Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts


Japanese Find Ancient UFO In Mountains Of Kumano Mie, Oct 17, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Oct 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Kumano Mie, Japan

Here is a disk shaped area of land that many in Japan believe to be an ancient UFO that landed and was covered over through the years. I have to admit the shape is unique and there the center does have a raised area on it. 

Sorry the translation is just not working, but I will put the original Japanese below.
Scott C. Waring

撮影地を探して山中を歩くこと1時間半。尾根から斜面を下ると急に視界が開け、眼下に­は川にぐるりと取り囲まれた、丸い島のような地形が広がっていた。 三重県熊野市の木津呂集落は、北側の一部以外を北山川が取り囲み、馬の蹄鉄のような形­になっている。住人はわずか11人。人よりも鹿やイノシシ、猿のほうが多いともいわれ­る。川を往来する観光ジェット船のエンジン音以外に聞こえるのは、鳥のさえずりや吹き­抜ける風の音など、自然が奏でるものばかりだ。 かつて、北山川の主役は筏師が操る筏だった。その歴史は古く慶長9(1604)年、徳­川家康が江戸城本丸を建てた際に、北山材と呼ばれる一帯のスギやヒノキを使用したとの­文献も残る。上流のダム建設や道路整備などに伴い、昭和30年代後半に姿を消すまで約­600年間続いたといわれる。 木津呂集落にも多くの筏師が暮らしていた。奈良、三重、和歌山の3県にまたがる峡谷瀞­峡(どろきょう)にある、現在の田戸乗船場(奈良県十津川村)付近から北山川を下り、­熊野川と合流して新宮まで約45キロ。大きくカーブする木津呂付近は難所だった。


White Cloud Orbs Move Across Osaka, Japan On July 2015, Raw Footage, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2015
Location of sighting: Osaka, Japan
News Source:

This is very interesting footage. These orbs stop, then separate, and then begin moving away to the right, all while  a single orb stops and waits where it is. They may be investigating nuclear power plants in Japan, as well as their condition, to predict what future events may happen. Very cool, they mention Streetcap1. 
Scott C. Waring

RT News States:
A video shot in Japan’s port city of Osaka has been making the rounds online, displaying a swarm of white spherical objects of unknown origin flying across the sky. The low-quality footage has triggered speculation over extra-terrestrial life and UFOs. The two-minute clip shows the mysterious round objects moving quickly in the sky, while following a dance-like pattern. The footage, which has since been reposted a few times from a Japanese YouTube channel, left many viewers puzzled as to what the flying anomalies could be, and also spurred conspiracy theories. Some reports pointed out that the Japanese UFO sighting closely resembled the white lights witnessed in June over Hyde Park in London, UK. However, the sighting in London was very brief, with the objects disappearing within seconds, making it a difficult comparison. In one of the most recent UFO sightings, a massive alien spacecraft was “spotted” near the sun by ufologists viewing NASA pictures captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on July 15, 2015. A video released by YouTube user Streetcap1 speculates as to the nature of the object.


UFO Over Tokyo, Japan Found On Google Earth Map, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 28, 2014
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan
Coordinates: 35°40'20.64"N 139°46'36.21"E
2 UFOs at:  35°40'18.88"N 139°46'44.60"E

Here is another Google Earth UFO that was recently found by someone in Japan. It moves above the buildings and is following the Google car. There is two dark UFOs. One closer and one further away. It is difficult to make it out but the UFOs do disappear after a while of moving down the road. Remember you have to enter Google street view by picking up the small orange person on the far right of the screen and drop him on the blue lines at the coordinate above. To find the UFO, just copy past the coordinates into the Google search box. SCW


100 Meter White UFO Caught In Japanese Asteroid Photo, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Asteroid Itokawa 25143

This Spanish report shows a white UFO with arms on it...remember who I said most structures and alien UFOs are either white ceramic, flat black, or metallic? Well this is a white ceramic looking one and its really big. It's 100meters across! It was found in some Japanese photos and its there in only one photo. In other photos of the asteroid, it is gone, meaning either it was photoshoped out or it flew away. If you know the URL to this actual photo, please tell us in comments. I searched for it, but could not find it. Thanks, SCW.

Spanish News States (translated from Spanish): 
In 2003, the Japanese Hayabusa probe was launched with the intention of photographing and analyzing the asteroid 25143 Itokawa during shooting of the probe, a photograph shows a strange spherical object of apparent large photographs shown later said free asteroid of the spherical array. 

