
Two Faces On Mars, Similarities to Ancient Mesopotamia Sculptures, Nov 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/2139/1P318075869EDNAB66P2277L1M1.JPG

Found these faces on Mars side by side. One is looking towards us and the other is looking to the left. The face looking at us has a lot of similarities to the ancient Mesopotamia faces. They were made. They existed once long ago in our solar system. Right next to our planet. They were born, they lived and they died. They don't need you to believe or not. They are gone. 
Scott C. Waring

 Strange standing anomaly that looks like a small sculpture of a creature. (Above).

UFO In NASA Apollo 11 Mission Photo Following NASA Astronauts, Watching History Be Made, Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit
Source photo: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a11/AS11-44-6696HR.jpg

This very cool looking UFO was found by Streetcap1. The UFO has a lot of great detail to it. Did you notice the round dome on its top? Its a classic UFO. This one is keeping an eye on the Apollo 11 mission, watch as history is being made. Since the Apollo 11 mission was the first time humans ever walked on the moon, it would be an interesting and important moment for aliens to watch. I wonder what Buzz Aldrin was thinking when he saw this flying outside his windows? 
Scott C. Waring

The ancient history of UFOs and the unclassified document of Oppenheim and Einstein, UFO Sighting News.

Source of article: http://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/ancient-history-ufos-and-unclassified-document-oppenheim-and-einstein-001384
Date of article: Feb 25, 2014

I just wanted to share this with you. I really got a lot out of it getting a chance to see Einsteins views about aliens. Even in June of 1947, Einsteins thinking about why aliens are here. 
Scott C. Waring

An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. Although its definition encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena, in popular culture, the term has generally become synonymous with an extra-terrestrial spacecraft. 

UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other planets and whether extra-terrestrials have visited Earth. They have become a major subject of interest, and the inspiration behind numerous films and books, however, sadly they are also the focus of intense ridicule. For decades there has been a move, deliberate or not, to diminish the importance of UFOs and create a public belief that UFOs are a hoax. However, unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history, from prehistoric times until the present day. 

Some ancient depictions of flying objects in the sky were undoubtedly astronomical in nature: comets, bright meteors, planets that can be seen with the naked eye, or atmospheric optical phenomena such as lenticular clouds. An example is Halley's Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, or other religious omens. 

However, we cannot just assume that what our ancient ancestors saw and recorded on cave walls or in ancient texts were astronomical or environmental phenomena. Like today’s sightings, there appears to be a small percentage of sightings that are simply ‘unexplained’, and many of the records existing from our ancient past certainly raise intrigue, like the prehistoric cave painting to the left, which bears a similarity to images painted centuries later in the 16th century Summer’s Triumph Tapestry, and which also ties in closely with modern day UFO accounts. Oppenheim and Einstein - Ancient UFO There are also the Aboriginal cave paintings of the ‘Wandjina’ spirits, which appear to represent alien visitors. 

Proponents of the ‘ancient astronaut’ perspective point to numerous myths and legends telling of ‘sky gods’ descending from the sky, and historical texts dating back 4,000 years that appear to describe flying crafts. In the Vedic literature of India, such as the Rg Veda, the Mahabharata, and the Ramayana, there are many descriptions of flying machines called Vimanas which were used in warfare in ancient times. The Vimanas were said to be able to fly in the earth's atmosphere as well as into outer space, distant planets and be submerged underwater. 

In the pyramids of Egypt, archaeologists have found hieroglyphs that resemble the UFOs that are described in sightings up to the present day. Centuries later, we have the pre-Columbian gold artefacts found in Central America, which appear to be perfect models of flying crafts. Later, in the medieval period, there was an abundance of art produced which appear to depict UFOs in the sky. 

Oppenheim and Einstein - Ancient UFO. The 14th century painting called 'The Crucifixion', which is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, appears to depict a man in some kind of craft looking back over his shoulder. 

As the ‘debunkers’ correctly point out, none of these ancient depictions alone can be taken as conclusive evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrial life. But they do, at the very least, raise the possibility that extra-terrestrials have indeed visited Earth, and that just as people today regularly report sightings of unidentified objects in the sky, so to might our ancient ancestors have encountered objects that they could neither identify nor explain. 

