
UFO Sighting of orb over the ocean at England on July 11, 2011, amazing video.



Date of sighting: July 11, 2011
Location of sighting: England

This guys camera is amazing, not only is it night vision, but it changes the color of the night vision at your own whim. I wish knew what camera it is. If anyone knows, please leave a note in comments.

Eyewitness states: "Just moved in new house and  a huge orange sphere caught my eye out the
window. Whenever I tried to film it, it would turn off then eventually I got it and loads more."

New building Discovered on Mars using Google Mars, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 7, 2011

Location of discovery: Mars

Person who discovered it stated: "New building found on mars (May-2011) with Google Earth. These are
images courtesy of Google Mars. Originally discovered by: David Martines 2011. 71 49'19.73"N 29 33'06.5."

I think this is Google Mars 2D, its on the interment and you do not need to download it found at http://www.google.com/mars/ Also note the 90 degree angles are perfect. That normally does not come up in nature at that size. Amazing find.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Crash And Recovery Film Bought From KGB And Released To Public.





Date of sighting: March 1969
Location of sighting: Sverdlovsky, Formerly Yekatrinburg of USSR

The details of a Russian Crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union.

Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB."

The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body.

The event itself, according to the files, occurred in the state of Sverdlovsky, which was formerly Yekatrinburg of the USSR. The crash story follows a familiar pattern normally associated with this type of report. The fiery crash of an unknown object occurred in March 1969.

The site was secured by the Russian military, and one dead alien was found in the wreckage. The remains of the craft and alien were brought to a secure location, and the alien body was autopsied. Both still and moving pictures were taken of the craft, its retrieval, and the alien autopsy.

The autopsy shows only an alien torso and arm. From the size of the body parts, the alien would have been an extremely small being

The Russian alien autopsy that took place after this amazing UFO crash back in 1969 is below. Only part of the alien still remained intact, but from what we can see, their species is small and greenish in color.



A 2nd and 3rd video of the UFO over Oslo, Norway, different News Sources! July 22, 2011 UFO Sighting.

Above and below are two different buildings.

Date of sighting: July 22, 2011
Location of sighting: Oslo, Norway

A second and third video has appeared of the same UFO from different news media and angles or perhaps there are several UFOs in the area. I am sure the NSA debunkers will be hard at working trying to make you believe it was something else, but we all know the truth, it's a UFO. Notice that the same UFO is over two different buildings near the explosion area and if you include our earlier report, that would be over three different buildings!!!

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO sighting in News Video during Oslo, Norway bomb attack, July 22, 2011.

Date of sighting: July 22, 2011
Location of sighting: Oslo, Norway

Credit: yahoo news

I was looking at Yahoo news yesterday when they posted a Oslo, Norway explosion photo (above). I looked for others but could not find it in other photos till I came across some news videos with the UFO in them.

The individual photo above seems more clear than the video, but here is a video that show the UFO at different angles.

Above photo at 0:17 sec into video.

Aliens are very interested in all aspects of humanity, especially our impulses to destroy ourselves. I am saddened to see such a disaster and loss of life, but this news has to be reported.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

Night Vision Video of Two Glowing Orbs Over Germany And Plane, July 17, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2011
Location of sighting: Germany

Watch this video as an orbs similar isn composition to the orb over a temple in Jerusalem this year. This rob is a rare catch because usually they stay very far up in the sky and fool most by appearing as stars. Here we have not one but two glowing orbs. Please understand, its very possible the human eye could not see these UFO orbs even if they were flying near your head, it may be that the night vision camera sees outside of the human eye spectrum capturing these orbs. Are these orbs ships, robotic probes or a single living alien? I wish I knew.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting over Tucson, Arizona of craft resembling the TR-3B in night sky, July 21, 2011 video.

UFO Sighting over Tucson, Arizona of craft resembling the TR-3B in night sky, July 21, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: July 21, 2011
Location of sighting: Tucson, Arizona, USA

Sheilaaliens has done it again. She has recorded another video from in front of her home in Tucson. These glowing orbs may be alien or they may be the USAF experimenting with the TR-3B craft which is a triangular UFO powered craft capable of traveling at light speeds. You decide. It is amazing that she makes so many videos from her home. You think her neighbors would have reported similar sightings.

