Showing posts with label astronomer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astronomer. Show all posts


Anicient City Ruins Discovered On Mars Mountain, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Photo:

This is an important discovery by Mister Enigma of Youtube. Its an ancient city in the far distant mountain top area. Cities on Earth were often built in higher locations like this too give the city and advantage if it was attacked. It also give such advantages as a better view, safe from floods, and all those approaching the city will see it from a distance making it intimidating, but then again, they are an alien species and their reasoning and way of thing may be very different from our own. 
Scott C. Waring

Mister Enigma states: 
An alleged alien city has been discovered on the red planet Mars. But is it the real deal?


Amazing UFO Destroys Chemtrail, Alien Technology? Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Paris, France

This cloud orb was seen over paris last week moving slowly though chem trail, possible analysing its make up to come to some conclusions about how humanity pollutes its air. I do believe that the only reason this one was seen was the fact that it was during sunset. UFOs are particularly vulnerable to being seen during sunset. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
09/28/16 - 19:41 I caught an extraordinary UFO sighting. I was watching an odd looking light crossing the sky at variable speeds around my house, during the sunset. To me it was just some sort of helicopter, or maybe a drone. But after 5 or 10 minutes, I began suspecting the object not to be man-made. It was performing weird maneuvers, accelerating and decelerating randomly. When the light started to accelerate towards a huge Chemtrail, I took my camcorder and tried to find it in the distance. The object stopped in front of the Chemtrail, and slowly destroyed it. Indeed, the trail was being "consumed" progressively. I was simply speechless. I still can't believe what I caught. The Chemtrail got literally perforated! I can't be 100% sure it's due to the object itself, but I'm sure there's a link between it and the Chemtrail. Such a huge trail can't just disappear like that, for no reason! And only a small portion of the trail gets erased, justly around the object! After the UFO attacked the trail, it moved backwards and flied West, in my opposite direction. It disappeared pretty quickly. Sorry for zooming out a little bit too early, my camcorder screen is really small, and doesn't have that much pixels... The object got so far away at the end, I simply thought it was not there anymore. What was that object? Man-made prototype to delete Chemtrails? Some extra-terrestrial technology made to protect us? (maybe a bit far-fetched, but seriously, have you ever seen that before?) I just don't have a clue of what this is.


Alien Egyptian Skull Found On Mars, Lets Take A Second Look, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo:

Here is a great redo of one of the most amazing faces ever found. A giant skull on a mountain. Also in this photo are a lot of signs of broken cornerstones, walls, and other parts of structures strewn about. Clearly this location was once a thriving community. Great work by Paranormal Crucible at retouching it to make it more clear, and to see what it might have looked like when it was new. 

But what is this material they used to make their buildings, heads and such? It looks like its a simple mix of the blueish sand found on Mars, mixed with some kind of cement mixture to give it lasting strength. Much how we make cement for buildings and sidewalks. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
I decided to take a second look at this artifact and do a little more enhancing and re-building to get a better idea of what it actually was. It is an elongated skull, possibly thousands of years old in my opinion. I also mirrored the image and discovered a possible skull encrusted altar with a pyramid either side, and a possible alien head-dress. I will be enhancing the mirrored image in a few days and will either create a video report on it or i will post the image on my facebook page, so far its very interesting. Thanxx


Worm Found On Mars, Moves! @NASA Microscopic Camera, June 13, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 13, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1369

Today in the newest batch of Mars Curiosity rover photos I found a worm in the microscopic camera. This same camera took two photos just 18 minutes apart. The first camera shows no worm, but a place the worm is buried. The second photo 18 minutes later of the same location shows the worm had crawled out. 

How can this be? NASA has not yet announced any life ever found on Mars and yet this is the second worm I have found in only a few months. The funny thing about both the worms...they look the same! They do, and NASA had to have seen them, but still they haven't said a single word. So, tell me why is NASA not responding about these discoveries? Why is it so bad for the public to know that life still exists on Mars? Is NASA really afraid of a little worm on Mars causing chaotic anarchy across Earth?

Look, I will tweet to NASA about this and also Obama and the Secretary General of the United Nations. I can only make them aware of the discoveries, but they may not care. 

Scott C. Waring

Giant UFO Near Jupiter Seen Through Telescope for 10 Minutes! Video, March 23, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Near Jupiter

This is some amazing footage of a giant UFO moving past Jupiter back in March. TakeBackSpace TV was using a 8" Nexstar telescope with a Sony a6000 camera. Its a nice set up and as you see, it self tracks really steady. 

This UFO is almost in focus and look really big. Jupiter has 67 known moons, and three of the biggest are visible near Jupiter. This UFO looks to be about the size of any one of those moons. Each is about 25% that of Earth...thats one big UFO. 

