Showing posts with label hanger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hanger. Show all posts


Two 500 Meter UFOs Seen On Live Cam Over Colima Volcano, Mexico On July 29, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 29, 2016 07:36:02
Location of sighting: Colima volcano, Mexico

I found these two long cigar shaped UFOs over the Colima volcano in Mexico this morning. They are both very close to the mouth of the active volcano. No aircraft would ever attempt such a dangerous feat. You can also tell the distance of the UFO is far away because both the volcano and UFOs have the same focus. The largest of the UFOs (upper left) has a slight metallic tint to it, which makes sense since there is a sunrise happening and you know what I always say about sunrises and sunsets...those are the most popular times to catch UFOs, due to the angle of the sun. 

The volcano is 480km from Mexico city. Since the mouth of the volcano is about 500 meters across, and the UFOs length is also the same as the mouth, we can assume that these two UFOs are 500 meters long. 
Scott C. Waring 新北市新莊區幸福路, 台灣

A Spanish Translation Below

Fecha de avistamiento: July 29, el año 2016 07:36:02
Localización de avistamiento: Volcán de Colima, México

He encontrado estos dos ovnis en forma de cigarro largo sobre el volcán Colima en México esta mañana. Ellos son a la vez muy cerca de la boca del volcán activo. Ningún avión volvería a intentar una hazaña tan peligrosa. También puede indicar la distancia del OVNI está muy lejos ya que tanto el volcán y los ovnis tienen el mismo enfoque. El mayor de los OVNIS (superior izquierda) tiene un ligero tinte metálico a la misma, lo cual tiene sentido ya que no es una salida del sol pasando y que saben lo que siempre digo acerca de amaneceres y atardeceres ... esos son los momentos más populares para la captura de los OVNIS, debido al ángulo del sol.

El volcán se encuentra 480 kilometros de la ciudad de México. Desde la boca del volcán está a unos 500 metros de diámetro y la longitud de los ovnis es también la misma que la boca, se puede asumir que estos dos OVNIS son 500 metros de largo.
Scott C. Waring



Dwarf Face Found In Mars Rover Photo On July 29, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 29, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2010, opportunity rover
I found this face on Mars in a rover photo. The face looks like a dwarf face that is often in story books. The face is sitting up right, which means it did not break off a statue and fall here, but was made in this location. Its easy to make out the two eyes, eyebrows, round bulbous nose, thick lips and long chin. It also has curly hair around its ear area and upper forehead. 
Its been long believed that Mars once had life on it, the evidence that UFO researchers have found has already confirmed this many years ago. 
Scott C. Waring


Multyple UFO sightings over Mudgee Australia 16 07 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 16, 2016
Location of sighting:  Mudgee, Australia

This UFO was captured by ColourUFO of Youtube using an infrared covered camcorder. Infrared light is invisible to the naked eye but with this special camera it can be recorded. Anything in the sky cloaked, will become visible. This UFO was very close to the the cloud so that it can have a more secure place to hide. It seemed to sense that it had been seen and was moving into cloud cover. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO seen and photographed in Poland, This Day In History, July 26, 2003, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  July 26, 2003
Location of sighting: Brzostek, Poland

Here is an awesome historical sighting that happened 13 years ago today. We have to look at the past to better understand the present. UFO sightings and dates may have a pattern that we may one day realize. The evidence from sightings of the past, can also teach us about smaller details of movement, speed, position, shape and even how it sounds. This can all help us decide if a recent sighting is real or not. It gives us something to compare it too. 
Scott C. Waring

Report states: 
I just recently received this report from Poland, and because translations are fair at best, I will only relate the very basics of the report, and publish the picture, which says a lot by itself, if legitimate. 

I want to thank Tomek Wierszalowicz, of , who has been an indispensable go-between in this investigation. He has worked hard to get permission from the newspaper (Wiadomosci Brzosteckie) to publish the pictures, and has sent me all the photographs on this report. 

The sighting occurred on Saturday, July 26, 2003, at 14.00 hours. The unidentified object was first noticed as it flew above the city of Skurowa at an extremely high altitude. Then it changed course and flew over a market. The initial photos were taken while the witness (who maintains his anonymity) was in his garden, but when the object began to move away, he looked for a better vantage point. 

He quickly ran to his balcony, and took several more photos of the object. As the photos were taken, the object was not very clear to the witness, who hoped that the film would show the object good enough for study. The report stirred enough publicity in the area that a local newspaper carried the report with a photograph. The witness is soliciting corroboration from others, through the newspaper, who saw and / or photographed the unknown object. 

