Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts


How To Find 3 Alien Bases On Google Moon Map, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

1st building: 21° 0'55.18"N 17°43'42.90"E
2nd building: 20°17'44.22"N 18°38'50.18"E
3rd building: 23°34'40.40"N 16°55'9.44"E
Date of discovery: Nov 26, 2016
Method used: Google Moon Map (free version)

While using Google Earth, I found a few structures made from black non reflective material. The black structures really stand out so when Google deliberately blurred the map, the dark areas were not affect so much. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Over London Has Many Similarities To A USAF TR3B, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2016
Location of sighting: London, England

I just found this, although its a few months old, its new to me and I though some of you would like to hear about it. I do believe its real, but I also believe this is alien technology used by the USAF. Its a new generation TR3B USAF craft. It has the three glowing orbs just as the TR3B has. The US military puts 98% of its top secret test flights outside of the US, so that no one will know who created them. Be we do, don't we? Just like in the 1980-90s, the US flew an alien craft over England called the Aurora Project. Its nothing new here, but I just wanted to shed some light on it, and I hope it helps. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
We videoed this from our flat in ponders end, Enfield, London, UK. At first glance you might think this object was a star if you didn't know what your looking for, but it's not, which I could see when I videoed with my tablet and was able to zoom in fully then I noticed what it is. I was taking pics of it before from my mobile zooming then screen shooting then zooming again to see it up close. I showed people and some of them trying to tell me maybe its a helicopter, I told them I never seen a helicopter dismantle itself and reattach itself in mid air before have you? But a lot of people are more stunned at what we have filmed. Our comments: No noise from a helicopter is detectable - so that idea can be ruled out, and going by the recording we initially see spheres, then what is perhaps a domed-top craft. Of course this may be an optical illusion, (such as caused when viewing something from an extreme distance , or even an unusual angle), but to our eyes it's as if 'windows' are sometimes visible on whatever this thing is! before it changes shape into something that's almost triangular. So, could this in fact be distorted views of the ISS - International Space Station? Well, we've done a bit of research about this and according to the astronomy sites that we have referred to, there were no visible passes of the ISS when this footage was taken, and it was in view for more than the usual 2-3 minutes which is the stated time that we can normally get a sighting opportunity of the ISS from the UK.

UFO Seen On Moon Live Stream, Dark Disk Near Earths Moon, Aug 10, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

As luck would have it, this UFO was caught on live stream when they were checking out the moon. It was caught by SpaceImaging Kieth of Youtube. The UFO is not a satellite, which would travel in a straight line. This UFO zig zags as it moves forward. It is not a balloon, because a balloon does not zig zag as it travels and this was out to sea. Dark disks have been seen traveling over the moon many times before. This is not the first, nor will it be the last. 

The most memorable dark disk was a UFO that measured over 5 miles across and was caught by an amateur Italian astronomer while cleaning his optics on his telescope and had it on record at the time. I will place some links below and a video at the bottom of this post for you to compare. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant UFO Near Jupiter Seen Through Telescope for 10 Minutes! Video, March 23, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Near Jupiter

This is some amazing footage of a giant UFO moving past Jupiter back in March. TakeBackSpace TV was using a 8" Nexstar telescope with a Sony a6000 camera. Its a nice set up and as you see, it self tracks really steady. 

This UFO is almost in focus and look really big. Jupiter has 67 known moons, and three of the biggest are visible near Jupiter. This UFO looks to be about the size of any one of those moons. Each is about 25% that of Earth...thats one big UFO. 

Also did you notice that the UFO gets brighter, the closer it got to Jupiter? That means its really close to Jupiter, within its orbit. 

Scott C. Waring 

TakeBackSpace TV states:
Hey everyone! I finally got around to editing this capture from last month. I could not match it up with satellite transits online, but that doesn't mean it's not a high altitude known object. I personally don't know what it is, but it seems like it gets brighter (possibly reflecting light) and dimmer in certain parts. There are parts that are just a dot on the screen, but I wanted to provide the full capture as best I could. Jump to the last minute for the sped up portion if you want, but I encourage you to enjoy the whole experience.


