Showing posts with label plane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plane. Show all posts


Rare Jellyfish UFO Produces Three Orbs Over New York, 3-26-2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 26, 2022
Location of sighting: Bronx, New York, USA

Wow, check out this amazing catch. An eyewitness in New York caught sight of a jellyfish shaped UFO and if that was not enough...three small brown orbs came out of the UFO and moved away. I have head of the jellyfish UFOs but they are one of the rarest sights ever recorded. I only see one video every six months of these objects and this one does have the best detail in years. Fantastic catch. Undeniable proof that UFOs exist over New York! 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
I recorded this from my window something drops something that looks like balloons but I'm not sure and if you look closely you see when the video starts at the top right it crosses something that looks like a flying saucer but I only realized after watching the video.


Jellyfish Life Form Passes Astronaut during Space Walk, March 23, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 23, 2022
Location of sighting: International Space Station

During a spacewalk a few days ago, a strange jellyfish like UFO passed by the astronauts. The object passes behind them and looks to have an aura all around it. It also has a lumpy shape, similar to that of a jellyfish. This is not a UFO so much as an entity. A living creature found only in space. Just as animals live underwater, there are creatures which can live in space. For instance, about ten years ago, Russian astronauts were cleaning the space station solar panels and found that there were huge plankton growing on the solar panels...thriving, eating, breading on the panels, using the suns energy. There was not one, but thousands and the Russians said they were bigger than normal they sound very healthy to me. Thus...if one animal species could exist in space...its only stands to reason...there are others too. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


White Disk Behind Passenger Jet Over Tokyo, Japan, Video, 3-13-2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 13, 2022
Location of sighting: Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Hey check this one out. A person in Japan was driving along and noticed a white object following a passenger jet over Tokyo this week. The white craft would follow behind the jet and then slow down for a second and fall behind, then speed up again to catch up, then do it all again. Its as iff this object was getting caught in the jet stream on purpose so that it could closely analyze how toxic this pollution is to our planet. It certainly was no there to hide from the public below, but may be trying to hide form the pilot and passengers...since the tail area is the only location without visibility from within. Yet...just maybe there is someone of importance on this plane, not important to you or me, but important to the aliens themselves. Maybe a descendant, or relative or even an actual alien is on board the jet. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: While I was driving on Kawagoe Kaido, discovers a UFO that locks on directly behind a passenger plane.

Top screenshot has added shadow and contrast to bring out detail, below is unedited original. 


Alien Entity Walks Out Bushes On Live Cam! Mexico, Feb 22, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 22, 2022
Location of sighting: San Vicente Chicoloapan State of Mexico
Source: Twitter 

Watch this amazing capture on security cam as an alien entity flies over the bushes to land in a year, only to be inspected by three dogs, who were too scared to get much closer. The entity changed shape when it was flying as a thin disk, then it landed in the yard and begin to grow tall with appendages. Then it moved to the sidewalk area...where it had no legs, but seemed to hover over the sidewalk. Absolute proof that aliens exist and they visit our cities and walk among us. We are not alone. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 



Sky Hunting Group Comes Together To Call UFO To Them! California March 5, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 5, 2022
Location of sighting: California, USA

I love it when a group of like minded UFO hunters come together! This is just such an event. I California some sky watchers came together in hopes that united they may see something. And they did, but what they didn't know is that this type of UFO...white cloud orb, is telepathic. The orb can read your thoughts, desires, feelings...from a long ways away. If it feels that its been seen...then if the thoughts from those people are kind, it will come closer. The thing they failed to do was to unite in meditation asking the orb to come closer, that they are all brothers and sisters...humans and aliens are the same. We are all united though energy that connects all life throughout the universe. Such positiveness brings them closer. The combined group...had a more powerful telepathic message, making the UFO curious of the humans who were not scared of it. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
They were in the sky with everyone looking up at them when I was arriving to park an all day long we kept seeing left an right. Was a very active day. oh very special, such a good feeling when we see them! Beautiful day always looking, weather nice here in California today also. 


