Showing posts with label body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label body. Show all posts


Roswell Alien Body Negative Found In Old Box, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Was At Unveiling In Mexico, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of unveiling: May 6, 2015
Location of unveiling: National Auditorium in Mexico City
News Source:

Slidebox Media on Youtube released a trailer about this alien slide they found (1st video below). I have to admit, its got me curious about it. The slide shows less detail than I would like, but we can see its basic shape of its skull, and its ribs.The object looks about a meter or less and is claimed to be an alien that died in the Roswell, New Mexico crash. If you have doubts about its authenticity...know that Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was there at the unveiling and he holds the world record for the longest moon walk at 9 hours. He was the 6th man to walk on the moon and he is taking part in this. He would not risk his reputation for a fraud. Did you know Edgar Mitchell was chosen by NASA because of his telepathic abilities? Yeah...most never knew about it. The funny thing is that back in the 1960s, their spacesuit only held 7 hours plus a half hour of back up air. So...I believe Edgar was in an alien structure that had its own air supply where he could use his telepathic abilities to communicate with the aliens. Aliens like the grey and a few others cannot speak, but use telepathic images to communicate. What I am saying is...when they brought him in the room...all doubts about this alien left out the front door. Its real and this has serious implications. Below is a screenshot from NASA of air in spacesuit. SCW

News states:
UFO hunters are preparing to unveil a series of photographs depicting an "alien" who crashed to Earth during the famous Roswell incident.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut who was the sixth person to land on the moon, and a team of extraterrestrial investigators will appear at the 10,000 seater National Auditorium in Mexico City tomorrow to reveal the "Roswell Slides".

These photographs were reportedly snapped by a geologist using Kodachrome film and are said to show the remains of an alien found dead in New Mexico. (More at source).


Aliens Create Giant Smoke Running Man To Warn Humans To Run Away From Erupting Volcano, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2015
Location of sighting: Volcano Cabulco, Chile

When this volcano erupted this week, it broke a 50 years silence and in doing so it also created a massive free standing humanoid figure. You also see some UFO lights near it, or in it sometimes. At first I only saw the face, but in the other photos you can easily make out the shoulders, arms, legs, knees, back and buttocks. 

How was this object formed? Alien technology is so advanced for some species that they can change the shape of land, water or clouds with a single though. Clouds are especially easy for them to control their shape and may actually be a subconscious thought of an alien that either created the explosion or predicted the explosion. 

What do I think was his message...thats easy. Run! He made a massive running figure during a very dangerous explosion and he doesn't want any humans harmed. Like I said, he may have created it with his thoughts by accident. Their minds are very powerful and use to molding things, controlling, and morphing things with a single will. SCW


Carved Or Petrified Being Imaged By NASA Curiosity Rover, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Mars
NASA photo:

WhatsUpInTheSky37 is alway busy at searching for Mars architecture and artefacts. He posts a new video every two day so keep an eye on him. He has a lot of great discoveries. This one was last year, but I think it deserves posting. He is correct. There is a figure here in a laying down position. Also to there are a few other odd discoveries with carved lines through them. This figure could be some ancient robot caught in a volcanic lava or it could be a petrified alien species, or of course it could be just a carving. I don't believe its just a carving, because for a planet full of intelligent species to die out, it would take an advanced species. Then again, it might have been some other alien species that attacked them. So many questions, so few answers. SCW

WhatsUpInTheSky37 states:
After playing with the settings on this photograph for a couple days I am convinced that that is a depiction of some kind of life form. My astute buddy Kjell send this over talking about the perfect circle platform in the middle of the picture as well as the cube next to it. So much going on I bet you come up with some of your own.


Mars Rover Finds Lion Face On Mars Next To Alien Mummy, August 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 3, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo:

Hey guys, I was looking over Mars photos and found this amazing face. It resembles the ancient Chinese lion. The detail of its eye, the carved lines below and above the eye are great. Also the nostrils are slightly visible as well as the mouth and forehead. Overall it explains how the symbol of the Chinese lion originated...from an ancient species that once visited Asia, but will never be forgotten. 

Also, this is near another discovery I made a few years ago. An alien body is visible and its head is about the same size as the Chinese lion head near it. You can see that this alien more closely resembles a humanoid because of its legs, hand bones, and skull with eye, nose, mouth openings. The evidence is there...if NASA would only go back to check on them, however finding evidence of life is clearly not their real mission. SCW


Tiny Alien Body Found In Iran, Amazing Video, UFO Sighting News.


Look closely at this tiny creature and you will notice some similarities to the human species. It has four fingers and a thumb. It looks like it died while holding its arms around its head as if it were cold and froze to death. One thing UFO researchers do know is that size does not determine intelligence. It is believed that such a species once lived or lives on the surface of Mars. Remember this stories of little green men? Very possible stories based on ancient aliens. SCW Reports:
Butch Witkowski, Director of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania, forwarded the following email and images that he received 8/11/2013 stating, "We received these photos from a gentleman in the Republic of Iran this morning at 0512 hrs. Photos attached and email below." He stated in some following emails he is in process of having an MRI and Xrays taken. I’ll keep you advised.
Hamid from Iran writes: 

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am an Iranian person, Who found strange dead creature .
This creature is looklike human, the whole of hight is 7Cm . 
It has very big eyes, yellow skin and bigger head than it`s body . 
The phenomenal is that the body doesn't frozen in cold situation and has not bad smell in warm weather, and not Rotted yet .
It`s muscles still look stong with short hairs and tooth are look likes wild animals .
If you are intrested in, i will send more photos of the above mentioned .
You're prompt reply is highly appreciated.