Considering the above, it therefore seems sensible that UFOs should be the subject of scholarly debate and scientific investigation. Instead, what we see today is an internet full of fake images, hoax videos, sensational Hollywood movies, and misinformation that makes it virtually impossible for a legitimate researcher to pull out facts from the very large haystack of rubbish. 

It also appears that our governments are not exactly forthcoming when it comes to offering information about their own research on the matter. We only need to look at the CIA’s announcement in August 2013 that Area 51 does exist, despite decades of denying it and brandishing anyone who dared to suggest it as a mere conspiracy theorist. 

This brings us to an unclassified Top Secret document written by Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, and Albert Einstein, a German theoretical physicist, who wrote a joint report on the issue of “Relationship with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies”. The six-page document is the first document to use the phrase ‘Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities’ (EBEs). It says the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military - and this is dated June 1947. 

The document deals with issues such as: where extra-terrestrials may come from, what the law say about it, what we should do in the event of colonisation and/or integration of peoples, and why they are here. The document suggests that in the event that EBE's desire to settle here on earth there will be "profound change in traditional concepts" of law and the possible need for a new "Law Among Planetary Peoples." 

This document is important for two reasons. The first reason is that it addresses the possibility of life on other planets in a very logical and coherent way and explores what such a realisation would mean. It also raises the question as to why if respected scientists such as Oppenheimer and Einstein are able to approach the subject in an academic way, are we unable to engage in such sensible discussion today? The analysis presented by Oppenheimer and Einstein indicates that ‘disclosure’ of extra-terrestrial existence could cause irreversible damage to society, raising the possibility that our governments today may already know of extra-terrestrial existence but have considered the same issues raised by Oppenheimer and Einstein and ruled against disclosure. If the population is told that intelligent extra-terrestrial beings not only exist but have been visiting our planets for thousands of years, being confronting with such evidence could cause upheaval in the domains of religion, society, law, and finance which, if not addressed properly, could bring chaos to the planet. 

There are many questions to be answered. The document suggests that EBEs could be more intelligent and technologically advanced than us, and asks if this is the case, why would they come to Earth? Would it be to conquer and inhabit Earth, to peacefully cooperate with humans, or to study us in the same way that we study any new species that we encounter? 

Oppenheim and Einstein Letter The document considers, if their civilisation is more advanced than ours, how could a co-occupation of Earth be feasible? 

Oppenheim and Einstein Letter Oppenheim and Einstein Letter Imagine the situation in which advanced technology is given to our civilisation – powerful defence systems, unlimited energy, cloaking devices, space travel to other solar systems, instant transportation devices, and so on. Now considering the current state of our civilisation and the people that govern it, what would such a release of technology mean? One word: Chaos. 

The second reason that this document is important is because it addresses the presence of alien UFOs on our planet as a fact known to the military, and relates it to our invention of nuclear bombs – the single weapon that could eliminate life on Earth for many thousands of years.

It is not hard to understand that if UFOs are kept hidden from the public, it is for multiple reasons, which are logically addressed in this document. It is for these reasons, that we may never see a disclosure of extra-terrestrial existence in our lifetime. In the meantime, it seems that the most sensible approach is to keep an open-mind. It is usually the case that a debate rages between two opposite extremes – one side wants to believe wholeheartedly that the cave art and mythological accounts are all descriptions of alien encounters, while the other side is so prepared to disbelieve that anything exists beyond the scope of their reason that they will ignore even the most blatant rendition. If scientists can overcome the ridicule and disparaging remarks that come with exploring the subject matter, perhaps one day we will find irrefutable evidence that UFOs and extra-terrestrials do exist. 


