Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts


Moth-Like Mothership Lands On Volcano In Mexico, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico
Cam source:

While looking over the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City and noticed that this looks like a giant triangle mothership hovering over the volcano. It may or may not be, but this sure has a lot of odd detail to it. The shape even mimics nature in that it looks like a giant moth. Tell me your thoughts on this one please. 
Scott C. Waring 


Hundred Mile Mothership Caught On Earths Moon, July 28, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 28, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

At 3:55 into the video, Crow777 catches a long tubular object hovering over the edge of the moon. This is a mothership. This ship is several hundred miles across and seems to sit there for a while. He also catches flashes of light heading toward the moon. These small flashes or cloud like objects are really alien ships slowing down from light speed. That is why its slower and looks like a cloud. 
Scott C. Waring

Crow777 of Youtube states:
This clip has some weird lunar flashes or pulses that were shot in full spectrum. I have never seen pulses like this before in all my years of lunar work. Also, many weird anomalies dart through frame. I tracked the anomalies over many hours always near the same area and side of the moon.


US General Says He Witnessed A UFO Just Meters From His Plane, Aug 2015 Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: Between San Francisco and Los Angeles, California, USA
Date of sighting: 1952
Video interview date: July 8, 2015

This amazing sightings was not by an average Joe, but by US General Johnson. He was piloting his aircraft at the time of the sighting. He said a UFO disk flew in front of him, holding position. Then the UFO split into two separate disks. One flew above him and the other below him. Now this is a distinguished pilot with a long career in the area. He is a hero, fighting for America. If we can't believe in our heroes  then we are lost. 

This sightings shows that the disk separated to allow the aircraft to move between them. This is probably the way some UFOs scan the aircraft. To record the military aircrafts design, armaments and capabilities. 
Scott C. Waring

Black UFO Stuns Locals In Jakarta, Indonesia On July 17, 2015, video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Jakarta, Indonesia
Source: MUFON 68460

This dark UFO was seen over Jakarta last month. The eyewitness says it was about 5 meters across. I wish the person could zoom in a bit, but this is still a nice video. We cannot see enough detail, but still a nice catch. People often deny what they saw as being a UFO, out of fear of being ridiculed by others, as this eyewitness seems to be. Don't be intimidated by others. Just tell it like it is. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Date was Friday 17th of July 2015. Time was approximately 5.42pm local time. Was playing with wife and toddler son in a basketball field near our house in North Jakarta, Indonesia. First noticed the object when pointing out the hunting bats and swallows to my son. It was on my south and moving towards the north west direction. First impression of the object was that it was somewhat spherical and moving at a constant speed and constant altitude. Altitude was from the best of my judgement around the 300-500m high, and moving slowly and constantly throughout the event at about 50m/minute. As it drew nearer to my location, the shape looked more like a slightly vertically squashed sphere, akin to a red blood cell. It had a metallic sheen because it clearly reflected the orange glow of the setting sun. Upon longer inspection, the shape seemed to constantly slightly distorting and bobbling because the reflected sunlight was not consistent, although the object largely hold its original shape. Judging from the distance and altitude, my best guess is the object is at least 5m in diameter. After about a minute after noticing the object, I used my iPhone 5s to video the object as best as I can (attached to report), although limited phone memory cut short the duration of the video. After finished recording, the object started to slowly make a very wide arc to the left, without changing speed or altitude, and changed direction southwesterly, which means moving away from my location. I then started to walk/jog and chased the object for about 1-2 minutes over 150 meters, then ceased because I didnt want to leave my wife and son behind in the basketball field. The object then slowly moved away and disappeared over the treeline after a couple more minutes. What drew me to the object in the first place was that I never saw anything like it before. During the sighting and afterwards, considering the things I saw my impression largely is that the object is probably man-made, maybe a stray weather balloon that drifted with the wind. The few things bugging me is the shape of the object which is like a red blood cell, the definite metallic sheen of the surface, and the changing of the direction of the object, albeit slowly. Video is also not very supportive because of the maximum zoom, large distance to the object and me constantly moving around. Would really like to have somebody from MUFON to contact via phone or email to exchange ideas on this.