Hamid G.


Alien Body And Tech Recovered In Mexico Meteor Crash Forces Locals To Consider UFO Crash Caused Power Outage, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 28 or 27, 2013
Location of sighting: Ichmul, Yucatan, Mexico

Now this was a such a powerful meteor that fell that power everywhere nearby blacked out, but I want to say this looks like ancient alien technology. Look at the body of what looks to be an alien skeleton drone...robot or space suit, because there is no way even an alien body could withstand falling from space and still look this good. The people who found it all over said they found "parts" all over the ground...they didn't use the word pieces, which means they thought they looked like technology. 

In the photo above...stop reading and what is your first thought when looking at this photo above? Yeah, probably the same as mine. It looks like the helmet for an alien or even more likely an alien robot. This is alien tech and its in the hands of people that haven't the slightest clue at how valuable it is. Alien tech is so advanced that the circuitry is built with the body in once piece...think of the blood veins inside our body but micro size. 
These objects are mostly hollow with the exact same thickness of outer shell. That should be impossible, even a geode has unevenness in places. 

Let me present to you the scenario I believed happened. The drone or alien robot was doing maintenance outside the ship when it accidentally was cut loose attached to some large piece of equipment, maybe radar or communications. I say communications because then if communications could work for it, this probably would not have happened. The robot or alien in a suit works hard to establish communications, but failed and was caught in Earths gravitational field, pulling it though our atmosphere, scorching it and melting it along the way. Thats what I believed happened. 

The country that gets its hands on this technology could potentially change the world. I am confident if the technology still has this much structure, then there should be a lot of remnants that remain 100% intact within it. Good luck finding any of the pieces of it, I am sure the CIA/NSA will have it in their hands before the end of the week, and out of the public eye. SCW


Bigfoot Discovered In Alberta, Canada After Flooding, July 2013, Possible Alien Species.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Bow Valley, Alberta, Canada

Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases. The earliest clues date back to 1888, when a cattleman described an encounter with friendly Indians in Humboldt County, California. They led him to a cave where he saw a hefty humanoid creature covered in long, shiny black hair, with no neck, sitting cross-legged. One Indian told him three of these "Crazy Bears" had been cast out of a small moon that dropped from the sky and landed.The "moon" then ascended back into the air. So it's highly likely the "Crazy Bears" were really Bigfoots, and the "moon," a spacecraft. SCW

News states: 
(SNN) – The recent mass flooding in southern Alberta has exposed a rotting corpse of what is believed to be the legendary Sasquatch. Cryptozoologists worldwide are lining up to examine the remains, which were located by a hiker along the Bow River, northwest of Canmore, Alberta.
Eminent Paleontologist Wally Johnson has conducted a preliminary site examination of the remains, and has discovered that the carcass appears to be ancient. “I can report that from the bone structure, stature and a comparison of the mandibles and teeth, that I believe the remains are that of a Gigantopithecus.”
“We have always believed that the Sasquatch, Yeti, or even Bigfoot, if you will, was really a surviving clan of Hominids connected to the line of Gigantopithecus.” stated Cryptozoologist Coren Lowman, “The find near Canmore is extraordinary!”
With the massive rains of June which washed away ancient glaciers of the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies, scientists are speculating that the remains may have been frozen high in the rockies for many years.
This is the first report of a Gigantopithecus within North America. The first fossils of this creature were originally found in China.
One cryptid theory is that the creature “Sasquatch” migrated across the Bering sea bridge into North America and hides out in mountainous regions. No living Gigantopithecus has ever been found and the known fossil records indicate that the creature lived one hundred thousand years ago.
“This is the find of a lifetime,” stated Lowman, “Only a climate event such as what was witnessed in Southern Alberta this year could wash this beast's remains into the banks of the Bow River.”


'Sirius,' Steven Greer's Film, Claims To Unveil Tiny 'Alien' Humanoid Discovered In Chile; April 2013.

An upcoming documentary promises to show an alleged, tiny "alien" being that was found a few years ago in Chile's Atacama Desert. And when we say tiny, we're talking six inches from head to ET toe.
Don't be fooled by the apparent size of the creature in the picture above, as the following image shows its true 6-inch stature.
The film, called "Sirius," will also depict how readily available forms of alternative energy technology are what extraterrestrials may be using to travel here from the cosmically improbable distances between their home world and ours.