Plane passenger captures UFO on camera on flight out of city, Feb 17, 2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 17, 2022
Location of sighting: Glasgow, Scotland, UK

This UFO was caught over Scotland this week. The woman was a passenger on a plane, looked out the window and noticed a mysterious object hovering in the sky. The photo she took is dramatic evidence, since the craft has not wings, no tail, no windows, no paint, no jet trails, and most of aircraft lights. The craft looks to be about 10 meters across. That would easily hold six or more passengers. the craft does look like a dark disk. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: 
The sighting took place on a flight which departed from Glasgow Airport last Thursday morning. One passenger was able to take some clear snaps of the unidentified object. Passengers on a flight from Glasgow were left startled by the sight of what appeared to be a UFO flying near to their plane. The sighting took place on a flight which departed from Glasgow Airport last Thursday morning (February 17). One passenger was able to take some clear snaps of the unidentified object, which appears to be large and oblong shaped. The photos were taken by a passenger sitting on the right hand side of the plane as it cruised at high altitude above the clouds. 


Jellyfish UFO Over Georgia On Feb 22, 2022, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 22, 2022
Location of sighting: Georgia, USA

This eyewitness silently records this glowing object in the sky over Georgia. The object was huge, the size of a bus and had long tentacles going out its back area. The object hovers over his neighborhood...facing him. Yes, the object saw him and was equally curious about him. Notice the UFOs round front facing him, the tentacles of the UFO facing away? 

I wonder, is the UFO communicating to him subtly through telepathy? Often it could be misunderstood as his own imagination talking to him...but more powerful. Very fascinating and 100% proof that humans are looking at UFOs and UFOs are looking back. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO Crash, Castle, Egyptian Face Found On Sandwich Islands, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Feb 18, 2022
Location of discovery: Sandwich Islands 
Google earth coordinates: 
1: UFO 54°39'43.26"S 36°11'41.58"W 
2: Buildings 54°41'46.19"S 36° 7'21.69"W 
3: Face 54°36'50.77"S 36°10'38.34"W

Hey I found a few things near Antarctica yesterday. They are located on the Sandwich Islands. I used Google Earth to find them and you have to follow my instructions to go to the 2010 date to see the correct images, because todays images are so white nothing can be seen. It seems that Google wanted to hide some things this way, but they forgot the older images. 

I found an object which looks like a crashed UFO. It left a long trail, so either its crashed or its landed and moved...created the trail. I also found some structures. One looks like half of Noahs Ark on top of the hill near the UFO. Just a few meters from it is this church structure. Also there is a huge castle complex area a few km away. This castle area is all made by local rocks used as building material. It has a stone fence around it, a small pyramid, some smaller fenced areas and something that looks like an old landed blimp. On last object I found was a cat face with an Egyptian pharaoh head cover. 

All in all, these objects point to ancient life once existing on this island long ago on the mountain tops. Ancient aliens...existed and do exist on Earth. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Astonishing Aircraft At Seatac Airport, Washington, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Jan 2, 2022
Location of discovery: Seatac Airport, Washington, USA
Source: Google Earth map

This seems like it might be a Google glitch at first, but if so then it would not make any sense of why it happened? You see the planes in front and in back of the aircraft are both normal. The planes on the runway about to take off are all normal. This one aircraft however appears different than the rest. Maybe it is a normal aircraft, but what is the phenomenon that was the catalyst for this situation? I have heard a lot about UFOs disguising as normal aircraft, and this could be one of them. But also, it could be a super top secret project within this craft...something with a lot of energy within it...something that could cause a reflective bubble that could do an experimental new radar or cloaking device. It may even be that a single passenger on this aircraft was not human, but alien with abilities to....slow time or speed it up perhaps. One thing I do know...this is not a normal glitch by far. There is something mysterious is happening with this aircraft.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


40 Meter Disk Found In Antarctica, Google Earth Map! UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 18, 2021
Location of discovery: South Polar region, Antartica
Google coordinates: 74°35'37.57"S 164°54'28.90"E

Guys, I found this today and its just blowing my mind! Its in Antartica and its about 40 meters across sitting in an area the looks like a heart. I think this is the big one guys, the real deal. I imagine that soon after I release this video, some government somewhere will go and retrieve it.  Wow, and its in a heart shaped break in the ice, which really makes me wonder, did they do that on purpose for the fun of it? Or did the disk cause the shape in the ice when it landed in this area? Sure its the perfect hiding place for an alien ship, because no-one will ever see it hidden out there in Antarctica. No-one will ever wander past it or hike near it or even sail near it. Its just the perfect location for a UFO to hide. I really wonder, which government is going to get their hands on this baby first? 100% proof that aliens exist and are on Earth right now.  So...the treasure hunt begins. Winner gets all. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

