Showing posts with label white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white. Show all posts


200 Meter Across, 1 km long! Cigar UFO Enters Volcano Near Mexico City, Oct 26, 2012, Mexico TV News Video.

Date of sighting: October 2012.
Location of sighting: volcano Popocatepeti, near Mexico City, Mexico

I have been watching the live cam of the Volcano Popocatepeti off and on for several years and have reported many UFOs flying around it and going into it. I even checked it this morning. Please notice its color is EXACTLY like the color of a cloud. Which is what I have been trying to tell you all these years. UFOs have the ability to both change their color and make a cloud shield around them in less than a minute. 

Mexican News was given a video recorded from this same live cam. In the video we can see a 200 meter wide, 1 km long (news states) UFO entering the volcano and is only caught on 4 photos of the cam. The cam is not live video but instead takes a new live photo every 3-5 seconds. SCW

Cam Here: 


Two Strobe-Like UFOs over Limerick, Ireland - 21 September 2012

Date of sighting: September 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Limerick, Ireland

Eyewitness states:
I know that quality of this video is a crap, but still - it was something not from this world:) At the beginning, it glowed with a single bright light, after a few moments changed the colors on yellow, green and red, creating a triangle shape. I am sure that it wasn't a plane, helicopter, baloon or meteor.


White Cloud Orbs Seen Over Yorkshire, England On Aug 29, 2012 Photo.

Date of sighting: August 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Bradford, West Yorkshire, England

Eyewitness states: 

Time: 1918hr
Witness Name: Iain Newby
Witness Statement: Whilst looking for the sound source of a aircraft (a large twin prop seen flying west south of ilkley moor) i noticed a very small distant object high above me moving steadily northwest, id say at least 10miles high and moving at a similar or slightly faster rate as what a satellite would move, in a mostly straight line, without sound or trail. the object was just discernable as two small bright white lights. i managed to capture the image using a 750mm equivalent lens on 16mp camera so definition should be quite good. i watched the object move away for about 2 mins , i tried to video it but my lens autofocus system didn`t want to lock on so waste of time, it was so far away by this time that even if in focus very little would of been observed.



Jellyfish UFOs Seen Over Ecuador Forest On August 19, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: August 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Pelileo, Ecuador

Eyewitness states: 
Recorded Sunday, August 19, 2012 video filmed in the city of Pelileo - Ecuador, at 16 h 33 while driving my car. Look at the end when the UFO on the right which is next to the tree disappears in the air. I certify that this video is 100% original and may be subject to any kind of test or study.


UFO Sighting over Rancho Cucamonga in broad daylight, California June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 2012
Location of sighting: Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA

This is a great capture of some cloud orbs during the day. What really catches my attention is the dogs in the neighborhood start barking like crazy. Perhaps these orbs make a high frequency sound that only dogs can hear. Worth noting for future cloud orb research. SCW

Eyewitness states: "Odd white object jumping all over the sky at points in this video. The dogs started barking when it flew over. Still can't put my finger on what it was."

Cloud Orb UFOs Over Los Angeles On June 2012, 13 min Video.

Date of sighting: June 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Alright, this video looked like a bogus one but I soon realized that he person taking the video really had not used this camera much and had little experience using its zoom. Also the fact that it was so bright that his eyes were not able to adjust to the tiny view finder. In the video we do see several white orbs flying around. This is the same location of LA that was seen last week, because I see a hotel sign that is the same. These are cloud orbs. Jump to 3:00 into the video to see the orbs, none will be seen before that. Also the screenshot of the two white orbs is at 9:17, but it was a split second flash so to see it you must pause and start the video really fast at that location. This is a legit sighting. I love the length of the video. Best in Full Screen Mode! SCW


White UFO Caught In Daytime Over Bolton, England May 25, 2012 - PHOTOS.

Location of Sighting: Bolton, England
Date of Sighting: 25th May 2012
Time: 13.29
Witness Name: DJ
Witness Statement: "Sat in the back garden and I noticed an object in the sky, which seemed to be guided, and looked to be changing shape as it flew. It was also silent. I grabbed my camera and took two shots before it went out of view. Did anyone else see this?"


UFO Sighting in France Of White Orb Over Mountains, Close Up, 17 May 2012

Date of sighting: May 17, 2012
Location of sighting: France

This is a very close up capture of a cloud orb. These orbs often appear white but usually reflect the colors of things behind them...making them appear invisible most the time. These are not balloons or bags. What they are science as still yet to decide, but my belief is that they are probes or drones from an alien ship. The ship might be seen or detected since its larger, but the drones are small and harder to see. So they use the drones to watch us, record us and learn about society at the begins of a technology age. SCW


White Orbs Recorded Over Switzerland In Daytime, May 15, 2012.

