Showing posts with label triangle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label triangle. Show all posts


Triangle UFO over Fort Myers Beach, Florida May 1, 2012

Date of sighting: May 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Meyers Beach, Florida, USA

Eyewitness states: "On May 01, 2012 Angel Rodriguez a resident of Fort Myers Beach Florida, caught on video a Giant Triangle object silently hovering above the dog park near an area of the beach known as Lovers Key National Park, Luis was walking his Chihuahua when he saw 3 bright Orbs of light hovering over the park, Luis started to film the bright objects on his smart phone when the orbs shot up to a giant triangle shape ship, Luis said the objects made no noise and the sighting lasted about 10 minutes, he said the objects just disappeared in the night sky."


UFO Sighting Over Swabian Alb, Germany On April 26, 2012 Video By Farmer.

Date of sighting: April 26, 2012
Location of sighting: Swabian Alb, Germany

A farmer from the Swabian Alb near Sigmaringen, Germany filmed this triangular UFO on 04/26/2012 / 26.04.2012. At the end of the video you can hear a sonic boom. What a sighting! Similar UFOs were seen in the U.S. already.


Giant Triangle Door Opens In Sun, NASA Sees It and Circles it, March 2012 News.

Below Is NASA Chart And NASA Circles it!!!
Date of sighting: March 12, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun

Why would this happen? Perhaps the suns energy is being harvested by aliens, but more likely, something is opening like a door allowing a mothership to enter or exit. Alien tech would be so advanced that the heat of the sun could not harm their ships. SCW

The first eyewitness to find it states: 
"I honestly don't know if I should post this in Space Exploration, Paranormal Phenomena, Aliens and UFOs or Global Meltdown topics. I'm baffled jaw-dropped and astonished. Videos and images showing a monster coronal hole in the Sun, with the perfect shape of a triangle, were uploaded on NASA SDO website. It's definitely NO glitch. It's a PERFECT triangle-shapped coronal hole, it's appearing in all spectrum of graphics and images and it must be VERY important because NASA highlighted it." 

NASA Source: 


Two Planes Following Triangle UFO Over Spain, Jan 15, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Spain

Watch closely as a triangle shaped UFO is being escorted over Spain by two single engine planes. An odd sighting indeed, because usually jets are sent out, but in a case of the UFO not leaving the area fast, then a slower escort would take place as you see in the video. I only wish they guy ran to the other side of the building to continue filming. Very amazing sight indeed. See another UFO escorted by two jets in Italy here.

Eyewitness states: "Two Slow moving airplanes folowiing / escorting a triangle shaped UFO."


Pilots Describe Their Sightings of Triangle UFOs, UK, Documentary Video.

Black triangles are a class of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) with certain common features which have reportedly been observed from the 1940s to the present. Media reports of black triangles originally came from the United States and United Kingdom, but phenomena consistent with these reports have been reported as exceptional occurrences throughout recorded history, using the language of the times.

Reports generally describe this class of UFOs as enormous, silent, black triangular objects, hovering or slowly cruising at low altitudes over cities and highways, usually at night and making no attempt to evade detection. These objects are often described as having "running lights", either bright white lights or pulsing colored lights that appear at each corner of the triangle.

Unlike other reported types of UFOs, Triangle-class UFOs have been reported to be visible to radar, as was the case with the famous Belgian UFO wave. During these incidents, Two Belgian F-16s attempted to intercept the objects (getting a successful missile lock at two occasions) only to be outmaneuvered ; a key conclusion of the Project Condign report was that no attempt should be made on the part of civilian or RAF Air Defence aircraft to outmaneuver these objects except to place them astern to mitigate the risk of collision.


UFO Sighting of Triangle Craft Flying over NASA Kennedy Space Center, July 2003 Video.

UFO Sighting of Triangle Craft Flying over NASA Kennedy Space Center, Video.

Date of sighting: Correction…new date discovered to be 10-9-2003
Location of sighting: Orlando, Florida, USA

Eyewitness states: "This is a rare video of a triangular UFO , this ufo was captured with sky cams at NASA Kennedy Space Center."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


2nd Alien Face Found On Mars This Month, It Is Not Human, UFO Sighting News.