Also did you notice that the UFO gets brighter, the closer it got to Jupiter? That means its really close to Jupiter, within its orbit. 

Scott C. Waring 

TakeBackSpace TV states:
Hey everyone! I finally got around to editing this capture from last month. I could not match it up with satellite transits online, but that doesn't mean it's not a high altitude known object. I personally don't know what it is, but it seems like it gets brighter (possibly reflecting light) and dimmer in certain parts. There are parts that are just a dot on the screen, but I wanted to provide the full capture as best I could. Jump to the last minute for the sped up portion if you want, but I encourage you to enjoy the whole experience.

Earth Size UFO Near Sun Makes Hard 45 Degree Turn, June 13, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 13, 2016, 06:42, 
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
SOHO satellite camera: LASCO C3

This looks like a boring while L shaped line, but its not. Its the needle in the hey stack. This is a giant UFO as big as Earth itself that moves toward Earths Sun, the suddenly makes a hard 45 degree turn. Thats an impossible feat in astrophysics, and yet...the SOHO satellite recorded it. As if that wasn't enough, this UFO was traveling at almost the speed of light, about 1/50th or so...that it got caught by the SOHO images for a split second and was gone. Just like that. It wasn't light speed, because I don't think the camera would catch that speed, but still this giant UFO is rocking some power. 

Below you see the full image...with a planet passing at the center of the the photo. That planet looks like Jupiter or Venus, it to the size of the UFO. If that UFO and that planet below it are the same distance away from the satellite, then yes...thats one giant UFO. 

Scott C. Waring


Triangle UFO Miles Wide Seen Landing On Moon, Telescope Raw Footage, Feb 14, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Updated on March 13, 2015: The 3 videos below were made private, probably out of fear. Same video was found by other person and I posted it below. 

Date of sighting: February 14, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This is a rare catch. Only a few UFOs have been recorded around and orbiting the moon and this footage is epic. The triangular craft which by the way, has to be massive in size to be visible from Earth would be several miles across. Why most people ignore recording the moon is beyond me. Its so close and so convenient...and yet ignored by people. Thank goodness this guy was watching and recording or we would have missed this incredible event. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
It is a pleasure to share my latest sighting of what appears to be a Triangular UFO hovering/descending towards the Lunar surface. This footage was taken using a 150mm/1400mm reflector telescope, from the vantage point of my backyard in Taylors Hill, Victoria, Australia.


36.4 Million Alien Civilizations In Our Galaxy Says The Drake Equation, UFO Sighting News.

There is nothing in the universe that is more exact than mathematics itself and Dr. Frank Drake decided to take on the challenge. He created a mathematical equation that tells us an estimate of how many alien civilizations are at our level or higher in the Milky Way galaxy. He created this formula called the Drake Equation as a way to stimulate scientific discussion at the worlds first SETI meeting in Green Bank, West Virginia. Great right but lets get down to brass tacks. When the formula is completed it looks like this, N = 7 × 1 × 0.2 × 0.13 × 1 × 0.2 × 109 = 36.4 million (Wiki source). Holy @#$ Batman! That's a whopping number of planets out there that contain civilizations. Yes, because if N=36,000,000 N=the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible. 

Of course some of them already know about this, but this raises a new question…why don't they reveal themselves to us? That my friend is easy. Some of these 36,400,000 planets with life have created space faring capabilities…let's say a very low estimate of 1% or 364,000. This number still blows me away, so lets say 1% of 1% has space technology. Thats still 3,640 space faring species! 

When humanity is exploring space, usually its funded by governments and you know the red tape and rules they have about the simplest things. Well, aliens have rules about revealing themselves and it probably has serious implications if you are caught breaking their rules. Its a lot like on the TV show Star Trek and how the captain of the USS Enterprise doesn't want to interrupt in other cultures, but circumstance brings it to happen and sometimes it happens by accident. Same thing. They are trying to respect our way of life, and not make us dependent on them and their advancements. 

I do believe that if enough messages are received from Earth from not one but may people, aliens civilizations will have to decide that Earth has come a long ways, and perhaps, just perhaps, they will deem humanity ready to meet them. How to send messages? Many ways, but most popular is by radio telescope or laser communicator. I sent hundreds of messages using radio telescopes around the globe, but most of them closed down or stopped allowing messages to be sent. SCW


ISON Still Alive And Well, Heading On Its Way Away From The Sun, UFO Sighting News.

Hey guys, check out this gif of ISON heading to the sun. Astronomers around the world swore up and down that ISON was a comet and would either break up and explode before it got to the sun, or melt and disappear. Apparently the SOHO/NASA evidence points to the astronomers as all wrong! Remember NASA says ISON is half a mile wide...this baby is monster size and if its not a comet then holy c#@$! Thats one big ship. SCW


UFO Moves Across Two NASA Rover Photos On Mars, Check NASA Link To Confirm Sighting. Aug 2013.