If this is all true, and that's a very big IF, it will certainly answer the ages-old question of whether or not humans are alone in the universe.
The force behind "Sirius" is Steven Greer, a former emergency medical physician. He's actively pursued avenues to get the U.S. government to reveal information about alien reality -- information that the powers-that-be have always maintained doesn't exist.
"Sirius" includes graphic footage of the supposedly humanoid entity of "unknown classification" by DNA sequencing.
A side view X-ray of the miniscule creature was also released to reveal its internal structure.
The film is Greer's latest effort to shine a light on the supposed cover-up about visitors from other planets.
In 1993, Greer created The Disclosure Project with the goal of getting the government to fess up its alleged UFO and ET knowledge as well as information about advanced energy and propulsion methods.
"What people need to understand is the secrecy around UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence really has nothing to do with ETs. It has to do with humans and the power that is resting in large corporations and financial interests that do not want you to know the truth," Greer said in a video statement.
More details on the "baby" alien will be forthcoming when "Sirius" has its Hollywood premiere on April 22, followed by a limited theatrical release and simultaneous video on demand launch.


Alien Creature Discovered In Namibia, Africa Aug 2012, VIDEO News.

Date of discovery: August 2012
Location of discovery: Namibia, Africa

Locals came across this strange creature while they were escorting a shooting party in Namibia. Witness's state that the creature was spotted apparently foraging for food, one of the shooting party wounded it with his rifle and it escaped into the thick brush. The locals tracked it to a nearby lair or nest where they found three more creatures of similar size. The wounded creature attacked one of the shooting party and it was shot dead, the others escaped into the brush. The body of the creature was taken back to the local camp, police later removed its corpse and a full forensics investigation is under way. A video is pending on this so I will post if and when I receive it. So what is this guys, an Alien, Goblin, maybe a new species of Pigmy or something more sinister?

One of our readers discovered that this creature is very similar to the ancient Mayan God. I checked and came up with this image…and the long head skin tentacle is the same and so are the ears and eyes and small size. This means the creature is really an alien species…god like and we killed their ambassador. This could lead to consequences soon…say Dec 21, 2012.


Alien Mumie found in Peru - Real UFO Pilot? NEWS VIDEO

If you look closely, you will see the enlarged eye sockets, and long skull. It is 19.7 inches tall, or 50 cm. It looks to have been found in an ancient Mayan burial site due to the tapestries behind it. This could be one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history. SCW

Location of Alien Body: Peru
Date of Discovery: November 2011

Anthropologist Renato Riquelme said that the mummy is 50 centimeters tall, the triangular head, large cavity of the eye and the cheek teeth is not known in humans.

"It is not human, the head is triangular and enormously long, yes, the head is the size of the body, I thought it was a child, but Spanish and Russian doctors have come and we have confirmed that this is actually an alien," said on RPP Noticias.

He said it has also split one at the front of the skull of which there are no ethnic group in the world, as only found in the Andes of Peru, the Inca bone is a triangle in mind, and exists only in the Andes of Peru.


Entire Island In Sicily Travels Into The Future While They Sleep Every Day! UFO Sighting News.

Entire Island In Sicily Travels Into The Future While They Sleep Every Day! UFO Sighting News.

Date of time disturbance: June 10, 2011
Location of time disturbance: town of Catania, Sicily

Upon researching this I saw that it was posted in several forums and alternative news blogs, this is the only video I was able to find of it from an actual news source 0.0 Also note: Sicily is only very close to Geneva…home of the CERN collider.

Imagine waking up an all your watches and alarm clocks are 15 minutes ahead of where they are suppose to be. Well this happened for more than a week every day and no one knows why, but a rash of UFO sightings in the area is beginning to shed light on the truth.

"Sicilians are not normally renowned for their punctuality but something strange is afoot that's making them turn up early for work.

Hundreds of digital clocks on the island are running more than 15 minutes fast and no-one is quite sure why. The phenomenon has left people scratching their heads for weeks and several theories have been put forward involving aliens, poltergeists, volcanic activity on Mount Etna and solar explosions. Armageddonists are pointing to further proof of the imminent end of the world.

The town of Catania lies at the heart of the mystery and two young locals have set up a facebook page calling for those affected to come forward. One of them, Francesco Nicosia, told French online magazine Rue89 "I realised something was wrong when I started getting to work earlier. After some investigation I noticed that I wasn't the only one who was on time, which is quite rare here in Sicily."

This isn't the first time the island has experienced strange goings on linked to electronic devices: several years ago electronic equipment started spontaneously catching fire across the rural countryside, reports Rue89.

Sicily is the same place that this video below was shot of an alien found dead in April of 2011. Is there an underwater base below the island of Sicily?

☯ Admit it, sometimes it's easier to say you don't care, than to explain all the reasons why you do. Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” ☯


Video of Alien body in Brazil released the public, strange creature, UFO sighting news

Video of Alien body in Brazil released the public, strange creature, UFO sighting news.

This video was released lately of a fat alien looking creature that was found dead in Brazil this month. The get very close with the camera and they seem really curious at what they have found. If you speak spanish, please help by sending us a translation. This sighting looks legit. Take a look at this tiny overweight alien and decide for yourself.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” ☯