
Iridescent UFO Hovers Above Small City of Wilsonville, Oregon On July 12, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 12, 2013
Location of sighting: Wilsonville, Oregon, USA
2nd Source: http://www.kens5.com/

News states: 
WILSONVILLE, Ore. -- Several KGW viewers noticed rainbow-colored clouds over Wilsonville and quickly sent us these amazing photos. Portland meteorologists said the phenomenon could be iridescent clouds, which occur when parts of clouds with smaller particles become separated and refract light.

Email Report: Fleet Of Glowing UFOs Fly Over Easton, Pennsylvania On June 22, 2013.

~Email Report~
Time: 9:13 PM
Date of sighting: June 22, 2013
Location of sighting: Easton, Pennsylvania, USA

Eyewitness states: 
On my way home from my friend's house, I looked up at the sky & noticed these red dots moving. So I took out my phone and began recording it. I couldn't make out what it was. At first I thought they were lanterns, but there was nothing major going on around in the city & it was pretty quiet that night, plus there was no wind current blowing. In the video you can see that they were moving sorta quick towards a certain direction. I told myself "WOW THERE UFOS!".  But that's just me. What do you think it could be?


Check Out This UFO On Google Earth Map Before Google Deletes It In A Few Months.

Date of sighting: Date of image March 2011
Location of sighting: North Lauderdale, Florida
Date of discovery: June 29, 2013
Method used to find it: Google Earth Map (free online program, includes Mars, Moon, Stars)
Copy past this in Google search box: 26°14'1.94"N 80°14'29.80"W

Look at this fantastic discovery. I checked it out and its there, but you have to enter streetview from that point. The person who found it was looking in Google Earth map and found a UFO over the house. 

Now, I have reported a few of these that I discovered myself and every one of them were deleted by Google within 3-5 months. The last video I made was of the Lazar style UFO over Cape of Good Hope, Africa, but those @#$#erds at Google deleted it soon after. The post is on the left side of this web site. What I'm saying is that I have reported over 50 Google earth UFOs and none...I repeat none exit today. That in it self is undeniable proof that Google in working with the US government to keep alien evidence under wraps. It sounds like Google, the NSA and CIA are in bed together. You can also see that when you visit Google Mars. It looks like a child's scrap book, not a professionally put together map. Scott C. Waring

Giant Winged UFO Passes Past Earths Sun In SOHO/NASA Photo On July 11, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This giant winged mothership was caught on NASA/SOHO images this week and proves once and for all that aliens do exist and they are flying through our very own solar system! If this UFO is near the sun...then we can assume it is 4-5 times that of Earths size, however I believe it to be closer and caught in between making it about 5-7 km across from wing tip to wing tip. Look at the prefect dimensions of this ship. It's balance and shape mimic our own craft and that of a bird. We here are not looking for the answer of the question...do aliens exist? We have already proved they do through thousands of NASA, SOHO, JAXA, ESA photos. What we want to do is greet them in person. Amazing catch by "Streetcap1" of Youtube, and please check out his other videos. Streetcap1 is credited for advancing UFOlogy a lot with his amazing NASA discoveries. SCW

UFO Visits Space Station During Space Walk On July 9, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 9, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at ISS

While the space station astronauts were retrieving a science experiment from the outside of the space station, a UFO was seen flying past them. Because of the rarity of a space walk happening, the aliens appear to really want to see this rare and awkward event. Its very difficult for aliens to understand why humans chose to do things the hard way. Technology makes their lives so much easier, but us without such benefits have to do things the old fashioned way...good hard work. SCW


UFOs Seen Using Night Vision In Vancouver, Canada On July 13, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2013
Location of sighting: Vancouver, Canada

Eyewitness states:
Watch all!!! Captured with my usual Yukon Night vision monocular . Tonight was just amazing, made up for the last 3 very slow nights. You know when "they" want to check out an area they come all at once. There were so many orbs(still can't get them to stop for a visit close up), UFOa I could not capture all., even this 7 mins or so was reduced dramatically, they wouldn't stop hovering and zipping by my balcony. Orbs started first and then the crafts...please be patient as some interesting surprises in this clip. Wish you all could experience the amount of action in just over an hour skies of Vancouver...sorry again for the quality, still learning the process!! 

UFO Over Tampa, Florida Highway On July 5, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 5, 2013
Location of sighting: Tampa, Florida, USA

Eyewitness states:
On July 5th, 2013 in Tampa, Florida I observed an unidentified flying object above the Veterans Expressway toll plaza. This is the video from that night...So many cars were driving by. If you didn't take a second look you probably would of just thought it was an airplane.