2nd Alien Face Found On Mars This Month, It Is Not Human, UFO Sighting News.

Source NASA photo at:
Note: Please help spread the word by reposting this info, thanks SCW.

Click to enlarge.

Its amazing that so many faces have been found on Mars. This month alone two have been found in different locations, but that is not the only exciting thing that has happened here. This new face on Mars...reveals to us a new aliens species that we only thought existed in stories.

It distinctly has two eyes, eyebrows, a nose, mouth, lips, its forehead, chin and cheek bones well defined, but those are the similarities to humans.

The non similar parts are two sharp pointing ears or horns above each eye giving it an almost bat like face in appearance. There is a line that passes above one eye, below the other and across the face diagonally. It is my belief that this line is an ornament of stature indicating the social level of the individual. The line is too thick and purposeful to by a crack in the mountain.

This awesome face is a monumental discovery of a beautiful unknown alien species and I can't wait to meet him/her.

The pictures above and the zoomed ones below are from ESA’S Mars Express mission. The area the strange face appears in is called Melas Chasma which is located at the bottom of Valles Marineris.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.

Alien Plant Life Discovered on Mars in Louros Valles, south of Ius Chasma, UFO Sighting News

Alien Plant Life Discovered on Mars in Louros Valles, south of Ius Chasma, UFO Sighting News.

While looking at this photo taken by ESA's Mars Express orbiter I discovered something plant life. Areas of this photo have greenish tints which could only indicate that there is some kind of vegetation growing in these areas.

Click to enlarge.

Another clue that makes me say this is plant life is that ESA states this about the photo: "The dark deposits at the bottom of the Ius Chasma are possibly related to water and wind erosion."

In the statement above, the they said "dark deposits" they mean dark green deposits.

So if water was once there causing this erosion, then it is possible some water may still remain in hidden areas.

ESA also states that the source of the water may still be there: "'Sapping' is erosion by water that emerges from the ground as a spring or seeps from between layers of rock in a wall of a cliff, crater or other type of depression. The channel forms from water and debris running down the slope from the seepage area. This is known from similar features on Earth, but on Mars it is thought that most of the water had probably either evaporated or frozen by the time it reached the bottom of the slope."

Note: I only adjusted the exposure (amount of light) slightly to see more of the color, but the green is still visible with zero adjustments.

Source photo:

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.

Ghana, West Africa UFO sighting of three glowing orbs over home, May 11, 2011, video.

Date of sighting: May 11, 2011
Location of sighting: Ghana West Africa

Click to enlarge.

Eyewitness states:
"Greetings, this morning about 5:30am we have a very clear view of three objects in the sky, I was able to film them for some time, and it is the first time that they have appeared at this time so close together, they seem to be going away in the east just before sunrise, so have a good look and see what i saw live and direct from Ghana West Africa."

This video is one of the most greatest sightings I have reported this year on this site. He holds the camera steady. He chats his thoughts and it's a day time sighting in a country where UFOs are not often reported. Its a very rare and fortunate find for the UFO research community.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.

Milano, Italy UFO sighting of many glowing orbs over neighborhood, May 2011, video.

Milano, Italy UFO sighting of many glowing orbs over neighborhood, May 2011, video.

Sighting date: May ?, 2011
Sighting Location: Milano, Italy

During this video the eyewitnesses can be heard panicking over the UFO orbs that radiate in the night sky overhead. There appears to be upwards of six glowing UFO orbs and their sudden movement causes the eyewitnesses a lot of stress. Take a look and see what you think about this sighting.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


Sydney, Australia UFO sighting of triangle while filming Planetary Alignment, May 13, 2011 Video.

Sydney, Australia UFO sighting of triangle while filming Planetary Alignment, May 13, 2011 Video.

Sighting Location: Sydney, Australia
Date of sighting: May 13, 2011

In this extraordinary UFO sighting, a person was filming the planet alignment when he noticed some strange objects that flew into the video in a triangle formation. These lights were brighter than any stars and as you can see in the video, they pass below the clouds not behind the clouds. So the UFOs are below cloud level. He took 38 minutes of raw uncut footage! He saw the UFOs and he kept it rolling, great work!