Date of sighting: May 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Switzerland

Orbs seem to be the most seen UFOs of 2012 and this month keeps up that tradition. Here we see several orbs flying around, one of which is interested in a chem-trail. These orbs are real and do exist, yet scientists still refuse to discuss them. SCW


Alien Orb Overtakes Jet, Scans Jet for 4 sec, then shoots away! Video, May 8, 2012 Canada.

Date of sighting: May 8, 2012
Location of sighting: Montreal, Canada

In this video a plane is recorded as a white orb overtakes it from behind and apparently either matches speed or lands on it for about 3-4 seconds then flying off ahead of the aircraft. After flying off, the orb seems to make a hard right turn into the clouds. The orb is seen at 1 second into the video so be prepared and WATCH AT FULL SCREEN MODE.


Orb Fleet "RAINING" down over Murmansk Russia March 2012, News.

Date of sighting: March 2012
Location of sighing: Murmansk, Russia

I counted 9 orbs in this video one after the other. These orbs were caught racing around the power lines in Russia last week. They have a white appearance like the typical cloud orbs we have seen before that race from cloud. Many of these orbs drop one after another from the overcast sky. The orbs disappear about 15 meters from the ground. It looks like there may be a small lake that may hide in its depths a underground entrance to an alien base. 


White UFO orb over Arizona on Sept 18, 2011, photos, UFO Sighting News.

Notice the size compared tot he street light post. That UFO is huge like the one seen over Temple of the rock in Jerusalem this year. Click photo to enlarge.

Date of sighting: September 18, 2011
Location of sighting: Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states: "I live in an apartment. The apartment faces east. I was doing laundry in the complex laundry room. I started at 4:30 in the morning. I went to retrieve my laundry at about 10 minutes to six in the morning. When I was returning to my apartment with the laundry, I saw the light. I set down my laundry basket and took out my cell phone to take a few pictures. The light was completely stationary. There were no other lights of any kind present. It was very large. A single bright light. The sun was not visible yet. I took four photos with my 8 mega pixel camera in my cell phone. It was way too bright to be a star and there would have been other stars in the sky. There were none. It was too light out side for there to be stars. I stayed out side for about ten minutes and it never moved. I went inside for half an hour and came back and it was gone. I regret not staying out there to see what if anything it would do. It never moved. I am 53 years old and I don't spook easily. This thing spooked me. "

Source: MUFON


UFO sighting over Brazil of orb that makes other orbs, Sept 12, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2011
Location of sighting: Brazil

Watch as this cloud orb creates more orbs. These orbs line up as they were made and stay in a formation. Their movement seems synchronized. This same event has recently been seen over Japan. I love how the camera's of today get such clear and beautiful videos of UFOs.

Also note, if you enlarge the video, you will notice there are other orbs shooting both right and left from the  main orb, but on the small screen they are hard to see. Total amount of orbs seen in video is 5-6.


Tiny Alien Life Form Discovered In Village at Sri Lanka, July 2011, UFO Sighting News Video.

OMG! One of our reader cleared this up for us. He says its a Flatid Leaf Bug Nymph which mimics lichen in appearance. Awesome deduction. Thank you for the help. SCW

Date of sighting: July 2011
Location of sighting: Galewela village, Sri Lanka

New insect or is it an alien life form? How do you know what an alien will look like if you have never seen one before? Please keep an open mind. Perhaps a stow away insect on that came here from another world aboard a UFO, much like the mosquito.

"Villagers in Galewela have sought the assistance of authorities including the Wildlife Department to identify a creature which has been fast spreading in the area. The insect around one inch was spotted by a villager and since then a large number of people have been visiting the location."


☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO sighting in Portugal of craft flying near passenger jet in day time, video.

UFO sighting in Portugal of craft flying pas large passenger jet in day time, video.

I added light and contrast to the photos to see the UFO better.

Date of sighting: June 2011
Location of sighting: Portugal

Eyewitness states:
"I took this video about month ago in portugal. I was testing my new camera by zooming on airplane and then I saw a white object flying next to the airplane and I tried to follow it with my camera but I lost the object pretty soon because I couldn't see it well in that tiny camera LCD screen. I'm NOT saying it's a UFO for sure. It could be something natural. you choose!"

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


1st Video of Fleet of orbs fly over the London Bridge in broad day light, June 24, 2011 VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Fleet of orbs fly over the London Bridge in broad day light, June 24, 2011 VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 24, 2011
Location of sighting: London, England

Over the last couple days, several videos have emerged showing several white gowing orbs flying over london. This is one of the newer ones that was posted by a tourist that was filming the Tower Bridge as several orbs made a fly by. The original HDV tape of this video has been given to me right out of the camera and has not been tampered with. I will allow this tape to be analysed by a professional to authenticate it as untampered evidence. The woman who filmed the video is willing to take a lie detector test. Her husband will also testify to what they witnessed.

☯ Please send UFO Reports to us at plz include photos or video. Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” ☯