UFO Over Daytona Beach, Florida On July 20, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 20, 2016
Location of sighting: Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
News source: MUFON #77890

This is a strange clover shaped UFO over the beach in Florida. It has five round areas and a larger lower area. Really large, about the size of a motorcycle or car. Proof that aliens are in Florida and since its a long the beach area, it probably came from below the ocean where there may be a base.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
My wife and I were at a hotel on the beach in Daytona Beach Florida on 7/20/16. The hotel is on SR A1A about 2.0 miles south of US 92. The time was 8:52 PM and it had just turned dark. We were sitting in the lawn area overlooking the ocean when we heard several people in a parking lot next to us to the south speaking loudly and pointing to a blinking object in the sky. The object was about ½ mile south of our position, at about a 30–45 degree angle from our position, hovering over the beach at maybe 500’ (?). From our position it looked small maybe about the size of a penny held at arm’s length. It looked like a sphere with a ring around it, kind of like the planet Saturn. It had a lot of lights on it many different colors. 

Very bright white/silver, green maybe others, not sure. The white/silver lights were constant and there were others blinking. There was a violet one on the bottom that blinked a lot slower than the others, maybe once every second. The others were faster. The object hovered for about a minute that we observed. It then slowly turned west then south arcing slightly as it did. It then headed south slowly then VERY quickly picked up speed and continued south down the beach until we lost sight of it. My wife noted there was a small plane approaching the object from the north and when the plane got really close, the object turned and quickly sped away. As my wife said "it hauled butt". I had difficulty getting my phone camera to focus in the dark but managed to snap one picture as soon as I saw it, then started video recording for 30 seconds or so. I turned off video so I could snap another picture. When I turned it off the object had started its turn. I turned the video back on until I lost sight of it. We are not sure what this was. It was definitely not a plane or helicopter. It couldn’t have been a drone as the drone would have to have been a big one, at least 10-15 feet in diameter. No other logical explanation to what we saw. 


Tom Delonge Says He Is Very Close To Completing His UFO Documentary, July 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Instagram: July 24, 2016

Tom Delonge of Blink-182 had been in the news a lot for his interest in UFOs and alien phenomenon. Today he made a post on Instagram about a UFO documentary that he is personally making. I can't wait to see it. It sound fantastic. 
Scott C. Waring

Tom Delonge stated: 
We are getting very close to showing you all a piece of the documentary. Been working on this for a long time. This week I flew across the country and spent 12 hours with two scientists from CIA, and a very high-level person from the Defense Department. Our Country has been doing incredible things in relation to this topic. Every decision they made, as hard as it is to comprehend now, really was in our best interest. At first, your instinct is to be angry because you feel like you were lied to, left out of something important... But once you know the facts, you'll be proud of what our country did. Very proud. #SekretMachines

DR. KEN JOHNSTON Says He Saw Structures On The Moon, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Jan 22, 2016
Maker of video:  Project Camelot 

Did you notice he shows a photo of a shiny dome on the moon at 24:40 into the video? I found it in an Apollo mission photo 6 years ago (click here). Very cool. I wonder how many NASA employees have seen the photo of object we have found on this site?
Scott C. Waring 

Project Camelot States: 
Dr. R. Ken Johnston, Sr. one of 4 Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilots from the Apollo Moon Program, is a retired aerospace engineer, US Marine, and “NASA Whistleblower.” He refused to strictly follow orders and destroy a nearly-complete collection of 8″ x 10″ glossy photo-prints from the Apollo program, photos that are not available from NASA at this time and are of a higher resolution than what is found online. Johnston was born at Fort Sam Houston US Army Air Base in San Antonio, TX. 1942, and studied at Oklahoma City University. He enlisted in the US Marines in August, 1962 and reported to Pensacola as a Marine Officer Cadet for flight training in September 1964. He left active duty from the Marines in August 1966.

Johnston was hired by Grumman Aircraft Corp. because of his training as a pilot with an avionics background to become a principal contractor for the Apollo Lunar Module testing. His duty was to assist with cockpit and instrument development and Astronaut training at the Manned Space Center (to be renamed JSC) in Houston, Texas, as a “civilian astronaut consultant pilot." Ken Johnston worked as a contractor from 1966 to 1972, during the Apollo Program, and he was employed by Brown & Root Northroup, principal contractors to NASA for management of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, where all the moon rocks were stored, curated, cataloged and in some cases, distributed to scientists who had successfully applied to carry out analysis in their own labs.

An important part of Johnston‘s duty was to provide photographic and peliminary analysis of the lunar samples to the contributing scientists from around the world. The photographic documentation was to document the lunar samples exact location and orientation in situ. In addition to the photos he provided copies of the lunar sample information catalogs to the scientists. As such, he had in his office several sets of photographs taken by Apollo astronauts with their chest-mounted Hasselblad cameras. When the lunar sample distribution wound down, he was instructed by Bud Laskawa, his boss, to destroy what remained of the photo archive, but Johnston kept one set as a personal collection for a work portfolio.