The AJAX (Japanese Space Agency) seems to give the public more pictures that could unravel the mystery, despite shooting in 1500, only a small part of them are made public. What is this strange object ...? Perhaps a non-land-based? Using asteroids as platforms or stations for some unknown purpose?, Why Japan selected the asteroid? Perhaps they had previously observed an anomaly? 


UFO Fleet Over Observatory In Okinawa, Japan, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 23, 2014 at 9pm
Location of sighting: Naha, Okinawa, Japan

News States (translated from Japanese): 
At around 9 pm on the 23rd , orange light of about 10 UFOs had been floating around in Naha sky. Sightings of multiple UFOs were read about in our local newspaper. Experts said, " the object is not considered to be an astronomical phenomena." According to the witness, a ball of light appeared in the sky near Naha Port of Naha Tondo town, repeatedly moving up and down left and right,  about 15 minutes later, it was gone.

That the light was visible from the ground when the blaze down " meteorite ( in-laws ) enters the atmosphere was confirmed by the video , in which case , Miyaji Takeshi director of Ishigaki Island Observatory. This time to fly with great speed the story was added, " I think the light 's stay in about the same place for a long time and was unlike any astronomical phenomenon.

Aragaki objective , who witnessed from Urasoe Nishihara ( 45) is,  Said, " the light of about 10 is moved , it was gathered or disappear " and was witnessed from Naha Shikina Takeo Shintaro -kun ( 12) .

According to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, there is no witness information and reports on the mystery light. " Self-Defense Forces machine do not fly in that time " and I finished all the training before 19:20the same day . ( I have some image processing )


UFOs Over Japan On First Week Of 2014, VIDEOs, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: First week of Jan 2014
Location of sighting: Japan

These UFOs were caught in the sky over Japan on the first week of 2014. Sure they have a little resemblance to meteors however if you look carefully you will notice that often the objects tail disappears completely giving us a visual of the actual craft. Sometimes alien craft do not need to cloak...they just change the appearance of the UFO to make it look like a natural phenomenon...that not so natural after all. SCW


UFO Caught In Tourist Photo In Front Of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan On Oct 31, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 31, 2013
Location of sighting: Sakurajima, Japan

Photos provided by: Wong Chi Yin
Recording time: October 3, 2013
Filming Location: Japan, Sakurajima volcano

Eyewitness description:
It is October 31, 2013 in Japan, Sakurajima volcano continuous shooting 3 pictures in which in the upper right is an unidentified flying object. Many people feel that it is the legendary UFO. Burst of three photos, (two below, but 3 at source) the first to see a unidentified flying object which appears in the upper right corner.

Click any photo to enlarge.


Glowing UFOs Over Japan On Aug 30, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 30, 2013
Location of sighting: Japan

Eyewitness states (translated from Japanese):
I took a photo of a UFO that appeared in the Tokyo sky! August 30, with TOHOKUSHINSHA Todoroki broadcasting center roof in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward, this newspaper has successfully taken the photo of the UFO. On this day, recording "- that had (alien) guy retrospect emergency verification! Aliens invade Earth history -" the (9:00 broadcasting 14 afternoon CS family theater, October) was held in the same place, but it is happening not even hope UFO would appear on the scene, it had really happened. Asuka Akio cartoonist (63), Yamaguchi Satoshi Taro writer familiar with the occult familiar and (47), Yaoi Junichi of UFO producer (68), et al, "authority" of the road that is Zurari also appeared in this newspaper on the program was, but about one hour between 7:30 before the 6:30 pm before, UFO's have appeared in the hand. I publish this video east Obispo have taken. (UFO Sighting 2013.08.30)


Giant Rod Passes Across Japan Volcano On August 2, 2013.

Date of sighting: August 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Sakurajima, Japan

This rod got caught on live cam in Japan this week. Volcanos have been carefully watched by UFOlogist worldwide in hopes of seeing UFOs coming out of the craters on live Internet cams. Rods are believed to be living creatures whose whole purpose is to send and receive messages and conduct research...much like a drone gathers intel. SCW


Giant UFO Caught On Camera Over Tokyo, Japan On April 9, 2013.

Date of sighting: April 9, 2013
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan

This amazing UFO is using a cloud like cloak to disguise itself as it comes very close over Tokyo, Japan. This person seems to be not trying to look for UFOs but was looking for unusual and interesting things to record as you can see if you visit his Youtube channel. I took a screenshot and then enhanced the contrast to better see the craft. In the altered photo above you can clearly make out a right angle at the top of the UFO. Also there seems to be a white orb leaving from its nose. This is also close to Narita International Airport. I wonder if it showed up on radar.

