shape to it. The fact that this is over the World Trade Center shows me that aliens have a lot of interest not just in the old building, but also in the new buildings that have symbolic meaning to the country. If you go to a cultural location that has a special meaning to people, look up once in a while, you might get lucky and see a UFO.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
First of all sorry for my English writing. We were visiting WTC groundzero with my wife. I was capturing continously without focusing a spesific object. I captured many photos. In one minute I captured 3 photos consecutively. After holiday while I and my wife viewing photos we found an unknown object and it was flying above. We didn't detect it with naked eyes when we were visiting WTC. I don't belive that US Goverment lets an ordinary vechile to fly above WTC. Maybe this is an undetected vechile or it was a Made in USA UFO. In photo 1 there are colorful circles. In Photo 2 that circles are replacing and an UFO appears suddenly. In photo 3 there is no light no UFO. I want professionals to analyze the images and I am so curious about results. I was not a believer but I was ready to believe. Now I want to believe!