Johnston applied to NASA for the 1977 astronaut selection for duty as a Space Shuttle astronaut, but was turned down because NASA wanted the astronauts to be PhD level scientists. The ideal astronaut was no longer a “jet-jock”, but men with scientific accreditation. When NASA was recruiting again, Johnston re-applied, but was considered too old. He did, however, join NASA’s educational outreach program as a “Solar System Ambassador” traveling and speaking to civic and youth groups about space exploration and careers in engineering and science.

Miami Airport workers' disbelief as 'UFO' trailing blue UFO over the runway, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2016
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida, USA
News source:

These long blue UFOs have been seen over major cities around the world, from Los Angeles To Kazakstan. There are at least 12 different videos from different cities around the globe with these strange craft. In most cases the larger blue craft seems to cloak and disappear and only a tiny small craft from its nose remains. Also this smaller craft, perhaps an escape pod always goes slower than the larger blue craft. About 30% its speed. 
Scott C. Waring 

Mail online states:
Airport workers were left scratching their heads after spotting what looked like a giant UFO in the sky. The incredible footage, believed to have been filmed at Miami Airport, led to those on the tarmac whipping out their camera phones to snap the strange phenomenon. 'Check that out, woah, it's going to hit the plane,' shouts one man, as the strange blue shape moves through the sky. User RamJ described how it was 'the invasion from space', while another unnamed user says it is 'possible comet fragment with a high content of water and frozen gasses'. Many of those commenting on the clip believe it is something entirely normal. One user says it is a 'Florida rocket launch', and another agrees, saying the 'plume is from a hydrogen powered rocket engine, water vapor condenses in the high altitude forming a cloud of ice crystals reflecting light from the sun which, from this viewpoint, is below the horizon.' Although it is not known when this footage was shot, on June 24 the Atlas V rocket was fired off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The rocket was fired into orbit loaded with a Navy satellite.


UFO in the sky over this Scottish town, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2016
Location of sighting: Ayr Harbour, UK
News source:

This UFO was caught by a 13 year old boy over Ayr Harbour last Sunday. Its shaky and its short, but consider it was taken by a kid. News calls this an Chinook helicopter, but as you can see from the close up, thats ridiculously wrong. This is a UFO and it has three long arms coming out of it on the right side. Its shape is like that of a barrel. We finally get some close up photos of one of those UFOs over the UK. Very rare, and the report is directly from the city it happened in. This cannot be debunked. 
Scott C. Waring

Scottish News states:
Jamie Cooper, 33, claims that the unidentified object was spotted by his 13-year-old son James hanging over Ayr Harbour for around 15 minutes at 5.30pm on Sunday. In the shaky 28-second clip a black entity, which resembles a chinook helicopter, is clearly seen hovering in the distance. The dad-of-one, from Ayr, Scotland, said teen James sent him the footage after visiting the grocery store and was concerned by what it could be. Jamie said: “James was walking home when he took the footage on Sunday, and sent it to me through Whatsapp. “I have never seen anything like this before.”


Alien building found near Mars Rover with 6 inch doorway, 100% proof of alien life, July 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo:

I found a doorway, then realized that it was a building. Its rounded roof and framed entrance way is exactly like what we reported a few days ago. Again, its about 6 inches tall and 3 inches wide. Just coincidence? I think not. 

What we have here is a traditional structure created by the smaller intelligent beings on the planet. Yes, I mean to say there were beings that were over two floors tall, (King of Mars). Size is not an indicator of intelligence...not with them, and certainly not with us. One of the smartest students I had ever met, was just a litter over a meter tall, but with an intellect like no other. Life finds a way. 
Scott C. Waring


Reflections from a alien contact, and how they felt about it, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: April 20, 2016
Maker of video:  Earth Mysteries News, EMN

I'm sure you have wondered what it would be like to have direct contact with an alien being. What would you say? How would you react? Would it give you the experience you wanted, or would it just create more questions for you? I'm sure others have had experiences, and probably are nervous to talk about it. I hope this video convinces you its ok to talk about it. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
“Contact” experiences range from the 3-Dimensional physically tangible kind to more subtle, out-of-body consciousness experiences that have been described by some as more “real” than reality itself. The sliding scale of experiences are 3D to 4D and perhaps beyond that. Some contact experiences have been described as invasive and upsetting, but much more often than that people describe feeling a sense of expansion in awareness and purpose after these consciousness expanding events. For the very first time sharing her story publicly on EMN, Tracey talks about her “contact” experience that was witnessed by her friend at home in Washington State. Tracey is presently an honors student of interdisciplinary social sciences with a focus in psychology and international studies, hailing from a professional background in gaming and design from an industry leading gaming company. Most specially, Tracey is an “experiencer/ contactee” and explorer of consciousness. We encourage anyone with ‘contact’ or ‘abduction’ experiences to reach out to Earth Mystery News via email and we can explore them more fully.