Space Station On Alert Keeping Close Eye On UFO, June 13, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Above is altered screenshot, below is original screenshot. 

Date of sighting: June 13, 2016
Location of sighting:  Earths Orbit
Source: NASA Space Station Live Internet Cam

While watching the space station cam I noticed that the HD cam was observing unusually close, zoomed in on an area of the Earth directly below it. Then I noticed a disk shaped object that had matched speed with the space station. The ISS travels at about 17,150 miles per hour or 5 miles per second, so yeah...that UFO is moving. 

Also whenever this UFO passed through the white clouds, the UFO became more visible, until the end of the video when it disappeared below the clouds. 

Scott C. Waring 

UFO Recorded By Google Car Mapping Argentina, June 12, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 12, 2016
Location of discovery: El Cholar, Argentina
Google coordinates: 37°26'35.60"S 70°39'13.09"W

This was sent into me yesterday by a reader of UFO Sightings Daily. He said he found a an object on Google Earth in Argentina that he wanted me to take a look at, because it had a disk shape. 

When I checked out the coordinates he gave me, I found that the UFO was visible 4 times. The first three times its seen far away, but still a disk shape...tilted. The fourth and final time its extremely close and tilted again. 

Its also tilted, which is what Bob Lazar (Area S4 scientist) says that disks need to do to move from place to place. It also has an antenna sticking out of it, this shows us the direction its moving, the antenna seems to be bent the opposite way. Purpose may be for magnetic energy waves it harness to hover. 

This is a very old and secluded area. I see brick buildings that were made in the 1800s nearby, with very few farms ever few miles. This is the perfect location of UFOs to do research on humans or other creatures and not be noticed. 

Absolute proof of UFOs existing and aliens observing humans from a distance. 

Scott C. Waring 


Awesome UFO over Lunar Surface Watching Apollo 17 Mission, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source Photo:

Another cool discovery by Streetcap1 of Youtube. This is a great shot of a disk over the moon watching the NASA Apollo 17 mission taking place. These ships can fly faster than the speed of light so if you watch any moon footage, you need to put it into slow motion to catch them. This above photo is unaltered. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Ship Found On Moon In Lovelace Crater, Google Moon Map, May 11, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 11, 2016
Location of discovery: Lovelace crater, Earths moon
Google moon coordinates:  82° 3'33.88"N  111°18'19.93"W

This UFO in Lovelace crater was found by a Emerson Caruana of Youtube. He looks like a kid in elementary school, but his curiosity about the unknown has led him to find a UFO parked on Mars. 

The young man made a video the best he know how, recording his discovery with his cell phone. I have to admire him for doing this. Lots of kids are too busy playing games, but not him. He is in search for alien life. Thats unique. 

Scott C. Waring


Aztec Warrior Face Found On Mars Using Google Map, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: Google Mars Map

This is awesome. Thank you so much to Marcelo Irazusta of Youtube for this. This make my whole month. Faces are a cultural way for aliens to show territorial rights and their pride in their species...since there are possibly millions of species out there (Drake Equation). The face is very similar to that of the Aztec warrior as you  see in this carving. This is proof that the Aztecs are descendants of this magnificent alien species that once claimed Mars as their own.  
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
The Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta, today presents two new faces that have recently been discovered. These are in addition to the many cases that, and many other prestigious researchers around the world are making this mysterious planet Mars. perfect, very well proportioned faces do not assume that we are in the presence of pareidolia. The coordinates for all to see in NASA images published by Google Mars are: 18°47'29.02"N 117°37'57.57"E 

El investigador argentino, Marcelo Irazusta, nos presenta hoy dos nuevos rostros que ha descubierto recientemente. Estos se suman a a los numerosos casos que el, y muchos otros prestigiosos investigadores del mundo, estan haciendo de este misterioso planeta Marte. Rostros perfectos, muy bien proporcionados, hacen suponer que no estamos en presencia de una pareidolia. Las coordenadas para que todos puedan verlas en imagenes de la Nasa publicadas por Google Mars son: 18°47'29.02"N 117°37'57.57"E 37°49'29.35"N 37°56'55.34"E


