
Green Alien Drone Shoots Around Space Station On May 5, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 5, 2015
Location of sighting: Space Station
Source: NASA Live Internet Cam

A green light shot past the space station on the 5th and it looks like its a very small object. Streetcap1 of Youtube caught it. Probably not a UFO with alien occupants, but it could be a tiny drone keeping an eye on the astronauts in the space station. The green seems like a glitch in the camera, but these are 7 million dollar HD cameras. Its not a glitch. Its alien tech taking a flyby. Streetcap1 posted it was recorded on May 6th by mistake. It was uploaded to Youtube on May 5th. SCW

Mummified Alien found in Abandoned Russian Lab, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: May 2015
News Source: Daily Mail, UK
Location of alien body: Tobolsk, Western Siberia

This looks more alien than human. Perhaps this lab was trying to create hybrids, half alien and human DNA so they could create an advanced intelligence in humans. A successful creation could learn so fast that they could create a monitory empire in just a few years. Someone powerful wanted this...the question is...did they succeed? SCW

News states:
Police in Russia are investigating an abandoned pathology lab where mummified remains of babies have been discovered by shocked locals.

Officers have launched a probe into the grisly discovery of body parts, including bones and human organs left scattered around the run-down facility in Tobolsk, western Siberia.
Scars were visible on many of the bodies of the babies, showing where surgical procedures had been carried out, some as recently as three years ago, according to the Siberian Times.

The horrifying and macabre discovery was made by medical student Georgy Grigorchuk from Tobolsk, who had been walking in a park frequented by children when he saw a building with an open door.

Entering the facility, he saw jars containing remains, used slides from blood tests, and skulls lying on dusty shelves, it was reported.

Plastic jars had dates written on the side, including January 2012.

'I learned about this place from other students of my medical college,' he said.

'I heard that in this laboratory were a lot of abandoned interesting things.

'Namely, some books lying around, organs in glass jars, all sorts of documents. It was very interesting for a medical student.'


UFOs Over New York City Caught On Live Cam, May 6, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 6, 2015
Location of sighting: New York City, NY, USA
Live cam here: http://earthcam.com/usa/newyork/skyline/?cam=skyline_g

This footage was caught by Orlando Bosca of Youtube. He keeps an eye out of UFOs on the live cams and he has some good ones here. A glowing object that changes color from red to blue, white and green hovers over a tall building in New York. Why didn't people report seeing it? Its the big city, none ever looks up. SCW

Eyewitness states:
This video ends with a scene very close to the drama. Atlantis returns to the dock and a giant and radiant UFO appears flying over the river and boats, projecting his abductor white beam on them, tomorrow we will know if someone "disappeared" in that area.

Roswell Alien Body Negative Found In Old Box, Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Was At Unveiling In Mexico, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of unveiling: May 6, 2015
Location of unveiling: National Auditorium in Mexico City
News Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/science/unseen-roswell-alien-photos-unveiled-5635008

Slidebox Media on Youtube released a trailer about this alien slide they found (1st video below). I have to admit, its got me curious about it. The slide shows less detail than I would like, but we can see its basic shape of its skull, and its ribs.The object looks about a meter or less and is claimed to be an alien that died in the Roswell, New Mexico crash. If you have doubts about its authenticity...know that Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was there at the unveiling and he holds the world record for the longest moon walk at 9 hours. He was the 6th man to walk on the moon and he is taking part in this. He would not risk his reputation for a fraud. Did you know Edgar Mitchell was chosen by NASA because of his telepathic abilities? Yeah...most never knew about it. The funny thing is that back in the 1960s, their spacesuit only held 7 hours plus a half hour of back up air. So...I believe Edgar was in an alien structure that had its own air supply where he could use his telepathic abilities to communicate with the aliens. Aliens like the grey and a few others cannot speak, but use telepathic images to communicate. What I am saying is...when they brought him in the room...all doubts about this alien left out the front door. Its real and this has serious implications. Below is a screenshot from NASA of air in spacesuit. SCW

News states:
UFO hunters are preparing to unveil a series of photographs depicting an "alien" who crashed to Earth during the famous Roswell incident.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut who was the sixth person to land on the moon, and a team of extraterrestrial investigators will appear at the 10,000 seater National Auditorium in Mexico City tomorrow to reveal the "Roswell Slides".

These photographs were reportedly snapped by a geologist using Kodachrome film and are said to show the remains of an alien found dead in New Mexico. (More at source).

Ferrari's design chief creates, beautiful spaceship of the future, May 5, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: May 5, 2015
News Source: http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/5/8556885/ferrari-design-chief-flavio-manzoni-spaceship

People are beginning to see their own potential at designing the future we all want to live in. Take the designer at Ferrari for instance. He create the Ferrari of the future, and boy would I like a ride in that sweet thing. Ferrari knows that space travel is going to be fast...and they want a piece of it. Manzoni is no fool. He knows whats possible and he gifted us with a glimpse at our future. If big businesses like Ferrari are taking UFOs and space travel seriously, shouldn't NASA and their old school rockets be doing the same? SCW
News states: 
Flavio Manzoni is credited with some of the most extreme designs to come out of Ferrari in recent memory — including the LaFerrari, F12berlinetta, and FXX K — but all of those pale in comparison to the latest creation to come out of his sketchbook.

In fact, it's not a car at all: Manzoni took a break from styling some of the most beautiful vehicles on the planet to sketch his vision for a spacecraft of the future, lithe and fully chromed-out, just as you'd expect any good sci-fi spacecraft to be. It turns out that he's had an obsession with UFOs since childhood, and there's no shortage of UFO inspiration here — if there's an aircraft, shuttle, or rocket that exists today that looks anything like it, I don't know what it is.

Form Trends has some good quotes (and more renders) from Manzoni on his inspirations for the craft. It may not feed into any Ferrari projects in the next few years, but in the next thousand? More likely.


Cigar UFO Over Volcano In Mexico, May 3, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 3, 2015
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico

This UFO Was caught over a volcano in Mexico and seen on live cam. The live cam only takes photos so we do not know if the person found the UFO on one photo or many. I believe the person used the volcano cam archives, which have one still photo every 2 minutes. Great sightings and long cigar UFOs have often been seen near these Mexican volcanos. SCW

UFO Recorded landed on surface of moon in Apollo 15 video footage, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2015
Date of video: July 26, 1971 to Aug 7, 1971
Mission: Apollo 15
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source 1 video archive: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a15/video15.html#landing
Source 2, original video: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a15/a15v.1200618.mpg

This footage is evidence that Apollo 15 astronauts the walked on the moon, had a mission to explore an alien disk found on the surface. The disk looks gold and think on one angle, on others its white and thick looking. The video is short, to keep the public from finding out the truth, but lucky for us, Benny Levy found this and reported it this week. The public will not allow NASA to lie any longer! The truth will set you free, but first it will hurt like hell. SCW

News states:
Remarkable footage has emerged of a possible flying saucer observing the Apollo 15 crew on the moon. The footage which was filmed by astronaut Jim Irwin appears to show a saucer shaped craft hovering on the lunar surface. Discovery Credit: Benny Levy
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