Many diamond shaped or triangle shaped UFOs have been seen over the years. For instance, in Belgium in April of 1990, a couple were taking photos when the girlfriend told the boyfriend about the UFO see was looking at. He turned and took as many snap shots as he could, two full rolls, but when developed only two came out clear. Below you see the original photo they took.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”

For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


UFO Sighting over Saratoga, California of triangle glowing craft, May 8, 2011.

Sighting Date: May 8, 2011
Sighting Location: Saratoga, California

Click to enlarge.

Eyewitness states:

"So as usual I was star-gazing (and watching for any "strange lights") from my front patio. As I moved my eyes over towards the Santa Cruz mountains I noticed a very bright orb which was pretty much stationary except it kinda moved left and right a little. During this time, there were a few planes flying by it, but maybe a mile distance away. Now the way these planes were moving by it was from North to South. I'd like to also add that this is not a normal flight path, and the only time planes or choppers fly in this area is during any strange light activity. When the planes did fly nearby (it was a total of three), the "orb" would get even brighter then dim down just a bit after they passed."

"I remembered to get my camera out to try to get some photos this time. I zoomed in as much as possible and took about 15 photos. When I reviewed them, most came out looking like a galaxy of rainbow colors from the movement it was making, but in two, you can make out the shape of a triangle. After I took the photos, I went to the computer to upload them which took about 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile I kept checking back every few minutes to see if it was still present. At 2320 hours, I went back out to check again, and it was completely gone."

"Next week I should get my telescope back from the shop, and will be able to see things better, and will be able to take pics through my tele. I have noticed a pattern though. These "lights/orbs" seem to hover in one area for a 2-3 day span at the same time every night, then move onto another area and do the same. Maybe they are scoping out areas for something. This event last night was not too far from the Cupertino quarry. Maybe 3 miles away. There is so much activity in this area, and I wonder if there is some mineral or something they are after."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


UFO sighting over Mexico City Volcano, March 28, 2011.

Popocatepetl Volcano is 70 km (43 mi) southeast of Mexico City. I was watching the live cam and noticed these same orbs hovering over it every night.

The orbs in this screenshot are making two triangle forms. One of the triangles has multiple color orbs that change colors. Notice the green, purple and red orbs.

Below is orb I caught in day view in the past.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


Google map discovery of UFO hovering over Franklin, Tennessee, UFO Sighting News.

Google map discovery of UFO hovering over Franklin, Tennessee, screenshot.

Location of sighting: Franklin, Tennessee
Date of discovery: March 1, 2011

The person states,"I was searching Google maps for something unrelated when I saw this in the background."

This UFO like many others found on Google Map could be deleted as soon as Google discovers it on the web, but for now we have a great screenshot as proof.

Check out a few of the other UFO sightings found on Google Map, but have since been deleted from the system.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


"The Vigilantes" of Mexico hunt skies for UFO sighting.

Stunning observations are being made in the skies over Mexico and the world. In Mexico a new group of UFO observers called "The Vigilantes" are equipped with high-tech video equipment and are now combing the skies for evidence with fantastic results.

Among the amazing videos collected is stunning evidence of a strange new unidentified object now referred to as Ebanis. According to UFO Investigators, the evidence of Ebanis suggests that they are gigantic biological structures that behave like a kind of aircraft carrier for UFOs. For the first time in this feature length program, you will see the most complete UFO report on the wave of UFO activity over Mexico that to many UFO researchers is believed to be a real contact point between Man and ET.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


UFO Sighting over Germany on Feb 23, 2011, amazing photos.

UFO Sighting over Germany on Feb 23, 2011, amazing photos.

Location of sighting: Wurttemberg, Germany
Date of sighting: Feb 23, 2011

These amazing Photos were taken by a Germany live Internet cam. Sadly they were taken a few hours before I got to the cam so I only have screenshots of the since the cam has a archive of only two photos so I am posting them here.

The shape of the craft does not resemble anything I have ever seen before. You can clearly make out a metallic surface around a glow in the sky. I don't have a web address, because I used a iPad app, but you can surly google it to keep an eye out.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯

UFO Sightings Daily


NASA says space signal maybe Aliens, UFO sighting news.

