Showing posts with label submarine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label submarine. Show all posts


Ancient Submarine Found On Mars Surface In NASA Photo, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2016
Location of discovery:  Mars
Source photo:  MSL1272

This alien artefact was found by Mars Moon Space TV of Youtube. The object looks like a submarine. You can see that parts of its outer hull have broken open and exposed the inner levels of the vessel. Again this week (and we have heard this every month for two years now) NASA has said there were lakes and oceans on the surface of Mars. This vessel was probably a craft that sailed that ocean long ago. 
Scott C. Waring


U-boat Found In Loch Ness, Captain Claimed Giant Monster Attacked Them, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2016
Location of discovery: Coast of Scotland
News source:

The Lock, not far from the coast of Scotland where the u-boat was found, is very shrouded in mystery. The Loch Ness has always intrigued me since reading a book about it as a child. I even watch the live cam every now and then. I have tied in several historical alien and UFO sightings in that area from over 60 years ago, but is this monster technologically built by aliens, or an actually ETI (Exterestrial Intelligence)? The Loch is deep so it could be hiding an alien base at its bottom. What they need in a robotic drone sub with infrared imaging to cut though all that murky water. Hopefully one day, will will catch this creature. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The wreck of a German U-boat that sank almost 100 years ago has been discovered by engineers laying subsea power cables.
Remarkable sonar images show the missing World War One submarine is largely intact and lying off the Galloway coast.
Experts believe the vessel could be the UB-85, a sub that sank in 1918, according to official records.

However, naval folklore suggests it may have been attacked by a "sea monster".

Mysterious sinking
The entire crew of the U-boat is reported to have abandoned ship due to the "monster attack".

Once aboard the British ship HM Drifter Coreopsis, their commander, Captain Krech described their encounter.

He is said to have spoken of a beast with "large eyes, set in a horny sort of skull…with teeth that could be seen glistening in the moonlight".

He apparently claimed that the sub was so damaged in its battle with the "monster", it could no longer submerge.

However, Dr Innes McCartney, a historian and nautical archaeologist who helped identify the wreckage, does not believe the tale. (More at source.)


1910-1930 Battleship or submarine found that is 100 meters long on island, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Farquhar island
Google Earth Coordinates:  10° 9'12.13"S 51° 3'5.36"E

Yeah, I know, its not a UFO, but it is really cool. I was teaching for more wreckage form the flight MH370 and stumbled upon this old ship or sub. 

Google ruler says its 95+ meters across, but since one side looks split open, its closer to 100 meters. There is a visible metal railing all around the edge of the craft so that tells me the ship has a metal outside hull. The floor of the craft is hard to make out, so I can't really tell if its metal or wood, which would help narrow down the date of the sinking and the type of craft. 

I did notice that the ship has a heart shape large fin, like a submarine would have in the back, but it may be just part of the reef its sitting on. 

If you know what kind of craft this is, what the name of this ship or sub is, or when it sank, please let me know in the comments below. Its driving me nuts not knowing. 
Scott C. Waring 


Crashed Alien Ship Found On Mars By NASA Rover, Sign Of Ancient War, Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 13, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This is a cool one found by WhatsUpInTheSky37 of Youtube. He found an alien craft. He is one great UFO researcher to have found this one. Something that closely resembles that of a submarine with its periscope sticking out of its top and its triangle fins along its side. I don't believe its a water craft. It seems that this craft crashed during the final battle on Mars. Something bigger than a solar wind (NASA said last week) hit Mars long ago. Solar wind would not cause the destruction of so many structures, it would only steal the air and water away. That is why after seeing so many broken structures and faces, I came to the conclusion that there was a massive war. The planet lost. Lets hope the species that did this to Mars doesn't one day turn their attention on Earth. That may be the biggest secret that aliens themselves don't want us to know...that a planet near us was wiped out by one of their species. Knowing that may cause humans to fear all aliens. But...humans show the same fierceness during times of war. I think we should fear ourselves more. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
This goes hand in hand with my video from the other day where we looked at the eight equally spaced out objects. I am wondering if this has something to do with those. It is in the same area and crater where they were heading to. Check out the links below and let us know what you think!! We had lots of good comments on feedback on the last one! Thank you all so much..