For more info on UFOs that make cloud-like cloaks, please click here.


Sakurajima, Japan : Ufo hovering - 15 March, 2013.

Date of sighting: March 15, 2013
Location of sighting: Sakurajima, Japan

This UFO was recorded by Steetcap1 of Youtube. He caught it on a live cam and when I checked the cam, the object was not there. This cam has had other UFO sightings reported on it in the last few years. Check it out if you have the time and have patience. SCW


Meteor explodes when UFO Passes In Opposite Direction, Japan Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: February 14, 2013
Location of sighting: Giappone, Japan

In this video we have many captures of the meteor as it fell over Japan, but just seconds before its explosion a UFO appears off to its left. This UFO then moves slowly for two seconds, probably shooting the meteor with something, then it increases speed and takes off upwards back into space going the opposite direction. As the meteor explodes, please notice the light around the UFO…a shield that is protecting it from the explosion. SCW


UFO Has Failing Cloak Over Japan, Dec 21, 2012.

Above photo has added contrast to see cloaked UFO.

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Japan

When looking at this at first you think its a reflection off a window, however we can clearly see the person is outside and there is no glass or reflection. This UFO is very odd in that it seems to have a cloak that is failing. Cloaks do not make it invisible, but rather make it APPEAR invisible by actually bending the light around it from top to bottom. Really wish there was more video, but this much still gives us a good idea of what he was seeing at the time. SCW


UFO Recorded In Daytime Over Japan Volcano, Oct 2012 VIDEO. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Sakurajima, Japan

This a great capture of some UFOs buzzing around the top of a volcano in Japan yesterday. This footage was recorded from a live cam. Volcanos are UFO hotspots and this one is no exception. It is thought they come from somewhere inside the mouth of the volcano where there is a cloaked entrance to an underground alien base. 

Live web cam here: 



UFO Approaches Japan Volcano As It Erupts, Sept 2012 VIDEO.

Click Photo To Enlarge

Date of sighting: September 26, 2012
Location of sighting: Sakurajima Volcano, Japan

This is a discovery by "Streetcap1" of Youtube. Here he has recorded live cam that shows a volcano with smoke coming out…however something disk-like in shape is approaching the mouth of the volcano and as it gets right over the mouth…it disappears. Fantastic capture and compounds the massive amounts of similar evidence that exists of UFOs near volcanos all pointing to one final conclusion, there are underground bases below some volcanos. SCW


UFO Over Volcano In Japan, Sept 18, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Sakurajima, Japan

A UFOlogist that goes by the Youtube handle of "Streetcap1" has caught several UFOs on live cam over a volcano in Japan. UFOs have often been seen going in and coming out of the mouth of the volcanos. This is further proof. An entrance to an alien underground base must be near here. The entrances are placed in places that people rarely go in order to keep it secret. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
"It is real. Only went on the webcam for five minutes. Saw the static stuff and tried to take a video of them close up to see what they were, then this thing flashed past."


UFO in Toyama, Japan Hovers For Hours 1st August 2012

Date of sighting: August 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Toyama, Japan

Eyewitness states: "UFO sight view in toyama noticed at 3am till 7am in the morningshort video uploaded"


Weather Satellite Reveals Giant Triangle Mothership Possible Causing Typhoon, June 5, 2012.

Date of sighting: June 5, 2012 18:30
Location of sighting: Ocean South/East of Japan, East of Taiwan

An interesting anomaly was discovered in the Asian weather SAT map. A giant triangle craft showed up on satellite radar and broadcasted via SAT2 images to weather apps around Asia. This craft looks to have three flat sides and appears smooth. It's size would be close to 30km across and could be the cause of the Typhoon near it.  The current location of the triangle is the location from which the typhoon came into being a few days ago. Photos have been sent to weather experts for further analysis. 


UFO Over Volcano In Japan Caught On Cam Feb 19, 2012 News.

Date of sighting: February 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Sakurajima Volcano, Japan

Now this is interesting because not only do you see the UFO, you get to see what it looks like when it begins to go into (semi-cloaking itself) the entrance of an alien base at edge of the volcano. Watch carefully and you will see it disappear.


Glowing Triangle UFO shooting orb our over Tokyo, Japan Video Feb 2012 news.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan

When you see a meteor, it always has a distinguishable long tail. However this security video shows that this object has no tail and does not burn up or display any burning. Thus its a UFO. Perhaps even the same UFO that was seen over Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas this week, because its shape and horizontal trajectory seem similar. In slow motion you can see that this objects actual shape is a triangle craft and it seems to drop out orbs.