Glowing Purple UFOs Light Up Sky Over Crimea On Aug 9, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 9, 2015
Location of sighting: Sevastopol, Crimea (free from Russia)
News source:

First off, these UFOs were seen over a ocean coastal area. They probably have a base below the black sea. The large orbs seem to have the ability to separate themselves from one another and reunite again later. Although we can only see a fragment of the video, it looks and sounds authentic. I will try to get the full footage. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: (translated from Russian)
"On this day, roughly around 23 hours and 30 minutes (11:30pm) I went to water the flowers on the balcony. I saw how from the house next door, and noticed what at first thought was a satellite flying, but turned out to be a huge beautiful cluster of UFOs. In size and color reminiscent of the stars. The cluster has been stretched and moved to the south-east to south west. 

In it were about 30 UFOs, not less, " wrote Victoria. According to the woman, the cluster presents the main ship called the "Mothership." "In reviewing the captured video, we saw that it was a very dense cluster of UFOs. It moved in a band and change their positions. Then they started to rise. Instantly realizing that the cluster was leaving our field of view, my his son ran into the street. In the courtyard on a bench sat a man and a woman. They were loudly discussing incredible fact of the UFOs overhead. Over time, the UFOs began to resemble a light cloud, cobweb, as their ship "Mothership" - an ordinary star, "- said the woman. Pay attention to the video, says Victoria, the main ship captured a UFO. "Its not the stars - that's for sure. Unfortunately, the camera cannot convey the beauty of the spectacle, and the beauty is not fully included in the frame. What she saw was breathtaking. On discovering that the cluster disappeared, a man sitting on a bench in the yard, said to his companion "Come, lets go home - to prepare. And then we will arrive for them to pick us up. "After these words, they were all gone," - finished letter. What it is? Are unidentified flying object "hovering" over Sevastopol? Or was it an optical illusion?

Alien base and ship found using Google Moon, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Above Alien ship I found when looking for the base below. 

Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Coordinates to base: 23° 5'17.67”N 27°17'57.95”E
Coordinates to black ship: 25°19'2.82”N  2°15'56.36”E

Now this is kind of cool. This guy used Google Moon to find this structure. He is Atraviesa of Youtube . Its shape and size was similar to other structures I have seen, so I had to have a look at it. The coordinates he gave took me right there, but not far away, above and to the left is this smaller black ship. The black ship is shaped like a whale of sorts. Aliens are copying natures design. The perfect schematics. 

Google ruler says the black ship is 26.5 meters long. The base near it is 182 meters long. 

Now the base Altraviesa found has three lights shining from it. The fourth is just a reflection.This means at the time this photo was taken...someone was home. And that ship nearby...belongs to them and is in working condition. 
Scott C. Waring

Black UFO Seen By Fishermen In Lake Iznik, Turkey On Aug 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2015
Location of sighting: Lake Iznik, Bursa, Turkey
Turkish News Source:

This UFO was seen by fishermen hiding in the reeds on the lake. The object was hiding from them. It was clearly controlled by an intelligence. It was afraid, trying to to be seen. Later as it was followed by the fishermen, it cloaked itself so they could not see it. I wonder why the UFO drone didn't cloak earlier? It's cloak may need a few minutes to start up. 
Scott C. Waring

Turkish News states:
Villagers claim to have seen a UFO at Lake Iznik. Iznik is a lake in the district of Bursa. That is where the alleged UFO was seen in the morning, by fishermen. Fehmi and his friends at Iznik lake were on their boat fishing. This morning at 6:00 am in Iznik coast guard heard a strange sound in the reeds in the village and near the fishermen. This noise is common, especially if it was a big bird trapped between the reeds. However, they quickly got up and approached it. the front of a body they never know when they saw the end on the lake. Anxious glances fly fishermen sailing under foreign body, he recorded the UFO of his mobile phone. This object was suspended in the air. It moved toward Göllüce which is the coast. Fishermen said they followed the flying object for a short period of time. They watched as the UFO was hanging in the air, then it suddenly disappeared.