White Sphere Over Fort Worth, Texas On 10-7-202, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 10-7-2021
Location of sighting: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON
The first half of the video I made a close up so you can see it better, the second half is 100% original. The object is a round white sphere. Its easy to see its not Venus because Venus always appears to be a white glow, not a sphere. This object is flying very low and close to the eyewitnesses. White spheres are the most common type of UFOs seen which makes them harder to deny, when the research back up their existence. The UFO is watching them as they watch it. Each...learning about the other in their own ways. 100% proof of UFOs over Texas!
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: A couple months ago near Fort Worth, I filmed a strange bright object in the sky. It sat stationary for some time, then moved off slowly. It appeared as a bright white circular object. It was not a planet or star. I decided to wrote you when I saw the exact same object (this time a pair) in video filmed over Kansas City. The film was on the show paranormal caught on tape. The objects are identical in appearance and behavior to what I filmed.


30 Tornadoes Hit the US At Same Time, Did China Use the HAARP Program To Weaponize The Weather? Breaking News.

HAARP source:

China Radio Telescope:

Have you heard China complaining and threatening to get back at the US for boycotting the olympics in Beijing and how the US tries to stop US from working with any China companies? Well, China is fighting back, covertly. 

Guys, across the Internet we are hearing about how upwards of 30 tornadoes that hit the United States late at night, killing about a hundred people or more. And just a few days ago the world heard about how China has been using weather control to make it rain and clean the air more in China in an area the size of Alaska. But there are a few things you probably don't know. 

China has the worlds largest radio telescope, five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST – which was declared fully operational as recently as January 2020. It's in China's Guizhou province. This is just the kind of instrument needed to create tornados. 

Back in 1993 the US Air Force created the HAARP program, research into how to use electronic waves to manipulate the weather around them world, by bouncing a signal up into the sky and bouncing it off the ionosphere onto a location somewhere on Earth. The program started in Gabona, Alaska and lasted until 2014, when it was announced that the HARRP program would shut down. However it may have continued in covert in order to escape the protests of the public. 

Somewhere along the line, China stole the details, research and tech knowhow to do their own HAARP program but not for research as much as research to be a weapon. China makes it a priority to steal any technology the US has...from the NASA space shuttle (they took it) to the newest Awacs (Fairborn warning control systems) military planes. 

Also the fact that tornados don't come 30 at a time! Let alone at night December with temperatures below freezing. Tornados usually come in spring and summer months. Scientists say May and June the peek tornado months. All weather scientists know...cold weather limits tornados. And to compound it all...the tornado hit at night, when everyone was inside, unable to see any tornadoes coming, thus unable to escape them. This HAARP China program is a weapon to punish its adversaries, to hurt them, to kill them, and to hurt the economy financially from the destruction. 

Even President Biden said, "This is likely to be one of the largest tornado outbreaks in our history." 

So...I post here the facts, my thoughts, and let you make your own decisions. China has the means and the motivation. But all the facts point to weather manipulation, a new kind of war. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Tictac Over Hualien Liyu Lake, Taiwan Dec 12, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Hualien Liyu Lake Live Cam-花蓮鯉魚潭即時影像
Date of sighting: Dec 12, 2021
Location of sighting: Hualien Liyu Lake, Taiwan

Hey I was watching the live cam of Hualien Lake which is in south of Taiwan, when I noticed a white tictac UFO shooting overhead. It wasn't a bird because it wasn't flapping wings. It wasn't a drone, it was too big and moving too fast. This object was easy to see on the cam since it had the green trees along the hillside behind it. The lake area was cloudy and rainy at that time with some very unusual large clouds at the center of the video. These two large clouds do look like they may be cloaked UFOs. The shapes are very odd. UFOs are all around us, we just have to put in a little effort to catch them. Aliens in Taiwan...yeah I knew that already. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 



UFO Over Las Vegas, Nevada Nov 13, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2021
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Source: MUFON

What you don't know about Las Vegas is that there is a USAF base over there called Nellis AFB. It's against the mountains and behind the old firing an allotment of land that was given to aliens in exchange for technology and information. The aliens are called tall whites, and live to be 700 years old. The ships also glow white and they have no fear of being seen entering and exiting their base behind Nellis AFB. This belongs to the tall whites. Want to learn more about this? Then watch the video of Charles Hall who worked for the USAF and was the go-between who was a non military person to work with the tall whites and the military. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I don’t know what to say it was above the mountain and I'm pretty sure you’re not supposed to be that close. There’s nothing that close ever flying by the mountains and if it was a rescue then who where they rescuing?