Date of discovery: August 2013
Location of sighting: Mars

Look at this awesome discovery in not one but two NASA photos (Sol 369 and Sol 370). Both of which show the same UFO in different positions. These are typical alien flying saucers or discs that have been seen for many decades around the world. These photos are directly from NASA archives and have not been tampered with in any way...except possibly the NASA airbrush room at the Johnston Space Center. So how did they miss these? Well, NASA employees are under paid and over worked, so I imagine its easy for someone to feel bored with editing the UFOs out of the photos and they just instead passed it on without bothering to look. Its human nature to be lazy...especially at work. SCW


UFO Caught While Amateur Astronomer Was Recording Moon, April 16, 2013.

Date of sighting: April 16, 2013
Location of sighting: Valpescara, Italy

This is a great video of a UFO caught near the moon while a guy was trying to get a video of the moon.  Notice the orbs color is diamond shaped in the beginning of the video (first 30 seconds) because the camera was trying to focus. Best of all he was using a tripod which made the focus much better. SCW


UFO Sighting Over Northern Yemen, Photo By Astronomer March 2013.

Date of sighting: March 2013
Location of sighting: Northern Yemen

Yemen News States: 
A Yemeni photographer captured what he believes was an unidentified flying object (UFO) over the mountains in northern Yemen and a picture he published showed a strange white triangular object streaming through the clouds.

Aseel Badiyan said he was using his camera to take shots of the mountains, nearly 90 km from the capital Sanaa, when the object shot across his lens.

Commenting on the photograph, a well-known Saudi astronomer said he had checked the picture and found that it was authentic.

“I have surfed the internet for similar sightings worldwide and found that the picture I captured is the clearest so far…I believe that those who are behind such objects are advanced people who possess a very intelligent civilization,” Badiyan told Saudi and Yemeni newspapers.

Quoted by the Saudi Arabic language daily Ajel, deputy chairman of the Saudi astronomy association, Sharaf Al Sifyati, said:”There is no doubt that we are not alone in this spacious universe and that there are other creatures which only God knows.”

He added:”When this Yemeni photographer contacted me and showed me that picture, I felt that he was telling the truth..I checked the picture and found that is authentic and does not involve any tricks or tampering….as for that object, I believe it is strange and unfamiliar but I am not sure it is a space object because these phenomena remain a possibility rather than a reality…I think this incident has to be fully investigated.”


Mile Long UFOs Continue To Be Seen On Moon! Oct 25, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: October 25, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

I SCW can confirm these objects to be real. I recorded them myself three times this month already, however my camera has less detail than this persons. What I don't understand is why mountain observatories with their massive telescopes still have not even glanced at the moon to see these UFOs? Aliens are getting active on the moon, meaning the moon (actually a massive ship) may be planning a trip soon. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I filmed these UFOs leaving the moon over the course of about 3 days with an 1.5 hour film time. I edited the videos down for time and to get to the "good stuff". Starting to see this happening every single time I point the camera at the moon. This is the first time I have seenleave in a pair and 2x at that. What do you think is going on?


UFO Formation of 4 objects flying very fast by Magnetvortex, Denver Colorado July 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: July 7, 2012
Location of sighting: Denver, Colorado, USA

We are lucky to get another UFO night vision video from a very famous Youtube UFO hunter only known as Magnetvortex. He has caught some amazing UFOs over the years and can really teach most UFOlogist a thing or two about how to catch UFOs with night vision at night and infrared vision in day time. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
After may hour of fruitless night recording on 7 July 2012 I got lucky about 3:25 am. I was already very tired as I used up all my batteries. These objects are invisible even through binoculars as it's very dark and there is no contrast. Again I don't know what these things are... I can only guess..


UFO Fleet Caught On Video As Person Watches Moon Through Telescope, Video News April 2012.

Date of sighting: April 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Moon

Watch as a fleet of UFOs head toward the moon and vanish. It would make sense because the moon is often so bright it will hide any craft that flies in front of it, or perhaps entering it.


UFO has been filmed hovering over a hospital in La Paz, Bolivia in Feb of 2011.

A UFO has been filmed hovering over a hospital in La Paz, Bolivia in Feb of 2011.

Currently making news in Bolivia is a UFO event reported to have taken place in the last few days in La Paz, the capital city.

A large disc shaped UFO was seen by at least two witnesses as it hovered briefly above a hospital (see footage below). One of the witnesses managed to film the object with his mobile phone camera.

The two witnesses subsequently appeared on the television show 'Todo Pulmon' and affirmed that the event was genuine. Local builder, Juan Carlos, noted that he "had never seen anything like it in his entire life".

The witnesses also contacted renowned Mexican UFO expert, Jaime Maussan, who examined the footage and concluded that it was genuine.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