UFO Buzzes Near Passanger Jet Checking Over South Africa, Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 7, 2015, reported today.
Location of sighting: Nelspruit, South Africa
Source: MUFON #76170

If you take video of 10 jets for 3 minutes each, I promise at least one will have a small UFO shot past. This one seem like its checking out the jet after it already flew through the contrail. It was testing the contrail for the pollutants and how damaging it may be. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
On November 7th, 2015 I was enjoying a barbecue in my backyard with my family when I saw a Boeing flying directly over my house heading in an easterly direction. The sky was cloudless and deep blue and the white vapor trails the Boeing made caught my attention and I grabbed the old 60D and snapped a couple of photographs of it. When I downloaded all the photographs on the memory card two months later and sorted them, I came across the photos I took of the Boeing. I then noticed a strange sphere in one of the photographs appearing to be right next to the Boeing which I did not see at the time I took the photos looking through the camera viewfinder. At first I thought it was some defect in the lens or a lens flare but when I examined the other three photos I found another photograph with the same sphere but this time at the opposite side of the Boeing and very faint. The other two photographs had no sphere in them. I then realized that this could be a UFO photographed by me unknowingly. I was excited about this and showed the photographs to a friend of mine working at a photo lab. He told me that it had nothing to do with lens flare and that I had actually photographed "something" and encouraged me to look into it. I regret not being able to give more information on the incident as I did not even know about this till more than two months after the event. The only other info I can offer is the exact coordinates (25°28'54.88"S & 30°57'30.03"E) as well as the exact time (First photo it appeared on in the series of four taken on Saturday, 7 November 2015, 11:06:48AM and the second photo it appeared on taken at 11:06:52AM, four seconds later). I have looked but could not find anything on the other two photos. I will however include all four photos in this post in the hope that someone with more specialized computer software might pick up something. In my opinion, someone on that flight had to have seen this thing as well as it appears to be flying at the same height as the Boeing. Hopefully it would be possible to get information on that flight and track down the pilots based on the time, direction and coordinates of the Boeing. PS. The first four photographs attached (IMG_0171, IMG_0172, IMG_0173 & IMG_0174) are uncompressed and unmodified. 

Awesome Orbs Flying Over UK City of Shrewsbury On May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2016
Location of sighting: Shrewsbury, UK

A close up of one of these UFOs shows that its actually not round at all, but actually a 6 sided polygon. I have not seen this shape of UFO for a long time. Its almost crystal in shape. Must have been great to wittiness personally. If you live in Shrewsbury, please let us know in comments what you saw. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
One of many ORBS I called and witnessed last night, I only video'd a fraction of them. As I am an ET experiencer, I know the plasma balls are ET craft, and I have had telepathic contact, , orb manifestations indoors, woken with scoop marks etc...incidentally, I believe plasma is one of the 4 states of matter, and is essentially highly charged gas. Correct me if you're a physicist and know better. It is theorised that ETs either have a way of programming plasma to perform data gathering operations, or that the ETs themselves travel vast distances throough dimensions by transforming into plasma. It would be logical to assume, given that I have so many videos from one night, that I am not videoing the ISS or satellites. ( I have six orb videos I am uploading from last night, but saw several dozen). It is also clear that there is a ban on drones in the area, it is illegal to fly them within a hundred metres of the river, and these fly over the river. See my videos of planes over the area shot last night, to see what a plane looks like with the same camera. The orbs clearly are NOT planes or helicopters.


Awesome Ancient Pyramid Found On Moon In NASA Photos, May 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Update: It looks like Streetcap1 of Youtube found this back in 2015. Check out his video above. 