Pyramid UFO Flys Past Moon, Caught On Camera, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Moon viewed from West Covina, California, USA
MUFON #: 69009

I've got to admit, I've seen a lot of UFO photos, but this one takes the cake. Its a flying pyramid in front of the moon. This pyramid is similar to the Egyptian pyramids in that its three sided, and we can see two of those sides. This must be close to the moon, because there is light reflecting off the upper side of the pyramid, while the bottom side is darker, which tells us its facing a different angle. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was taking pictures the night of the blue moon, Friday night July 31st 2015 in West Covina Ca. somewhere between 2 and 4 am I noticed the triangular object when I was checking my pics the next day. The dark triangle or Delta shaped object is located on the lower left side of the picture of the moon. It looked like a craft of some sort to me. I'm not sure so I'm looking for some feed back as to what it is... I also have several before and after Shots that I have been looking at closely to see any differences...


UFO Seen Over Lambourn, England Causing Residents To Worry, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June to Aug 2015, but video from June 12, 2015.
Location of sighting: Lambourn, England
News source:

It looks like this plane was sent to check out a strange anomaly on radar, and instead found this UFO. The plane continues on its way, but the UFO stays in the area. This UFO has been seen over several neighbouring cities of the area. Time to panic? No, UFOs usual are only coming and going from bases, but this one is searching for something. Probably seating for a rare artefact lost long ago. 

Scott C. Waring
News states:
STRANGE lights in the skies over Hungerford are now appearing in Lambourn. Last month, Hungerford resident Vanessa Cloete snapped an image of a strange object above her home in the Charnham Park area. Several others subsequently reported seeing what appeared to be the same object making apparently controlled manoeuvres over the town. Now Carole Betts, aged 50, has seen not one, but two similar objects “zipping about” the sky over her home in Lambourn. She said: “I was leaning out of the window having a cigarette. “There were two objects moving around and they were white, with a blob in the middle. “I tried to film them, but it didn’t come out clearly. “They appeared to be over Upper Lambourn and whizzed about for around five minutes before vanishing. “Since the original story (in the Hungerford edition of the Newbury Weekly News and on I’ve had friends in Cirencester (in Gloucestershire) tell me they’ve seen something very similar. We all just want to know what on earth they are.” Previously, Mark Ash, who lives in Newbury, also reported seeing the phenomenon in the direction of Hungerford. But his experience was different – because it was a daytime sighting. He described it as “like a ballbearing hanging in the sky... metallic and silvery.” Ufologist Roy Hale, who runs a national UFO reporting website and viewed Ms Cloete’s photograph of the object, said there had been similar reports nationwide but that there was no obvious explanation for the phenomenon.


UFO Recorded At El Marrow Volcano, Argentina On July 26, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 26, 2015
Location of sighting: El Morrow Volcano, Argentina
News Source:é%20dans%20la%20région%20d’El%20Morro

Now I tried my best to focus the UFO in the screenshot above. Its difficult but it does have a long appearance that may possible be a disk. The digital eye is more perfect and catches detail more than our eyes can by glancing at something for a few seconds. Lucky catch. I wonder if this nearby volcano was or is still the location of an underground alien base? Hmmmm...Remember the Rocca Pia friendship case? The aliens were able to open and close the ground to bring things or people in without changing the appearance of the ground. They would form giant caverns so big, they actually had weather changes, and said if the base was abandoned, they would close the giant cavern with a push of a button, leaving no signs. 
Scott C. Waring States:
In Argentina, the El Morro volcano and its surroundings are filled with incredible legends and a place where UFO reports are regular and numerous. Moreover, in a calm and sunny Sunday, a strange black object was photographed. On Sunday, July 26, 2015, during the afternoon, Claudio and Viviana, a couple residing Puntanos, had traveled to the region of El Morros to enjoy the particularly mild weather. Amazed by the surrounding landscape, they took several pictures of this picturesque land. Some time later, it is by looking at their pictures they found on one of them, an unidentified flying object rounded shape and dark in color. Therefore, its appearance is closely approaching that of a flying saucer. Claudio Muñoz, author of the picture, told the El Diario newspaper that he and his companion were not aware of the presence of this UFO at the time. However, it should be noted that the object photographed is relatively unclear and it is difficult to say whether it is a bird, a speck of dust or an alien ship ...