UFO Over New York City, Recorded From Freeway, On July 17, 2016, Video UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2016
Location of sighting: New York City, USA

This is a cool video from NYC that shows a dark object moving slowly over the buildings. The object is hard to make out, but does look about the size of city bus, so yeah, it would be hard to miss. It was reported to SecureTeam10 of Youtube and should have been noticed by other eyewitnesses in the area. If you or someone you know has seen this, please let us know in comments below. 
Scott C. Waring


Reptilian Face Found By Mars Spirit Rover In NASA Photo, Linked, July 17, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 17, 2016
Location of discovery:  Mars

I found this face in a Spirit rover photo today. Its tilted over and may be difficult to see, so I cut it in half and matched it to itself...two of the same halves (above photo) so that you can see its detail. Its easy to see that this is one strange looking species and has canine teeth. It does not resemble humans at all, but it does appear intelligent. Its eyes are smaller than humans, but round. Its nose area is similar to that of a cat, but its upper skull that overlaps the upper eye lids is confusing to me. That part of the skull makes it look reptilian. 
Scott C. Waring

Giant UFO Fleet on Stereo Ahead COR 2 July 13, 2016 Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This fleet of UFOs flew between our sun and the SOHO/NASA satellite this week. Found by TheWatcher252 of Youtube, this photos of our sun (black center) shows that UFOs that are miles across are passing our sun on a daily basis and without anyone, but governments noticing. Of course...there is nothing the governments of this planet can do to deter alien craft from flying around our sun, or even our planet for that matter. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Within 50 Meters Of Space Station On Live Cam, July 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery:  July 14, 2016
Location of discovery: International Space Station (ISS)

A reader on Twitter called @TheBearLadySees sent some photos in to be looked at.  The photo is a screenshot of the International Space Station with a triangle UFO near it. Everything is glowing an pink hue, which is odd, but may be caused from the UFO being so close to it. 

This is really an amazing sight. You can even make out the long rectangular window in the UFO. The window is facing the space station windows and cameras! They are watching, observing the space station, and clearly they want the astronauts on board the ISS to know it. Look how amazingly close they are to the space station. This UFO is within 30-50 meters to the space station. Fantastic catch. Wow! Keep up the great work @TheBearLadySees
Scott C. Waring


Planet X" Madness! Is A Giant Rogue Object Heading For Earth? 7/15/16, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: July 2016
Makers of video: SecureTeam10

Here is a very enlightening video about how the discovery of Planet X had begun and how the evidence and impacted us and our beliefs. Nice video, well done and I really didn't know about the newspaper articles about it in the 1980s. 
Scott C. Waring 

SecureTeam10 states: 
The point of this video was not meant to anger and/or put down believers in Planet X. After watching this topic grow back into the spotlight (after the last "doomsday" date passed), and having received so many emails from legitimately scared people, I found it necessary to speak on the situation, and rightly so. Let it be known that I am not saying that there aren't rogue planets out there in space, quite the contrary. However, there is NO concrete evidence at this point, that we are imminently facing destruction by such a planet, nor that an object as such is anywhere near our solar system. Should verifiable evidence come to light, we'll be the first to post about it, and you guys know that. Many have said that this doomsday planet has been mentioned in ancient texts, and that may be so, but it doesn't qualify as hard evidence nor does it honestly matter. Ancient texts spanning all religions throughout history, have mentioned various mythical places, people and objects, yet I say again, this does not qualify or provide us with any "proof" that such things actually existed, and as such should not be used to instill fear in those who don't deserve it. The simple fact, is that "Planet X" isn't here. According to the so-called "current evidence", Nibiru should have killed us a long time ago.. Yet here we are, talking about it again, and discussing how it didn't happen... Again. -- It didn't kill us on any of the countless dates and years that it was prophesied, and this year will be no different. Food for thought.

Alien Base Entrance Found Below Ocean On Google Earth Map, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2016
Location of discovery: Ocean (unknown)

This underwater base entrance was found by MexicoGeek of Youtube today. He didn't post the exact location, I asked and hopefully he will get back to me on it. 

Water covers 75% of the Earths surface, and UFOs are air tight enough to travel in space, therefore it stands to reason that UFOs could also travel underwater and make building bases below the ocean floor a simple task. 
Scott C. Waring