Last year we reported that Ragbir Bhathal an award winning author and astrophysicist, who carries out research in Australian science studies, physics and astronomy at the University of Western Sydney Macarthur.

Had discovered a Alien Laser Signal coming from Gliese 581 star system planet Gliese 581 E in December 2008 . Gliese 581 E alien laser signal is now know as "Ragbir Bhathal Gliese Alien Signal".

In latest development according to NASA-SETI website no one knows for sure what caused this signal. There is a slight possibility that it just might originate from an extraterrestrial intelligence.

The bright colors on the blue background in down below signal image indicate that an anomalous signal was received here on Earth by a radio telescope involved in a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

A search for these signals is ongoing by several groups including volunteer members of the SETI League. Time labels the vertical axis of the above plot, and frequency marks the horizontal axis. Although this strong signal was never positively identified, astronomers have identified in it many attributes characteristic of a more mundane and ultimately terrestrial origin.

In this case, a leading possibility is that the signal originates from an unusual modulation between a GPS satellite and an unidentified Earth-based source. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified.

No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence.


☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


UFO Sighting over Mount Shasta, California of UFO hiding in Cloud on Feb 3, 2011, Photos.

UFO Sighting over Mount Shasta, California of UFO hiding in Cloud on Feb 3, 2011, Photos.

Date of sighting: February 3, 2011
Location of sighting: Mount Shasta, California, USA

I was driving north on Interstate 5 close to Mt. Shasta around 3:30 pm and I noticed a strange shape in the sky that seemed to be a very strange looking "cloud".

At the time, there were NO other clouds in the sky. My wife is so interested in UFO's it seemed only right for me to stop at the upcoming rest area and get pictures of this strange UFO-shaped cloud. It remained in the sky for quite some time and I took a few pictures. There were other people there that saw me taking pictures with my cell phone, they saw what I was looking at and also began taking pictures. I could not help but to feel a strange drain of energy from my body... I became suddenly depressed after the experience. Anyways, I got a few pictures and decided I needed to show them to everyone I could. This was by far one of the strangest experiences I've ever had.


☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


UFO Sighting of two Glowing Orbs over cloud, jan 28, 2011, photos. Global Awareness UFO News.

UFO Sighting of two Glowing Orbs over cloud, jan 28, 2011, photos.

Location of sighting: Vineland, New Jersey, USA
Date of sighting: Jan 28, 2011

I was driving with my boyfriend, around 11 in the morning, on Thursday January 28th 2011, the witness stated. He noticed an airplane very high in the sky and he said "That airplane is really high!" I looked up to see the airplane and I did see it.

But then I looked up again and there I saw two twin oval shaped objects in the sky even farther up then the plane was, they were moving next to each other at the same speed. At first I thought it was just my imagination then I slowed the car down and looked again for a longer time. As I was looking I said to my boyfriend "What is that?" and then the objects began weaving in and out of each other slow at first. I then stopped the car completely in the middle of the street and stared at them and they began going faster weaving in and out of each other.

Then I noticed I was stopped in the middle of the street and there were other cars coming so I had to drive. I then looked back up again and they were gone. I was a little freaked out but I was also so excited because I had never seen anything like it before and new there was no explanation for that.....


☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯

UFO Sighting Accidentally Videotape During Interview Of UFC Fighter George St.Pierre

UFO Sighting Accidentally Videotape During Interview Of UFC Fighter George St.Pierre Aka GSP was on location in Montreal interviewing the current UFC welterweight champion regarding his upcoming fight. During his interview UFO appears and later on vanishes with in few second, without leave any trace.

UFC Welterweight Champion and best Pound-for-Pound fighter in the World, Georges St. Pierre, revealed in the UFC Primetime show last year that his biggest fear is to be abducted by Aliens.

In the upper left corner a UFO appears, hovers and shoots off. TV cameras have a lot better focus on details than other smaller digital devices, perhaps this is why it caught the UFO so easily. Aliens can easily fool the human eye, but are getting hell from the digital eye.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