UFOs Caught During Blue Moon Over King's Lynn, England On Aug 1, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 1, 2015
Location of sighting: King's Lynn, England

This is a fantastic sighting during the blue moon the other night. Many UFOs that look like orbs often have orbiting drones. I do see one or two orbiting flashes around the main yellow orb. This is a sign its real. Also the flashing lights in different locations are not indications of it being a single large craft, but instead it is many smaller individual UFOs. Great catch in the UK. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Blue Moon UFO Phenomena August 2015 Finally caught some activity last night over King's Lynn UK with the Full Blue Moon in show. Created with MAGIX Video deluxe 2015 Plus.

Earth Size Object Seen On Suns Surface, Aug 3, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 3, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Sun, surface of
Source photos:
Camera: AIA 171, 
Time: 00:48:58 UTC

I've been watching this round object on the surface of the sun. The object has not changed position or changed in any way in over two weeks. Yes, on the sun, the surface changes like an ocean of flames. However this object stays constant. 

The size of this object is also important. The size is equal to that of Earth itself. Helioviewer has an icon size Earth image in the bottom left corner of the photo, which gives us a very accurate estimate of its size. If Earth were swallowed (pulled into) the sun, this is what it would look like. 

So, is it an Earth size UFO? That is a possibility since two Russian scientists stated 4-5 years ago that Earth size UFOs were seen orbiting the sun 24 hours a day, making hard right turns at incredible speed. 

Another possibility is that this was a planet from our solar system long ago. Thats right. A planet that was sucked into the sun, because it was knocked out of its orbit, or its orbit changed for some unknown reason. If this is true, the sun could be hoarding dozens of planets inside it. 

One thing is certain, this is a solid object the size of Earth and NASA has not told anyone about it yet. Why?
Scott C. Waring


Giant 2-3 Mile Tiles Cover Pluto's Surface With 100 Mile Above Ground Tunnel, July 28, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 28, 2015
Location of discovery: Pluto
Source NASA Photo:

This is an interesting close up of the surface of Pluto. We see that NASA recognises that there are a lot of square and rectangle patches along its surface and they even go so far as to point it out, calling it, Irregularly-shaped segments. No Kidding NASA? Every segment has four right angles! It like the surface the Death Star in Star Wars. 

These look more like we are looking at the outside of a ship, than at the surface of a dwarf planet. It is not patches of ice we are looking at, but an alien metal that may be partly covered in stellar dust. This looks like the planet was covered with a false surface, which may have a massive population that lives safely below. 

Note the enormous above the ground tunnel that is perfectly straight and covered over 100 miles in length.  This is impossible in nature for its massive size, yet, here it is. I have found similar tunnels like this in many Earth moon photos. 


Yoda Face Discovered On Mars Near Other Ancient Face, June 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 20, 2013
Location of discovery: Mars

While exploring some Mars surface photos I came across one with two faces very close to one another. The smaller face looks a lot like Yoda from Star Wars. The larger face looks more human like in its facial appearance. The Yoda face has 30% damage to its upper right part but it is still easy to make out its original facial features. The larger face looks more worn by the sand than the little face, but whats really remarkable is that its an entirely different species. Check out the Mars photo URL to confirm its there please. 

Now this is not the first time having seen the Yoda species of alien. There was another time back in Sept of 2011 when I cam across a fully detailed face of Yoda, but on the moon.  (click here to view post)

Then a third time in June of 2011, when I found a fully standing figure of Yoda was on planet Mercury (click here to view post)

What I am saying is that Yoda is a real alien species that exists in the universe today. The evidence is from NASA themselves and therefore is indisputable. The Yoda species exists. 

This is great news for all Star War fans around the world, because then there is hope that Jedi, the force, and lightsabers are out there somewhere too. I wonder what Yoda would say about NASA? Probably this, "Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you." SCW


UFO in hands of USAF at Air Base, photos Jan 2012. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Groom Lake (uncertain)

Look at this photo that at first I assumed was a fake because the tail has a shadow, but the UFO does not. I made a mistake, the shadow from the tail is moves to the opposite side with the tail…thus the UFOs shadow would not be visible since it falls on the opposite side of the Jet. This C-17 is a cargo carrier and could carry another aircraft on its top if it was mechanically fitted with a strong enough clamping device. If its real, its a real ballsy move by the pilots to sneak in a USAF aircraft that was built from alien technology. The USAF does have some craft similar to this. I'm talking Project Aurora.