UFO Over Chile, City Says Its A Clock But Are They Covering Up The Truth? Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2015
Location of sighting: Tarapaca Region, Chile
News source:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3317740/Panicked-residents-Chilean-city-post-pictures-online-UFO-hovering-night-sky-strange-lights-unusual-explanation.html

Maybe the city government is telling the truth and its a clock, or maybe they are trying to coverup the truth. It seems to me if the Chile military told the city officials to cover it up, they would. This object in the sky rotates and has an uneven form. Many ring UFOs have been seen in the past. So I leave it to you. Is this a clock, HARRP experiment, or a coverup?
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Citizens in a Chilean city were shocked to find a strange circle of light floating across the night sky, and took to social media to try to find the answer to the mystery 'UFO'. The sky above the city of Iquique in Northern Chile's Tarapaca Region was suddenly adorned with a blue light circle earlier this week. A number of videos and images appeared on Twitter and Instagram and other social media channels, with inhabitants asking for an explanation. However, fortunately for the citizens of Iquique, no aliens were about to land. Local authorities explained the city is building a new public clock that projects the time on the sky, and the light had been part of a 'test run'. Authorities informed national newspaper Soy Chile that they have nearly finished the new device that is currently being tested. They did not confirm when it will be put to use.

UFO Fleet Summoned Over Los Angeles, California On Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 26, 2015, posted Nov 7, 2015
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

This video was recorded by Fausto Perez of Yotube. These people claim to be able to summon UFOs with mediation. That is true. It has worked for me, and many others. The mind can project our your thoughts a very long ways, and cloud orbs can hear that several miles away. Its the telepathy, we are great at transmitting, we just don't know it. Its the receiving end that we have a problem with. As for aliens being angels or demons...LOL, I guess if you live long enough its easy to assume yourself to be one of them. If there is a planet of intelligent beings that were born 4 billion years ago and have never died since then...maybe they are something more holy. Who am I to tell them what they are and what they are not?
Scott C. Waring
Above and below are enhanced close ups of the same UFO, same photo. Different enhancements. 

Eyewitness states: 
Another Mass sighting of Ufo's in Los Angeles has Happened, and no im not talking about the giant light in the sky on Friday I'm talking about a Fleet Of Ufos Witnessed Over Los Angeles. it was spotted on September 26th 2015 at 1pm Saturday for an L.A. Ufo Channel Event in Hollydale Park, Southgate California. We and the Public Gathered with a group of over 40 people as we have been doing for two years. We attempted a Meditation to Contact Ufo's telepathically so we may witness them and present them to the public that joins us for free at our Meetups as well as present themto the world through the Media who helps present our findings. Well this day when we meditated someone in the maditation during their telepathic contact attempts asked for a Fleet/ Ufo Formation, and you wouldn't believe this unless you were there but right after the meditation session was over literally just minutes after Danny from the group saw and notified the rest of us to know where to look so we could see it as well. what we saw were these set of objects Coming out of a Chemtrail haze opening in the sky, this beauty of a Sighting was 12 gorgeous strange riveting Paranormal Orbs that flew out of the cham haze opening and then continued in front of it decending in beautiful patterns and formations. You can hear in the footage that everyone else in the group of over 30 of us that gathered that day soon starts to see the objects and react to the sighting with the amazement and surprise of this intelligent group of objects as they traveled out if a Chem trail and flew in intelligent displays of their ability to interact, ways we know our best Jet fighters can't event do. I filmed it with my Canon T3i at 600 times zoom, witch is because of a 300 times canon scope attached to a double amplifying Barr to get as closest I could and film the clearest shot of this Anomalies witnessed that day over the skies of Los Angeles. we have thought of the possibility of weather balloons but you can count that out when you consider the clouds and thes objects were the same hight and the cloud were heading east do to the wind flow, these objects flew the oposite direction; west, against the wind current. a balloon would flow with the wind. as well as how we witnessed them decent from the clouds highet and change direction slightly to the south in a quick shift from their starting there flight path.

Alien Mega Structure Found Using Google Sky, Nov 14, 2015, Photos, UFO sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 14, 2015
Location of discovery: upper right of NGC 5462
Coordinates:  54.397936°  30.913468°

I found this mega structure using Google sky. Just copy/paste the coordinates into the search box to see it for your self. The structure is made of many cubes, and is size is hard to predict depending how close it was to the camera and how far from the surrounding planets. As big or bigger than our moon. Space stations would be very useful for aliens that commute frequently, so this should not be to big of a surprise. 
Scott C. Waring

Amazing Face Found On Comet 67P, Singing Comet On Nov 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 14, 2015
Location of discovery: Comet 67P
Source photo: http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/files/2015/11/Rosetta_OSIRIS_Hapi_Hathor_anaglyph_B.jpeg

I found this very interesting face on Comet 67P today. The face is sitting on its side and appears to have some of its left side buried. We can clearly make you the ridges around the eye sockets, the nose and nostril ridges and more. The face also has a protrusion on its right side of its forehead. Its appears to be a cut off horn. 