The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's (code-named Astra) first operational flight was in the early 90s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget money. At least 3 of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program in existence.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting of FLEET OF ORBS over Singapore on July 13, 2011, they change colors, video.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2011
Location of sighting: Singapore

Watch as these UFO orbs move and change colors. Also they will turn off their light making them appear invisible. Also note that some divide into two orbs! Amazing catch. These are not lanterns because I saw one orb change form white to green to red. These things want to be seen.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting over East London, England of Giant Orb being watched by plane, July 18, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: July 18, 2011
Location of sighting: East London, England

Eyewitness states:
"18/07/11 at 21:20 to 25 browsing on my computer there was this distinctive light next to the building shown, which at start, I presumed it was a plain. Few minutes after at 21:30 I looked again, out of my window and to my suprise the flying object was still there. At 21:32 got my cell phone and I started capturing the unidentified flying object. In comparison there happened to be an airplane passing by on the left. It was significantly bigger than the plane and standing still until it started moving away really fast. Definitely a UFO, alien ship, I have no idea."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

NASA director Charles Bolden States "I feel there is life somewhere else in Universe." UFO Sighting News.

Charles Bolden jr. who is head of NASA states that he feels there is life in other places of the universe, but that he just has no proof of this evidence.

Having a masters degree in Counseling as I do, I could not help but notice that at 3:15 into the video Charles rolls his eyes slightly before he states "I just don't have any evidence to back that up, uh." That rolling of they eyes and looking away at that moment says he has to think about the right words to say so he does not reveal the truth. In other words, he is lying. At that moment he gets nervous and changes the subject back to astronaut Edgar Mitchel.

By the way Edgar Mitchel stated: "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real. It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it. I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes – we have been visited."

Can I tell you a secret that most people don't know? Astronaut Edgar Mitchel holds the record for the longest moon walk in history. He was walking on the moon for 9 straight hours before coming back to the ship...yet the Apollo 14 space suites only hold 7 hours of air with a 30 minute back up supply. So the question is, where was Edgar Mitchel during that hour and thirty minutes without air? He also claims to have ESP, perhaps that is why he was chosen for the mission?

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO falling apart in sky and two escape pods shoot away from ship, July 2011 Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2011
Location of sighting: Roswell, New Mexico

This is a very unusual video that has surfaced on Youtube. It shows a ship exploding and just before it explodes we can see two escape pod that ejected just in the nick of time. The escape pod on the lower left survives and moves off screen to the rear, but the first escape pod actually speeds up and passes in front of the exploding ship. At the end of the video you can clearly see the escape pod in front suddenly increases speed as a contrail like tail forms behind it. Very amazing video.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Near International Space Station On Last Shuttle Mission July 19, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 19, 2011
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at International Space Station, between area of Spain and Portugal

This was recorded of the live Internet cam that NASA lets the public see. The announce states that the ISS is flying over the area between Spain and Portugal. The Space Shuttle Atlantis is taking this video as the ISS makes a Yaw Manuver (http://us.mg5.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch) which is part of their schedule.

At 4:10 into the video Chris Ferguson is using a hand held laser...which is used to measure the distance between the space shuttle and the ISS after undocking. This is routine as you can see an example of the astronaut holding it in this photo at http://is.gd/LP7jZX

What I really want to know is did Chris Ferguson see the UFO orb and if so did he measure its distance from the ISS? At 5:41 NASA CUTS OFF THE SPEAKER TO THE CAM RIGHT AFTER THEY SAY THEY GOT AN UPDATE FROM RHONDA!!! They are censoring what we are allowed to hear and see!

Photos Credit to NASA for the UFO orb.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

NASA Cuts out live feed to public to hide UFO Sighting of two orbs, July 8, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: July 8, 2011 Time 07:46:23
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit

Watch as two UFO orbs begin flying near the Space Shuttle Atlantis...the last space shuttle to ever fly in history. As these two orbs are flying near the shuttle, one disappears and then reappears, but the odd thing is NASA goes to black screen, stopping the public from seeing any more of the UFOs. This is not the first time NASA censors what the public is allowed to see or not. Most planet photos have been obscured using a photoshop program. I was looking at Google Earth yesterday and honestly I have a better full globe HD map of Mars on my iphone and ipad that makes what Google has look likes it was made for kids, and I only paid $1.99 for it. NASA's pathetic attempts at hiding alien life from the public is causing the public to lose faith in the once heroic efforts turning them into space clowns. This is what happens when government interferes in the private sectors.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

UFO Sighting over Sanremo, Italy of fast moving glowing red orb in blue sky, day shot video, July 18, 2011.

Date of sighting: July 18, 2011 at 21:15
Location of sighting: Sanremo, Italy

At the first few seconds of the video you can see that there is Italian town and the camera is looking at the ocean behind it. The small glowing orb moves around from place to place. The eyewitness said that the orb would disappear and then reappear at another location. It is logical that most UFO sighting would happen over the ocean areas since the ocean covers 75% of Earth. Also since UFOs can travel in space, it would be just as easy but slower to travel in water making the chances of an ocean floor alien base very high.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


UFO Sighting over Nova Scotia, Canada during sunset of SQUARE SHAPED CRAFT, July 16, 2011, video.