If you recorded a UFO sighting please upload it to YouTube and put the date and location in the title, but note; you must put the words "UFO Sighting," into it's title so it can be easily found by UFO researchers.


Yoda Face Found On Moon, New Alien Species, Jedi R REAL. Sept 27, 2011 UFO Sighting News.

click to enlarge

Yoda Face Found On Moon, New Alien Species, Jedi R REAL. Sept 27, 2011 UFO Sighting News. 

Hey guys, I found this image on the Apollo Image Atlas (Apollo 15). These are the Panaramic Image Cataloge of NASA's. 

Found this cool face of Yoda and wanted to share it. I know there are a lot of Star Wars Fans, so hey, what do you think about this? Please check out original is amazing. Ignore the 10km mothership. Finders how the hell do I get up there to claim it? #$#@!

Original Photo at: 


Fox News Compares Baltic Sea UFO To That Of Star Wars Millennium Falcon, UFO Sighting News.

Fox News Compares Baltic Sea UFO To That Of Star Wars Millennium Falcon, UFO Sighting News.

On Wednesday's "America Live," the Fox News Channel team reported on a "circular object" spotted by ocean explorers on the Baltic Sea floor.
And, just as super observant reporter Trace Gallagher noted, this doesn't look like just any looks like Han Solo's Millennium Falcon.
Don't believe him? Look at his side-by-side comparison: "It's a theory. It may not be a good one but, look, it's interesting."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting in Oregon of Jelly Fish like craft, see day photo.UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: Oregon, USA
Date of sighting: 9-28-2010

I work at ODOT on the corner of State and Airport Road SE here in Salem.
I was sitting in my car, as I usually do on afternoon breaks. I was watching 3 eagles soaring and riding the thermals. They were so high and it was a awesome sight.

About 2:47, I know because I frequently check my watch or clock on my cell phone to be sure that I do not stay longer then 15 minutes. Anyway the eagles had moved towards the West. Something some motion, caught my eye, so I transferred my gaze a bit towards the south. All the sudden I could see one very bright star and I thought, that’s strange, a star in daylight. Then I saw a 2nd one come in and that was followed by a 3rd, 4th and so on till I was sure there were 15-17 objects total. At first I wondered if some balloons had gotten away, but that thought was quickly discarded when I saw the objects doing all kinds of movement, this was deliberate movement so I knew they could not be balloons, also I was pretty sure they would not reflect sunlight that brightly and they would have had to be hugh to be seen at that elevation.

They would move out, come back, form a circle or a triangle. They formed regular triangles and then elongated ones. They would sit totally still and then start moving all of them at once and keep their distance from one another.. then they would stop etc.

about this time, 5-6 minutes into the sighting, I got out of my car and stood by it in the parking lot to get a better look, I was not able to see high enough, sitting in the car, so when I got out, I could see all the objects. What I did not understand was how or why when people were walking by, no one seemed interested, or cared. They saw me looking up and glanced up and then just kept on walking. I was so excited to be able to see something like this, I wish I had tried to take the pictures before, but it did not cross my mind.

About that time a manager in the building walked by, I asked him “ do you see those objects? “ His remark was NO.. so I said “ Come over by my car “ He did and then he said “ Oh I can see them “ I said what are they? And his answer was “ they are not planes, they are not birds and they are not balloons “ and he added “ but if I had my gun, I would shoot them. “ I thought, Just what we need, a trigger happy witness “
About that same time they all disappeared but not before I was able to snap two pictures with my Canon SX 200 IS x12 camera. The Sun was so bright, the camera lens blacked out and I was not able to see what I was shooting at.. I just pointed in the direction of the objects.

The total time of the sighting was 12-13 minutes.

The time was 3:01 and I had to go back inside. I shared the sighting with a couple of co- workers but they were not that all interested. So I took my camera and thought I would check and see if there was any thing on the 2 pictures I took. YES… there was an unmistakable bright star on the picture, the 2nd picture did not have any noticeable points of light showing against the blue sky.

So when I came home that night, I tired some enhancing software on the computer Windows 2003 XP. What I saw was more confusing than the sighting itself.

I know the photos do not show much, but if you enhance or zoom on them, the objects do show up.

~~Please look at my books I wrote called "Dragons of Asgard," & "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009," at all on line bookstores. For real video evidence see this video