I also found a few other anomalies in this photo, you can see them below. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Cruise Ship Passing Between Earth And Sun On NASA/SOHO image, Nov 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2015
Location of sighting: Between Earth and Sun
Source: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov//data/REPROCESSING/Completed/2015/c3/20151007/20151007_0818_c3_1024.jpg

Look at the detail on this SOHO image of an alien cruise ship passing between Earth and our sun. It is just mind blowing! Its angles have agreement in dimensions, due proportion, arrangement which all point to this being 100% made by intelligent beings. Awesome and historical find by Streetcap1 of Youtube
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Yotube states: 
These are not CME's, these are not pixel malfunctions. They are spacecraft travelling past our ESA/NASA SOHO satellite camera on a regular basis at point L1. Maybe the powers that be will never admit it, but surely common sense tells you that this and other constructed shapes we upload to our YouTube channels prove we are not alone. Streetcap1.

Alien Entity Caught Walking On Water Over Marble Falls, Texas On Nov 2014, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Untouched photos above, enhanced at bottom of post. 

Date of sighting: 7-29-2014
Location of sighting: Marble Falls, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #72432

This sighting is a year old, but sent into MUFON yesterday. It's really exciting, because it caught a entity or micro drone over the waters surface. Its shape and coloration indicate is 100% real and not some kind of glitch. I believe it to be an individual alien. The alien was revealed because of the suns angle and the reflection from off the water caused its cloak to become useless for a few seconds. Also, if it came out of the water, the water would cause the craft or individual to become visible until it drips off. 

I have reported such aliens in the past, with the same coloration and size. Eyewitnesses said the glowing green entity moved as if running around her house (UK report). 

Oh yeah, did you notice the stone door in the side of the mountain near the alien? Possible this is where the entity came from. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
We were on private property taking pictures of this area surrounded by hills and when we lokked back at the pictures later this day, we saw this glowing green object on the surface of the water. I had taken other pictures in concession and none of the others showed this object. Here are the pictures I took on this tablet. No flash was used. Cannot explain what this glowing object is and hoping you could help identify. Could it be something, or is it a reflection from the sun? I can see a shadow on the water around the object.
 The photo above and below have added focus and contrast (negative effect above).

Who Is Afro Man On Comet 67P? Human Face With 70s Hairstyle Found In NASA Photo, Nov 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 10, 2015
Location of discovery: Comet 67P, the singing comet.
Source ESA photo: http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2014/11/Comet_on_2_November_NavCam

I found this photo last week and its been on my mind since then. I have seen this guy somewhere. Perhaps you will recognize the guy. I will also put a lot of there faces, structures I found in the photo here. 

The question I have is...who is afro man? This guys face was found on the singing comet 67P. One small step for man, one giant leap for afros everywhere. This guy must have visited Earth back in the 1960s-70s, because wow! His forehead ridge and nose indicate he is white, with a lot of muscle ridges over his eyebrows. He looks familiar, who is afro guy? A human befriended by aliens living the dream? A time traveler? A new species of afro aliens? 

One of the faces look bird-like, and a few others have a lot of resemblance to ancient Egypt. This does confirm that ancient Egypt was once controlled by aliens, as many have long believed. 
Scott C. Waring

ESA states:  
This mosaic comprises four individual NAVCAM images taken from 33.4 km from the centre of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on 2 November. The image resolution is 2.68 m/pixel and thus each original 1024 x 1024 pixel frame measured 2.7 km across. The mosaic has been slightly rotated and cropped and covers 4.1 x 4.1 km: some contrast enhancement has been applied.

Above and below are a large bird faced alien.