Date of sighting: evening of Saturday, July 16, 2011
Location of sighting: Central Nova Scotia, Canada

Eyewitness states: "The sun was setting and the clouds were orange. There was a strange white light beaming through a hole in the clouds. Although everything around it was either gray or orange, this bright hole was rectangular in shape and unchanging. I can't recall ever seeing cloud formations with a near perfect rectangular shape."

Time and time again I say if you want to witness a UFO sighting, watch a few sunsets. Most UFO sightings happen during this time of the day due to the suns angle and the bending of the light from a different direction hitting the once cloaked UFO, but now visible because of the sudden change of the rays direction. This will reveal a UFO in the sky even if it is cloaked. The time varies between a few seconds to more than five minutes. SCW

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

Glowing orange UFO flying over Sao Paulo, Brazil on July 2011, amazing video.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2011
Location of sighting: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Amazing close up video of a glowing orb that pulses and rotates around. This looks a lot like the Dallas Cowboys Football game UFO that was seen by the sports reporters and fans and recorded on close up video back in Oct 28, 1979. Photo of them below taken by the TV camera men.

Source Dallas UFOs at: http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com/2011/06/ufo-sighting-over-dallas-cowboys.html

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

Alien Face Discovered on Jupiter's Moon IO using Ipad App, UFO Sighting News.

Alien Face Discovered on Jupiter's Moon IO using Ipad App, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 18, 2011
Location of discovery: Above Babbar Patera on the moon IO (orbiting Jupiter)

I was messing with an App on my ipad called "Jupiter Atlas," and found this great face near Babbar Patera (Lyrcea Planum) on the moon IO, which orbits Jupiter. When you tilt the face 90 degrees it makes it easier to recognize. You can see an Egyption style hat, eyes, nose, mouth and chin areas are easy to make out. A partial neck is also visible, but I would really like to find a better photo of this. If anyone finds one please let us know in the comments.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


Ocean Explorer Team Who Finds UFO At Bottom of Ocean Speaks About the find, UFO Sighting News.

Swedish treasure hunters on the 18th of june 2011 found a gigantic circle on the bottom of the baltic sea between Finland and Sweden.

The circle which was found on 87 meters depth was estimated to be 60metres in diameter. And was followed by a 300 meter long 'sliding track', as if the object would have travelled over the seabed before it stopped.

Peter Lindberg, one of the treasure hunters of 'Ocean Explorers' said the following; "You see a lot of strange things in this profession, but under my 17-18 years working as a professional 'wreckage hunt' I have never ever seen anything like this. The Shape, the totally unique and completely round circle makes this found totally unique!"

Overall he sounds like he does not want to investigate it further. I am not sure why he does not want to go after it. Alien technology would be priceless to any government anywhere.

Taiwan UFO Sighting of glowing craft near the once Worlds Tallest Building, News Video.

Date of sighting: April 2011
Location of sighting: Taipei, Taiwan

The above and below photos are of the needle at the top of the building, at it highest point.

The unusual thing is I live in Taiwan yet have never seen this on our news. Odd, but let me tell you some things about this sighting you don't know. In the video the eyewitness states that these objects did not flash like airplanes, but had a steady glow the whole time. The whole sighting lasted only 5 minutes and it took place on April of 2011, however other UFO websites are jumping the gun by saying its a sighting from July of 2011.

I was near this building last weekend to see the new Harry Potter movie. This building is called the "Taipei 101," because it is 101 floors high. It was the worlds tallest building about 3 years back but today is number 3 or 4 in the world. The UFOs you see in this video are huge! They are the size of a large car! There is no way they are remote control planes or balloons.

Funny no other sites show the full building. Here is a photo of the Taipei 101 building. It towers over everything around it. The people look like ants compared to this giant of a building.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

Leaked UFO Footage near space shuttle on NASA website gets its way to public, UFO Sighting News.

Leaked UFO Footage near space shuttle on NASA website gets its way to public, UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness who first found the video on a NASA website states that he contacted NASA about the video and they responded to him that, "NASA can neither confirm or deny this is from any space shuttle mission. Furthermore we are not at liberty to discuss or comment on what the object in question may be."

Shortly after receiving the response from NASA, the video disappeared from their website. Apparently this UFO footage was placed on their site by accident and was not meant to be seen by the public.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