Red orb Over Marina, Vallejo, California, 12-7-2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 7, 2021
Location of sighting: Vallejo, California, USA
Source: MUFON

Watch this family stop the car, get out and begin recording these two glowing lights in the sky. One red and one blue. A plane passes by them which allows us to get an estimate of the size of the UFOs which comes out to half the size of a car or 2 meters across. UFOs often travel in pairs for safety reasons and here we see such an occurrence. The UFOs probably came from below the water in the Marina. Any alien craft that can travel in space, can also travel in water or air. Since in was near the ocean...its safe to assume it came from an under water alien base and wanted to do some research of the how people are doing in Vallejo. 100% proof that aliens exist. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Red orb moving as we where driving to the Marina. We where headed to see the Christmas light in town. Looking up we saw a red orb flying then stopped abruptly. We parked and got out to record it. It stayed in place for about five min then disappeared.


UFOs Over Turkey On April 23, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 2021
Location of sighting: Turkey

Watch as this eyewitness in Turkey records two dark black disks. I say disks because you can actually see them wobble slowly. The dark disks must have been seen by others, because there is all hell breaking loose on the ground with sirens and yelling below. This is 100% proof that UFOs have a high interest in Turkey. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
Also, I don't think harp planes etc can rotate around their own axis. confirmed, friends, I can't go into much detail, but we talked to an expert in this field from turkey for 30 minutes on the phone. It could also be the subject of a documentary to be shared with foreign sources, first, I'm sharing it myself for fun. don't take it too seriously believe what you want to believe.


UFO Fleet Over Hong Kong, China 11-24-2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Nov 24, 2021
Location of sighting: Hong Kong, China
Source: MUFON

Watch as a UFO fleet was caught over Honk Kong this week. The person was on a plane over the South China Sea when they noticed some lights that glow white and seemed to multiply and then disappear. Caught between Taiwan and Hong Kong, this demonstration of power by aliens is clearly a sign meant for the military powers of the world patrolling those seas to view. These UFOs are watching to see what China and other military ships do. Taiwan is just 45 min by plane from Hong Kong and would take only 6 minutes in a fighter jet. Hopefully, aliens are not predicting a Taiwan takeover to happen this coming week. o_O
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: South China sea, 9 lights visible in video, then it becomes 12 lights in formation, closest object disappears then 3 more objects reappear on outside of formation. Filmed at 39,000ft over the South China Sea, lights all then slowly vanish. 


UFO Makes 90 Degree Turn Near Sun, Nov 10, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Nov 10, 2021
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This may appear as nothing to most people, but to me, it's 100% proof that UFOs exist near our sun. You see, nothing made in nature could make a hard right turn in space, and yet, we see that here. Clearly there is only a single explanation for it...that it's an intelligently controlled spacecraft. Thats why I recorded it and posted it here. Its undeniable proof that intelligent space faring aliens exist in our solar system. And that is important to know. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO Shoots Past Saturn, Aug 21, 2021, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: August 21, 2021
Location of sighting: Saturn

This eyewitness was watching Saturn through his telescope when he caught a strange large object shoot past the northern pole of the planet. The object was huge, about the size of a moon, yet its not in orbit around the planet, but instead skims the polar region and then began to slowly pull up as it passed the pole. The object is thin, about 1/5th the thickness as it is long. What this unknown, but its size, shape and speed all point to this being an alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
This truly is REAL untouched footage of something unidentified captured on camera. most likely something natural within the realm of science. again this is just a video for clickbait meant to reach more people with an interest in authentic astronomical observations. 

 Equipment Specs 
1200mm Focal Length 254mm 
Aperture 10mm 
Eyepiece 3x Barlow Lens


Lights Over Chesterfield, Virginia Nov 18, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 18, 2021
Location of sighting: Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Source: MUFON 

These bright lights were seen in Virginia a few days ago. They appear similar to searchlights but should not be mistaken for them. Such lights have been seen over the ocean by sailers, where there was nothing but water. These lights flew intentionally and were recorded at 11 pm when most people would be home sleeping. I have confidence that these were actual alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Similar lights were reported 30 miles away. Caught on security camera. First video shows one set of lights coming in from the right joining the set over the houses. The set appears to grow after that.