Date of discovery: May 2016
Location of discovery: Earths moon, Near Ryder Crater.
Source photo:

This photo was shown to us by Martian Archeology of Youtube, and shows us a remarkable pyramid on Earths moon. The pyramid has four sides and parts of its sides have wall that are at a 90 degree angle to it.

The treasures to be found in NASA or other space photos are unlimited. There is so much out there waiting for someone somewhere to notice it...that its there...that a civilization there once existed. 
Scott C. Waring 


Google Deletes UFO Over Taiwan Military Base, April 2016, Google Works With US Govt. To Hide Aliens. UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2014
Location of discovery: Fangliao, Taiwan base
Google coordinates:  22°20'09.40”N 120°37'28.33”E

Google has done it again. I have reported UFOs on Google Earth, about 6 and all have them have been deleted. This one I reported 2 years ago and no, its photo wasn't updated. This UFO is on Google street view and its just gone. (Click here to see my old 2014 post of it.) The location is the same, the trees, leaves, lighting, even the reflection in the mirror on the corner of the road, but the UFO has beed photoshoped out by US government controlled Google. Yes, Google does work with secret organizations in the US govt and they do delete all UFOs found. Thats why every UFO must be recorded on Video. If you see any of the 6 videos I made with UFOs on Google you know they are real, but also that Google has deleted them.

Now...using a Google browser? Using a google phone? Trust them that much?
Scott C. Waring 

Below is a old video I made of it. 


Black UFO Found Landed In Desert In Arizona On Google Earth Map, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 24, 2016
Location of discovery: 2 miles west of Bunk Robinson Peak, Arizona, USA
Google coordinates: 31° 26’43″N 109° 4’30″W

Here is a great catch of a black disk UFO landed out in the middle of nowhere on the boarder of Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. Its an hour drive to get to any city, but there is a white pick up truck parked near the black disk. The disk is located where no one would ever look for it. Usually UFOs are parked below water, but to have it above the ground is much more convenient to use in other ways. Don't take my word for it, copy paste the coordinates into the Google search box and check it out. 
Scott C. Waring 


Metallic structure Found On Moon Using Google Map, Jan 25, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 25, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Method Used: Google Moon Map
Coordinates:  3°40'45.80" S 17°35'39.50" W

This metallic structure was found on Google Moon map this week by @AmandaPanda0819 of Twitter who visits our site. Its design is really intriguing. It has an outer raised wall surrounding it, with two curved structures hanging over each end, but the supporting arms they come from comes from the side of the middle area. The shininess indicates that this structure is metallic.
Scott C. Waring


Alien Buildings On Moon Found On Google Map, Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 15, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source: Google Moon

I know I have reported these structures a few years ago, but they are amazing and Sandra Elena Andrade of Youtube found them again. These are structures that are visible, because they are grey metallic structures in a dark area. That makes the light reflect off of them a lot. There are thousands of these metallic ball structures in this area of the map. Some are so highly detailed its amazing. 
Scott C. Waring

Sandra Elena Andrade states:
Strange lights in the craters of the moon are the new discovery of the researcher Marcelo Irazusta. The lights 30 to 80 meters long can be seen neatly. Its brightness changes over the hour. It is interesting to see that there is a green surface. Some coordinates are: (copy past them)
27°22'5.33"N 150°43'14.79"E 
30 ° 39'12.68 "N 152 ° 3'11.86" E 
30 ° 27'13.33 "N 152 ° 56'7.77" E 
30 ° 29'39.60 "N 152 ° 53'11.88" E 
30 ° 21'28.97 "N 153 ° 5'38.89" E 
30 ° 11'8.38 "N 152 ° 56'5.32" E 
31°37'44.81"N 153°14'49.94"E 

EXTRAÑAS LUCES EN LOS CRÁTERES DE LA LUNA son el nuevo descubrimiento del investigador Marcelo Irazusta. Las luces de 30 a 80 metros de longitud pueden apreciarse nitidamente. Su brillo cambia con el correr de las horas del día. Es interesante apreciar también la existencia de una superficie con color verde.